Title: Syllable Structure, Phonotactics, and Stress
1Syllable Structure, Phonotactics, and Stress
2Preliminary phonotactic generali-zations re
Hmwk1 (perfect match data)
- CVCVC predominates
- CC virtually absent
- VV relatively frequent
3Generalization about CVCVC data Stress is
- Data Phonetics Gloss
- ara? ?ará? charcoal
- siaw siyaw chicken
- bua? buwa? fruit
- mua? muwa? dry
- t-?n-ui? t-?n-uwi? be heard (Belawi)
- dara? dara? blood
- saak saak red
- kait kait hook
4So, how to describe the stress when the
phonotactic pattern is CVCVVC? (most occur in
- Data Phonetics Gloss
- pujoa? pujoa? tapering
- ga?u?t ga?u?t scratch
- putia? putia? white
5What is a diphthong?
- A diphthong is a tautosyllabic VV phoneme
containing contradictory features, e.g. high
and -high or back and -back. - Three diphthong types occur in Malayo-Polynesian
languages Rising, Falling, and Front-back.
6Diphthong types
- There are equivalent ways to represent a
diphthong phonetically, because y i? and
w u?. For example - Rising ai ?, ay au?, aw oi?, oy ou?, ow
ei?, ey eu?, ew ?i ?, ?y ?u?, ?w - Falling i?a, ya i??, y? u?a, wa u??, w?
- Front-back ui?, uy iu?, iw u?i, wi, i?u, yu
eo?, ew oe?, oy
7Vowel sequences hetero-syllabic or
- Heterosyllabic vowel sequences
- siaw si.aw si.yau? chicken
- Tautosyllabic vowel sequences?
- a) law lau? day, siaw si.yau? chicken
- b) ñamu?k ña.mu??k mosquito (Belawi)
8Syllabification and Stress
- Phonotactics is independent of syllable
structure. Juliette Levin (2004) - Stress depends on prior syllabification.
- Bromberger and Halle (1989)
- Given the data below, is Melanau stress
predictable in all dialects? - How to reconcile the two stress patterns
10Consider the following data
- Data w/ stress Gloss
- ará? charcoal
- siáw chicken
- p?-pujoa? tapering
- bua? fruit
- mua? dry
- putia? white (Belawi)
- ñamu?k mosquito (Belawi)
- t-?n-ui? be heard (Belawi)
- ga?u?t scratch (Belawi)
- ki?? other (Belawi)
- tu?s needle (Belawi)
11Problem for discussion
- Work with a partner to work out the stress rule.
- Method manipulate the syllable structure in
order to obtain the maximally general stress
rule. Remember Bromberger and Halle (1989)
Stress rule depends on prior syllabification.
12Instructors analysis
13Melanau stress pattern
- All Melanau words receive stress on the final
syllablic vowel of the word. - Falling diphthongs consist of a syllabic and a
non-syllabic vowel, e.g. /i??/ is one phoneme,
and la.su??? /lasu??/ warm is disyllabic.
14Therefore the last two examples are
monosyllablesperhaps not phonetically but
- Data w/ stress Gloss
- p?-pujoa? tapering
- putia? white (Belawi)
- ñamu?k mosquito (Belawi)
- ga?u?t scratch (Belawi)
- ki?? other (Belawi)
- tu?s needle (Belawi)
15Phonotactics is independent of syllable
structure.Stress assignment depends on prior