World War II - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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World War II


World War II – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: World War II

World War II
Chapter 16Section 5 Hitler and the Rise of
Nazi Germany
  • I. The Weimar Republics Rise and Fall
  • Democratic Government of Germany after WWI.
  • Parliamentary system ruled by a chancellor
    Prime minister.
  • Set up a Bill of Rights and gave women the right
    to vote.

A. Political Struggles
  1. severe problems right from the start Depression
    after WWI
  2. The government was under attack by both
    Socialists and Communists.
  3. Germans of all classes blamed the NEW government
    for losing the war the Treaty of Versailles.

B. Runaway Inflation
  1. Germany fell behind on war reparations and France
    seized control of its rich coal mining lands of
    the Ruhr Valley.
  2. German workers refused to work for the French.
  3. German government printed more money (marks) to
    pay the workersled to too much currency being
  4. Inflation increase in the prices of goods.
  5. An item worth 100marks in 7/22 cost 944,000 marks
    in 8/23.

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C. Recovery Collapse
  • U.S. convinced England and France to reduce the
    war reparationsand leave the Ruhr Valley
  • American loans helped boost the economy and
    reduce inflation.
  • THEN the Depression hit..
  • Adolph Hitler A charismatic, energetic rising
    leader rose in the scene promising to solve the
    economic problems and to restore Germanys

D. Weimar Culture
  1. Many new artistic and architectural styles
    flourished in this time.
  2. Many new writers, artists, and playwrights
    emerged in Berlinbut there were those that did
    not believe this new era culture was compatible
    with Germanys illustrious past.

The Nazi Partys Rise to Power
  • Hitler grew up in Austria where his upbringing
    included anti-semitism or prejudice against Jews.
  • Joined the German Army in WWI
  • Was unhappy with the way the war ended and the
    treaty that followed.
  • Eventually became the leader of the National
    German Workers (NAZI) Party.

A. Hitlers Manifesto
  1. Mein Kampf (My Struggle) Hitlers 1 selling
    book that outlined his political, cultural,
    economic, and military plans.
  2. basic set of Nazi Ideology
  3. Reflected Hitlers obsessions.
  4. Extreme nationalism, racism, mater race, unite
    into a great nation, lebensraum, all other races
    bow to Aryan mastery of the world etc.. etc

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B. Hitler Comes to Power
  • Nazi membership grew during the depression.
  • Hitlers promises of national reform and a return
    to greatness appealed to the blue collar workers
    from Germany.
  • The Weimar government soon turned to Hitler to
    defeat the Communists in electionsthey thought
    they could control him.
  • He engineered a Nazi takeover of the Parliament
    in free elections..and demanded the Parliament
    name him Chancellor.
  • a. as Chancellorhe suspended free rights,
    freedom of speech, disbanded all other political
    parties, and demanded unquestioning obedience.

III. The Third Reich Rules Germany
  • Third Reich Third Reign of the Germans. 1
    Holy Roman Empire, 2 Bismark as Chancellor, 3
    Nazi Party which would rule for 1,000 yrs.
  • Hitler launched huge public works programs to
    combat the Great Depression
  • Tens of thousands were immediately put to work
    building highways, bridges etc.
  • Rapid program to re-arm the military.

Third Reich Emblem
A. Germany becomes a Totalitarian State
  1. Totalitarianism 1 party dictatorship
  2. Nazis controlled all aspects of German life
  3. Gestapo Elite, black uniformed secret police
    that used fear and terror tactics to scare people
    into following Nazi policy.
  4. The masses believed in Hitlers Nazi promises
  5. those who disagreed, either became victims or
    were scared into silence.

B. The Campaign Against Jews Begins
  • 1. Nuremburg Laws Laws that took away the
    rights of German citizenship from the Jews.
  • wear the yellow Star of David, no marrying
    non-jews, not teaching at German schools, no
    government jobs, practice medicine or law,
    publish books,
  • many smart Jews fled Germany immediately.

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C. The Night of Broken Glass Kristallnacht
  • night of terror where mobs of Nazis and other
    citizens hit the streets burning Jewish homes,
    synagogues, businesses etc..
  • So much shattered glass in the streets that the
    night earned its name from it.

D. Nazi Youth
  1. Hitler Youth A Nazi inspired boys club
    similar to boy scouts where young German boys
    learned to hunt, fish, shoot, camp etcoh an be
    brainwashed into little Nazis as well.
  2. pledged absolute loyalty to Hitler, prided
    themselves on physical fitness,
  3. School and text books were re-written based on
    Nazi Ideaology.
  4. Systematic brainwashing of the youth of Germany.

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E. Purging German Culture
  1. Denounced modern art corrupted by Jewish
  2. condemned Jazz too close to African music
  3. Nazis glorified old German folklores and myths
  4. Hitler despised Christianity as weak and flabby.
  5. Hitler created his own German state church that
    mimicked the teaching of the Nazi Party.

IV. Authoritarian Rule in Eastern Europe
  • Many other nations followed Germanys lead and
    ditched democracy in favor of Authoritarian

A. Ethnic Conflict
  1. Old ethnic and religious rivalries became tense.
  2. Czechs and Slovaks were unwilling partners in
  3. Serbia was dominating Yugoslavian politics.
  4. Other ethnic groups were in conflict with each
    other in other areas.

B. Democracy Retreats
  1. Economic problems economic tensions led to the
    instability of governments.
  2. Facist rulers began to find homes for their
    extreme forms of nationalism.
  3. These dictators promised order and fast reforms.

Chapter 17 Section 1 From Appeasement to War
  • I. Aggression Goes Unchecked
  • Hitler, Mussolini, and Tojo viewed pleas of peace
    as signs of weakness.

A. Japan Overruns Manchuria and Eastern China
  1. Japan invaded Manchuria in 1931 in an effort to
    build their empire up like those of western
  2. League of Nations condemned that action so Japan
    left the league.
  3. Japans early successes in building its empire
    and stepping on the toes of western
    societygained them more respect among the people
    of Japan.

B. Italy Invades Ethiopia
  1. Italy had been defeated by the Ethiopians in
    1896and it stung!
  2. Mussolini ordered and invasion of Ethiopia in
  3. Ethiopias leader appealed to the League of
    Nations for help and the League voted to sanction
  4. There was no power to enforce the sanctions and
    Italy got away clean.

C. Hitler Goes Against the Treaty of Versailles
  1. Hitler HATED the Treaty of Versailles and it was
    a major part of his program to get rid of it.
  2. built up the German Army
  3. Moved soldiers into the Rhineland
  4. The more he did and got away with the more the
    people of Germany loved him.
  5. The west continued to practice a policy of
    appeasement or giving in to the demands of an
    aggressor in order to keep the peace.

D. Keeping the Peace
  • 1. Why appeasement?
  • France was demoralized after WWI and depression
  • The British had no desire to take on Hitler.
  • Some people thought Hitler was justified to
    resist a Treaty that many, including the U.S.,
    thought was unfair.
  • Some thought Nazism was a defense against the
    spread of communism.
  • Widespread pacifism or opposition to all war
    spread throughout the world after WWI.
  • Neutrality Acts U.S. law that forbade the sale
    of weapons to nations at war. Without aid from
    the U.S. England and France could not face

E. Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis
  • Axis Powers Germany, Italy, Japanese alliance
    that agreed to fight Soviet Communist expansion.
  • I. Spain Collapses into Civil War

A. Francisco Franco Spanish revolutionary
General who led a revolt that touched off a
bloody civil war.
  1. People from other countries soon rushed in to
    choose sides.
  2. Socialists, communists, and people who wanted
    democracy supported the Loyalists
  3. Hitler and Mussolini supported Franco
  4. All sides sent money, weapons, and supplies to
    help their side win.
  5. 1 million people killed and many atrocities
    committed by both sides.
  6. German attacked a small loyalist town with its
    new attack planes killing 1,600 civillians. It
    was a test run disguised as part of the coup.
  7. Franco seized power and turned Spain into a
    Fascist state .aligning himself with Hitler and
    Mussolini along the way.

III. German Agression Continues
  • Hitler had a goal of uniting all German speaking
    people under the flag of the Third Reich
  • Lebensraum living space for Germans.

A. Austria Annexed
  1. Anschluss Union of Germany and Austria that
    was outlawed by the Treaty of Versailles.
  2. The Austrian Chancellor was not cooperating as
    Hitler would have liked, so he sent the army in
    to keep order.
  3. This union created a war scare as many thought
    there was no way that England and France would
    tolerate it.

B. The Czech Crisis
  1. Sudentenland German speaking portion of
    Czechoslovakia that was home to some 3 million
  2. Hitler insisted that this portion of
    Czechoslovakia be given its autonomy.
  3. Czechoslovakia was one of the very last free
    democratic governments in eastern Europe, but
    France and England still were not willing to step
  4. Munich Conference 1938 Leaders from France,
    England, and Germany got together to discuss
    Hitlers goals. England France agreed to let
    Hitler take the Sudentenland after Hitler gave
    his word that it was the last demand that he
    would have. Munich Pact

C. Peace for Our Time
  1. English representatives returned from Munich
    proclaiming that they had preserved peace in our
  2. Told the British Parliament that the Munich Pact
    had saved Czechoslovakia.
  3. Winston Churchill They had to choose between
    dishonor and war. They chose dishonor, and now
    they will have war.

  • V. Europe Plunges Toward War
  • 1939 Hitler broke his promise and stormed through
    the rest of Czechoslovakia.
  • England and France had finally accepted the fact
    that appeasement had failed.
  • They promised to protect PolandHitlers next

A. Nazi-Soviet Pact
  1. Nazi Soviet Pact Non-aggression pact between
    Hitler and Stalin. Agreed to divide up Poland
    and not go to war.
  2. Not created out of friendship or respect, but out
    of need to NOT fight each other.
  3. Stalin wanted no part of a war and Hitler wanted
    no part of war with Soviets AND western nations.

B. Invasion of Poland
  • 1. September 1, 1939 German tanks rolled into
  • 2. 2 days later Britain and France declared
    war on Germany and WWII had officially begun.

Section 2 The Axis Advance
  • The Axis Attacks
  • Hitler unleashed the power of the Nazi army with
    his blitzkrieg lightening war.
  • The Nazi Air Force of Luftwaffe unleashed a
    devastating attack using bombing and strafing
    runs to attack airfields, factories, towns etc..
  • Ground forces and tanks pushed their way into and
    past the Polish defenses and forced them to
  • Stalin and his army moved into Poland through the
  • Within 1 month Poland ceased to exist as a free

A. The Phony War
  1. French and German armies hunkered down waiting
    for the word to attack.
  2. The press started calling it the phony war as
    both sides sat waiting for the other to attack.
  3. April 1940 The war really heated up as Hitler
    invaded Norway and Denmark, then the Netherlands
    and Belgium.

B. Miracle at Dunkirk
  • By May 1940..the Germans were far into France.
  • British forces were backed up to the English
    Channel where they had Nazis closing in on them.
  • British ordered ALL available ships to rush to
    Dunkirk where the British army was trapped to
    rescue them.
  • Through the German air attacks, the fleet managed
    to save some 300,000 soldiers.
  • It was a heroic rescue effort that raised the
    morale of the British.
  • .

  • Hitler ordered his troops to stop at the
    beachesthinking the British would agree to not
    fight onthis was a big mistake in the grand
    scheme of things

C. France Falls
  1. Germany invaded France through Belgium and Italy
    had invaded through the south.
  2. June 22, 1940 Hitler accepted Frances
    surrender in the SAME RR car that they Germans
    signed the Treaty of Versaille.
  3. Germany set up a puppet government in the French
    city of Vichy.
  4. Many French officials escaped to England where
    they continued to fight against the German army.

D. Operation Sea Lion
  1. Operation Sea Lion Invasion of England by
  2. Beginning in Aug 1940 the Germans staged daily
    bombing raids into England.
  3. For over a month the Royal Air Force and the
    German Luftwaffe battled over the skies of
    southern England.
  4. Eventually Hitler changed tactics and started
    daily bombing raids of English cities such as

E. Germany Launches the Bliltz
  1. 9/1940 Hitler begins 57 straight nights on
    bombing raids on London.
  2. Much of London was destroyed during the blitz.
  3. The Germans hoped to demoralize the people of
    England encouraging the government to surrender
    to protect against further damage.

We shall defend our island, whatever the costs
may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall
fight on the surrounding land, we shall fight on
the fields, and in the streets, we shall fight in
the hills we shall never surrender. Winston
Churchill Prime Minister of England.
  • 4. Englanders including the Parliament, citizens,
    and even the King Queen refused to be
    defeated..they continues living their lives,
    working, going to school etc.. and then fleeing
    to the public bomb shelters when the raids

Luftwaffe German Air Force
  1. The Luftwaffe was never able to gain air
    superiority over the skies of England.
  2. Hitler continued to randomly attack London
    through 1941, but he had given up on Operation
    Sea Lion.

G. Africa and the Balkans
  1. Mussolinis troops moved into northern Africa to
    rip it from Englands control.
  2. When the Italians could not get the job done,
    Hitler sent Erwin Rommel Germanys greatest
    WWII era General nicknamed The Desert Fox.

  1. Erwin Rommel soon controlled N. Africa from 1941
    42 and the British were pushed back to Cairo,
  2. Italy conquered Greece and with Germanys
    assistance Yugoslavia.
  3. Both nations however, did not give in and
    conducted underground guerilla resistance to Axis

II. Germany Invades the Soviet Union
  • Hitler was frustrated at his inability to conquer
    England and turned his attention on the U.S.S.R.
  • Hitler wanted the natural resources that the
    Soviet Union contained.iron ore, wheat fields,
    and forests.

A. The Unstoppable German Army Stalls
  1. Hitler cancelled the Soviet-Nazi pact when he
    invaded the USSR on June 14, 1941.
  2. Stalin was caught totally unprepared even though
    he Generals had warned him to not trust
    Hitlerthat German armies were mobilizing along
    the USSR border.
  3. 3 million German soldiers invaded the Soviet
  4. The Soviets retreated burning and destroying
    everything in their pathshomes, fields, barns,
    factories etc. so the Germans had no shelter or
    found anything that would help them fight.
  5. By Novemeber the Germans were ready to seize
    Leningrad and Moscowthen General Winter took
  6. Winter temps plunged to -4 degrees. Thousands of
    German soldiers froze to death.

B. Germanys Seige of Leningrad
  1. 2 ½ yr siege by the Germans
  2. citizens nearly starved to deathreduced to
    eating anything they could find as rations were
    reduced to 2 pieces of bread per day.
  3. 1 million Leningraders died
  4. The Russians never gave in and outlasted the
    German armies who were frozen and had their
    supply lines frozen up.
  5. The German eastern armies were decimated by the
    Russian winter.

III. Life Under Nazi Japanese Occupation
  • A. Hitlers New Order
  • Grew out of Hitlers racial obsessions.
  • Aryans were the master race and all others were
    inferior to them
  • inferior races (Jews, Gypsies, Slavs etc) were
    removed from cities to make more living space for
  • Foreign lands were made for Germany to plunder
    their resources, factories, art, architecture and
    anything at all that made them special.

  1. To counter resistance, the Nazis took savage
    revenge, torturing prisoners, and shooting
  2. The most sinister of the Nazi plans revolved
    around the people of the occupied lands.
  3. Concentration Camps Detention centers for Jews,
    political prisoners, and civilians thought to be
    enemies of the state.
  4. Many at these camps died as a result of forced
    labor and being poorly fed.

B. The Nazis Commit Genocide
  1. Holocaust The massacre of nearly 6 million Jews
    by the Nazis.
  2. Also included Slavs, Gypsies, Homosexuals, and
    the disabled as well as religious leaders who did
    not comply with German religious policy.

The Nazis changed plans and tactics on how they
handled theses people
  • 1st rounded them all up into Ghettos in Poland
    where they were merely removed from interacting
    with German society.
  • 2nd they were sent off to forced labor
    concentration camps.
  • 3rd The were shipped off to extermination camps
    to be executed. This was known as The Finals
    Solution to the Jewish Problem.
  • 5,000 Jews per day were shipped to Treblinka
    (camp in Poland)
  • In some cases friends and neighbors helped hide
    Jews to escape the Nazis.
  • In other cases people turned a blind eye to what
    was happening.
  • In worse casesformer friends and neighbors
    turned Jews in to the Nazis.

C. Japans Brutal Conquest
  1. The Japanese were not much better..they viewed
    their race as superior to others.
  2. The proclaimed they were merely uniting all
    Asians under strong rule to improve their
    position in the world.
  3. In reality..the Japanese were seizing control of
    other Asian lands and trying to get rid of other
  4. They were brutal to the people of those conquered
    nationstorturing and killing millions of
  5. Many nationalist groups rose up to try to defeat
    the Japanese.

IV. Japan Attacks the U.S.
  • U.S. declared its neutrality, but still tried to
    influence behavior.
  • Sympathetic with our friends fighting the Axis
  • U.S. placed an embargo on Japan for refusing to
    leave China
  • Japan viewed this as an act of war.

A. American Involvement Grows
  1. Lend-Lease Act Allowed President Roosevelt to
    see arms to nation who he deemed their survival
    crucial to our Democratic way of life.
  2. Roosevelt also met secretly with Churchill where
    they created the Atlantic Charter set of goals
    for the war (destroy the Nazis) and the postwar
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