La ciguat ra est une intoxication alimentaire cons cutive la consommation de ... La cha ne alimentaire de la ciguat ra est essentiellement limit e aux poissons. ...
Fossil Record Dinoflagellate cysts were first found in late Triassic rocks Diverse and abundant cysts increase in Md. Jurassic Cysts still occur in present marine ...
DIMAR, UMR 6540 CNRS-Universit de la M diterran e, COM, Luminy, Case ... Latz et al. 1994 : utilisation d'un appareil de Couette. Cylindre ext rieur qui tourne ...
Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, University of ... 1 zooplankton class. Growth limited by N, PO4, Fe, Si (diatoms), light. Climatological forcing ...
Dinoflagellates Introduction Dinoflagellates are unicellular, flagellated protists The first modern dinoflagellate was described by Baker in 1753 The dinoflagellates ...
El ment participant activement la chimie de l'atmosph re (destruction de l'ozone) ... l ment participant activement la chimie de l'atmosph re (destruction de l'ozone) ...
Application of pigment analysis and CHEMTAX to field studies of phytoplankton communities Simon Wright Australian Antarctic Division Outline Phytoplankton community ...
Application of pigment analysis and CHEMTAX to field studies of ... Plankton counting is a task that cannot be achieved without ruin of body and soul ...
It is a phenomenon which comes in a spontaneous, unpredictable way, which has a ... the mucous membranes, which were very intense in the years 1853, 1861, 1868 and ...
Unicellular and Multicellular Organisms Unicellular Organisms Unicellular organism are one celled living things. Algae are one celled organisms that contain ...
Title: PowerPoint Presentation Last modified by: Gorku Sanchog Document presentation format: On-screen Show Other titles: Comic Sans MS Times Arial Times New Roman ...
Pfisteria, their blooms can cause red tides Phytoplankton! Ayesha, Toyosi, Chase Diatoms have many different shapes Phytoplankton Autotrophic/ photosynthetic plant ...
Algae Algae diverse simple mostly aquatic mostly photosynthetic Belong to the kingdom Protista Eukaryotic So they have a nucleus and membrane bound organelles ...
Kingdom Protista Diseases Caused by Protists Many protists are parasitic and can cause diseases in humans & other organisms such as: Malaria Amoebic dysentary ...
... dinoflagellate flash and glow bioluminescence and its circadian expression circadian rhythm of luminescence: top, ld; below, ll gonyaulax peak times of glow ...
Ecology and Ecosystems Ecosystems in the Open Sea Coastal Ecosystems - Estuaries, Salt Marshes, Mangrove Swamps, Seagrasses Coastal Ecosystems - Intertidal Zones ...
Chapters 20 & 21 Notes Kingdom Protista Where Do We Find Protists? Protists live in water. Protists are found in: oceans, streams, pond water, mud puddles, snow ...
Protists Life begins like amoeba Group together for food & reproduction Phylum: Myxomycota Acellular Slime Molds Plasmodia (not to be confused with plasmodium ...
Chapter Introduction Lesson 1 What are Protists? Lesson 2 What are Fungi? Chapter Wrap-Up Chapter Menu Chapter Introduction Chapter Introduction What do you think?
Lab 6 Various Protista Dictyosteliomycota Common name: Cellular slime molds Synonyms: Acrasiomycota (in part) Mode of nutrition: Heterotrophic: ingestive ...
Title: Caring For The Ark The Biblical Basis Author: User Last modified by: Cecil Frogg Created Date: 3/28/2006 11:22:48 PM Document presentation format
Title: What do you do when you get hungry? You probably go in search of food. Different organisms have different ways of obtaining the nutrients they need to live.
On a dark, quiet night you sit at the stern of a tiny ... What's responsible for this eerie display? You've just had a close encounter with one group of some ...
Title: A cyanobacteria bloom Author: Dr. Michael Parsons Last modified by: Dr. Jason P Turner Created Date: 1/23/2000 1:11:51 AM Document presentation format
Gleissberg Solar Cycle: Pacemaker of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation? R. Tim Patterson & Andreas Prokoph (Carleton University) Graeme Swindles (Bradford University)
The Protozoans Ciliates Amoeboid Protozoans Flagellated Protozoans Kingdom Protozoa Defining Characteristics All are unicellular eukaryotes What is a prokaryote?
Title: Nessun titolo diapositiva Author: CNR ISTITUTO DI BIOLOGIA Last modified by: CDabala Created Date: 6/14/2001 3:27:22 PM Document presentation format