Chapter%205%20The%20Legislative%20Branch - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 5 The Legislative Branch Section 1: The Senate and the House of Representatives Section 2: How Congress Is Organized Section 3: The Powers of Congress – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Chapter%205%20The%20Legislative%20Branch

Chapter 5The Legislative Branch
  • Section 1 The Senate and the House of
  • Section 2 How Congress Is Organized
  • Section 3 The Powers of Congress
  • Section 4 How a Bill Becomes a Law

Section 1 The Senate and the House of
  • How many members are in the House and Senate,
    respectively, and what is the term length for
    each position?
  • What are the qualifications and salaries for
    members of the House and the Senate?
  • How does Congress deal with misconduct by its

Members and terms lengths in the House and the
Section 1 The Senate and the House of
  • The House of Representatives has 435 members, who
    serve two-year terms.
  • The Senate has 100 members, two for each state,
    who serve six-year terms.

Qualifications and salaries in the House and
Section 1 The Senate and the House of
  • Representatives must be at least 25 years old, a
    U.S. citizen for at least seven years, and a
    legal resident of the state they represent
  • Senators must be at least 30 years old, a U.S.
    citizen for at least nine years, and a legal
    resident of the state they represent
  • The yearly salary is 145,100.

Misconduct by members of Congress
Section 1 The Senate and the House of
  • May lead to expulsion with a vote of two thirds
    of other members
  • May lead to censure

Section 2 How Congress Is Organized
  • When does a session of Congress begin, and how
    long does the session last?
  • Who leads the houses of Congress, and how are
    these leaders chosen?
  • What is the purpose of congressional committees,
    and how are committee assignments made?

Congressional Sessions
Section 2 How Congress Is Organized
  • Two sessions per term
  • Sessions begin in January each year, and a date
    to adjourn is agreed upon.
  • Sessions usually adjourn in August or September.
  • The president may call a special session when

Congressional Leaders
Section 2 How Congress Is Organized
  • Speaker of the Houseelected from the majority
  • Floor leaders elected in party caucuses to guide
    proposed laws through Congress
  • Party whipspersuade members to vote for
  • Vice president according to the Constitution
    presides over the Senate but only votes to break
    a tie
  • President pro temporefills in for the vice
    president when necessary

Congressional Committees
Section 2 How Congress Is Organized
  • Study all bills before they are presented to
  • Members are nominated to committee assignments.
  • Senators serve on at least two standing
  • Representatives serve on only two standing
  • Standing committee membership is proportionate to
    party majority in each house.
  • Heads of Committee are now chosen by secret vote.

Section 3 The Powers of Congress
  • What are the five major areas in which Congress
    has the power to make laws?
  • What is the significance of the elastic clause?
  • What are the special powers of Congress, and how
    are congressional powers limited?

Five major areas in which Congress makes laws
Section 3 The Powers of Congress
  • Financing government
  • Regulating and encouraging American trade and
  • Defending the country
  • Enforcing laws
  • Providing for growth

The Elastic Clause
Section 3 The Powers of Congress
  • to make all laws which shall be necessary and
    proper for carrying into execution the foregoing
  • allows Congress to stretch its delegated powers
    to manage new situations

The special powers of Congress
Section 3 The Powers of Congress
  • Housebegins impeachment proceedings, initiates
    bills to raise money, and selects president when
    no candidate receives sufficient electoral votes
  • Senateholds impeachment trials, selects vice
    president when no candidate has sufficient
    electoral votes, approves treaties, approves high

Congress is forbidden to
Section 3 The Powers of Congress
  • Pass ex post facto laws, pass bills of attainder,
    suspend writ of habeas corpus, tax exports, pass
    laws violating the Bill of Rights, favor trade of
    any state, grant titles of nobility, or withdraw
    money without a law

Section 4 How a Bill Becomes a Law
  • Where do ideas for bills originate?
  • What happens to a bill once it is introduced in
    each house of Congress?
  • Once a bill is passed by both houses, what
    actions can the president take regarding the bill?

Ideas for bills originate from
Section 4 How a Bill Becomes a Law
  • U.S. citizensconstituents making requests of
    their congressmembers
  • Organized groupsbusinesspeople and labor groups
    seeking to protect their interests
  • Committees of Congressinvestigating committees
    determine needs for new laws
  • Members of Congressexperts in certain fields
    propose new laws
  • The presidentoften introduces ideas for laws in
    the State of the Union Address

Bills introduced in either house of Congress
Section 4 How a Bill Becomes a Law
  • are read and placed in the Congressional Record.
  • are sent to a standing committee to be studied.
  • receive hearings by the committees and are
  • The committee majority can recommend that a bill
    be passed.
  • Bills reported out of committee are placed on the
    calendar for debate.
  • The bill is voted on and sent to the other house
    of Congress for consideration.
  • Approved bills are sent to the president.

Actions of the president regarding a bill
Section 4 How a Bill Becomes a Law
  • sign the bill and declare it a law
  • veto the bill and send it back to Congress
  • hold the bill for 10 days, when it becomes a law
    or is killed by pocket veto
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