More Medieval Europe - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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More Medieval Europe


More Medieval Europe – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: More Medieval Europe

More Medieval Europe
  • Settled by Celts, the Germanic Tribes Jutes,
    Angles, Saxons
  • 11th C. Invaded by the Normans led by William the
  • Normans were of Viking descent, Normandy France
  • Last successful invasion of England Battle of
    Hastings 1066
  • William ordered a census called the Domesday Book
    for taxing purposes

  • 1094-1291
  • Called by Pope Urban II to retake Holy Land
    (Jerusalem) from Muslims
  • Pope said
  • God Wills It!
  • Forgiveness of sins, Killing heathens OK
  • Appealed to
  • Nobles who wanted new land
  • Merchants wanted increased trade
  • Serfs who wanted freedom
  • Adventurers

More Crusades
  • First Crusade (1096)
  • Christians took Holy Land
  • 1187 Muslims retook city led by Saladin
  • Third Crusade (1189)
  • Led by Frederick Barbarossa of Germany, Philip
    Augustus of France, and Richard the Lion-Hearted
    of England
  • Did not recapture city, but Saladin allowed
    Christian Pilgrims passage to Jerusalem
  • Other Crusades
  • Womens Crusade, Childrens Crusade

Effects of Crusades
  • breakdown of feudalism
  • weakened serfdom
  • fled to cities, freedom in Crusades
  • Weakened nobility
  • Sold land to pay for Crusades
  • Killed in Crusades
  • Stimulated Trade
  • demand for luxury goods, like spices, citrus
    foods, coffee, and silks
  • Europeans learned to build better ships, make
    more accurate maps, use the magnetic
  • Encouraged learning
  • Muslims had preserved classical learning,
    universities, libraries

Magna Carta
  • 1215
  • King John of England demanded more taxes from
  • Forced by the nobles to sign Magna Carta (Great
  • 1st document to limit monarch
  • No imprisonment without Trial by Jury
  • Consulting with Lords before taxing (later
    becomes Parliament)
  • No interference with Church authority
  • Monarch must obey laws

Church Structure
  • Pope (Pontiff) head of the Christian Church
  • Cardinal 2nd highest elects pope
  • Bishop churchman over several churches in a
  • Priest churchman over a single church (parish)

Power of the Church
  • religious duties of clergy (priests)
  • gave the sacraments, or church rituals, to
    parishioners, like baptism, confirmation,
  • conducted mass (formal church service) in Latin
    so that most people couldnt understand
  • couldnt marry
  • other religious personnel
  • monks (called brothers) were men who did
    religious work from a monastery took vows of
    chastity, obedience, poverty, sometimes silence
  • nuns (called sisters) were women who did
    religious work from a convent took the same
    vows as monks

Lay Investiture
  • Popes and Kings claimed right to appoint Church
  • Kings because gave the fief, they were vassal
  • Popes because of Religious authority
  • 1077 Pope Gregory VII ordered monarchs not to
    appoint church officials
  • Henry IV King of Germany and HRE defied him
  • Greg excommunicated deposed Henry
  • Henry went to Canossa (Popes retreat) and begged
    in the snow barefoot for three days
  • Pope forgave him
  • Concordant of Worms 1122
  • Only Church could appoint officials
  • Rulers could give them fiefs

Great Schism
  • French archbishop Clement V elected Pope in 1305
  • Moved court from Rome to Avignon in France
  • known as the Babylonian Captivity because head
    of church has always been in Rome.
  • After a series of French popes, Gregory XI moved
    back to Rome in 1377. At his death, mobs in Rome
    forced the College of Cardinals to elect a
    Italian Pope
  • Cardinals decided that he wasnt the true pope
    and elected another one who went to Avignon
  • Finally settled with a Church council in 1417 but
    seriously weakened the Church

Middle Middle Dailies
  • What did Pope Urban tell people to get them to go
    on the Crusade?
  • Give three way in which the Magna Carta limited
    the king.
  • How did the Crusades lead to the end of
  • Describe the agreement reached about the Lay
    Investiture Controversy at the Concordant at
  • Why was the Great Schism also known as the
    Babylonian Captivity?

Pope Urban IIs speech at the Council of Clermont
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