Title: World War II
1The Spanish Civil War1936 - 1939
The National FrontNationalists
The Popular FrontRepublicans
Anarcho-Syndicalists. Basques. Catalans.
Communists. Marxists. Republicans. Socialists.
Carlists ultra-Catholic monarchists.
Catholic Church. Falange fascist Party.
2The Spanish Civil War1936 - 1939
3The Spanish Civil War
4The Spanish Civil War 1936 - 1939
The American Lincoln Brigade
5The Spanish Civil War 1936 - 1939
Francisco Franco- He would rule Spain for 36 years
6The Spanish Civil WarA Dress Rehearsal for WW
Italian troops in Madrid
7Guernica by Pablo Picasso
8The Japanese Invasionof China, 1937
9The Austrian Anschluss link-up, 1938
10The Problem of theSudetenland
11Appeasement The Munich Agreement, 1938
British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain
Now we have peace in our time! Herr Hitler is a
man we can do business with.
12Czechoslovakia Becomes Part of the Third Reich
13The Nazi-SovietNon-Aggression Pact, 1939
Foreign Ministers von Ribbentrop Molotov
14The War Begins!
15Poland Attacked Sept. 1, 1939
Blitzkrieg Lightening War
16German Troops March into Warsaw
17Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis, 1940
The Tripartite Pact
18The European North African Theaters
19European Theater of Operations
20The Phoney War EndsSpring, 1940
21Dunkirk EvacuatedJune 4, 1940
22France SurrendersJune, 1940
the US passes a conscription law
23A Divided France
Henri Petain
24The French Resistance
The Free French
General Charles DeGaulle
The Maquis