Chapter 18 Section 4 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 18 Section 4


Chapter 18 Section 4 Two Nations Live on the Edge Sputnik Launches the Space Race Americans felt vulnerable to nuclear attack US seemed to be falling behind in ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Chapter 18 Section 4

Chapter 18 Section 4
  • Two Nations Live on the Edge

Race for the H-Bomb
  • Atomic Bomb Splits Atoms
  • Scientists suspected that it would be possible to
    build a bomb which fuses atoms-a hydrogen bomb
  • Estimated to be 67 times more powerful than the
    bomb dropped on Hiroshima

Race for the H-Bomb
  • Many questioned the morality of creating such a
  • Oppenheimer opposed this project
  • However, now that the Soviets had an atomic bomb,
    the US had no advantage

Race for the H-Bomb
  • Politicians and the military pressed for a more
    powerful weapon
  • According to them, we had to develop one before
    the Soviets did
  • Truman authorizes work on the H-Bomb

Race for the H-Bomb
  • 11/1/52- US explodes the 1st H-Bomb
  • 10 times more powerful than they thought it would
  • American advantage lasted less than a year
  • Soviets exploded their own in August 1953

  • Dwight Eisenhower now President
  • Secretary of state-John Foster Dulles-staunch
  • Not willing to make any compromises with communism

  • Dulles proposed a new policy the US would keep
    peace by promising to use all its force
    including nuclear weapons- against an aggressor
  • This policy was known as brinkmanship

  • This policy placed more importance on nuclear
    weapons and the planes that delivered them
  • So, US trimmed the army and navy, but beefed up
    the size of the air force
  • Produced massive numbers of nuclear weapons

  • Arms race begins
  • Soviets respond by building more of their own
    nuclear weapons
  • Americans convinced that Soviet bombs were
    pointed at American cities
  • Kids did air raid drills
  • Families built bomb shelters
  • Fear of nuclear war became a constant fear

Cold War Spreads Around the World
  • National defense now dependent on nuclear arms
  • Eisenhower relies more heavily on Central
    Intelligence Agency (CIA) for information

Cold War Spreads Around the World
  • CIA used spies to gather information
  • Carried out covert actions
  • Secret operations
  • In attempts to overthrow governmets unfriendly to
    the US

Covert Actions
  • Eisenhower equated Soviet leadership to
    totalitarian dictatorship of WWII
  • Soviet leadership was ordering secret operations
    against its enemies
  • Eisenhower felt the US was at a disadvantage
    should carry out covert actions

Covert Actions Middle East
  • 1951 Iran- Prime Minister placed oil industry
    under govmt control
  • To protest, western nations stopped buying
    Iranian Oil
  • As Iranian govmt struggled-US feared Iran would
    turn to Soviet Union

Covert Actions Middle East
  • 1953-CIA urged Shah(King) of Iran to replace
    Iranian PM with someone pro-western
  • Iranian people remained loyal to the Shah
  • PM fled

Covert Actions Guatemala
  • 1954- Eisenhower believed Guatemala had communist
  • Gave over 200,000 acres of American owned land to

Covert Actions Guatemala
  • In response CIA trained army
  • Invaded Guatemala
  • Captured nations leader (Guzman) and his forces
  • CIA trained armys leader became new dictator of
    the nation

A Summit in Geneva
  • US/Soviet relations seemed to improve after the
    death of Stalin in 1953
  • Soviets recognize West Germany
  • Conclude peace treaties with Austria and Japan

A Summit in Geneva
  • However
  • Soviets grew fearful when W. Germany re-armed and
    joined NATO
  • Formed its own military alliance-Warsaw Pact-w/
    Eastern European satellite nations

A Summit in Geneva
  • July 1955-Eisenhower traveled to Geneva,
  • To meet w/ Soviet leaders in the 1st East-West
    summit conference since WWII

A Summit in Geneva
  • Eisenhower proposed an open skies policy
  • US Soviet Union would allow flight over each
    others territory
  • To guard against a surprise nuclear attack
  • Rejected by Soviets-thought it was a trick to
    find Soviet nuclear weapons

A Summit in Geneva
  • Summit accomplished nothing specific
  • But it seemed to promise a movement toward peace

Crisis in the Middle East
  • Cold War affected the Middle east as well as
  • 1955 US Britain agree to finance a dam in Egypt
    at Aswan, along the Nile River

Crisis in the Middle East
  • Gamal Nasser, head of Egypt, began to strengthen
    his ties with communist nations
  • US Britain withdrew offer to build the dam
  • Angry Nasser seized the Suez Canal
  • Which was owned by Britain and France

Crisis in the Middle East
  • British French angry
  • Israel also angry at Egypt-which had been making
    terrorist raids into Israel
  • Britain, France Israel invade Egypt- October

Crisis in the Middle East
  • Soviets threaten to launch missiles against
    Britain and France
  • US warns-it would not tolerate such action
  • UN imposed a cease fire
  • Canal reopened in 1957-under Egyptian management

Soviet Aggression in Hungary
  • Nikita Khrushchev new leader of Soviet Union
  • Openly criticized Stalin in Feb of 1956
  • Said Stalin committed crimes against the Soviet

Soviet Aggression in Hungary
  • People wondered if Khrushchev was going to be
    less repressive
  • Eastern European nations began to dream of
    breaking free of Soviet control

Soviet Aggression in Hungary
  • Hungary was an example
  • Leaders were debating about how much freedom to
    grant Hungary
  • Hungary had attempted to either remove Soviets or
    to reform the government
  • Khrushchev allowed for a reform minded premier to
    take control of Hungary

Soviet Aggression in Hungary
  • Hungary wanted out of the Warsaw Pact
  • Soviets respond brutally
  • Soviet tanks roll in and kill 30,000 Hungarians
  • Thousands fled to the US

Soviet Aggression in Hungary
  • Eisenhower offered no military aid
  • Protested the invasion
  • Sent 20 million for food and medicine

Eisenhower Doctrine
  • Soviet prestige grew in middle east due to
    support of Egypt
  • Eisenhower had to provide a counterbalance
  • Issued Eisenhower Doctrine- US would defend
    middle east against any communist attack

Cold War Takes to the Skies
  • 1957-US thought they were ahead of the Soviets in
    military technology
  • US had warheads that could deliver warheads 1,500
    to 3,000 miles
  • But by August 1957-Soviets developed an
    Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM)

Sputnik Launches the Space Race
  • 10/4/57- Soviets use an ICMB to launch the 1st
    unmanned satellite out of Earths atmosphere
  • Sputnik traveled 18,000 miles/hr
  • Circled globe every 96.2 minutes
  • If the Soviets could do this they could hit the
    US w/ a missile

Sputnik Launches the Space Race
  • Americans felt vulnerable to nuclear attack
  • US seemed to be falling behind in science and
  • Schools attempted to improve math, science, and
    foreign language classes

Sputnik Launches the Space Race
  • American scientists frantically tried to catch up
  • January 31, 1958 US successfully launched its 1st
  • Race to built bigger satellites and better
    weapons systems was on

U2 is Shot Down
  • CIA was making high altitude flights over SU
  • Used U2 spy planes
  • Could fly higher than Soviet fighters
  • Beyond the reach of anti-aircraft fire
  • Was able to take detailed photos

U2 is Shot Down
  • Eisenhower wanted flights discontinued
  • Was afraid that if one was shot down if would
    hurt US/Soviet relations
  • Dulles persuaded him to authorize 1 more flight

U2 is Shot Down
  • May 1, 1960- US spy plane piloted by Francis Gary
    Powers shot down over Soviet territory
  • US said it disappeared while on a weather mission
  • Khrushchev announced what had happened

U2 is Shot Down
  • Shot down 1,300 miles deep in Soviet Territory
  • Powers was captured alive
  • Bad moment for the US
  • Eisenhower took responsibility for the flight

Khrushchev Denounces Eisenhower
  • Denounced Eisenhower at what was supposed to be a
    second peace summit at Geneva-then left
  • U2 incident ended Eisenhowers effectiveness as a
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