Paragonimus - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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This worm was first found in a tiger's lung in India in 1877. ... 1. Sputum examination: (1) Alkali digestive method (10%NaOH), (2) Direct sputum smear ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Paragonimus

  • These worms reproductive organs stand
    side by side. Adult worms usually live in the
    lungs of man and carnivores causing
    paragonimiasis, so they are also called lung
    flukes. It is essentially a zoonosis. In china,
    there are two species of lung flukes of medical
    importance Paragonimus westermani, Pagumogonimus

Paragonimus westermani
  • This worm was first found in a tigers
    lung in India in 1877. It is the main kind of
    lung flukes infecting man. In our country it is
    prevalent in 22 provinces, city and autonomic
    region except Xinjiang, Xizang, Qinghai, Gansu,
    Ningxia, Inner Mongolia and Shandong.

I. morphology
  • 1. Adult The body is elliptic, dorsally
    it is convex, ventrally it is flattened,
    reddish-brown in color, about 7.5-124-61-3 mm
    (lengthwidth21). It looks like half a peanut.
    The sizes of two suckers are sub-equal. The
    ventral sucker is located in the central position
    of the body. Two testes, the ovary and the uterus
    are situated side by side. The vitellaria is well
    developed. The excretory bladder extends forward
    to the level of pharynx. The digestive tract is
    divided into two ceca.

  • 2. Egg is irregularly elliptic, golden yellow in
    color, 80-11048-60µ in size. The thick and
    asymmetric shell with a distinct operculum
    encloses an ovum surrounded by more than 10 yolk
  • 3. Metacercaria is spherical, about 300-400µ with
    two layers of transparent walls, in crab and

  • The oval ova have an operculum and are 80-110 by
    48-80 µm. It is golden yellow in color. The
    shell is uneven in thickness. The content is an
    ovum and more than 10 yolk cells.

II. Life cycle
  • 1. Infective stage metacercaria
  • 2. Infective mode eating raw fresh water
    crabs and crayfish with metacercariae
  • 3. Infective route by mouth
  • 4. Site of inhabitation lungs
  • 5. Intermediate hosts 1st int. host is
    melania snail. 2nd int. hosts are crab and
  • 6. Reservoir hosts carnivores such as tiger,
    lion, wolf, fox, dog, leopard, cat and etc
  • 7. Life span 5-6 years

(No Transcript)
III. Pathology and Symptomatology
  • Adults inhabit lungs, although other organs are
    also involved.
  • 1. Pathological lesions may be classified into 4
    stages (1)Invading and migrating stage After
    excystation the adolescents penetrate the
    intestinal wall and migrate to the lungs. (2)
    Suppurative stage. The bleeding and infiltration
    of neutrophils and eosinophils surrounding worms
    form a capsule, abscess.

  • (3) Cystic stage, the cyst wall is formed due
    to the progressive fibrosis of the surrounding
    tissue. The cystic contents are chocolate or
    rusty thick fluid with eggs and Charcot-Leyden
    crystals, which looks like sesame paste. The
    shadow of the cyst can be seen on X-ray. Patients
    cough out the rusty sputum when the cyst
    communicates with the bronchioles. (4)
    Fibrous-scar stage, the worms are dead or escape
    from the cyst. The exudate and pus are expelled
    or absorbed and replaced by fibrous-scar tissue.

2. Clinical manifestation
  • Paragonimiasis may be classified into 4 types
    (1)Pulmonary type the symptoms resemble
    pulmonary tuberculosiswith low fever, loss of
    appetite, night sweating, chest pain, loss of
    weight and rusty sputum.
  • (2) Brain type manifests epilepsy,
    hemiplegia, monoplegia,aphasia, visual
    disturbence and resembles cerebral cystcercosis
  • (3)Abdominal type abdominal pain,diarrhea or
    dysentery with blood, mucus and ova in feces.
  • (4)Subcutaneous type the wandering and
    painless subcutaneous nodules.

IV. Diagnosis
  • 1. Sputum examination (1) Alkali digestive
    method (10NaOH), (2) Direct sputum smear
  • 2. Stool examination (1) Alkali digestion , (2)
    Water sedimentation method, (3) Direct fecal
  • 3.  Biopsy for Subcutaneous type
  • 4.  CT for brain type
  • 5.  Immunological tests for reference.

V. Treatment and Prevention
  • 1.Treatment Drug of choice is praziqantel.
    Other effective drugs include hexachloroparaxylol,
    bithionol (bitin).
  • 2. Prevention
  • (1) Health education,
  • (2) Avoid eating raw fresh water crabs and
  • (3) Avoid sputum and stool getting into water.

VI. Epidemiology
  • This disease is prevalent in Far East,
    Africa and South America. There are endemic foci
    in 22 provinces in Northeast, East and Southwest
    of China. Its prevalence is related to eating raw
    crabs and crayfishes and the natural foci.
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