Title: Chap. 15 : Darwin
1Chap. 15 Darwins Theory of Evolution
- Fossils
- - traces of dead organisms, collect in
sediments (dust, mud, etc) to form sedimentary
2A. Types
- 1. Mold imprint (living parts maybe left
behind) common in limestone rock. - 2. Cast when molds fill in with minerals
- 3. Amber fossilized sap or petrified rocks
- B. Law of Superposition states that layers of
succession (called strata) build on top of each
youngest -
oldest - all fossils found in same area are
from the same time period. - relative age comparison between
fossils. - absolute age - determined by
radioisotopes. - (carbon dating)
4C. Succession layers shows periods of boom of
certain organisms then periods of mass
extinctions. Caused by environmental changes.
- D. Biogeography the study of distribution of
living (or once living) organisms. - II. Evolution Theories
- A. Lamarck 1st to suggest that similar
species arose from common ancestors.
5- Suggested the term acquired trait ( not passed by
genes but changed by habitat or behavior and then
passed to offspring). Ex. webbed feet resulted
from repeated stretching. - B. Darwin Origin of Species book about the
idea of natural selection (nature selects for the
most fit organisms to survive) - - fitness how well an organism is adapted
to its environment
6III. Evidence of Evolution
- A. Homologous/Analogous Structures
- - Homologous Structures features that
originated from a shared ancestor. Ex. Different
beaks, forelimbs of penguins, alligators, bats,
and humans. - indicates that different species
shared a common ancestor - - Analogous Structures features that
look somewhat alike and serve similar functions
but do not share the same embryo development. Ex.
Birds and moths wings.
7B. Vestigial Structures structures that
presently serve no function.
- Ex. Appendix and tail bone in humans, 4-chambered
stomach in whales, legs in boas and pythons. - --- organisms with similar vestigial structures
shared an ancestor - C. Similar Embryo Development
- - in the early stages of development all
vertebrates are the same. Ex. Fish,rabbits,birds,
and humans
8D. Similar Macromolecules homologous structures
have similar amino acid sequences.The of
differences are related to how recent their
ancestor was.
- IV. Patterns of Evolution
- 1. Coevolution change of 2 or more species
in close association with each other. Ex.
Predator/prey , plants/animal pollinators - -- bats and flowers bats long tongue and
slender nose, flower light in color and smells
92. Convergent evolution environment selects
similar phenotypes even though the ancestors were
quite different. Ex. Sharks and porpoises
- 3. Divergent Evolution 2 or more related
populations become more and more dissimilar.
Caused by a change of habitat. - --- usually results in new species
- a. Adaptive Radiation related species
evolve from single ancestor. Ex. Darwin finches. - b. Artificial selection speeding up of
divergence by artificial means. Ex. Domestic
dogs, horses - -- doesnt result in new species but rather
varieties of species.
10V. Events that lead to new species
- Barrier separating like organisms forms (flood,
volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, forest fires,
etc.) - Time passes (thousands of yrs), environment
changes - Natural selection breeds changes
- Enough change occur overtime to change DNA
significantly so no longer recognized.
11VI. Primates and Human Evolution
Old World Monkeys (non- grasping tail, downward
New World Monkeys (tails that grasp, upward
Some evolved into apes and gorillas
Evolved into humans