Section 1: The World of Islam - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Section 1: The World of Islam


Chapter 26 Section 1: The World of Islam – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Section 1: The World of Islam

Chapter 26
  • Section 1 The World of Islam

LEQ (s)
  • What are the basic teachings of Islam?
  • Why did Islam spread rapidly?
  • Why did Islam split into different branches?
  • What were some achievements of Islamic
  • Define hejira, hajj, and caliph.

Background History
  • Muhammad grew up in a time of violence and
  • Troubled by evil and corruption, he often
    withdrew to a cave to fast and pray
  • According to Muslim belief, one day, while
    praying, Muhammad heard a voice call out, telling
    him to Proclaim.
  • The voice was from the angel Gabriel sent by God.
  • Muhammad was to be a prophet of God

Background History cont.
  • Muhammad was encouraged by his wife Khadija, to
    tell people about the religion of Islam
  • The words Gabriel spoke to Muhammad over the next
    12 years become the Koran (also written Quran),
    the holy book of Islam.
  • In the 600s and 700s A.D., Islam spread across
    the Middle East and beyond, into Africa, Asia,
    and Europe

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The Rise of Islam
  • Islam emerged in the Arabian Peninsula, which is
    a crossroads for trade
  • The city of Mecca and Yathrib (later renamed
    Medina) were two important trade cities in the
  • Mecca was home to the Kaaba, a sacred shrine that
    housed many images of Arab gods
  • Many pilgrims came to the area to worship as well
  • The Kaaba housed a sacred Black stone, that Arabs
    believed was sent from heaven

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The prophet Muhammad
  • Muhammad was born in Mecca in 570 (A.D)
  • His parents died when he was a child and he was
    raised by an uncle
  • As a young man he worked for a wealthy widow
    named Khadija
  • He lead trade caravans across the desert to
    Palestine and Syria. At 25 he married Khadija.

The prophet Muhammad cont.
  • At age 40, Muhammad heard the voice of Gabriel
    and was told to proclaim
  • Khadija encouraged Muhammad to teach the word of
  • Muhammads message angered the towns merchants
    and innkeepers because they believed that giving
    up their traditional gods would end their pilgrim
  • The pagan shop keepers believed that this would
    eventually hurt their profits
  • 622 A.D. after Khadijas death, Muhammad and
    his followers were forced to leave Mecca
  • Muhammad was accepted in Yathrib, which was
    renamed Medina, or city of the prophet
  • The migration of Muhammad and his followers from
    Mecca to Medina is known as the hejira
  • the hejira represents the first year in the
    Muslim calendar
  • Muhammad and his followers returned to Medina in
    630 A.D.
  • His army recaptured the city and rededicated the
    black stone to God
  • By 632 A.D., Muhammad had carried Islam across
    the Arabian Peninsula

Teachings of Islam
  • Islam means submission, a Muslim is someone who
    submits to God
  • The Five Pillars of Islam are
  • 1. the belief in one God, and Muhammad is his
    prophet (Abraham, Moses, and Jesus are also
    important prophets in Islam)
  • 2. Prayer, five times a day facing Mecca
  • 3. Charity
  • 4. Fasting in the Holy month of Ramadan
  • 5. Hajj, pilgrimage to Mecca

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The Koran
  • The sacred book of Islam is the Koran (Quran)
  • For a period of time, the Koran was forbidden to
    be translated from Arabic
  • Arabic became a universal language, which united
    Muslims around the world
  • Muhammad met many Jews and Christians on his
    travels. All three religions are monotheistic.
  • Muhammad believes that Allah is the same God of
    the Jews and Christians
  • All three of the religions believe in a final day
    of judgment
  • Muhammad accepted the original teachings of the
    Jewish and Christian scriptures as Gods word.
    He called Jews and Christians people of the
    book and they had a special status as protected
    people. Muslims were required to treat them with
  • Like Judaism and Christianity, Islam has values
    such as honoring your parents, being honest and
    kind, protecting the weak and helpless, and that
    all people are equal

Expansion of Islam
  • In the next century after Muhammads death, the
    Muslim Arabs had conquered an empire that reached
    from the Indus River to the Atlantic Ocean (732
  • The Muslim armies were extremely successful due
    to their united beliefs
  • Islam taught that Muslim warriors who died in the
    service of Islam would win a place in paradise
  • The idea of Jihad also motivated many Muslim
  • The lure of riches to be won in the conquered
    lands was another powerful incentive

Other reasons of Success
  • In some places, the Arabs were welcomed
  • The Byzantine and Persian empires ruled diverse
    peoples who resented foreign control
  • The Arabs were sometimes looked upon as
  • The Islamic belief of equality was appealing to
    people as well
  • The Muslims were tolerant conquerors and they did
    not force people of the book to convert to
  • However, they had to pay a special nonbeliever

Divisions with Islam
  • 30 years after Muhammads death, a serious
    dispute permanently split Islam into two separate
    branches the Sunni and Shiite
  • The dispute concerned who would become caliph or
    successor to the prophet
  • The fourth caliph after Muhammad was named Ali
    (Muhammads cousin and son-in-law)
  • In 661, Ali was murdered and a rival leader
    established the Umayyad dynasty
  • Alis son challenged the Umayyad and he too was
  • These murders caused the followers of Ali, the
    Shiites, to break away
  • The Shiites claimed that only descendants of Ali
    could become caliphs
  • The majority of Muslims are Sunni and they
    believe that any devout Muslim could become a

The Arab Empire
  • Under the Umayyads and Abbasisds, the Arab Empire
    enjoyed periods of stable, orderly government
  • Umayyad dynasty (661-750), made Damascus, Syria
    the capital of their empire
  • Arabs held the highest government positions and
    Arabic was the official language of the empire
  • Non-Arab Muslims, such as the Persians resented
    the discrimination
  • Muslim Persians insisted that being a Muslim is
    more important that being Arab
  • 750 A.D., the Shiites and other groups overthrew
    the Umayyads and set up the Abbassid dynasty

Abbassid Dynasty (750 -1258)
  • The new capital was made at Baghdad (means
    God-given) on the banks of the Tigris rivers
  • Known for their public work projects such as
    mosques, irrigation systems, libraries,
    hospitals, public baths, and schools.
  • Abbassid dynasty lasted roughly 500 years despite
    some kingdoms that broke away
  • Despite political divisions, religion and culture
    united the peoples of the Muslim world

Golden Age of Muslim Civilization
  • Blended cultures of Greek, Persian, and Indian
  • They traded as far as Scandinavia, East Africa,
    and China
  • Muslims started business practices such as
    issuing letters of credit and receipts, which are
    later adopted by Europeans
  • 830 A.D., Muslim scholar Al-Mamun set up a
    library of ancient texts from around the known
  • Muslim scholars have preserved many subjects for
    European use such as medical information,
    astronomy, music, poetry, and philosophy.
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