Chapter 6 The American Revolution - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 6 The American Revolution


THE BONHOMME RICHARD vs. THE SERAPIS The most ... equipment and troops The Netherlands-sold the Patriots cheap supplies The End ... IV. Loyalists The ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Chapter 6 The American Revolution

Chapter 6The American Revolution
  • There were two Continental Congresses, what were
    the accomplishments of both?

  • 1st C.C.- (Sept. Oct. 1774)
  • Convinced all colonies to boycott British goods
    (in response to the taxes)
  • Asked Britain to repeal unfair policies
  • Started for form militias and minutemen
  • Plan for the meeting of the 2nd C.C. in May 1775
  • Battles of Lexington and Concord take place
  • 2nd C.C.- (starts May 1775)
  • Created the Continental Army (G.W. in charge)
  • Sent the Olive Branch Petition
  • After O.P.B.-started to print money and prepare
    for war
  • The Congress continued to meet and soon drafted
    the Declaration of Independence (July 1776)

  • Dates and meetings of the 2nd Continental
  • May 10, 1775 December 12, 1776, Philadelphia,
  • December 20, 1776 March 4, 1777, Baltimore,
  • March 5, 1777 September 18, 1777, Philadelphia
  • September 27, 1777 (one day only), Lancaster,
  • September 30, 1777 June 27, 1778, York,
  • July 2, 1778 March 1, 1781, Philadelphia

6.1 A Nation Declares Independence
In the Colonies
  • The Continental Congress started to govern the
    colonies and organize the Continental Army.
  • The Olive Branch Petition-was a final offer to
    the king to avoid war with the colonies. King
    said NO!
  • Thomas Paine published Common Sense. It argued
    that the colonies should break away from the
    king. Millions read it. He also wrote The

Richard Henry Lees Big Idea
  • He wrote a Resolution for IndependenceThis was
    the first time someone mentioned the concept of
    separation from Great Britain
  • (June 7, 1776)

Richard Henry Lee
The Declaration of Independence
In June of 1776, the Committee of Five (Members
from The Second Continental Congress) decided to
draft The Declaration of Independence. They
assigned Thomas Jefferson to write the first
draft. John Adams- Mass Benjamin Franklin-Penn
Thomas Jefferson-Virginia Robert
Livingston-N.Y. Roger Sherman-Conn. The
"Committee of Five"
The Declaration of Independence Four Parts of the
1) Preamble (Introduction)
  • Explain This justified the rebellion

The Declaration of Independence
  • 2) Rights (What We Want)
  • Explain All men are created equal!
  • Explain Life, Liberty Pursuit of Happiness
  • Explain Be Able to Vote!

The Declaration of Independence
3) Complaints against Great Britain (What We DO
NOT Like) Explain Taxes, or Acts without a
voice in Parliament Explain One judge, no jury
The Declaration of Independence
4) Proclamation of a New Nation
(Conclusion) Explain We consider ourselves a
separate nation (U.S.A.) Explain We will
sacrifice everything (lives/ fortunes) for
"Spirit of '76." Copy of a painting by Archibald
M. Willard, 1876.
Changes Thomas Jefferson did not write the
Declaration of Independence in one sitting, nor
were the ideas solely his. After writing the
initial draft, 16 changes were made by J. Adams
and B. Franklin. Then, the other two members of
The Committee of Five, Robert Livingston and
Roger Sherman, met with Jefferson, Adams and
Franklin, and made 31 more changes. Finally, it
was taken to the 2nd Continental Congress where
they added and subtracted whole paragraphs
(including one that blamed the King for the
continued use of slaves in the colonies). In
all, the 2nd Continental Congress made 39 more
changes before the annoyance of horseflies and
hot July weather convinced them to call it quits
on July 4th, 1776. That was a total of 86 changes
from what Thomas Jefferson created to the final
Declaring Independence
  • America declares themselves an independent
    nation,but this begins a new chapter of hardships
    for the colonists.

  • When the congress met again on July 2, there had
    been a marked change in attitude. Recent actions
    by the British had inflamed passions. Lee's
    motion for a declaration of independence was
    brought back before the assembly and this time
    passed without a single dissenting vote. That
    night, John Adams penned the following sentiments
    in a letter to his wife, Abigail, back in Boston
  • The Second day of July, 1776, will be the most
    memorable in the history of America. I am apt to
    believe it will be celebrated by succeeding
    generations as the Great Anniversary
  • On July 4, the Continental Congress met for only
    one item of business. Thomas Jefferson had
    written an official Declaration of Independence,
    and the delegates were there to debate its
    contents and approve the final wording.
    Jefferson's Declaration had been widely discussed
    prior to the meeting, and it seemed everyone had
    something to add or delete. As the session got
    underway, both the rhetoric discussion and the
    temperature began to heat up inside Independence
    Hall. One congressman wanted to change the
    phrasing of a particular sentence. Another wanted
    to eliminate a direct reference to the King of
  • It was humid in Philadelphia that day, and as the
    delegates debated and mopped their brows, the
    windows of Independence Hall were opened to catch
    any breeze that might stir. Instead of a breeze,
    through the windows came an invasion of giant
    horseflies from a nearby stable. As the hungry
    horseflies descended on the founding fathers,
    debate ceased. A tormented delegate rose to
    suggest that Jeffersons declaration seemed
    suitable to him. Others in the assembly agreed. A
    motion of approval was made and quickly passed.
    The delegates just as quickly exited the
    building, swatting at horseflies.

Warm-up What are the 4 parts of the Declaration
of Independence?
  • Answer
  • Preamble (introduction)
  • Rights (what we want)
  • Complaints (what we do not like)
  • Proclamation of a New Nation (conclusion)

6.2 A Critical Time
Britain wants to split the colonies in half for
these reasons
  1. Stop communication
  2. Stop goods from moving
  3. Stop troop movement

Long Island/New York (Summer 1776)
Battle Details Patriots (outnumbered
outmaneuvered) are beaten badly forced to retreat
to PA and NJ
Did you know? To make things more simple,
soldiers were issued common shoes that fit
either foot!
Battle Details Patriots (outnumbered
outmaneuvered) are beaten badly forced to retreat
to PA and NJ Blue Patriots led by G.
Washington Red British army chasing
Impact of the Patriots losing Long Island/New
York Britain has NYC! Colonists are short on
supplies, weary as winter hits! (Deserters)
Interesting Nathan Hale I only
regret that I have but one life to lose for my
Battle of Trenton (December
24-26, 1776)
Battle Details
- The soldiers terms end in a week
Washington decides he has no choice but to use
the troops while he has them. He plans an
overnight crossing of the Delaware in frigid
The British, meanwhile, are playing cards and
having fun it was Christmas you know!
Washington surprises partying British at Trenton
on the morning after Christmas! (December 26th)
Impact The Patriots WIN!
900 Hessians are captured The colonists hold onto
the Middle Colonies and Its inspiring for the
As the British Army moved towards Trenton,
Washington takes Princeton by surprise shortly
Many soldiers reenlist to fight, and others begin
to join thinking their may still be hope for the
Patriot cause. European powers begin to think
the Patriots can compete with the British
Continental Army recruiting poster
Washington Crossing the Delaware - Emanuel Leutze, 1851

Warm-up Describe what happened at the Battle of
Washington surprises partying British at Trenton
the morning after Christmas!
(900 Hessians captured Colonists hold onto the
Middle Colonies and it was inspiring for the
6.2 A Critical Time (cont.)
The Battle Of Saratoga
(Oct 7, 1777)
Goal of the British Cut New England off from
the rest of the colonies
  • Battle Details
  • 1) John Burgoyne moves South ?
  • YES! (But it wasnt easy)
  • 2) Forces from the West Help ?
  • NO! Benedict Arnold cuts off St. Leger at Ft.
  • 3) W. Howe to help from Philly ?
  • NO! Howe heads back to Philly to fight

Burgoyne (British) is forced to surrender at
Saratoga (to Gates)
  • October 7, 1777) turning point of the war! The
    British pushed south, supplies were running
    short. Americans were rushing to block the
    British. By September, gates had 6000 men ready
    to fight. The Americans surrounded the British
    at Saratoga. The British surrendered.

Turning point of the war!
The recent Americans victories have stopped the
British from dividing the colonies. Saratoga is
considered to be turning point of the American
Revolution (in favor of the Patriots.)
Impact of Patriot win at Saratoga
1) British attempt to cut colonies in half fails!
(still move troops, info, supplies) 2) Colonists
gain help from Europe, especially
France! Major Turning Point of the war
European volunteers
  • France, the Netherlands and Spain came to the aid
    of the colonists.
  • Marquis de Lafayette- high ranking officer in
    Washingtons army (French)
  • Thaddeus Kosciusko-engineer at West Point
  • Casimir Pulaski-trained the cavalry (Polish)
  • Friedrich von Steuben-trained the recruits

Interesting Burgoyne toasts Washington (who is
not present) as Patriots play Yankee Doodle at
a dinner where British troops lay down their arms!
Britain will now try to move the war
south. General Howe (British) aims to take
Philadelphia (the Patriot capital).
Washington loses at Brandywine and Germantown
(Sept and Oct 77)
The British troops move into Philadelphia and try
and relax for the winter.
Howe resigned in 1778, and, on May 20, Sir Henry
Clinton took over as commander-in-chief of
British armies in America.
Howe and his troops are 18 miles away from George
Washington (at Valley Forge) after taking over
Philadelphia, 1776. By the 1770s Philadelphia had
become a highly cultured and prosperous city, the
largest in America.
Valley Forge- Fall of 1777-Winter of 1778
Washington selected Valley Forge because it was
close enough to keep an eye on the British!
No Battle was fought! BUT 2,500 die and
2,000 desert
There were positives.
Washington lived among his troops in a tent
until they could build cabins that look like
this. (Commanding officers didnt live with the
soldiers.) Soldiers begin to respect Washington
for living like them!
Martha Washington brought supplies. (Women get
involved in the war effort)
Some of the most famous women at V.F.-Catherine
Littlefield Greene Lucy Knox Martha Washington
Lady Stirling Kitty Stirling Rebecca Biddle
Troops TRAIN and BOND together!
After Valley Forge, Washington led his army into
battle at Monmouth. The large battle was a draw
but it proved that the army was stronger and they
could defend themselves!
Warm up What were 2 reasons why the Patriots
victory at Saratoga was so important?
  • Stopped the colonies from being split in half!
  • Brought aid from Europe, especially France
  • 3) Turning point of the war

6.3 The War Widens
  • African Americans in the War (free slaves)
  • African Americans-fought on both sides of the
    American Revolution
  • Americans-Washington at first refused to accept
    African American soldiers. But the British offer
    of freedom to enslaved people made Washington
    change his policy. By the end of the war 7,000
    African Americans had served, including 2,000 in
    the navy.
  • British-offered freedom to enslaved people who
    deserted and joined the British. Many did this.
    They served in support roles as cooks,
    blacksmiths, and teamsters.

  • War at Home
  • Women
  • Took over many duties of the men (crops,
  • Some accompanied their husbands to military
  • Some even took up arms and fought side by side
    with the men
  • Finance
  • Paying for the war was very difficult
  • Congress had to plea with colonies for money
  • Congress printed continentals (paper money) but
    the more they printed, the less the money was
  • By the end of the war, paper money had lost
    almost all its value
  • Enrichment What is it called when loses its

  • Fighting in the West
  • Native Americans
  • Americans tried to keep the Native Americans
    neutral (offered money to groups willing to
    remain at peace)
  • Many Native American groups sided with Britain
    because they feared that an American victory
    would mean more settlers moving west or south
    onto Native American lands.
  • George Rogers Clark-and his American forces
    attacked British forces throughout the Ohio River
    Valley. His most famous victory was at Vincennes.

Foreign Aid Help From Spain
  • Wanted to expand their empire
  • Even before they declared war against Britain in
    1779, they secretly provided money and munitions
    to George Rogers Clark and other Americans

BERNARDO DE GALVEZ Governor of the Spanish
colony of Louisiana from 1775-1783. When Spain
declared war on Britain in 1779, Galvez was made
a brigadier general. Because of his military
victories against Britain, he won for Spain the
colonies of East and West Florida when the war
was over. His army was for everyman, including
Creoles, Africans, Indians. The town of
Galveston, Texas is named for him.
Foreign Aid Help From France
  • Angered by the loss in French and Indian War to
    Britain, France declared war on England
  • Sent money, equipment and troops to Patriots
  • FYI The Netherlands also helped the Patriots by
    selling cheap supplies

  • British set up a blockade!!!
  • Stops reinforcements and supplies from coming
    into the colonies.
  • U.S. Navy fails (13 ships go unfinished or

The U.S. has to hire Privateers Privately
owned merchant ships that seized cargoes of rum,
wool and furs Capture more British Ships than the
U.S. Navy!!
most famous naval battle Took place off the
coast of England
John Paul Jones was the naval officer for the
American ship called the Bonhomme Richard
(No Transcript)
Cannon and musket fire ripped the sails of both
ships to shreds and blasted holes in their wooden
sides. Jones refused to give up, I have not yet
begun to fight. Finally, after dozens of sailors
dead on each side, the captain of the serapis
The Battle
Cannon and musket fire ripped the sails of both
ships to shreds and blasted holes in their wooden
sides. Jones refused to give up, I have not
yet begun to fight.
Finally, after dozens of sailors dead on each
side, the captain of the (British Ship The
Serapis surrendered. Richard sinks but John
Paul Jones was considered a hero!
Serapis FlagThis flag was raised by Captain John
Paul Jones on the British frigate Serapis after
the victory.
Warm-up What foreign nations helped the
Americans during the war?
Answers Spain-money and munitions
France-money, equipment and troops The
Netherlands-sold the Patriots cheap supplies
The End of the WarSection 6.4
  • Fighting moves south
  • The British took control of Georgia
  • The British capture Charles Town and then the
    rest of the state
  • The Americans started using guerilla tactics
  • Francis Marion led his troops through the swamps
    (Swamp Fox)

The Battle of Yorktown
Summary of Yorktown
  • 4 groups surrounded and attacked the British post
    at Yorktown. They were Washington, Wayne,
    Rochambeau (the American French Army) and de
    Grasse (the French fleet)
  • The British (under Cornwallis) were cut off from
    reinforcements and were forced to surrender
  • The British decided to end the war

Yorktown shows war is too costly for British to
The surrender of the British at Yorktown on
October 19, 1781, ended the Revolutionary War.
Trumbull placed American General Benjamin Lincoln
at the center on a white horse, with French
officers on the left and Americans on the right,
led by General Washington on the brown horse. The
British are represented by British officers, but
Lord Cornwallis himself was not present.
Cornwallis feigned illness and sent a junior
officer to sign the surrender treaty. Trumbull
was proud of the fact that he had painted
portraits of the French officers while in France
he included a self portrait in the group under
the American flag.
The Treaty of ParisSeptember 3, 1783
April 1782 John Jay, Ben Franklin, John
Adams represent the U.S. (Six Months to agree!)
Treaty of Paris (unfinished painting -- from left
to right) John Jay, John Adams, Benjamin
Franklin, Henry Laurens, and William Temple
Franklin. The British commissioners refused to
pose, and the picture was never finished.
  1. Great Britain recognizes the U.S. as a free

2)Land Includes ? From the Atlantic Ocean to
the Mississippi River ? Up to Canada, down
to Spanish Florida
3) British withdraw troops from the colonies
4) British merchants can collect Americans owe
How the Colonists Felt!!
Now that the British troops are leaving, how
will the remaining Americans lives change?
I. Native Americans
Land west of App. Mountains is given to army
II. African Americans
As a resultSome NE and Middle colonies abolished
slavery but it still existed in the south
Whites feared loss of jobs As a resultAfrican
Americans were limited by law
Revolutionary ideas increased the criticism of
slavery. All men are created equal! It wasnt
fair that African Americans fought side by side
with the whites and were now seen as slaves in
parts of the nation.
Side by side in war side by side in freedom?
slave in Virginia, he volunteered to fight for
the American cause. He spied on the British army
for the Americans and reported his findings to
General Lafayette. When the British General
Cornwallis asked him to spy on the Americans, he
became a double agent, giving Cornwallis
misinformation from Washington. The information
he sent to Lafayette resulted in the French fleet
blocking the entrance to Chesapeake Bay. This
blockade prevented Cornwallis from receiving
supplies and reinforcements, which forced him to
surrender at Yorktown. For his services during
the war, he was granted his freedom by the
Virginia Legislature. He took the name of
Lafayette because of his strong admiration for
the French General, Marquis de Lafayette.
III. Women
The war did little to advance the status of women
Because of wartime experience, some women began
to challenge traditional roles.
IV. Loyalists
They have to decide whether to leave the new
nation or stay and become American citizens.
The vast majority of the white Loyalists
(450-500,000) remained where they lived during
and after the war. About 10-15 percent of the
Loyalists left, an estimated 62,000 Loyalists, or
about 2 percent of the total US population.
Although most flag historians do not believe
Betsy Ross to be the maker of the first American
flag, the Betsy Ross story has become publicized
and common, accepted by many Americans. According
to the legend, the original Betsy Ross flag was
made in 1776, when a small committee including
George Washington and George Ross, a relative,
visited Betsy and discussed the need for a new
American flag. Betsy's contribution to the design
was a 5-pointed star (instead of a 6-pointed
star, as Francis Hopkinson used), and she
accepted the job to sew the first.
Warm up The Treaty of Paris was signed to end
the American Revolution. What were the terms of
the Treaty of Paris?
  • Answer
  • -British troops leave the colonies
  • -U.S. gains land East of Miss. River, up to
    Canada, and down to Spanish Florida
  • U.S. repays prewar debt to merchants
  • U.S. is a country

Warm up
  • Name the British general and the battle where the
    British surrendered to end the American

  • General Cornwallis
  • Battle of Yorktown
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