? starter activity - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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? starter activity


Title: Slide 1 Author: Headteacher Last modified by: Chris Higgins Created Date: 12/6/2004 7:13:31 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show Company – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: Headteacher


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: ? starter activity

? starter activity
Why would you wish to be seen in this way?
What impression do you gain of the Tsar from this
An 1877 picture of Alexander II, Emperor and
Autocrat of All the Russias Tsar of Moscow,
Kiev, Vladimir, Novgorod, Kazan, Astrakhan,
Poland, Siberia, the Tauric Chersonese and
Georgia Lord of Pskov (and over 40 other titles!)
? Your task
  • Read the extract from Fathers and Sons by
    Turgenev. What view of the government of Russia
    does this extract provide?
  • Because this is from a novel is it any less
    useful to historians?

What was life like in Tsarist Russia?
? Aims
  • To find out how Russia was governed
  • To find out about socio-economic conditions under
    the Tsars at the end of the nineteenth century

? Your task
  • Study the information about the government of
    Russia under the Tsars and list are the
    weaknesses with this system of government.
  • Were there any strengths with this system of
    government? Note these down reasons why people
    supported this regime.

  • Traditional and out of date compared with other
    European states
  • Tsar governed by divine right
  • Imperial Council drawn from nobility, although
    Tsar often ignored its decisions
  • Judiciary drawn from nobility
  • Third Section political police
  • Army of administrators 114,000

  • Assemblies met every 3 years
  • Non-professional administration
  • Nobility exempt from tax
  • Bribery corruption rife, e.g. tax farming
  • Bureaucratic Ministry of Interior received
    31,000,000 papers in one year

  • Lack of political freedom
  • Violent disturbances 14,000 in 60 years
  • Army leadership drawn from nobility
  • Conscripts served 25 years and abandoned

Reasons for success
  • Vested interests army admin drawn from
  • Support of Orthodox Church
  • Traditional society
  • Religious society people believed in divinity
    of royal family
  • Lack of political opposition parties banned,
    illiteracy levels high, education poor

? Your task
  • Imagine you are part of an underground political
    party. Make a list of reforms you would wish to
    see in order to make government more open and

? Your task
  • Read Lynch pp. 7-15 and complete a table similar
    to the one below.

Geography Church Society Economic development Government (including army bureaucracy)

? Your task
  • Imagine you are the British ambassador to
    Moscow. Write a letter back to your government
    explaining what Russian society was like under
    the Tsars and any potential problems facing its
    government. Feel free to illustrate your letter
    with labelled maps, charts or images from your
    own research.
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