Title: Fluke Anatomy
1Fluke Anatomy
- Lung Fluke
- paragonimus westermani
- Chinese Liver Fluke
- clonorchis sinensis
- Schistosomiasis
- Infect intestinal blood vessels
- swimmers itch
2Class Cestoda Tapeworms
- 7 different types common to humans
- Parasitic Infect intestines and absorb nutrients
- Leads to fatigue and infections
- Beef Tapeworm Taenia saginata
- Pork Tapeworm Taenia solium
- Dog Tapeworm Dipylidium caninum
- Some can grow up to 6 meters in length!
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5Phylum Nematoda Round Worms
- Pseudocoelom
- Complete Digestive System
- Mouth, Intestine, Anus (alimentary canal)
- Separate Sexes
- Infections divided into two categories
- Egg is infective
- Larva is infective
6Egg is Infective
- Enterobius vermicularis
- Common Pinworm
- Spends life in human host
- Adult worms migrate from Sm. Int. to anus and
deposit eggs - Eggs ingested through contaminated bedding
- Ascaris lumbricoides
- Intestinal Round worm of humans, pigs, and horses
- Eggs and adult worms excreted in feces and live
in soil - Larva migrate to lungs Cgh/Sw
- Can penetrate intestinal wall and emerge into
body cavity
7Larva is Infective
- Hookworm Necatar americanus
- Lives in Small Intestine (sex repr)
- Eggs excreted in feces
- Larva penetrate hosts skin
- Blood?lungs?cough/swallo?Sm.Int.
- Trichinella spiralis Trichinosis
- Larvae eaten in cyst form
- Mature and reproduce in Sm. Int
- Larvae enter lymph and blood
- Migrate to muscles and encyst
- Pork and Bear Meat
8Phylum AnnelidaeSegmented Worms
- Most complex worms
- Circular and longitudinal muscles
- Three tissue layers
- True coelom Body cavity lined with mesoderm on
both sides. - Earthworms, leeches, many marine worms
9Leech, Earthworm, Marine worms
10EarthwormLumbricus terrestris
11Lumbricus terrestrisDigestion and Circulation
- Complete Digestive System tube-within-a-tube
- Mouth,Pharynx,Esophagus,Crop,Gizzard,Intestine,An
us - Closed Circulatory System Dorsal and ventral
Blood vessel - Five aortic arches
12Lumbricus terrestrisNervous system, Excretion,
- Anterior Ganglia with a ventral nerve cord.
- Skin receptors
- React to sounds and light
- One pair of Nephridia per segment
- Removes nitrogenous waste
- Setae, circular and longitudinal muscles for
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14Lumbricus terrestrisRespiratory System
- Oxygen diffuses directly through the skin!
- Carbon Dioxide diffuses directly out!
- Respiratory surface must be moist!!!!
15Lumbricus terrestrisReproduction
- Hermaphroditic Mutual Exchange of Sperm
- Clitellum(31-37)
- Seminal vesicle
- (9,10,11) Store testes and sperm
- Seminal Receptacles (9,10) Receives sperm and
stores it after copulation
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17Phylum Molluscasoft bodied organisms
- Bilateral Symmetry
- True coelom
- Examples
- Snails, Slugs, Mussels, Oysters, Scallops,
- Squid, Octopi
18Squid, Clams, Octopus, Cuttlefish
19Major Parts of a Mollusk
- Head-Foot Contains mouth and sensory organs
- Foot Used to burrow in sand, move, dig creep,
hold prey. Forms arm-like tentacles in squid etc. - Radula Toothed organ used to tear and scrape
food - Visceral Mass Contains, digestive, excretory and
reproductive organs - Mantle Thin membrane that surrounds the visceral
mass. Secretes shell. - Mantle cavity The space between mantle and
visceral mass that contains the respiratory
organs - Classified by type of shell
20Class Pelecypoda or Bivalviahatchet foot
- Clams, Oysters, Scallops
- Shell
- Tough Outer layer
- Inner Pearly layer
- Adductor muscles are used to open and close shell
- No head or radula
21The ClamDigestive System, Circulatory system
- Incurrent and excurrent siphon located posterior
side - Filter Feeders!
- Water with food moves across gills that contain
mucus. Food is pushed into mouth. - Complete Digestive System Mouth - Anus
- Open Circulatory System
- Three-chambered heart pumps blood randomly
through clam using openings called sinuses .
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24The ClamReproduction and Excretion
- Excretion Nephridiopore and a kidney are used
for excreting nitrogenous wastes. - Reproduction Sexual and external. The larva is
called a trocophore. Sexes are hard to
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26Class Gastropodastomach-foot /univalves
27Class CephalopodaHead-foot
- Most advanced mollusks Eyes form images
- Well developed head made of tentacles Move by
Jet propulsion - Closed circulatory system Well developed
nervous - Dioecious male and female
- Octopus 8 tentacle
- Squid 10 tentacle
- Nautilus 94 tentacles
28Phylum Echinodermataspiny-skinned
29Echinodermatageneral characteristics
- All Marine organisms
- Most advanced invertebrates (embryology)
- Radial Symmetry (penta-radial)
30Sea Star or Starfishcharacteristics
- Calcium Carbonate skeletal plates
- Tube Feet with suction cups
- Central disc where mouth is located (ventral
surface) - Digestion Uses tube feet to pull clams apart.
Turns stomach inside out and slips it into the
clam. Releases enzymes and sucks up the liquid - Nervous system Simple nerve ring surrounds mouth
and extends down each ray. Light sensitive eye
spots at the end of each ray. - Respiration Breathes through skin gills on
surface. - Movement Water vascular system. Ring and radial
canal - Reproduction External and sexual OR Asexual
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32Phylum Arthropoda
- Jointed appendages Movable extensions of the
body - Segmented body Head, Thorax, Abdomen
- Outer skeleton Exoskeleton (chitin)
- Protein and carbohydrate
- Waxy outer layer water proofing
- Hard middle layer support/protection
- Inner layer flexible at joints for movement
- Exoskeleton must be shed. Molting
33- Long Dorsal Heart with sinuses
- Open circulatory system
- Anterior ganglia with 2 ventral nerve cords
- Respire using spiracles and tracheal tubes.
- Five major classes of Arthropods
- Class Insecta Flies, butterflies, beetles, bees
- Class Arachnidae Spiders, scorpion, mites, ticks
- Class Crustacea Crayfish, crabs, pillbugs,
shrimp - Class Diplopoda Millipedes
- Class Chilipoda Centipedes
34Class ArachnidaeSpider characteristics
- Two body segments
- Cephalothorax Fused Head and thorax
- Abdomen
- Chelicerae Fangs with poison glands
- Simple eyes Detect light
- Tracheal tubes, book lungs, and spiracles
- Sensory setae all over body
- Silk gland for web building and ballooning
- Complex courtship rituals Tapping, stroking,
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36Class CrustaceaCrayfish
- Cephalothorax
- Carapace Exoskeleton
- Dorsal brain, ventral nerve cord
- Feather-like gills attached to walking legs
- Open Circulatory System
- Ostia Pores where blood enters the heart
- Seven large arteries
- Complete Digestive System
- Green gland Used for excreting nitrogenous waste
- Seasonal Reproduction
- Internal Fertilization/External development
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39Class Insecta
- Excellent evolutionary success
- 3 Body segments
- Head Compound eyes, antennae,mouthparts
- Thorax 3 pair of legs, wings (if present)
- Abdomen Major organs. Spiracles
- Open Circulatory System
- Complete Digestive System
- Malpighian Tubules Excretion of nitrogenous
waste. Dry Uric acid crystal. Why?
40Eight Orders of Insects
- Orthoptera Grasshoppers, Crickets
- Isoptera Termites
- Hemiptera True bugs, Squash bugs
- Homoptera Cicadas, aphids
- Diptera Flies, gnats, mosquitos
- Lepidoptera Butterflies, moths
- Hymenoptera Ants, bees, wasps
- Coleoptera Beetles, firelies, ladybugs
41GrasshopperExternal Anatomy
42GrasshopperInternal Anatomy
43Insect Metamorphosis