sewage treatment - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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sewage treatment


by ranjani msc – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: sivaranjanir
Tags: sewage


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: sewage treatment

Sewage and Treatment
  • Sewage is a water-carried waste, in solution or
    suspension, that is intended to be removed from a
  • Known as domestic or municipal wastewater, it is
    more than 99 water and is
  • characterized by volume or rate of flow, physical
    condition, chemical and toxic constituents, and
    its bacteriologic status.
  • It consists mostly of greywater (from sinks,
    tubs, showers, dishwashers, and clothes washers),
    blackwater (the water used to flush toilets,
    combined with the human waste that it flushes
    away) soaps and detergents and toilet paper
    (less so in regions where bidets are widely used
    instead of paper).
  • Whether it also contains surface runoff depends
    on the design of sewer system.

Characteristics of sewage
  • Temperature
  • pH
  • Colour and Odour
  • Solids
  • Nitrogen and Phosphorous
  • Chlorides
  • Organic materials
  • BOD and COD

  • Organic matter conc measured
  • Essential difference are in the Oxidant utilized
    and the operational conditions imposed during the
  • TOC
  • The BOD of the sewage is the amount of oxygen
    required for the biochemical decomposition of
    biodegradable organic matter under aerobic
  • The oxygen consumed in the process is related to
    the amount of decomposable organic matter.
  • The general range of BOD observed for raw sewage
    is 100 to 400 mg/L. Values in the lower range are
    being common under average Indian cities.

  • Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)
  • The COD gives the measure of the oxygen required
    for chemical oxidation. It does not differentiate
    between biological oxidisable and non oxidisable
  • Ratio of the COD to BOD does not change
    significantly for particular waste and hence this
    test could be used conveniently for interpreting
    performance efficiencies of the treatment units.
  • In general, the COD of raw sewage at various
    places is reported to be in the range 200 to 700

Wastewater Treatment Technologies
  • Bioremediation
  • Coagulation/Floc
  • Membrane Filtration
  • Filtration/Gravity
  • Adsorption
  • Activated sludge
  • Mineralization within microbes
  • Oxidation (Ozone)
  • Thermal Oxidation
  • Encapsulation
  • Evaporation

  • Primary treatment - solid substances, floating
    objects removed-screening chambers.
  • Secondary treatment biological
    treatment-aerobic and anaerobic
  • Tertiary treatment nutrient rich-eutrophication-
    biological ponds-disinfection-UV treatment.

Primary treatment
  • Solid substances and floating objects have to be
    removed by passing the waste through screens or
    nets in chambers called screening chambers
  • Grid chambers- large stones-remove coarse
    particulate materials.
  • Hydrocyclones or centrifugal separators
  • Sedimentation /floation tank-emulsifiction/foamin
    g agent/coagulant/flocculant

Secondary treatment
  • Dissolved organic matter
  • Organic debris
  • Particulate materials
  • Aerobic decomposition
  • Carbonaceous organic matter O2
  • Nitrogenous organic matter O2
  • Sulphurous organic matter O2
  • Phosphorous organic matter O2

Aerobic and anaerobic
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Trickling filters
  • Trickling filter consists of a bed of highly
    permeable media to which microorganisms are
    attached and through which wastewater is
    percolated or trickled.
  • The filter media usually consist of rocks,
    varying in size from 25 to 100 mm in diameter.
    The depth of the media varies from 0.9 to 2.5 m
    and 1.8 m is most common.
  • The liquid wastewater is distributed over the top
    of the bed by a rotary distributor as sprays. The
    wastewater trickling from the top, comes in
    contact with the biological media and get rid of
    its nutrients (carbohydrates,proteins etc).
  • The under drain system is important both as a
    collection unit and as a porous structure through
    which air can circulate.
  • The collected liquid is passed to a settling tank
    where the solids are separated from the treated

  • TFs enable organic material in the wastewater to
    be adsorbed by a population of microorganisms
    (aerobic, anaerobic, and facultative bacteria,
    fungi, algae, and protozoa) attached to the
    medium as a biological film or slime layer
    (approximately 0.1 to 0.2 mm thick).

zoogleal film. The organic material is then
decomposed by the aerobic microorganisms in the
outer part of the biological layer. As the layer
thickness through microbial growth, oxygen cannot
penetrate through the entire thickness of the
medium , and anaerobic organisms develop within.
As the biological film continues to grow, the
microorganisms near the free surface lose their
ability to cling to the medium which is away may
get detached. The detached slime layer goes down
along with wastewater- sloughing. Sloughing is
primarily a function of organic and hydraulic
loading of the filter. The sloughed solids are
transported to the secondary clarifier.
Biological process in filter bed
Activated sludge (ASP)
  • Activated sludge is a process for treating sewage
    and industrial wastewaters using air and a
    biological floc composed of bacteria and protozoa
    (active sludge).
  • The carbonaceous organic matter of wastewater
    provides an energy source for the production of
    new cells for a mixed population of
    microorganisms in an aquatic aerobic environment.
  • The microbes convert carbon into cell tissue and
    oxidized end products that include carbon dioxide
    and water.
  • A limited number of microorganisms may exist in
    activated sludge that obtain energy by oxidizing
    ammonical nitrogen to nitrate nitrogen in the
    process known as nitrification.
  • Leads to deposition of flocculant sludge golden
    brown sludge.
  • Activity is measured by rate of oxygen
    consumption in definite time schedule.
  • Pretreatment such as sedimentation, chemical
    treatment, oxidation..needed before sludge
    digestion to reduce load or aeration processs.
  • Chlorine gas injected-prevent bulking and
    contraction of humus.
  • Oxidation is performed-Oxidation ponds.

  • In a sewage (or industrial wastewater) treatment
    plant, the activated sludge process is a
    biological process that can be used for one or
    several of the following
  • Oxidizing carbonaceous biological matter.
  • Oxidizing nitrogeneous matter mainly ammonium
  • nitrogen in biological matter.
  • Removing phosphates.
  • Driving off entrained gases such as carbon
    dioxide, ammonia,
  • nitrogen, etc.
  • Generating a biological floc that is easy to
  • Generating a liquor that is low in dissolved or
    suspended material.

  • The general arrangement of an activated sludge
    process for removing carbonaceous pollution
    includes the following items
  • Aeration tank where air (or oxygen) is
    injected in the mixed liquor.
  • Settling tank (usually referred to as "final
    clarifier" or "secondary settling tank") to allow
    the biological flocs (the sludge blanket) to
    settle, thus separating the biological sludge
    from the clear treated water.
  • Treatment of nitrogenous matter or phosphate
    involves additional steps where the mixed liquor
    is left in anoxic condition (meaning that there
    is no residual dissolved oxygen).

Conventional Activated Sludge process
Food Microbes O2
New cells Energy CO2 H2O
NH3 (org. waste) (sludge)
nutrients (surplus sludge) Wastewater rich
in organics blended with return sludge rich in
microorganisms is called Mixed Liquor. The
microbes grow in number to remove both insoluble
and soluble organic from wastewater, stabilize
them and they themselves flocculate to form into
clumps which settle in the secondary
sedimentation tank by gravity. The process
derived its name from the fact that sludge
containing active microorganisms is returned to
increase the available biomass and to speed up
the reaction.
Biological components
  • Bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and rotifers
    constitute the biological component, or
    biological mass of activated sludge.
  • In addition, some metazoa, such as nematode
    worms, may be present.
  • However, the constant agitation in the aeration
    tanks and sludge recirculation are deterrents to
    the growth of higher organisms.
  • The species of microorganism that dominate a
    system depends on environmental conditions,
    process design, the mode of plant operation, and
    the characteristics of the secondary influent
  • While both heterotrophic and autotrophic bacteria
    reside in activated sludge, the former dominate.
  • Heterotrophic bacteria obtain energy from
    carbonaceous organic matter in influent
    wastewater for the synthesis of new cells. At the
    same time, they release energy with the
    conversion of organic matter into stable
    compounds such as carbon dioxide and water.
  • Important genera of heterotrophic bacteria
    include Achromobacter, Alcaligenes, Arthrobacter,
    Citromonas, Flavobacterium, Pseudomonas, and

Environmental Impacts of Eutrophication
Decrease in the transparency of water
Development of anoxic conditions (low oxygen
levels) Increased algal blooms Loss of
habitat (e.g. Sea grass beds) Change in
dominant biota (e.g. Changes in plankton
and macrophyte community structure or
changes in fish composition)
Decrease in species diversity Change in the
aesthetic value of the water body
caused by a few species of dinoflagellates and
the bloom takes on a red or brown color. Red
tides are events in which estuarine, marine, or
fresh water algae accumulate rapidly in the water
column, resulting in coloration of the surface
water. It is usually found in coastal areas
When plankton called dinoflagellates grow too
numerous near shore, the single-celled algae can
stain the water a reddish-brown, causing
so-called red tides that are often toxic to
people and fish alike. Certain dinoflagellates
species also produce bioluminescence, and when
night falls at the beach, the teeming algae can
make the shallows glow an electric blueOut at
sea, dinoflagellates use bioluminescence as a
sort of 'burglar alarm' when disturbed, the
plankton flash or light up, essentially creating
a glowing trail that leads right to their
assailant. This silent signal alerts predators
higher up in the food chain about the
dinoflagellates' nemesis. 'The burglar alarm is
a scream for help,' Widder says. 'The best chance
you have when you're getting attacked is to
attract something bigger than what is eating
you.'" (Hadhazy 2009)
  • Chemical precipitation has long been used for P
  • The chemicals most often employed are compounds
    of calcium, aluminum, and iron.
  • Chemical addition points include prior to primary
    settling, during secondary treatment, or as part
    of a tertiary treatment process
  • 5Ca2 7OH- 3H2PO4-

Biological method
  • Assimilation
  • Incorporation of the P as an essential element
    in biomass, particularly through growth of
    photosynthetic organisms (plants, algae, and some
    bacteria, such as cyanobacteria).
  • Traditionally, this was achieved through
    treatment ponds containing planktonic or
    attached algae, rooted plants, or even floating
    plan ts (e.g., water hyacinths, duckweed).

Process of Phosphate removal
  • Certain micro-organisms in sludge will, in
    different conditions, release or take up large
    quantities of phosphorus.
  • They are first induced to release phosphates,
    creating a concentrated phosphate solution.
  • A second stage of phosphate uptake can then be
    induced, the micro-organisms taking up even more
    P than initially released, and removing nearly
    all the phosphates from whatever water the sludge
    is mixed with.
  • This process can be manipulated to transfer P
    from waste water either to sludge (organic
    phosphates stored in micro-organisms) or to a
    side-stream of supernatant liquid containing high
    P concentrations.

Phosphate accumulating organisms
  • In the first oxygen-free zone,
  • phosphate accumulating micro-organisms take up
    short-chain fatty acids (which can be obtained
    from organic materials in waste waters or
    sludges) using cellular polyphosphates as an
    energy source.
  • They thus deplete their cellular phosphate
    levels, releasing phosphates into the supernatant
  • Under anaerobic conditions, in the presence of
    fermentation products, PAOs release
    orthophosphate, utilizing the energy to
    accumulate simple organics and store them as
    polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) such as poly-ß-
    hydroxybutyrate (PHB).
  • Under aerobic conditions , the PAOs then grow on
    the stored organic material, using some of the
    energy to take up orthophospha te and store it
    as polyphosphate.
  • The bio P removal lies in the exposure of
    organism to aerobic and anaerobic conditions.
  • Acinetobacter,Pseudomonas and Nocardia

  • e

Acetic acid
Transport and storage of simple organics such as
acetate require energy-ie is obtained from
polyphosphate reserves with the release of Pi
The organic matter is oxidized to produce Energy
and reaccumulation of phosphates into
  • Decomposition of organic material- nitrogen from
    protein is released-ammonia nitrogen-process
  • Nitrifying bacteria are autotrophs, requiring
    only inorganic chemicals as the starting point
    for their energy metabolism and growth.
  • Thus ammonia is taken up and oxidised to provide
    the energy required for growth. Carbon dioxide is
    used as the carbon source, and this is
    metabolised into organic carbon compounds inside
    the bacteria - a process which also requires
  • The process of ammonia oxidation is referred to
    as nitrification, and is carried out by two
    different groups of nitrifiers. The most abundant
    genus is Nitrosomonas but there are other
    nitrifiers as well. The overall reaction is
  • NH4 O2 nitrification NO3- 2H
  • Nitrosomonas
  • NO3- organic matter
    N2 CO2 H2O

  • Nitrobacter

  • released

Nitrogen removal from waste water
Denitrification reactor
In a third stage, oxygen is provided by aeration
and the P-depleted micro-organisms take up nearly
all the available phosphates from their
environment using the substrate stored in their
cells, and taking up more phosphates than they
initially released.
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