Napoleon Bonaparte - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Napoleon Bonaparte


Napoleon Bonaparte Hero or Tyrant? – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Napoleon Bonaparte

Napoleon Bonaparte Hero or Tyrant?
How did Napoleon take power?
  • Gained military experience and proved to be a
  • As a young boy, he was sent to military school
  • When the Revolution broke out, he joined the army
    of the new government
  • In October 1795, Napoleon defended the delegates
    at the National Convention
  • 1796, appointed to lead a French army against the
    forces of Austria
  • His Coup dEtat (what does this word mean??)
  • By 1799, the Directory lost control
  • Napoleons friends urged him to seize political
    power, so he did

Napoleons Government
  • Established a group of three consuls, one of whom
    was Napoleon.
  • Took the title of the first consul, and assumed
    the powers of a dictator.
  • People accepted his power because he finally
    brought peace to France
  • In 1802, Britain, Austria, and Russia signed
    peace agreements with France

Napoleon Rules France
  • Restoring Order at Home
  • He kept many of the changes of the Revolution and
    supported laws that would strengthen the central
  • First task improve the economy
  • Set up an efficient method of tax collection
  • Established a national banking system
  • Then, he took steps to end the corruption and
    inefficiency of the government
  • Dismissed corrupt officials
  • Set up lycees, or government-run public schools,
    to provide the government with trained officials.

Napoleon Rules France
  • Restoring Order at Home
  • He disregarded the changes the Republic made
    towards religion
  • Signed the concordant with Pope Pius VII which
    recognized the influence of the Church, but
    rejected Church control in national affairs
  • Napoleonic Codes
  • Comprehensive system of laws
  • Gave the country a uniform set of laws and
    eliminated many injustices
  • It limited liberty and promoted order and
    authority over individual rights.
  • For example, freedom of speech, which was
    established during the Revolution, was restricted
    under the code
  • Restored slavery in the French colonies of the

Napoleon Creates an Empire
  • 1804, Napoleon decided to make himself emperor,
    and the French voters supported him
  • He crowns himself, indicating he was more
    powerful than the Church
  • He wanted to be more than just the emperor of
  • Envisioned an empire including, Louisiana,
    Florida, French Guiana, and the French West
    Indies but there is a minor set back
  • Napoleon decided he wanted to take back the
    colony of Saint Domingue (Haiti)
  • The people of Haiti under the leadership of
    Toussaint LOverture demanded their freedom and a
    civil war erupted
  • French forces were devastated by disease and the
    Rebels were fierce fighters
  • Expedition was a failure and Napoleon decided to
    cut his losses in America
  • He sells the Louisiana Territory to the United
    States for 15 million in 1803.
  • This will actually benefit Napoleon because
  • (1) he would gain money to finance operations in
  • (2) punish the British because it would assure
    the power of the United States.

Napoleon Creates an Empire
  • Conquering Europe
  • He already annexed the Austrian Netherlands and
    parts of Italy and set up a puppet government in
  • Continued to conquer his enemies
  • His battlefield successes forced the rulers of
    Austria, Prussia, and Russia to sign peace
  • Able to build the largest European empire since
    the Romans (MAP)

Battle of Trafalgar
  • Only major enemy left undefeated with the great
    naval power of Britain
  • Battle of Trafalgar
  • Only major battle Napoleon lost
  • Battle took place off the southwest coast of
  • British commander, Horatio Nelson, split the
    larger French fleet, capturing many ships
  • The destruction of the French fleet had two major
  • Ensured the supremacy of the British navy for the
    next 100 years.
  • Forced Napoleon to give up his plan of invading

The French Empire
  • By 1812, the only areas of Europe free from
    Napoleons control were Britain, Portugal,
    Sweden, and the Ottoman Empire
  • He also controlled numerous independent countries
  • Spain, the Grand Duchy of Warsaw, and a number of
    German kingdoms in Central Europe
  • The rulers in these countries were his puppets
  • At this point the French Empire is HUGE but it is
    very unstable
  • After 1812, it will quickly fall to pieces

Napoleons Empire Collapses
  • Napoleons Costly Mistakes
  • The Continental System
  • Napoleon set up a blockade to prevent trade and
    communication between Great Britain and other
    European nations
  • Supposed to make continental Europe more
    self-sufficient and to destroy Great Britains
    commercial and industrial economy
  • Failed
  • Smugglers were able to bring cargo from Britain
    into Europe
  • It weakened British trade, it did not destroy it

Napoleons Empire Collapses
  • The Peninsular War
  • Napoleon invaded Portugal to force acceptance of
    the Continental System
  • The Spanish people protested and in response,
    Napoleon removed the Spanish king and put his own
    brother on the throne
  • This angered the Spanish people and inflamed
    nationalistic feelings
  • Bands of peasant fighters, guerrillas, along with
    British troops struck at French armies in Spain
  • Napoleon lost about 300,000 men
  • Weakened the Empire.
  • In Spain and elsewhere, loyalty to ones own
    country started to become a powerful weapon
    against Napoleon

Napoleons Empire Collapses
  • The Invasion of Russia
  • In 1812, alliance between Russia and France broke
  • June 1812, Napoleon and his Grand Army (420,000
    men) marched into Russia
  • As Napoleon advanced, Alexander pulled back his
  • During their retreat, they practiced a
    scorched-earth policy
  • Napoleon arrives in Moscow and the city was in
  • They stay in city until the middle of October
    when he decided to return to France
  • During retreat soldiers suffered from the snow
    and temperature and Russian raiders attacked
    Napoleons ragged, retreating army
  • Many soldiers were killed or died from their
    wounds and even more died from exhaustion,
    hunger, and cold
  • Retreat from Moscow devastated the Grand Army to
    only 10,000 soldiers.

Napoleons Downfall
  • Because Napoleon was weak Austria, Britain,
    Russia, Prussia, and Sweden joined forces against
  • Napoleon managed to raise another army.
  • They were untrained and ill prepared for battle
  • Allied forces easily defeated his army.
  • April 1814, he accepted the terms of surrender
    and gave up his throne
  • He was given a small pension and exiled to Elba

The Hundred Days
  • Louis XVIII (Louis XVIs brother) assumed the
  • The new king quickly became unpopular among his
    subjects, especially peasants
  • Worried he would undo the Revolutions land
  • Napoleon escapes from Elba and landed in France
    in March 1815
  • Within days he was again the emperor of France.
  • European allies quickly responded.
  • British army prepared for battle near the village
    of Waterloo in Belgium.
  • June 18, 1815, Napoleon attacked but the British
    army defended its ground all day
  • The Prussian army arrives and together they
    attack the French
  • Two days later, Napoleons exhausted troops gave
    way and he is defeated

Napoleons Legacy
  • Napoleon was a military genius and a brilliant
  • However, all his victories and other achievements
    must be measured against the millions of lives
    that were lost in wars
  • Napoleons defeat opened the door for the freed
    European countries to establish new order
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