Title: Ecology for Kids Vocabulary
1Ecology for Kids Vocabulary
2habitats Forests and oceans are types of habitats
that support different plants and animals..
3habitats the environments an animal or plant
live in
4species There are many different species of
sharks, such as the hammerhead.
5species a group of plants or animals that are
6organisms Biologists study the organisms, or
living things, on Earth.
7organisms living things such as plants or
8traces Wash your hands thoroughly, or else traces
of dirt and germs may remain.
9traces marks left by people, animals, or things
10vast The vast desert stretched for hundreds of
miles in every direction.
11vast great in size
12directly You can directly help the environment by
planting trees. You can see results quickly.
13directly in a clear and obvious way
14affect Smog and smoke negatively affect the air
by making it unhealthy to breathe.
15affect to have an influence on
16variety The rain forest contains a whole variety
of animals and plants.
17 variety a number of slightly different things
within the same grouping.
18radiation Invisible rays of energy called
radiation are produced by the sun and other stars.
19radiation energy in the form of rays or waves
20banned Littering is banned in many public places.
People should dispose of trash responsibility.
21 banned not allowed forbidden