Title: Road to Secession
1Road to Secession
- Events leading to Civil War
2Study Guide Identifications
- Sectionalism, 1820-1860
- Compromise of 1850
- Fugitive Slave Act 1850
- Ostend Manifesto, 1854
- Kansas Nebraska Act, 1854
- Bleeding Kansas, 1855-1856
- Know Nothings, 1854
- Dred Scott, 1857
- John Brown, 1859
- Election of 1860
3Study Guide Questions
- What are the major events that led to civil war?
- What debate was renewed with the acquisition of
California Territory and its application for
statehood? - What major divisions existed in American Society?
- What is Zinns argument concerning the events
that led the United States to wage a civil war?
4Politics of Sectionalism, 1820-1860
- To exclude slavery from the western territories
was exclude white southerners from pursuing their
vision of American dream - North politicians argued that exclusion preserved
equality of all white men and women to live and
work with out competition from slavery labor or
rule by despotic slaveholders.
5- Debate over National Slavery renewed
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7The Compromise of 1850
North Gets South Gets
California admitted as a free state No slavery restrictions in Utah or New Mexico territories
Slave trade prohibited in Washington D.C. Slaveholding permitted in Washington D.C.
Texas loses boundary dispute with New Mexico Texas gets 10 million
Fugitive Slave Law
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9Fugitive Slave Act 1850
- Reinforced their right to seize and return to
bondage slaves who had fled to free territory
10Fugitive Slave Act, 1850
- Response to the fugitive slave act
- Slave catches and planters enslaved free blacks,
polarized north and south further - Galvanized popular opinion against slavery
11Ostend Manifesto, 1854
American minister to England James Buchanan,
minister to Spain Pierre Soule, and John Y.
Mason, minister to France,
12Kansas Nebraska Act, 1854Bleeding Kansas
13Bleeding Kansas 1855-1856
Titus and pro-slavery forces on their way to
attack Lawrence
14Demise of the Whig PartyPolitical Realignment
15Know Nothings, 1854
- Political Realignment
- Know Nothings
- Mostly former Whigs
- Anti immigrant
- Extend naturalization from 1 to 21 years
- Anti- Catholic
- Legislation barring them from public office
- Nativist
- New Republican Party
- Anti-slavery conscious Whigs Democrats
- Most Important political force
- Democrats
- Pro-slavery, southern sectional party
16Dred Scott v. Sanford, 1857
- Chief Justice Taney
- black people, not citizens, could not sue
- framers of the constitution never intended
citizenship for slaves - slaves being of an inferior order they had not
rights which the white man was bound to respect
17- John L. Magee, Forcing Slavery Down the Throat of
a Freesoiler, 1856-1858.
18John Brown
- 1859 Raid against federal arsenal
- Harpers Ferry, Virginia.
- Trained his rebels took the arsenal
- Hoped to spark a slave revolt
- Captures and Hung for treason
19John Brown
- I believe that to have interfered as I have
donin behalf of despised poor is no wrong, but
right. Now if it is deemed necessary that I
should forfeit my life for the furtherance of the
ends of justice and mingle my blood further with
the blood of my children and with the blood of
millions in this slave country whose rights are
disregarded by wicked, cruel and unjust
enactments I say let it be done.
20Election of 1860
- Democratic Party Split
- Nominated Stephen Douglas
- Former Whigs Constitutional Union Party
- Nominated John Bell
- Republicans
- nominated Lincoln
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