Title: ? starter activity
1? starter activity
What do you think would be on your presidents
Ipod? Listen to this episode of Crash Course
and answer the questions that follow.
2How did US presidents help to shape their
countries history?
? Key words Reconstruction
? Learning objectives
- TBAT explain key events in US history from
Reconstruction to assess the extent to which
the executive helped or hindered them
3Watch the video based on Billy Joels song We
didnt start the fire. How many events did you
know or were new to you?
4Complete the timeline of US History on the
fabulous Studyhistory website
5? Your task
- Read the information on the source sheet (from
Modern America by Joanne de Pennington and note
down evidence that life was getting better after
WWI for Americans. Organise your evidence into
social, economic political - ?What were the threats to this lifestyle?
6 How many brand names can you recognise? Read
p.194-5 (Walsh) and around the image of a flapper
note down what characterised the roaring
20s ?How far would you say presidents and the
political system were responsible for these
7? Extension task
8? Homework
9? Plenary