Napoleon Forges an Empire - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Napoleon Forges an Empire


Napoleon Forges an Empire 1799 - 1815 Learning Target Explain how Napoleon built and lost an empire. Napoleon: Why he is important! He was a short man only 5 3 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Napoleon Forges an Empire

Napoleon Forges an Empire
  • 1799 - 1815

Learning Target
  • Explain how Napoleon built and lost an empire.

Napoleon Why he is important!
  • He was a short man only 5 3 tall.
  • He was one of the worlds greatest military
  • In four years from 1795-1799, Napoleon rose from
    obscurity to become the master of France.

Napoleon Bonaparte Biography
  • Napoleon was born in 1769 on the Mediterranean
    Island of Corsica (Italian island annexed by
    France) .
  • In 1785, at the age of 16, he was made a
    lieutenant in the French army in charge of
  • In October of 1795, when royalists marched on the
    National Convention, Napoleon and his gunners
    greeted the thousands of royalists with a
  • The attackers fled in panic, and Napoleon became
    a hero.

Napoleon Bonaparte Biography
  • By the age of 25 Napoleon was made a brigadier
    general by the Committee of Public Safety.
  • He led armies against the Kingdom of Austria
    winning major victories using speed deception and
  • Expanded Frances Empire by thousands of miles
  • He returned to France in 1797 as even a bigger

Napoleon Failure in Egypt
  • Napoleon took over an army training to invade
  • Knowing that the French were not ready to take on
    England, Napoleon convinced the Directory to
    attack Egypt instead.
  • Napoleon failed to take Egypt in an attempt to
    prevent British trade with India.
  • Napoleon abandoned his army and returned home to

Napoleons Coup d État of the Directory
  • In 1799, the Directory had lost control of the
    political situation and the confidence of the
    French people.
  • Napoleon plotted with members of the Directory
    and the Council of 500 while his wife Josephine
    met with wealthy influential backers.
  • The Coup occurred on November 9, 1799 when
    Napoleon was put in charge of the military and
    ended the next day when he drove out members of
    the Council of Elders.
  • The legislature voted to end the Directory and
    placed in charge of France was a Consul of thee
    persons, one of which was Napoleon. Napoleon was
    only 30.

Napoleon as First Consul
  • The plebiscite (a vote by which the people of an
    entire country or district express an opinion for
    or against a proposal especially on a choice of
    government or ruler ) of 1800 gives Napoleon the
    mandate to play a role for which he is well
    suited both in character and in terms of his
    18th-century education - that of the enlightened
  • Napoleon as First Consul controlled the entire
  • He appointed members of the bureaucracy,
    controlled the army, conducted foreign affairs,
    and influenced the legislature.
  • France was still a Republic
  • 1802 Napoleon was made Consul for life!

Napoleon as Emperor
  • In 1804, Napoleon decided to make himself emperor
    and the French voters supported him.
  • On December 2, 1804 Napoleon was to be crowned in
    Notre Dame Cathedral by the Pope.
  • Napoleon, however took the crown from the Pope
    and placed it on his own head. Demonstrating that
    he was above the church in many ways.

Napoleons Domestic Policy
Napoleon Concordat with the Roman Catholic
  • Napoleon made peace with the Church to restore
    stability to France.
  • He himself was an Enlightenment believer in
    reason, and believed religion was a political
  • Bonaparte approved of religion in its role of
    preserving an orderly society.
  • In 1801 Napoleon made an agreement with the Pope
    that recognized Catholicism as the religion of
    most of France.
  • The pope gave up asking for the return of church

The Napoleonic Code, or Code Civil, entered into
force on March 21, 1804. Even though the
Napoleonic code was not the first legal code to
be established in a European country it is
considered the first successful codification and
strongly influenced the law of other
countries. The Napoleonic Code, formally said,
dealt only with civil law issues, such as
filiation and property It also did not deal with
how laws and regulations were to be passed
which is reserved for a constitution. The Code,
with its stress on clearly written and accessible
law, was a major step in establishing the rule of
Napoleons Civil CodeNapoleonic Code
  • The Napoleonic Code recognized
  • Equality before the law
  • The right to choose a profession
  • Religious toleration
  • The end of serfdom and feudalism
  • Outlawed unions and strikes
  • Safeguarded all property rights.
  • Government employment based upon ability.

Napoleonic Code
  • The Code had several key concepts at its core
  • Equality of all in the eyes of the law
  • No recognition of privileges of birth (i.e. noble
    rights inherited from ancestors.)
  • Freedom of religion
  • Separation of the church and the state
  • Freedom to work in an occupation of one's choice

Napoleonic Code
  • 6. Strengthening the family by
  • Placing emphasis on the husband and father as the
    head of the family
  • Restricting grounds for divorce to three reasons
    adultery, conviction of a serious crime, and
    grave insults, excesses or cruelty however
    divorce could be granted by mutual agreement, as
    long as the grounds were kept private.
  • Defining who could inherit the family property

Napoleonic Codes Accomplishments
  • The Code in effect did several things
  • It preserved the social aims of the Revolution.
  • It protected the interests of the rising middle
  • It guaranteed civil liberties.

Napoleonic Code Weaknesses
  1. A woman could not vote.
  2. A wife owed obedience to her husband, who had
    total control over their property.
  3. A unmarried woman had few rights and could not be
    a legal guardian or witness wills.
  4. It was easier for a man to sue for divorce on
    grounds of adultery, while a man had to cohabit
    with his mistress for two years for his wife to
    justify a divorce.

Napoleonic Code Weaknesses
  1. If a man surprised his wife in bed with another
    man, he could kill her legally. If a woman did
    so, she could be tried for murder.
  2. Minors had few rights. (A father even could place
    his child in jail for up to six months.)
  3. Illegitimate children had no rights of

Napoleon Brings Order After the RevolutionThe
Goals of the Revolution Equal taxation Lower inflation
Napoleons Actions Set up fairer tax code Set up national bank Stabilized currency Gave state loans to businesses
Results Equal taxation Stable economy
Napoleon Brings Order After the
RevolutionGovernment Society
Goals of the Revolution Less Government Corruption Equal Opportunity in Government
Napoleons Actions Appointed officials by merit Fired corrupt officials Created lycées Government Run Public Schools Created Code of Law
Results Honest Competent Officials Equal opportunity in government Public education
Napoleon Brings Order After the Revolution
Goals of the Revolution Less powerful Catholic Church Religious tolerance
Napoleons Actions Recognized Catholicism as faith of Frenchmen Signed concordat with the Pope Retained seized church lands
Results Religious tolerance Government control of church lands Government recognition of church influence,
Conclusion Napoleons Domestic Policy
  • In his domestic policy Napoleon was the preserver
    of much of the revolutionary spirit of France.
  • On the other hand liberty was replaced by
  • Napoleon shut down 60 of Frances 73 newspapers.
  • Mail was opened by government police.
  • All manuscripts must be inspected before they are

Napoleons Empire
Building the Empire
  • When Napoleon was made first consul France was at
    war with Austria, Great Britain and Russia.
  • Napoleon needed peace to settle the present
    French government, and to save the world from
  • Napoleon achieved a peace treaty in 1802.

Napoleon hoped to expand his empire in Europe and
the New World. In 1803, Bonaparte faced a major
setback when an army he sent to re-conquer Haiti
and establish a base was destroyed by a
combination of yellow fever and fierce
resistance. Recognizing that the French
possessions on the mainland of North America
would now be indefensible, and facing imminent
war with Britain, he sold them to the United
States the Louisiana Purchasefor less than
three cents per acre. The dispute over Malta
provided the pretext for Britain to declare war
on France in 1803 to support French royalists.
Building an Empire War Against the Third
  • In 1803 war resumed with Great Britain who was
    later joined by Austria, Russia and Prussia.
  • Napoleons Grand Army defeated the Austrian,
    Russian, and Prussian armies in three successive
    battles Ulm, Austerlitz and Jena (1805-07)
  • He used these victories to create a new European

The New European Order
  • Napoleons Grand Empire was composed of three
  • Enlarged France reaching to the Rhine
  • Dependent States
  • Allied States

Napoleonic Empire
Spreading the Principles of the Revolution
  • Legal Equality
  • Religious toleration
  • Economic freedom
  • Quote on page 348
  • In the inner and dependent states Napoleon tried
    to destroy the old order.
  • The clergy and the nobility lost their
  • Equal opportunity for all

Two Major Reasons why Napoleons Empire Collapsed.
  • Survival of Great Britain
  • Sea power as long as they controlled the waves
    they were invulnerable to attacks
  • At the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805, British
    defeat of the French-Spanish fleet, destroyed any
    attempt to invade Britain.
  • Force of nationalism
  • A unique cultural identity of a people based on
    common language, religion, and national symbols.
  • The Spirit of Nationalism in France was great for
    Napoleons empire, but he did not realize the
    spread of liberalism beyond France indirectly
    spread nationalism as well.

The Battle of Trafalgar in 1804 was a humiliating
defeat for France
The defeat prevented any possibility of an
invasion of England for Napoleon.
Force of Nationalism
  • The French aroused nationalism in two ways.
  • First, they were hated as oppressors. This hatred
    stirred the patriotism in other countries.
  • Second, France demonstrated to the people of
    Europe what a nation in arms could accomplish.

The End of Napoleon
  • Russian Winters and Waterloo

The Continental System
  • Since Napoleon could not defeat the British navy
    he turned towards economic warfare.
  • He planned to cut off all British trade with the
    European continent.
  • Despite initial drops in exports and domestic
    unrest the British economy survives.
  • Continental System hurts European nations
  • Napoleon ignores the advice to turn Europe into a
    free trade zone, and French tariffs make people

Why did Napoleon invade Russia in spite of the
risks of invading a large country?
  • In 1807 the Czar of Russia had agreed not to
    trade with Britain, but due to poor economic
    conditions he continued the trade in timber.
  • The Russians refused to remain in the Continental
    System leaving Napoleon with little choice but to
    invade Russia.

What did the Russians do that prevented Napoleon
from achieving a quick victory?
  • Napoleon desired to achieve a quick victory over
    the Russians in Lithuania.
  • He formed an army of 600,000 men to invade
    Russia. It was the largest army Europe had ever
    seen but within six months 9 out of 10 were dead.
  • The Russian army contained 200,000 men.

How did the Russian army deprive Napoleon of the
food supplies they needed?
  • The Russians refused to give battle and simply
  • As they retreated they burned their own villages
    and countryside to prevent Napoleons army from
    finding food.
  • This is called the scorched earth policy.

What did Napoleons army discover when they
entered Moscow?
  • Moscow was completely abandoned.
  • The day after Napoleon took Moscow it went up in
  • Napoleon waits 8 weeks for the Czar to surrender.
    He refuses.
  • He says, My campaign, led by General Winter is
    just beginning.

Napoleon in Moscow!
  • Napoleon was far from home with a badly damaged
  • Lacking adequate supplies as winter was quickly
    approaching in an unfriendly country.
  • By October, Napoleon was forced to retreat.

Napoleons Retreat
Conditions on the journey home.
  • During the march, men and horses both starved
    because there was no food and no time to gather
    any. Horses died in the thousands from overwork
    and starvation no time to graze. Men were seen
    quenching their thirst with horse urine, because
    water was unobtainable or polluted.

Conditions on the journey home.
  • Temperatures plummeted to 40 degrees below zero.
  • Napoleon lost 25,000 troops just crossing the
    Berezina river when the Russians burned the only
    two bridges to cross the river trapping thousands
    on the wrong side of the river to be captured by
    the Cossacks who drove them naked back into

How many soldiers made it back from Moscow to
Poland alive?
  • Less than 40,000 out of the 600,000 made it back
  • Napoleon himself abandoned his army and rode back
    to France to organize another army. Men were easy
    to get, but the horses lost in the battle would
    cost Napoleon a victory in the next battle.

The European Coalition
  • Napoleon returns to Paris and raises an army of
    350,000 men.
  • The nations of Europe (Grand Alliance Great
    Britain, Russia, Prussia, Austria and Sweden )
    are reluctant to go to war with Napoleon and try
    to negotiate a peace treaty that would have left
    Napoleon in power over a weakened France.
  • He refused saying, I am an upstart soldier. My
    dominion will not survive the day when I cease to
    be strong.

Napoleons Defeat
  • Napoleons Grand Army was defeated by the Grand
    Alliance (Britain, Russia, Prussia, Sweden and
    Austria) in the Battle of Nations or Leipzig.
  • Napoleon is exiled to the island of Elba off the
    coast of Italy to live out the rest of his days.

An alliance of Britain, Russia, Prussia, Sweden
and Austria attacked France and defeated
Napoleons Army in 1813 at Leipzig. The Battle of
Leipzig or the Battle of the Nations (16-19
October 1813) was the largest conflict in the
Napoleonic Wars and the most decisive defeat
suffered by Napoleon Bonaparte. Fought on German
soil, it also involved German troops on both
sides, as a large proportion of Napoleon 's
troops actually came from the German
Confederation of the Rhine.  
  • Mistake 1
  • In 1806 Napoleon attempted to blockade British
    ports to hurt their economy. This Continental
    System was to make the continent more self
    sufficient. The British Navy put their own
    blockade around Europe which weakened Europes

The Collapse of Napoleons Empire
Mistake 3 In 1812 Napoleon attempted to conquer
Russia.The Russians retreated and followed a
scorched-earth policy leaving no livestock or
grain for the French Army. The onset of Winter,
attacks and deserters left only 10,000 of the
original 400,000 troops.
  • Mistake 2 Napoleon made his brother King of
    Spain in 1808. The Spanish people were loyal to
    their own king. The peasant fighters called
    guerrillas fought against Napoleon in a war
    called The Peninsular War.

The Battle of WaterlooThe Final Defeat
Where was Napoleon exiled after his capture in
  • The island of Elba off the coast of Italy in the
    Mediterranean Sea.

Napoleon Escapes
  • During Napoleons stayed on Elba in 1814, he was
    not content. His thoughts kept wandering back to
    his ambitions of a grand empire.
  • After awhile, Napoleon couldnt stand it any
    longer. He planned an escape with some of his
    most trusted advisors.
  • In February 1815, Napoleon sailed from the island
    with 1,000 or so followers. He landed near Cannes
    on March 1 and marched toward Paris. Napoleon
    gathered supporters along the way.

Napoleon Escapes
  • Napoleon escaped from the island and returned to
  • When troops came to capture him he opened his
    coat and screamed,
  • Soldiers of the 5th regiment, I am your
    Emperorif there is a man among you who would
    kill his Emperor, here I am.
  • He then shouted, Vive lEmpereur. (long live
    the Emperor.).

Napoleon Escapes
  • Nineteen days later he was in Paris and resumed
    his title as Emperor.
  • He declared a new constitution that limited his
  • His return to power was known as The Hundred
  • Days
  • His army rallied to him. The soldiers who had
    been captured during the years of fighting had
    been released enabling Napoleon to reform his
    Grande Armée.

What happened to Louis XVIII?
  • After Napoleons defeat the Bourbon monarchy had
    been restored. Louis XVII had died in prison from
  • The newly enthroned monarch Louis XVIII fled to
    Belgium as Napoleon made his way towards Paris.

To Belgium to Attack the Allies
  • Napoleon resolved to attack the British,
    Prussian, Belgian and Dutch armies before the
    other powers could come to their assistance. He
    marched into Belgium.

Battle of Waterloo
  • On June 18, 1815, in Waterloo, Napoleon met a
    combined British and Prussia army, Napoleon
    Suffered a bloody defeat at the hands of the Duke
    of Wellington.
  • The allied forces exiled him to the St. Helena,
    small island in the South Atlantic.
  • The fear of him escaping, haunted the French
    political life for years to come

The Effects of The French Revolution These were
felt in several ways in countries outside France.
 Due to the people's revolt against the monarchy,
the Russians succeeded in overthrowing the Czar
and transferring from an Absolute Monarchy to
Communism.  England also benefited from this.
 The people rebelled against the monarchy and
caused the English monarchs to lose all power and
control over the people. "The French Revolution
was a step towards replacing traditional
aristocratic forms of government with more open,
elective systems. Along with the American
Revolution, it inspired reformers throughout the
western world."    
  1. What was the significance of the Napoleons Civil
  2. Why did Napoleon want to stop British goods from
    reaching Europe?
  3. Why did being a sea power help Britain to survive
    the attack from the French?
  4. Explain how nationalism contributed to Napoleons
    defeat. Be sure to discuss how French
    nationalism produced nationalism outside of
  5. Using the diagram below, identify the reasons for
    the rise and fall of Napoleons Grand Empire

  • Using the diagram below, identify the reasons for
    the rise and fall of Napoleons Grand Empire

Napoleons Rise Fall

The Congress of Vienna1814
Who was invited to the Congress of Vienna?
  • Czar Alexander I
  • The Czar of Russia
  • Wants Poland
  • Viscount Robert Castlereagh
  • British foreign secretary
  • Wanted to deny Russia, Poland
  • Wanted to strengthen Germany

Who was invited to the Congress of Vienna?
  • Prince Karl August von Hardenberg
  • Prussian statesman
  • Prince Klemens von Metternich
  • Austrian Statesman
  • Long-lasting order in Europe
  • Wanted a return to conservative ideas
  • Prince Charles-Maurice de Talleyrand
  • French statesman
  • Wanted to keep France in one piece.

What was the purpose of the Congress of Vienna?
  • It was to arrange a final peace settlement after
    almost ten years of war with Napoleon.

What is legitimacy, and how did Metternich use
this concept as a guide to reconstruct Europe
after the fall of Napoleon?
  • Legitimacy is the idea that countries would be
    governed by the legitimate or legal heirs of the
    old order.
  • Metternichs goal was to place the lawful rulers
    of countries back in power.

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How did the Congress of Vienna attempt to balance
the power in Europe?
  • They rearranged territories in Europe hoping that
    his would form a new balance of power. The powers
    at Vienna wanted to keep one country from
    dominating Europe.

What is conservatism?
  • Conservatism is based on tradition and social
    stability. It favors obedience to political
    authority, and believed that organized religion
    is crucial to order in society.
  • Conservatives hated revolutions and were
    unwilling to accept demands from people who
    wanted either individual rights or representative

What is the concert of Europe?
  • It was a meeting of Russia, Prussia, Austria and
    Britain to take steps that would maintain the
    peace in Europe.

What is the principle of intervention?
  • The great powers had the right to send armies
    into countries where there were revolutions in
    order to restore the legitimate monarchs to their

What reasons did Britain give for not supporting
the principles of intervention?
  • Britain refused to accept the principle of
    intervention arguing that the great powers should
    not interfere in the internal affairs of other
  • Russia, Austria, Prussia, and France however used
    military forces to crush revolutions in Spain and
    in Italy.
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