World War I - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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World War I


World War I 1914 to 1918 Russian ... Photos from the Trenches Gas Warfare The gases used during WW1 may ... Revolution in Russia *United States enters the war The ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: World War I

World War I
1914 to 1918
Russian Revolution
Setting the Stage
Sec. 1
  • Aggressive Nationalism
  • German, new industrial and military might
  • French, wants to be European leader again
  • Upset over lose in Franco-Prussian war
  • Russia, Pan-Slavism
  • Supports Serbia
  • Economic Rivalries
  • Britain threatened by Germanys industrial
  • Germany upset, feels that they get no respect

Setting the Stage
  • Imperialism
  • Germany and France fight over Morocco, almost
    went to war
  • Resulting in France drawing closer to Britain
  • Militarism the glorification of the military
  • Social Darwinism
  • Romantic

Arms RaceIn all areasEspecially fierce between
Germany and Britain (naval)
  • It was Admiral, the First Sea Lord, was
    the driving-force behind the development of the
    Dreadnought that was built at Portsmouth Dockyar
    between October 1905 and December 1906. The
    Dreadnought was the most heavily-armed ship in
    history. She had ten 12-inch guns (305 mm),
    whereas the previous record was four 12-inch
    guns. The gun turrets were situated higher than
    user and so facilitated more accurate
    long-distance fire. In addition to her 12-inch
    guns, the Dreadnought also had twenty-four 3-inch
    guns (76 mm) and five torpedo tubes below water.
    In the waterline section of her hull, the
    Dreadnought was armoured by plates 28 cm thick.
    The Dreadnought was the first major warship
    driven solely by steam turbines, making her
    faster than any other warship. A total of 526
    feet long (160.1 metres) the Dreadnought had a
    crew of over 800 men. By 1914 the British Navy
    had nineteen Dreadnoughts (thirteen under
    construction), compared with Germany's thirteen
    (seven under construction). Other fleets with
    Dreadnoughts at sea by 1914 were United States
    (8), France (8), Japan (4), Austria-Hungary (2)
    and Italy (1).

AlliancesFear and distrust of each other caused
countries form treaties for mutual protection.
  • Central Powers
  • 1881 Germany Austria/Hungry and Russia
  • 1 year later Italy joins
  • Kaiser William dropped Russia
  • Italy weak and later formed a secret bargain with
  • 1914 Ottoman Empire joined.
  • Allied Powers
  • 1894 France and Russia
  • 1904 entente cordiale between France and
  • 1907 Britain and Russia

Alliances made national leaders very nervous!!!
The Spark
Sec. 2
  • June 28th 1914 Austrian heir Francis Ferdinand
    went to Sarajevo
  • Princip and 6 others plan to kill him, members of
    Unity or Death know as Black Hand
  • Austria delivers and Ultimatum to Serbia
  • July 28th 1914 Austria declares war on Serbia.

The Fuse Is Lit
  • Germany backed Austria
  • Serbia is mostly Slavs
  • Asked Russia the champion of Slavic nations for
  • Nicholas II telegraphed Kaiser William II
  • Wanted Austria to soften its stand toward Serbia
  • William said NO!!!

Kaiser William II 1859-1941
Nicholas II (Nikolai Alaexandrovich) 1868-1918Em
peror of all Russia 1894-1917
The Boom
Help Us Win
  • Russia began to mobilize its armed forces
  • Germany responded by declaring war on Russia.
  • Russia asks for help from France.
  • Germany tells France to stay neutral.
  • France says NO!!!
  • Germany declares war on France.

Schlieffen Plan
Sec. 3
General Alfred Schlieffens plan to avoid a two
front war.
  • Russia slow to mobilize
  • Attack France through Belgium and get to Paris
    before the Russians could mobilize.
  • Britain and Belgium and Italy were neutral up to
    this point.

The Fizzle
  • Germany attacks France through Belgium.
  • Britain and Belgium have an alliance.
  • Britain enters the war
  • Russia mobilizes faster than Germany thought
  • Germany moves troops to Eastern front.
  • Weakens the Western front.
  • British troops shore up French lines.
  • The assault stalls and both sides dig in for the
  • Four years later they are still in the trenches.

Trenching machine
Trench Warfare
Map of the Trenches
Faront line trenches These were usually about
seven feet deep and about six feet wide. The
Allies were forced to dig their trenches in lower
ground so they were often waterlogged. They had a
zigzag pattern to prevent the enemy from shooting
straight down the line. Sandbags were put on both
sides of the top of the trench to absorb enemy
bullets. Lines of barbed wire protected the
frontline trench from any enemy attacks.
Photos from the Trenches
Gas Warfare
The gases used during WW1 may be classified
as 1. Lacrimators (eye irritants and "tear
gases") such as Benzylbromide. 2. Sternutators
(nasal irritants, "sneeze gases," "vomiting
gases ), such as Diphenylchlorarsine.
Sternutator gases were mixed with the other, more
lethal, gases in order to interfere with the men
wearing their protective gas masks.. 3. Lung
irritants (suffocants, respiratory irritants)
Chlorine, Phosgene, carbon oxychloride,
chlormethylchlorformate, bromacetone,
chloropicrin. 4. Vesicants (skin irritants,
escharotics) Dichlorethylsulphide, or Mustard
Gas, chlorarsines and bromoarsines.
New Weapons
Daily Rations
  • 20 oz. Fresh or frozen meat, or 16 oz. preserved
    or salt meat
  • 20 oz. bread, or 16 oz. biscuit or flour
  • 4 oz. Bacon, 3 oz. Cheese, 5/8 oz. Tea, 4 oz.
    Jam, 3oz. Sugar, 1/2 oz. Salt, 1/36 oz. Pepper,
    1/20 oz. mustard
  • 8 oz. fresh or 2 oz. dried vegetables, 1/10 gal.
    lime juice (for scurvy)
  • 1/2 gal rum (at discretion of commanding general)
  • 20 oz. tobacco per week
  • 26 1/2 oz. bread or 17 1/2 oz. field biscuit, or
    14 oz. egg biscuit
  • 13 oz. fresh or frozen meat, or 7 oz. preserved
  • 53 oz. potatoes, or 4 1/2 oz. Vegetables
  • 9/10 oz. coffee, or 1/10 oz. Tea
  • 7/10 oz. Sugar, 9/10 oz. salt
  • 2 cigars and 2 cigarettes, or 1 oz. pipe tobacco,
    or 9/10 oz. plug tobacco, or 1/5 oz. Snuff
  • .17 pint spirits or .44 pint wine or .88 pint

Stalemate Total War
  • Economic effects
  • Raised taxes, borrowed money, rationed food and
    other products, set prices and forbid strikes
  • Propaganda
  • Controlling public opinion
  • Women
  • Home Front took over the jobs vacated by the
    men on the front.

Propaganda Posters from the United States
After 3 years, Morale Begins Collapsing.Why?
Sect. 4
  • By 1917 troops are still in the same trenches
    as in 1914.
  • The warring nations are on the verge of
  • Troops mutinied
  • Food is scarce
  • The generals have failed to
  • achieve the promised victories.

Revolution in Russia
  • 1918 Russia signs the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
  • Germany could concentrate on the Western Front.
  • 1st revolution overthrew the Czar, on February
    23 to 27, 1917
  • 2nd revolution called the Bolshevik, or
    October, Revolution.

Vladimir IlyichLENIN
United States enters the war
  • Cultural ties
  • Unrestricted submarine attacks, costs US
  • Zimmerman note

On 7th May 1915 the Lusitania is hit by U-20 8
minutes later 1201 people sink with her
The Zimmerman Note
  • "On the first of February we intend to begin
    submarine warfare unrestricted. In spite of this,
    it is our intention to endeavor to keep neutral
    the United States of America.
  • If this attempt is not successful, we propose an
    alliance on the following basis with Mexico That
    we shall make war together and together make
    peace. We shall give general financial support,
    and it is understood that Mexico is to re-conquer
    the lost territory in New Mexico, Texas, and
    Arizona. The details are left to you for
  • You are instructed to inform the President of
    Mexico of the above in the greatest confidence as
    soon as it is certain that there will be an
    outbreak of war with the United States and
    suggest that the President of Mexico, on his own
    initiative, should communicate with Japan
    suggesting adherence at once to this plan at the
    same time, offer to mediate between Germany and
  • Please call to the attention of the President of
    Mexico that the employment of ruthless submarine
    warfare now promises to compel England to make
    peace in a few months.
  • Zimmerman" (Sent January 19, 1917)

April 1917 The United States Declares War
  • To make the world safe for democracy
  • The war to end all wars
  • Early in 1918
  • 2,000,000 US troops shore up British and French

In 1917 Wilson proclaimed American entrance into
World War I, a crusade to make the world safe
for democracy."
Woodrow Wilson
Over There
  • Over There, Over There
  • Send the word, Send the word, Over There
  • That the Yanks are coming
  • The Yanks are coming
  • The drums rum-tuming everywhere.
  • So prepare, Say a prayer
  • Send the word, Send the word, To beware.
  • We will be over
  • We're coming over
  • And we won't come back
  • Till it's over
  • Over There Repeat

Johnnie get your gun Get your gun, get your
gun Take it on the run On the run, On the
run Hear them calling you and me Every son of
liberty Hurry right away Don't delay go
today Make your daddy glad To have had such a
lad Tell your sweetheart not to pine To be proud
their boy's in line.
Johnnie, get your gun, Get your gun, get your
gun, Johnnie show the Hun Your a son of a
gun. Hoist the flag and let her fly, Yankee
Doodle do or die. Pack your little kit, Show your
grit, do your bit. Yankee to the ranks, From the
towns and the tanks. Make your mother proud
of you, And the old Red, White and Blue.
Over There, Over There Send the word, Send the
word, Over There That the Yanks are coming The
Yanks are coming The drums rum-tuming
everywhere. So prepare, Say a prayer Send the
word, Send the word, To beware. We will be
over We're coming over And we won't come
back Till it's over Over There Repeat
War Ends 1918
Sec. 5
  • March Germany attacks
  • July Allies counter attack driving Germans back
    across Belgium
  • September German generals tell the Kaiser that
    the war can not be won.
  • October German people revolt and form a new
  • October The people of Austria-Hungary revolt,
    collapsing the empire.
  • Armistice signed 11/11/18

Paris Peace Conference
  • U.S. Wanted self determination, League of
  • Britain, the people wanted harsh treatment for
  • French, wanted to weaken Germany so that it could
    not attack France again.
  • Italy upset

Lloyd George of Britain, Orlando of Italy,
Clemenceau of France, and Woodrow Wilson of the
The Treaty of Versailles June 1919
  • Reduce army to 100,000
  • Reduce navy to 6 warships and no subs.
  • Destroy all of its air force.
  • Give land to Belgium, France, Denmark and Poland
  • Hand over all its colonies.
  • Pay Reparations amounting to 6,600,000,000
  • Put no soldiers within 30 miles of the East bank
    of the Rhine River.
  • Accept all the blame for the war.

Other countries were formed
  • Serbia and Bosnia became Yugoslavia.
  • Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Finland
    were formed from land lost by Russia.
  • Czechoslovakia and Hungary were formed out of the
    Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Effects of WWI
  • Governmental Changes
  • Socialistic ideas spread
  • Revolution, was in the air
  • A harsh Peace
  • Humiliating treaty created feeling of revenge
  • Economic Change
  • Devastated Europe financially and physically
  • Inflation knew no bounds
  • Boosted U.S. (The Roaring 20s)
  • Psychologically
  • Distrust of political leaders
  • The war killed 10 to 13 million people, 1/3
  • Grim acceptance of reality replaced the
    optimistic dreams of the past

Two Revolutions in Russia
  • 1st revolution overthrew the Czar, on February 23
    to 27, 1917
  • Brought on by food shortages, battlefield losses
    and social problems
  • 2nd revolution called the Bolshevik, or
    October, Revolution.
  • Radical Socialist group headed by Lenin
  • True believer in Marx
  • Set up a dictatorship of the proletariat

After the Bolshevik Revolution
  • Civil war raged in Russia for three years
  • Between the Communist Red Army and the Whites,
    loyal to the czar
  • Communist unleashed a reign of terror
  • The Czar and family were shot
  • Secret police formed (Cheka)
  • War Communism took over everything
  • Red Army became an effective force

From Lenin to Stalin
  • Lenin used the army and secret police to
    enforce his will.
  • Lenins government mixed capitalist and
    socialist ideas.
  • Joseph Stalin set out to make the Soviet Union
    into a modern industrial state, bringing all
    economic and agricultural activity under
    government control.
  • In 1934 Stalin launched a reign of terror (Great
    Purge), at least 4 million people were purged and
    almost 800,000 were executed.

Life in a Totalitarian State
  • Stalin established a totalitarian state
  • Used secret police
  • Propaganda
  • Censorship
  • Terror
  • Powerful new elite
  • Communist party members
  • Industrial managers
  • Military leaders
  • Scientists
  • Some artists and writers.
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