RISE OF DICTATORS - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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rise of dictators – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: Michelle336


Transcript and Presenter's Notes


Warm Up (Interwar Years)
  1. 63 nations pledge to renounce war as national
  2. What league turns out to be a great failure?
  3. Policy of appeasement
  4. Why does value of German money go down?
  5. a period of low economic activity and rising
  6. Black Tuesday
  7. Totalitarian state

Benito Mussolini
  • Became the dictator of Italy
  • Becomes known as Il Duce or the leader
  • In 1919 he founded the National Fascist Party
  • Fascism an authoritarian form of govt that
    places the good of the nation above all else,
    including individual rights
  • Push extreme nationalism and love for the state
  • Envisioned an aggressive state ruled by a strong
    all-powerful leader, tended to glorify violence
  • In 1922 Fascists became a major force in the
    Italian parliament

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  • Mussolini organized his followers, called the
    Brown Shirts, and led the March on Rome
  • The King of Italy made Mussolini prime minister
  • Mussolini than started to consolidate power by
    terrorizing opposition and shooting their leaders
  • He soon gained control of the press and outlawed
    all other political parties
  • Mussolini did make an agreement with the Catholic
    Church, called the Lateran Pact
  • Established Vatican City as an independent state
    and in return the pope officially recognized
  • Mussolini wanted to build a glorious Italian
    empire just like in Roman times

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Joseph Stalin
  • Became the dictator of the Soviet Union
  • Used other leading members of the Communist party
    to outmaneuver the frontrunner after Lenin died
  • Once he achieved this goal, he then either exiled
    or killed the people he used
  • Turns himself into a living god of Communism
  • Introduced Five-Year Plans
  • Each factory and mine had production goals set by
    the state
  • Led to increases in industrial output, but not
    for consumer goods

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  • Collectivization combine private farms into
    larger, mechanized state-run farms
  • Peasants, who received land under Lenin, lost
    their lands and then are forced to work on these
    collective farms
  • Peasants who protested were either executed by
    Stalins police forces or sent to the system of
    labor camps in Siberia called the Gulag
  • People in the Ukraine resisted and Stalin allowed
    millions to starve to death in retaliation
  • Stalin killed millions of people he thought were
    or could plot against him
  • In the late 1930s he wiped out most of the
    military officer corps

  • In 1936 he launched a series of show trials, in
    which people were tortured until they confessed
    to what Stalin wanted them to say
  • He used this to wipe out the Old Bolsheviks,
    people who had been in the party prior to 1917
  • Ten million people were arrested, several million
    were immediately executed, others sent to the
  • Also tried to wipe out the middle class
  • Stalin ruled with an iron fist and ruthlessly
    removed all opposition, real or imaginary

Stalins reign
  • Stalin is responsible for the murder of about
    43,000,000 people
  • Stalin imposed a famine on Ukraine that murdered
    by starvation about 5,000,000 Ukrainians.

Adolf Hitler
  • Became the dictator of Germany
  • Born in Austria, failed artist, fought for
    Germany in WWI
  • After the war he joined the National Socialist
    Party, or Nazi for short
  • Tries to seize power in the Beer Hall Putsch
  • Fails and Hitler goes to jail, where he writes
    Mein Kampf or my struggle
  • It outlines his major political ideas and goals
  • Decided to reinvent the Nazis as a political
    party and use the existing political structure

Hitler in WWI
  • Hitler volunteered at age 25 by enlisting in a
    Bavarian Regiment
  • Throughout most of the war, Hitler had great luck
    avoiding life threatening injury. More than once
    he moved away from a spot where moments later a
    shell exploded killing or wounding everyone.
  • Hitler, unlike his fellow soldiers, never
    complained about bad food and the horrible
    conditions or talked about women, preferring to
    discuss art or history. He received a few letters
    but no packages from home and never asked for
    leave. His fellow soldiers regarded Hitler as too
    eager to please his superiors, but generally a
    likable loner notable for his luck in avoiding
    injury as well as his bravery.

  • Hitler's luck ran out when he was wounded in the
    leg by a shell fragment during the Battle of the
    Somme. He was hospitalized in Germany. It was his
    first time away from the front after two years of
    war. Following his recovery, he went sight seeing
    in Berlin, then was assigned to light duty in
    Munich. He was appalled at the apathy and
    anti-war sentiment among German civilians. He
    blamed the Jews for much of this and saw them as
    conspiring to spread unrest and undermine the
    German war effort.

  • In August 1918, he received the Iron Cross first
    class, a rarity for foot soldiers. Interestingly,
    the lieutenant who recommended him for the medal
    was a Jew, a fact Hitler would later obscure.
    Despite his good record and a total of five
    medals, he remained a corporal. Due to his
    unmilitary appearance and odd personality, his
    superiors felt he lacked leadership qualities and
    thought he would not command enough respect as a

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  • Creates the S.A., the Nazi army, which went
    around intimidating opponents and causing
  • Hitler promised to fix the economic problems and
    to overturn the Treaty of Versailles and bring
    glory back to Germany since Germans were the
    master race
  • By 1933 the Nazi party gained the majority of
    seats in the German parliament and Hitler was
    named Chancellor
  • Once in power, Hitler passed a series of acts
    that gave him almost total authority
  • Banned all political parties except the Nazis and
    trade unions as well
  • Hitler now had to appease the only threat left,
    the German army

  • The army didnt like the power of the S.A.
  • 1934 the Night of the Long Knives Hitler has
    the leaders of the S.A. murdered
  • Following this attack, the German army pledges
    their complete loyalty to Hitler
  • Hitler becomes a totalitarian ruler, taking the
    title of Fuhrer
  • He was glorified as a great ruler and used
    propaganda to control the German people
  • Created Nazi youth organizations brainwash young
  • Began to rebuild the German army and economy
  • Also put his anti-Semitic beliefs into action,
    which led to the Holocaust and millions dying

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Hideki Tojo
  • Became the dictator of Japan
  • Many Japanese lost faith in their govt during
    the Great Depression and turned to the military
    for leadership
  • The military began to promote the fighting spirit
    of Japanese troops
  • Put military personnel in public schools,
    children began to learn aspects of warfare
  • 1930s Japanese soldiers and military leaders
    carried out a series of assassinations of govt
  • The govt grew more dominated by the military

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Francisco Franco
  • Became the dictator of Spain
  • In the 1930s the Spanish Civil War broke out
  • One side was the Nationalists, a fascist-like
    group, led by General Franco
  • They fought against the Republicans, who were
    trying to save the democracy
  • Italy and Germany helped out Franco by testing
    their new weapons on towns that did not support
  • France and Great Britain refused to help the
    democracy, so it ended up getting help from the
    Soviet Union
  • Franco wins and sets up a dictatorship in Spain

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  • http//www.youtube.com/watch?vASW3UCc17AI
  • http//www.youtube.com/watch?vfZcs1SHVbz0feature
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