Title: Essential Question for the Road to Civil War:
1Essential Question for the Road to Civil War
- Why did the Civil War happen?
2Northern industry/ mass production
- The north had more factories and were more
3Railroad network
- The North developed more railroads in the 1850s
1860s. The Midwest east were united
Helped the Southern economy, especially in the
deep south where it was the main crop.
5Impact of Cotton on slaves
As the demand for cotton increased, so did the
demand for slaves. Most worked as field hands
6Impact of Cotton on slaves
As the demand for cotton increased, so did the
demand for slaves. Most worked as field hands
7Life of a slave
Spirituals were religious folk songs that often
combined Christian faith and earthly suffering
8Slave codes
- It prohibited slaves from being in large groups,
leaving the plantation without a pass, teaching
slaves to read or write, and having a gun
9Nat Turner
Led a slave revolt in 1831
10Underground Railroad
Harriet Tubman
- A network of safe houses that assisted runaway
slaves in gaining freedom
- Differences between the North, South West
developed led to exaggerated loyalty to their
12Missouri Compromise
- Missouri came into the Union as a slave state
Maine came as a free state. It preserved the
balance in the Senate
13Compromise of 1850
- The land from the Mexican Cession is open to
slavery by popular sovereignty
14Fugitive Slave Act
- This angered Northerners because anyone who did
not help in catching runaway slaves could be
fined up to 1,000 or be imprisoned
15Uncle Toms Cabin- Harriet Beecher Stowe
" So youre the little lady that caused such a
great war"- Abraham Lincoln
Harriet Beecher Stowe
- The book made slavery look cruel and convinced
many northerners that slavery was bad
16Popular sovereignty
- Allowing people to decide
17Kansas-Nebraska Act
- Allowed settlers to decide if slavery would be
allowed in their state.
18Border ruffians
- Armed proslavery supporters from Missouri
- who crossed into Kansas to vote for slavery
19Bleeding Kansas/ Civil War
- Rival proslavery antislavery governments
existed both sides were fighting each other in
a Civil War
20Republican Party
- Antislavery Whigs, Democrats, Free-Soilers
created this party to ban slavery from new
21Dread Scott case
Supreme Court decision that allowed slavery in
all of the territories angered many northerners
22Lincoln-Douglas Debate
A House divided against itself can not stand
- Abraham Lincoln Stephen Douglas ran for
congress in 1858 and debated about slavery.
Douglas won the election, but Lincoln became
23John Brown/ Raid on Harpers ferry
- He tried to start a slave revolt. His death
made him a hero for abolitionists in the North
24Election of 1860
- Lincoln, Breckinridge, Douglas, Bell ran for
president. Results were based on sectionalism
25Abraham Lincoln
- Lincoln won the election of 1860 even though he
wasnt on the ballot in most southern states
- South Carolina left the union because Lincoln
won the election of 1860 other southern states
27Confederate States of America Jefferson Davis
Gray Confederate States of AmericaBlue, Pink,
Red Union States or United States of America
- The southern states who seceded joined together
chose Jefferson Davis as president
28States Rights
Southern states believed states had more power
than the federal government had a right to
29Fort Sumter
- Confederates attacked the fort starting the war
30(No Transcript)