? starter activity - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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? starter activity


Any ideas what might be going on in this picture? starter activity starter activity Elizabeth Barton the Holy Maid of Kent lived in Aldington (near Port Lympne ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: ? starter activity

Any ideas what might be going on in this
? starter activity
Elizabeth Barton the Holy Maid of Kent lived in
Aldington (near Port Lympne Safari Park) at the
time of Henry VIII Read about her life and
highlight the things that showed she supported
the old faith. In a different colour highlight
the reasons she had to die ?Why was she so
? starter activity
How much opposition was there to the Reformation?
  • Key words friars dissent perjury
    proscribed colporteur

? Learning objectives
  • TBAT explain the nature extent of opposition to
    the Ref.
  • To assess whether More was a saint or a sinner

? Your task
  • Read about how people in the Church opposed the
    Reformation on p.108-110. For each category
    (religious orders, Fisher More) take notes on
    what they did, what happened to them and give
    them a threat rating out of five

Religious order
  • Itinerant preachers who could spread dissent
    quickly friary next to Greenwich Palace
  • Observant Houses closed down
  • Friars imprisoned tortured
  • 18 members of Charterhouse executed or starved to
  • Threat low not united

John Fisher, Bp of Rochester, innit
  • Opposed Royal Supremacy supported Catherine
  • Refused to swear Oath of Succession
  • Executed
  • Threat high in correspondence with Chapuys,
    CVs ambassador

Thomas More
  • Refused to agree to Supremacy Act
  • Threat high/sever well-connected respected

Moscow show trials, 1936-8. How similar or
different were the trials of Fisher More?
? Your task
  • Read the two accounts of Mores life on p.109 and
    discuss the questions in the Skills Builder box.

? Your task
  • Study the information on More on p.109-111 and
    complete a scales chart with evidence he was
    either a saint or a sinner (a man of principle or
    harsh, cruel intransigent)
  • ? Include notes on what historians have said
    about his reputation and why

  • Didnt believe king had always been head of
  • Respected humanist, renowned scholar Utopia
    offered a vision of a reformed Church
  • More hadnt sought the Chancellorship and his
    views on the Great Matter were already known
  • Tried to retire from public life Henry insisted
    he took the Oath (1534)
  • Evidence against him from Sir Richard Rich was
    perjured jury rigged
  • Spirited defence in court Parliament had no
    right to bind mens consciences
  • Reputation for excessiveness exaggerated by
    Protestants, e..g Foxe, Book of Martyrs

  • Merciless persecutor of heretics
  • Obvious successor to Wolsey i.e. old school
  • Created index of proscribed books
  • Applied full severity of Star Chamber against
    distributors of Tyndales Bible in English
    public mockery
  • Reputation for saintliness exaggerated, e.g.
    Robert Bolt, Man for All Seasons

This House believes that Thomas More was more
sinner than saint.
? Extension task
  • Complete a fact file on John Fisher. Include
    notes on
  • His early life
  • His viewson the Great Matter
  • His achievements as Bishop of Rochester
  • His grisly fate

? Homework
  • Construct a plan to answer the question, Do you
    accept the view that More was a cruel man with
    little compassion for others? using Sources N,O
    P on p.112.

How much opposition was there to the Reformation?
  • Key words friars dissent perjury

? Learning objectives
  • TBAT explain the nature extent of opposition to
    the Ref.
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