Title: Lexical Phonology
1Lexical Phonology
2Kiparsky early 1980s
- Developing work by Dorothy Siegel, Steven
Strauss, Mark Aronoff, David Pesetsky.
3A theory of many things...
- A theory of the relationship between phonotactics
and what once was called automatic
morphophonology. - (But automatic morphophonology grew into all of
what phonology was.) - A theory of levels or layers in morphology.
- A constraint on neutralizations rules'
application in nonderived environments - A theory of underspecification (markedness).
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5- Lexical phonology is extremely derivational
things happen, some things happen before other
things happen, and if something happens before X
appears on the scene, then too bad for X. If Y
isn't "in the lexicon", then a lexical rule can't
"see" it (whatever that means).
6- The most remarkable claim of lexical phonology is
that the generalizations describing markedness
principles of a language are the same as the
rules governing the changes of sounds under
conditions of word-formation.
7Lexical/postlexical components
- This is the most important distinction, one going
back a long way, but dropped for a while in
generative phonology. - Lexical rules have exceptions, do not create
novel segments or sequences morphophonemic
rules. - Postcyclic flapping word-final devoicing in
German, Dutch, Russian Cyclic trisyllabic
8Lexical/post-lexical split
- Lexicon
- Structure-preserving (output is possible UR)
- Not necessarily phonetically natural
- never applies across words
- Apply only in derived environments
- Trisyllabic shortening
- No lexical exceptions
- not necessarily structure-preserving
- may apply across words
- May not refer to internal morphological
information - Flap formation
Ordered Lexical Postlexical
9Derived environmentsthe case from Finnish
- halut-a to want
- halus-i wanted
- Non-derived environments
- tila room
- aiti mother
10Finnish (2) interaction with ei/__
- joki river joke-na essive sg.
- äiti mother äiti-nä essive sg
- vesi water vete-nä essive sg
- käsi hand käte-nä essive sg
- Watch difference between äiti and vete.
11Trisyllabic shortening (aka Trisyllabic Laxing)
- divine divinity
- serene serenity
- profane profanity
- vile vilify
- clear clarity
- rite ritual
- grade gradual
- tyrant tyranny tyranize tyrannous
- penal penalize
- fable fabulous
- exceptions.
12Trisyllabic shortening
- nightingale, stevedore, ivory, Amory, bravery,
mightily, pirating, obesity. - So 3SS has lexical exceptions, it doesnt look
over word-boundaries, and it seems to be a
markedness statement for nonderived forms it
creates a segment type that exists underlyingly.
13- Certain suffixes trigger the shortening ity,
ify, ual, ??ize (no), ??ous - Group 1 stress affecting
- -ic, -al, -ity, -ion, -y (nominalizing), -al,
-ate, -ous, -ive, -ation - Group 2 stress neutral
- -hood, -ful, -ly, -ize, -ness, -less, -y (adj.)
- fictionalize
- Both?
- -able (Aronoff)
- -ism (Goldsmith philosophy 1, language-style 2?)
14Basis for stratal distinction
- Group 1 easily attaches to non-word roots (e.g.,
paternal), while Group 2 almost always attaches
to existing words. - Group 1, when it attaches to words, is
stress-changing. Group 2 is stress-neutral,
always - Group 1 make the resultant word look as much as
possible like a (simple) word.
15Combinations of Class 1,2
- Class 1 Class 1 histor-ic-al,
illumina-at-tion, indetermin-at-y - Class 1 Class 2 frantern-al-ly,
transform-ate-ion-less - Class 2 Class 2 weight-less-ness
- ?? Class 2 Class 1 weight-less-ity,
16Derivational suffixes in English
- able fixable, doable, understandable
- ant claimant, defendant
- (at)ion realization, assertion, protection
- er teacher, worker
- ing the shooting, the dancing
- ing the sleeping giant, a blazing fire
- ive assertive, impressive, restrictive
- ment adjournment, treatment, amazement
- ful faithful, hopeful, dreadful
- (i)al presidential, national
17- (i)an Arabian, Einsteinian, Minnesotan
- ic cubic, optimistic, moronic, telephonic
- ize hospitalize, crystalize
- ize modernize, nationalize
- less penniless, brainless
- ous poisonous, lecherous
- ate activate, captivate
- en deaden, blacken, harden
- ity stupidity, priority
- ly quietly, slowly, carefully
- ness happiness, sadness
18Strauss, Goldsmith ist-ic
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20Word-final stress in base
- cartoonist cartoonistic
- escapist escapistic
- falangist falangistic
- alarmist alarmistic
- defeatist defeatistic
- adventist adventistic
- conformist conformistic
- extremist extremistic
- reservist reservistic
- careerist careeristic
21- Strauss notes
- -ic may not attach to an Xist base if
- a. the final syllable of X is not primary
stressed and - b. X is a lexical item.
22Stress clash in English
- OK morpheme internally
- Revlon, nylong, Ticonderoga, Rangoon, Illini
- Contrast alarmistic and admonish
- admonish is like alarmist in stress, but
admonition sounds fine, while alarmistic does
23- abnormal - abnormality
- 2 1 3 2 2 1 3 3
24Suffixes that care about stress
- -ize
- distinguish catholicize or notarize from
Bermudaize. - Standardize and cannibalize suggest Stratum 2.
- Winterize, summerize, autumnize (cf. autumnal),
but fallize, springize.
25- alphabetize
- radicalize
- departmentalize
- cartoonize
- journalize
- magazinize
- bookize
- publicize
- legalize
- Bostonize
- New Yorkize
26- Perhaps what is not possible is
- stress Stratum II stress
- that would suggest
- alarm stratum II ist stratum I ic
27English stress, a bit
- Assuming the final syllable does not have a long
vowel, then we can approximate English stress
with the Latin main stress rule stress on the
penult if heavy, on the antepenult otherwise. - In fact, Group 1 causes a lot of changes, and
Group 2 doesnt, but we dont have an explanation
of that within lexical phonology
28Problems, so far
- In tough cases, we have to say that a suffix
falls into both classes, which reduces the
strength of the claim a lot. Typical cases are
-able, -ism, -ize. - Discussion of -ment in AMP.
- If -ize is Stratum 2 (always) then organization
is a problem, since it violates the Level
Ordering Hypothesis (Mark Aronoffs observation).
Perhaps likewise is ability, and istic.
29GJs example of morphologically sensitive rule
(p. 120)
What is the alternative hypothesis?
30Kenstowicz' Polish example
- o u / __ cons, -nasal, voiced.
- 1. lexical exceptions skrop "scratch"imper.
from /skrob/ - 2. Morphological conditioning more frequent in
feminine and neuter nouns than in masculines
31- fem doz-a pagod-a mod-a
- with genitive plural dus, pagut, mut
- contrast with masc. mop, snop
- "Polish speakers are aware of the sound
substitution effected by the raising rule...the
voicing change is essentially below the level of
consciousness." Careful!! - Does not introduce any new phones
- "Raising of o to u before a voiced nonnasal
consonant is an arbitrary and phonetically
unmotivated sound substitution. " Careful!!
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