Neonatal sepsis - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Neonatal sepsis


Neonatal sepsis early vs. late maternal vs. nosocomial vs. community acquired modes of vertical trasmission Overview of neonatal immune system Manifestations of ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Neonatal sepsis

  • Neonatal sepsis
  • early vs. late
  • maternal vs. nosocomial vs. community acquired
  • modes of vertical trasmission
  • Overview of neonatal immune system
  • Manifestations of neonatal sepsis
  • Differential diagnosis
  • Maternal screening for STD
  • Diagnostic work up for neonatal sepsis
  • Treatment duration
  • Antibiotics (dose interval)

  • Modes of transmission
  • 1- transplacental
  • 2- transvaginal
  • 3- ascending
  • 4- breast milk
  • Chronology
  • Early onset lt7days?(sepsis- pneumonia)
  • Late onsetgt7days?(meningitis- local infections )
  • Late late onsetgt1month
  • Source
  • Maternal (vertical)
  • Hospital (nosocomial)
  • Community

  • Early onset sepsis Presents during the first
    week, usually during the first 72h of life . The
    clinical presentation is respiratory distress and
    pneumonia. Three common pathogens are GBS E
    coli Listeria monocytogen. UTI is not common.
  • Late onset sepsis Presentation is after the first
    week. Pathogens are the same as early onset
    sepsis. Presentation with meningitis is more
    common than early onset sepsis.
  • Nosocomial infection The CDC-NNIS system defines
    a nosocomial infection as a localized or systemic
    condition (1) that results from an adverse
    reaction to the presence of an infectious agent
    or its toxin and (2) that was not present or
    incubating at the time of admission to the
    hospital. (a)
  • Pathogens are different from early and late onset
    sepsis and include klebsiella pseudomona
    enterobacter CONS staphylococcus aureus
    stenotrophomonas acintobacter candida


Characteristics of Neonatal Sepsis Characteristics of Neonatal Sepsis Characteristics of Neonatal Sepsis Characteristics of Neonatal Sepsis
Early Onset (lt7 Days) Late Onset 7 Days to 3Months Late, Late Onset (gt3 Months)
Intrapartum complications Often present Usually absent Varies
Transmission Vertical organism often acquired from mothers genital tract Vertical or through Postnatal environment Usually postnatal environment
Clinical manifestations Fulminant course multisystem involvement pneumonia common Insidious or acute, focal infection, meningitis common insidious
Case fatality rate 5-20 5 low
  • Overview of neonatal immune system
  • Immunoglobulin
  • In premature infants, cord IgG levels are
    directly proportional to gestational age. Studies
    of type-specific IgG antibodies to GBS have shown
    that the ratio of cord to maternal serum
    concentrations is 1.0, 0.5, and 0.3 at term, 32
    wk, and 28 wk of gestation, respectively.
  • Complement
  • Full-term newborn infants have slightly
    diminished classical pathway complement activity
    and moderately diminished alternative pathway
    activity. Premature
  • infants have lower levels of complement
    components and less complement activity than
    full-term newborns do.
  • Monocyte macrophage system
  • The number of circulating monocytes in neonatal
    blood is normal, but the mass or function of
    macrophages in the reticuloendothelial system is
    diminished, particularly in preterm infants. In
    both term and preterm infants, chemotaxis of
    monocytes is impaired.
  • Natural killer cells
  • neonatal NK cells have decreased cytotoxic
    activity and ADCC in comparison to adult cells.
    The diminished cytotoxicity against herpes
    simplex virus (HSV)-infected cells may predispose
    to disseminated HSV infection in newborn.

  • Neutrophils
  • Quantitative and qualitative deficiencies of the
    phagocyte system contribute to the newborns'
    susceptibility to infection. Neutrophil migration
    (chemotaxis) is abnormal at birth in both term
    and preterm infants. Neonatal neutrophils have
    decreased adhesion, aggregation, and
    deformability, all of which may delay the
    response to infection.
  • The number of circulating neutrophils is elevated
    after birth in both term and preterm infants,
    with a peak at 12 hr that returns to normal by 22
  • Band neutrophils constitute less than 15 in
    normal newborns and may increase in newborns with
    infection and other stress responses such as
  • Neutropenia is frequently observed in preterm
    infants and those with intrauterine growth
    restriction it increases the risk for sepsis.
  • The neutrophil storage pool in newborn infants
    is 20-30 of that in adults and is more likely to
    be depleted in the face of infection. Mortality
    is increased when sepsis is associated with
    severe sepsis-induced neutropenia and bone marrow
  • Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF)
    and granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating
    factor (GM-CSF) are cytokines that play important
    roles in the proliferation, differentiation,
    functional activation, and survival of

  • Placental transport of antibodies
  • The transport of IgG is an active placental
    process, and the neonates serum IgG concentration
    at birth is 5 to 10 higher than that of the
  • Elevated levels of IgM or IgA in cord blood
    usually indicate that the infant has been exposed
    to antigen in utero and has synthesized antibody
  • The concentration of IgG falls postnatally
    (because of the catabolism of maternal IgG) and
    reaches a nadir (physiologic hypogammaglobulinemia
    ) at approximately 3 to 4 months of age.

  • Neonates with bacterial sepsis may have either
    nonspecific signs and symptoms or focal signs of
    infection , including
  • temperature instability, hypotension,
  • poor perfusion with pallor and mottled skin,
  • metabolic acidosis, tachycardia or bradycardia,
    apnea, respiratory distress, grunting, cyanosis,
    irritability, lethargy, seizures, feeding
    intolerance, abdominal distention, jaundice,
    petechiae, purpura, and bleeding.

(No Transcript)
(No Transcript)
  • The initial manifestation may involve only
    limited symptomatology and only 1 system, such as
    apnea alone or tachypnea with retractions or
    tachycardia, or it may be an acute catastrophic
    manifestation with multiorgan dysfunction.
  • Infants should be reevaluated over time to
    determine whether the symptoms have progressed
    from mild to severe.
  • Later complications of sepsis include
  • respiratory failure, pulmonary hypertension,
    cardiac failure, shock, renal failure, liver
    dysfunction, cerebral edema or thrombosis,
    adrenal hemorrhage and/or insufficiency, bone
    marrow dysfunction (neutropenia, thrombocytopenia
    ,anemia), and disseminated intravascular
    coagulopathy (DIC).

  • A variety of noninfectious conditions can occur
    together with neonatal infection or can make the
    diagnosis of infection more difficult.
  • Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) secondary to
    surfactant deficiency can coexist with bacterial
  • Because bacterial sepsis can be rapidly
    progressive, the physician must be alert to the
    signs and symptoms of possible infection and
    initiate diagnostic evaluation and empirical
    therapy in a timely manner. The differential
    diagnosis of many of the signs and symptoms that
    suggest infection is extensive these
    noninfectious disorders must also be considered.

  • SIRS
  • The clinical manifestations of infection depend
    on the virulence of the infecting organism and
    the body's inflammatory response.
  • The term systemic inflammatory response syndrome
    (SIRS) is most frequently used to describe this
    unique process of infection and the subsequent
    systemic response.
  • In addition to infection, SIRS may result from
    trauma, hemorrhagic shock, other causes of
    ischemia, and pancreatitis.
  • Patients with SIRS have a spectrum of clinical
    symptoms that represent progressive stages of
    the pathologic process. In adults, SIRS is
    defined by the presence of 2 or more of the
  • (1) fever or hypothermia, (2) tachycardia, (3)
    tachypnea, and (4) abnormal WBC count or an
    increase in immature forms.

  • TNF? increased vascular permeability
  • TNF IL1? fever vasodilation
  • Arachidonic acid metabolites ?fever, tachypnea,
    V/Q abnormalities, lactic acidosis
  • Nitric oxide ?hypotention
  • Myocardial depressant factors? myocardial

  • SIRS
  • In neonates and pediatric patients, SIRS is
    manifested as
  • temperature instability,
  • respiratory dysfunction (altered gas exchange,
    hypoxemia, acute respiratory distress syndrome
  • cardiac dysfunction (tachycardia, delayed
    capillary refill, hypotension), and
  • perfusion abnormalities (oliguria, metabolic
  • Increased vascular permeability results in
    capillary leak into peripheral tissues and the
    lungs, with resultant pulmonary and peripheral
    edema. DIC results in the more severely affected
    cases. The cascade of escalating tissue injury
    may lead to multisystem organ failure and death.

Sepsis signs in body systems
  • Oliguria
  • Irregular respiration
  • High pitch cry
  • Full fontanel
  • Jaundice
  • Splenomegaly
  • Pallor
  • Petechia
  • Purpura
  • Bleeding

  • Only about 50 of infected newborn infants have a
    temperature higher than 37.8 (axillary).
  • Fever in newborn infants does not always signify
    infection it may be caused by increased ambient
    temperature, isolette or radiant warmer
    malfunction, dehydration, central nervous system
    (CNS) disorders, hyperthyroidism, familial
    dysautonomia, or ectodermal dysplasia.

  • RASH
  • Cutaneous manifestations of infection include
  • cellulitis, mastitis, omphalitis, and
    subcutaneous abscesses.
  • Ecthyma gangrenosum is indicative of infection
  • Pseudomonas species.
  • The presence of small salmon-pink papules
  • suggests L. monocytogenes infection.
  • A vesicular rash
  • is consistent with herpesvirus infection.

  • Ecthyma gangrenosum

  • Omphalitis is a neonatal infection resulting from
  • inadequate care of the umbilical cord, which
    continues to be a
  • problem, particularly in developing countries.
    The umbilical
  • stump is colonized by bacteria from the maternal
    genital tract
  • and the environment. The necrotic tissue of the
  • umbilical cord is an excellent medium for
    bacterial growth.
  • Omphalitis may remain a localized infection or
    may spread to
  • the abdominal wall, the peritoneum, the umbilical
    or portal
  • vessels, or the liver.
  • Abdominal wall cellulitis or necrotizing
  • with associated sepsis and a high mortality rate
    may develop in infants with omphalitis.
  • Prompt diagnosis and treatment is necessary to
    avoid serious complications.

  • Neonatal tetanus is a serious neonatal
  • infection in developing countries. It results
    from unclean delivery and unhygienic management
    of the umbilical cord in an infant born to a
    mother who has not been immunized against
  • The surveillance case definition of neonatal
    tetanus requires the
  • ability of a newborn to suck at birth and for the
    1st few days of
  • life, followed by an inability to suck starting
    between 3 and 10
  • days of age, difficulty swallowing, spasms,
    stiffness, seizures, and
  • death.
  • Bronchopneumonia, presumably resulting from
  • is a common complication and cause of death.
    Neonatal tetanus
  • is a preventable disease. It can be prevented by
  • mothers before or during pregnancy and by
    ensuring a clean
  • delivery, sterile cutting of the umbilical cord,
    and proper cord
  • care after birth.

  • Pneumonia
  • Signs of pneumonia on physical examination, such
    as dullness to percussion, change in breath
    sounds, and the presence of rales or rhonchi, are
    very difficult to appreciate in a neonate.
  • X-rays of the chest may reveal new infiltrates or
    an effusion, but if the neonate has underlying
    RDS or BPD, it is very difficult to determine
    whether the radiographic changes represent a new
    process or worsening of the underlying disease.

  • Afebrile pneumonia syndrome
  • Bacterial pneumonia
  • The progression of neonatal pneumonia can be
    variable. Fulminant infection is most commonly
    associated with pyogenic organisms such as GBS.
    Onset may be during the 1st hours or days of
    life, with the infant often manifesting rapidly
    progressive circulatory collapse and respiratory
    failure. With early-onset pneumonia, the clinical
    course and radiographs of the chest may be
    indistinguishable from severe RDS.
  • In contrast to the rapid progression of pneumonia
    when caused by pyogenic organisms, older infants
    with community-acquired infection often have an
    indolent course. The onset is usually preceded by
    upper respiratory tract symptoms or
    conjunctivitis. A nonproductive cough ensues, and
    the degree of respiratory compromise is variable.
    Fever is usually absent, and radiographic
    examination of the chest shows focal or diffuse
    interstitial pneumonitis. This infection has been
    called the "afebrile pneumonia syndrome" and is
    generally caused by C. trachomatis, CMV,
    Ureaplasma urealyticum, or one of the respiratory
    viruses. Although Pneumocystis carinii was
    implicated in the original description of this
    syndrome, its etiologic role is now in doubt,
    except in newborns infected with HIV.

  • Sexually transmitted infections (STls)
  • that infect a pregnant woman are of particular
    concern to the fetus and newborn because of the
    possibility for intrauterine or perinatal
  • All pregnant women and their partners should be
    queried about a history of STls. Women should
    also be counseled about the need for timely
    diagnosis and therapy for infections during

  • The CDC recommends the following screening tests
    and appropriate treatment of infected mothers
    (1) All pregnant women should be offered
    voluntary and confidential HIV testing at the 1st
    prenatal visit. For women at high risk of
    infection during pregnancy (multiple sexual
    partners or STls during pregnancy, intravenous
    drug use), repeat testing in the 3rd trimester is
    recommended. (2) A serologic test for syphilis
    should be performed on all pregnant women at the
    1st prenatal visit. Repeat screening early in the
    3rd trimester and again at delivery is
    recommended for women who had positive serology
    in the 1st trimester and for those at high risk
    for infection during pregnancy. (3) A serologic
    test for hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg)
    should be performed at the 1st prenatal visit and
    repeated late in pregnancy in those who are
    initially negative but at high risk for
    infection. (4) A maternal genital culture for C.
    trachomatis should be performed at the 1st
    prenatal visit. Young women (under 25 yr) and
    those at increased risk for infection (new or
    multiple partners during pregnancy) should be
    retested during the 3rd trimester. (5) A maternal
    genital culture for Neisseria gonorrhoeae should
    be performed at the 1st prenatal visit for women
    at risk and for those who live in areas with a
    high prevalence of gonorrhea. Repeat testing in
    the 3rd trimester is recommended for those at
    continued risk. (6) Evaluation for bacterial
    vaginosis should be considered at the 1st
    prenatal visit for asymptomatic women at high
    risk for preterm labor. (7) The CDC has
    recommended universal screening for rectovaginal
    GBS colonization of all pregnant women at 35-37
    wk gestation and a screening-based approach to
    selective intrapartum antibiotic prophylaxis
    against GBS.

  • 1-HIV
  • 2- Syphilis
  • 3- hepatitis B
  • 4- C. trachomatis
  • 5- Neisseria gonorrhoea
  • 6- Bacterial vaginosis
  • 7- GBS

  • Diagnostic workup
  • Bacterial infection is diagnosed by isolating the
    etiologic agent from a normally sterile body site
    (blood, CSF, urine, joint fluid).
  • Obtaining 2 blood culture specimens by
    venipuncture from different sites avoids
    confusion caused by skin contamination and
    increases the likelihood of bacterial detection.
    (size of sample0.5-1cc)
  • Samples should be obtained from an umbilical
    catheter only at the time of initial insertion.

  • Although the total WBC count and differential and
    the ratio of immature to total neutrophils have
    limitations in sensitivity and specificity,
  • an immature-to-total neutrophil ratio of gt0.2
  • bacterial infection.
  • Neutropenia is more common than neutrophilia
  • in severe neonatal sepsis, but neutropenia also
  • in association with maternal hypertension,
    preeclampsia, and intrauterine growth

  • Thrombocytopenia is a nonspecific indicator of
  • Tests to demonstrate an inflammatory
  • response include
  • C-reactive protein, procalcitonin, haptoglobin,
  • GCSF - fibrinogen,
  • inflammatory cytokines (including IL-6,
    IL-8,IL10 and TNF-a),
  • and cell surface markers like CD64.

  • When the clinical findings suggest an acute
    infection and the site of infection is unclear,
    additional studies should be performed, including
    blood cultures, lumbar puncture, urine
    examination, and a chest x-ray.
  • (Urine should be collected by catheterization or
    suprapubic aspiration)
  • urine culture for bacteria can be omitted in
    suspected early-onset infections because
    hematogenous spread to the urinary tract is rare
    at this point.

  • When the clinical findings suggest an acute
    infection, the
  • examination of the buffy coat with Gram or
    methylene blue stain may demonstrate
    intracellular pathogens.
  • Demonstration of bacteria and inflammatory cells
    in Gram-stained gastric aspirates on the 1st day
    of life may reflect maternal amnionitis, which is
    a risk factor for early-onset infection.
  • Stains of endotracheal secretions in infants with
    early-onset pneumonia may demonstrate
    intracellular bacteria, and cultures may reveal
    either pathogens or upper respiratory tract
  • Careful examination of the placenta
  • can be helpful in the diagnosis of both chronic
    and acute intrauterine Infections.

  • Diagnostic evaluation is indicated for
    asymptomatic infants born to mothers with
  • The probability of neonatal infection correlates
    with the degree of prematurity and bacterial
    contamination of the amniotic fluid.
  • In an asymptomatic term infant whose mother has
    chorioamnionitis, 2 blood cultures should be
    performed and presumptive treatment initiated.
  • Maternal chorioamnionitis
  • Fever leukocytosis uterine tenderness foul
    smelling amniotic fluid

  • There is controversy over
  • whether
  • a lumbar puncture is necessary for all term
    infants with suspected
  • early-onset sepsis.

  • LP indications
  • 1- positive blood culture
  • 2- seizure
  • 3- drowsiness/unconsciousness
  • 4- pneumonia
  • 5- apnea

  • CSF normal values
  • Normal, un infected infants from 0-4 wk of age
    may have
  • elevated CSF protein levels of 85 45 mg/ dL,
  • glucose of 45 10 mg/ dL,
  • and
  • elevated CSF leukocyte counts of 11 10 with the
    90th percentile being 22.
  • During the neonatal period presence of RBC in CSF
    (up to 800 in first day and 50 in the end of
    neonatal period ) can be considered a normal

  • Gram stain of CSF yields a positive result in
    most patients with
  • bacterial meningitis. The leukocyte count is
    usually elevated, with a predominance of
    neutrophils (gt70-90) the number is often gt1,000
    but may be lt100 in infants with neutropenia or
    early in the disease. Microorganisms are
    recovered from most patients who have not been
    pretreated with antibiotics. Bacteria have also
    been isolated from CSF that did not have an
    abnormal number of cells (lt25) or an abnormal
    protein level (lt200 mg/dL), thus underscoring the
    importance of performing a culture and Gram stain
    on all CSF specimens. Contamination of CSF by
    bacteremia after traumatic lumbar puncture may
    occur rarely.
  • Culture negative meningitis
  • may be seen with antibiotic pretreatment, brain
    abscess, or infection with Mycobacterium hominis,
    U. urealyticum, Bactericides fragilis,
    enterovirus, or HSV. Head ultrasonography or,
    more often, CT with contrast enhancementmay be
    helpful in diagnosing ventriculitis and brain

  • Head circumference chart is mandatory in neonatal
  • All the neonates should be reexamined for CSF
    (analysis and culture) 3-4 days after starting
    the treatment, to find out whether the antibiotic
    treatment has been effective or not in
    eradication of infection. The antibiotic regimen
    may be changed accordingly if necessary.
  • A final examination on CSF should be done as well
    near the end of therapy, before discontinuation
    of antibiotics.
  • Therapy for meningitis is continued for a minimum
    of 2 weeks after sterilization of CSF cultures.
    This equates to 14 days of therapy for meningitis
    caused by gram positive organisms and a minimum
    of 21 days of therapy for meningitis caused by
    gram negative pathogens. (a)
  • Treatment for candida meningitis is with
    amphotericin B and flucytosine for a period of 3
    to 6 weeks. (a)
  • Dexamethasone is not used in neonatal meningitis.
  • Complications of neonatal meningitis the acute
    complications include communicating and
    noncommunicating hydrocephalus, subdural
    effusion, ventriculitis, and blindness. (a)

  • Immature/total
  • The IT ratio has been investigated as an early
    predictor of sepsis. The maximal IT ratio in
    uninfected neonates is 0.16 in the first 24hrs,
    decreasing to 0.12 by 60 hrs. the upper limit of
    normal for neonates of 32 weeks gestation or less
    is slightly higher, at 0.2.
  • Prolonged induction with oxytocin
  • Stressful labor
  • Prolonged crying

  • IVIG
  • Meta-analysis of studies of IVIG for the
    treatment of neonates with sepsis has shown a
    significant decrease in the mortality rate
    compared with standard therapies.
  • Dose 200mg/kg/dose over 2hr
  • GCSF
  • 10 mcg/kg sc 1-3doses

  • 1- CBC diff ESR CRP BC PT ABG UA
    UC SC
  • CSF analysis culture ETT culture clot for
  • 2- CXR
  • 3- antibiotics
  • 4- IVIG if indicated
  • 5- G- CSF if indicated
  • 6- exchange transfusion if indicated
  • 7- acyclovir if indicated
  • 8- amphotericin B if indicated
  • 9- hyperglycemia management
  • 10- duration of antibiotic 10days if started for
    a positive BC or 7days after improvement if AB
    is started based on clinical indication.
  • 11- chart head circumference in meningitis to
    detect hydrocephalus.
  • 12- repeat LP after 3-4 days of AB treatment to
    decide whether the current antibiotics are
    appropriate or should be changed.
  • 13- always make sure of normal CSF profile before
    discontinuing the AB therapy ( repeat LP near the
    end of treatment period).

  • ESR
  • First 2 weeks of life
  • 3 age in days
  • Beyond 2 weeks of life
  • the maximum rate varies between 10 and 20 mm per

  • CRP
  • Normal concentrations in neonates are 1mg/dl or
  • An increasing CRP value is usually detectable
    within 6 18 hours,
  • and the peak CRP is seen at 8 60 hours after
    onset of the inflammatory process.

  • RSV Immunoglobulin
  • Palivizumab (IM)
  • Indications
  • Candidates for immunoprophylaxis include children
    with lung
  • disease or who were born very prematurely.
    Children lt2 yr of age
  • with chronic lung disease requiring supplemental
    oxygen or other
  • medical therapy currently or within the 6 mo
    before the RSV
  • season should receive prophylaxis for the 1st 2
    RSV seasons if
  • they have severe lung disease, and only for the
    1st RSV season
  • with less severe lung disease.
  • Children lt2 yr of age with hemodynamically
  • significant congenital heart disease (heart
  • cyanosis, pulmonary hypertension) are also
    candidates for this
  • therapy. Infants born at lt28 wk of gestation
    should receive seasonal
  • RSV prophylaxis up to 12 mo of age, and up to 6
    mo of
  • age if they were born at 29-32 wk of gestation.
    Infants born
  • between 32 and 35 wk of gestation should only
    receive prophylaxis

  • Is antibiotic therapy mandatory for all neonates
    who receive intravenous fluid?


Wgt2000 gt7days Wgt2000 0-7days W1200-2000 gt7days W1200-2000 0-7days Wlt1200 0-4w route AB
50q6h 25q6h 50q8h 25q8h 50q8h 25q8h 50q12h 25q12h 50 q12h 25q12h IM IV Ampicillin
10q8h 10q12h 7.5q8h 7.5q12h 7.5q12h IM IV Amikacin
50q8h 50q12h 50q8h 50q12h 50q12h IM IV Cefotaxime
50q8h 50q8h 50q8h 50q12h 50q12h IM IV Ceftazidime
10q8h 10q8h 10q12h 10q12h 15q24h IV Vancomycin
15q12h 7.5q12h 7.5q12h 7.5q24h 7.5q48h IV PO metronidazole
20q8h 20q12h 20q12h 20q12h - IM IV Imipenem
20-30q12h - 10-20q24h - - IV Ciprofloxacin
20q6h 20q8h 20q8h 20q12h 20q12h IV Cephalothin
75q24h 50q24h 50q24h 50q24h 50q24h IM IV Ceftriaxone
  • poor prognostic factors in GBS meningitis (f)
  • 1- comatose or semicomatose state
  • 2- poor perfusion
  • 3- total peripheral leukocyte count lt5000
  • 4- ANClt1000
  • 5- CSF proteingt300mg/dl
  • Seizure at presentation, the burden of bacteria
    observed on gram stain, and the severity of
    hypoglycorrhachia on the initial CSF sample were
    not predictive of outcome.

  • Poor outcome in gram negative meningitis
  • 1- CSF protein gt500mg/dl
  • 2- CSF leukocyte countgt10,000
  • 3- persistence of positive CSF cultures
  • 4- presence and persistence of ?IL-1a and TNF
  • poor outcome in E-coli meningitis
  • The presence and persistence of K1 capsular
    polysaccharide Ag and the concentration of
    endotoxin in the CSF
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