Title: Classification of
1Classification of The Lion
- Completed by Kerryn Swann, 7E
2Characteristics Of The Lion
Diet Carnivorous (eats meat)
Outer Covering Fur
Habitat African Savannah (hot and dry)
Warm/cold blooded Warm
Size Largeish adult male weighs between 150 to 250 kg (330-550 lb)
Colour Yellow/brown
Reproductive information Gives birth to live young after 110 days. feed young milk from mammary glands
Click here to here me roar!
3Other Animals That Share These Characteristics
- Diet
- Dogs
- Outer Covering
- Rats
- Habitat
- Elephants
- Warm blooded
- birds
4Other Animals That Share These Characteristics
- Size
- Bears
- Colour
- Taipan
- Reproductive information
- House cats
5Classification Of The Lion
- Kingdom
- Anamalia
- I know that it fits in this kingdom because it is
a complex organism (has many cells) that moves
around and cannot make its own food - Phylum
- Chordata
- I know that it fits this phylum because it has a
6Classification Of The Lion
- Class
- Mammalia
- I know that it belong to the mammal class because
it has fur, is warm blooded and, most
importantly, feeds its young milk - Order
- Carnivora
- I know that it belongs to this order because it
is carnivorous
7Classification Of The Lion
- Family
- Felidae
- I know that it fits into this family because it
is a feline and has retractable claws, - Genus
- Pantera
- I know that it fits into this genus because most
of the big cats do - Species
- Leo
- I know that this is its species name because I
found it on the internet at http//home.concepts-i
8Useful Characteristics For This Classification
- The characteristics I found most useful were
- Outer covering
- This helped me to determine that the lion was a
mammal - Diet
- With this animal, its diet enabled me to
recognise that it belonged to the order Carnivora - Reproductive strategies
- This characteristic enabled me to classify it as
a eutherian (as opposed to marsupial or montreme)
9Works cited
- "" The Kingdom of Lions Lion's Press Agency. 21
Jul. 2003 lthttp//home.concepts-ict.nl/rlion/lkin
dex.htmkindexgt - "Some clipart provided by www.GifArt.com
- "" lion research centre. 21 Jul. 2003
http//www.lionresearch.org/ - lion cave painting graphic
- lion roar sound
- "Pantera leo" Cat Specialist Group The World
Conservation Union. 21 Jul. 2003
http//lynx.uio.no/catfolk/sp-accts.htm - lion with cubs graphic
- lion pride at sleep graphic
- information about lion habitat
- gestation period
- Beckmann, Ludwig. "King of Beasts" Tim Stoffel's
Homepage Tim Stoffel. 21 Jul. 2003
http//www.lionlmb.org/lion.html - Engraving graphic