Title: Understanding Multimedia Elements
1Understanding Multimedia Elements Sound,
Animation, Video
- Understand sound
- Sound on the Web
- 2-D animation
- 3-D animation
- Animation on the Web
- Video
- Video compression video editing
- Video on the Web
4Understanding Sound Analog
- Sound waves
- Analog wave pattern
- Volume height of each peak
- Higher the peak, louder the sound
- Frequency(pitch) distance between peaks
measured in hertz(Hz) - Greater the distance, lower the sound
5Understanding Sound Digital
- Converted to bits via sampling
- Quality depends on
- Sample rate number of times sample is taken
(11.025 kHz, 22.05 kHz 44.1 kHz) - Sample size amount of information stored (8 bit
and 16 bit)
6Digitizing Process
- Cassette tape player, videotape player, CD or
microphone is captured by sound card - Software/user controls sample rate and size
- Sound-editing program used for manipulation
7Sound File Formats
- Windows or Macintosh
- Used on the Web
- AIFF (Audio Interchange File Format)
- AIFFC (AIFF Compressed)
- Windows or Macintosh
- RealAudio (.ra)
- Allows streaming of sound over Web
- MP3 (MPEG Layer 3)
- Compresses entire songs for Web
- Near stereo quality
8MIDI Sound Files
- Musical Instrument Digital Interface
- Electronic musical instruments create sound then
stored on computer - Contain code/commands, not digitized sounds
- Very small files
9Sound on the Web
- File size is an issue
- File compression used for certain file formats
(RealAudio and MP3) - Sounds stored on Web server
- Media player installed on user computer
- RealPlayer, Windows Media Player, MP3, QuickTime
10Streaming Media
- Audio and video can be played in real time
- File starts playing immediately doesnt wait
for full download - Connection to web server is continuous
11Tips for Using Sound on Web
- Is the sound appropriate? Is there a benefit?
- Is it a good sound quality?
- Can you afford the cost of recording the sound?
- Should you just use sound with still images
instead of video? - Can you stream the files?
- Can you give the user control?
122-D Animation Can Provide
Simulation of actual events
Action and realism in entertainment
Visualization and demonstration in education
132-D Animation Issues
- Movement is made up of many still images
- Each still image has its own frame
- Speed of moving these frames
- Movies on film 24 fps
- Television 30 fps
- Computer animation 12-15 fps
142-D Animation Types Cel Animation
- Based on changes that occur from one frame to
another - Background image is stationary
- Celluloid images placed on background
- Celluloid images change from frame to frame
152-D Animation Types
Cel Animation
162-D Animation Types Path Animation
- Object moved along predetermined path on screen
- Object can stay the same, be resized or rotated
- Tweening in an authoring program
- Define beginning position in one frame
- Define ending position in another frame
- Software fills in intervening frames
172-D Animation Types
Path Animation
182-D Animation Software Allows
- Frame rate changes
- Transitions
- User playback control
- Looping
- Object drawing and animating
- Sound clips
Cheap shareware to expensive authoring packages
193-D Animation
- Games and adventure titles
- Users are participants, not spectators
- Much more complex than 2-D
- Involves
- Modeling
- Animation
- Rendering
203-D Modeling and Animation
Draw views by setting points on a grid
Create contours and structure
Define objects motion, lighting perspective
213-D Rendering
- Give objects attributes
- Colors
- Surface textures
- Transparency amounts
- Programs
- Strata 3D
- LightWave 3D
- 3D Studio Max
- Maya
- Houdini
223-D Morphing
- Distort a single image
- Change a frown into a smile
24Virtual Reality (VR)
- Creates an environment that surrounds the user so
the user becomes part of the experience - Examples
- Boeing Corporation flight simulators
- CD-based adventure games Myst and 7th Guest
- Virtual tour sites
- Some require special equipment like goggles
25Animation on the Web
- Animated text
- Animated GIF
- Macromedia Director applications
- 3-D environments
You must have the plug-ins to play these
26Animated Text on the Web
- Rotating, zooming, scrolling, distorting,
blinking - Use authoring software
- Use HTML
- ltblinkgtHellolt/blinkgt
Scrolling Text
Scrolling Text
Scrolling Text
27Animated GIFs on the Web
Each .gif image file is a little different
28Macromedia Applications on the Web
Director or Flash to author
Shockwave to deliver on Web
- Virtual Reality Modeling Language
- Creates interactive 3-D on the Web
- User is moved through the environment (instead of
object moving) - Environment is dynamic and always changing
30Understanding Video
- Video can be
- Very expensive
- Time-consuming to create
- Very large files
- Video can be found in stock film companies
- Video must be digitized from an analog signal
31Digitizing an Analog Video Signal
32Editing Video
- Digitized video is not linear like analog video
- Can access any part of video randomly
- Can cut and paste
- Can use special effects and transitions
33Digital Video File Size Considerations
- 1 second of high-quality color video on ¼ of the
computer screen 1 MB file size - Determining file size
- Frame rate lower the better (15 fps minimum)
- Image size use smaller playback window
- Color depth 8-bit vs. 16-bit vs. 24-bit color
34Video Compression/Decompression
- Codecs
- Lossless gives larger file by preserving exact
image - Lossy eliminates some image data smaller file,
but poorer quality
35MPEG Compression Format
- Motion Pictures Experts Group
- Reduce file size by eliminating redundant
information (backgrounds) - Also looks for changes from frame to frame
36Video Compression Software
- Apples QuickTime and QuickTime for Windows
- Dual platform
- Lossy compression
- Microsoft Windows Media Player
- AVI format
- Both synchronize sound and motion
- Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language
(SMIL) - Markup language like HTML
37Video Editing Software
Adobe Premiere
- Transitions dissolves, wipes, spins
- Animations fly-in logo
- Special effects twisting, zooming, rotating
- Filters color balance, brightness/contrast,
blurring, distortions, morphing
38Video on the Web
- Only practical for 56K or higher connections
- Planning
- Is animation or still images with sound better?
- Are stock videos better?
- Quality-versus-cost and relevance of video to
39Video Transfer Types HTTP
- HyperText Transfer Protocol
- Downloads entire video to hard drive of user
- User can play it over and over quickly
- Better for small video clips
40Video Transfer Types RTSP
- Real-Time Streaming Protocol
- Continuous playing/streaming
- Not saved on hard drive
- User can randomly access any video part
- Better for large videos and live broadcasts
41Streaming Video
- HorizonLive live video presentations
42Video and Virtual Reality
- Apple QuickTime VR system
- iPEX system
- Starts with panoramic photographs
- Camera rotated after each picture for 360 degrees
- Photographs electronically stitched together
- User can navigate and zoom (White House site)
43Issue The Napster Controversy
- Intellectual Property Rights and Emerging Web
Technologies - Sharing MP3 files through the web
- Recording Industry Association of America filed
44Understanding Multimedia Elements Sound,
Animation, Video