... Atahualpa despleg unos guerreros cerca del Cuzco Capturo a Huascar y as Atahualpa gan el imperio La guerra civil dur cinco a os En noviembre de 1532 ...
Extendi su imperio al norte y al sur. Construy calles importantes, ... Despu s de unos ataques personales, Atahualpa despleg unos guerreros cerca del Cuzco ...
Huascar y Atahualpa Por Heather Cooper Huayna Capac El emperador de Cuzco (Per ) Extendi su imperio al norte y al sur Construy calles importantes, palacios y ...
Juan Santos Atahualpa, 1742-1750s, eastern a descendant of the Inca Atahualpa came to reclaim his ancestral kingdom 1750: Many of those referred to ...
European Conquest Taking Notes Using a Timeline Chapter 7 Section 3 Key Terms for this section . Francisco Pizarro Christopher Columbus Conquistador Atahualpa ...
En 1522, hizo un contrato con un cura, Hernando de Luque, y un soldado, Diego de ... Los incas obtuvieron m s de 13.000 libras del oro, pero Atahualpa fue ejecutado ...
Mercantilism. an economic theory that states that the world only contained a ... Francisco. Pizarro. The First Spanish Conquests: The Incas. Atahualpa. vs. ...
Savages and Saviors: The Treatment of Indigenous Peoples in Apocalypto and Royal Hunt of the Sun Mary DeLuca Michigan State University Atahualpa as a Child in
Created a line of demarcation that divided the world between ... Kidnapped Atahualpa who attempted to bargain with Pizarro for his life with 124 tons of gold. ...
Francisco Pizarro y la Conquista de Per Por Omega Luj n Factores que Contribuyeron a la Conquista Francisco Pizarro Llegaron en Noviembre de 1532 Llego a Cajamarca ...
Governor and Captain General of the River Plate, Bruno Mauricio de Zabala, founded Montevideo. ... Style: Spanish Neoclassicism. Montevideo 20th Century ...
Fue hijo ileg timo de Gonzalo Pizarro, un oficial del ej rcito, y ... se obtuvieron lingotes que pesaban m s de 13.000 libras de oro y 26.000 de plata. ...
Latin American: Conquest and Exchange Latin American Unique qualities Unlike North America, Latin America did not have any unification. Partly because of geography ...
SS6H1: The Student will describe the impact of European contact on Latin America A. Describe the encounter and consequences of the conflict between the Spanish and ...
In the Aztec calendar, what is the month of 'traditional lamentation and remembrance' called? ... calendar, this was the first day of the Great Feast of the ...
The Treaty of Tordesillas, 1494 & The Pope s Line of Demarcation Father Bartolom de Las Casas New Laws -- 1542 European Empires in the Americas Christopher ...
The Clash of Cultures: Europeans in the Americas Readings: http://faculty.fullerton.edu/nfitch/nehaha/index.htm Spodek, pp. 452-458 Aztecs/Mexica--Mexico Nahuatl ...
... diseases that killed more Aztecs than Spanish swords Cortes Meeting Montezuma Cortes Defeats the Aztec Cortes traveled 400 miles to reach Tenochitlan.
SS6H1: The Student will describe the impact of European contact on Latin America A. Describe the encounter and consequences of the conflict between the Spanish and ...
The Spanish Conquer Two Empires in the Americas In this lesson, students will be able to define the following terms: Hernando Cortes Montezuma Reasons for the Defeat ...
Inca Empire I. The Incas Create an Empire The Incas built their empire around the Same time as the Aztecs It began small in the Andes with the city of Cuzco Under the ...
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Descubrimiento y conquista Spanish 326 Latin American Civilization Espa a en la poca de la conquista La reconquista Mentalidad medieval vs. renacentista La era de ...
... social rules Women s choices- Marry or join a convent Being a nun probably the only way to get an education as a female Labor ... Competition Pirates ...
Machu Picchu Ancient city of the Inca Located in the Andes Mountains in Peru Hiram Bingham rediscovered it in 1911 Challenges of the life in the Empire Enormous size ...
The Inca Empire Great Empires Roads Link the Empire 14,000-mile-long network of roads and bridges spanned the empire traversed rugged mountains and harsh deserts The ...
INCA NOTES LOCATION ANDES MOUNTAINS South America Near Pacific Ocean Peru, N. Chile, Ecuador, NW Argentina, Colombia, Bolivia Capital- Cuzco (fancy stone work) WARFARE 1.
This are the areas that Francisco Pizarro explore the Pacific Ocean, Peru, San ... Historical Impact. Cantered on South America. He want to Cancer Peru. His Route ...
Contacto con nuevas civilizaciones y lenguas en el Nuevo Mundo, frica y Oriente ... Col n algunos hombres que hablaban el rabe. Luis de Torres jud o hispano ...
American Indians The greatest Indians ... Main languages Algonquian language Algonquian language is closely related to the Anishinaabe language or a particularly ...
TEST REVIEW STUDY SHEET CHAPTER 2 SS8 ~ U.S. History Ms. Radebaugh Leif Erickson ~ Viking explorer / First European to arrive in North America Amerigo Vespucci ...
Isla de los Pajaros Ushuaia Tierra del Fuego. Cerro El Chalten Fitz Roy Patagonia ... la vida, pero mi estrella me dio este acento, y as te siento, tierra querida. ...
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Ancient Cultures of Central and South America: The Maya, Aztec, and Inca Mayan Civilization Mayans Developed in Mexico around 2600 BC Spread throughout the Yucatan ...
THE AMERICAS Chapter 16 The First American Civilizations South America The Maya Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico Disappeared from their lands in the 900s CE The Aztecs ...
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Incas Keros, with tocapu to convey messages Nobles incas Inca Pre-Inca Empire 2500 BC - Around this time people in the region began farming. They grew potatoes, corn ...
Conquest and Colonies A Spanish Empire The Caribbean Islands was found by Columbus Many wanted a encomienda system- A colonist was given a certain amount of land and ...