Title: Mining GALILEO in the Sciences
1Mining GALILEO in the Sciences
- Teri M. Vogel
- Georgia State University
- October 23, 2003modified 11/9/2003
2Levels of Science Information Needs
- Elementary School
- Middle SchoolJunior High School
- High School Technical School2, 4-Year College
General Public
- Assignments / Reports
- Science Projects
- Research
3Elementary (K-5)
- SIRS Discoverer (K12/PLS)
- Searchasaurus
- Primary / Elementary School Search (K12/PLS/DTAE)
- Encyclopedia of Animals (K12/PLS/DTAE)
- F W New World Encyclopedia (K12/PLS/DTAE)
CommunitiesK12 K-12 Schools PLS Public
Libraries DTAE Technical Institutes
The other GALILEO communitiesUSG (University
System of Georgia Libraries), AMPALS
(Atlanta/Macon Private Academic Libraries), GPALS
(Georgia Private Academic Libraries)have access
to many of these databases, but these
institutions were not the focus of this
presentation and have not been included here.
4SIRS Discoverer
5Encyclopedia of Animals / New World Encyclopedia
6Searchasaurus (Primary)
7Middle / Junior High (6-8)
- SIRS Researcher (PLS)
- Searchasaurus (K12/PLS/DTAE)
- Middle Search Plus
- F W New World Encyclopedia (K12/PLS/DTAE)
- Encyclopedia Britannica Online (PLS)
- AccessScience (PLS/DTAE)
8SIRS Researcher (PLS)
9SIRS Researcher (PLS)
10Searchasaurus Middle Search Plus
- Same browse/ search as Primary
- More articles
- Higher reading level
- Encyclopedia Britannica (PLS)
- AccessScience (PLS/DTAE)
- McGraw Hill Encyclopedia of Science Technology
- Articles from A15 Phases (physics) to
Zygophyllales (plant science)
- Subjects from Acoustics to Zoology
- Biographies
- Student Center study guides, suggested research
12(No Transcript)
13High School (9-12) - General
- MAS Ultra (K12/PLS/DTAE)
- MasterFile Premier (K12/PLS/DTAE)
- Platinum Periodicals (PLS/DTAE)
- AccessScience (PLS/DTAE)
- Encyclopedia Britannica (PLS)
14MAS Ultra
15MasterFile Premier
16Platinum Periodicals (PLS/DTAE)
17High School and Beyond Advanced Science
- Academic Search Premier (K12/PLS/DTAE)
- Computer Source
- FirstSearch Databases
- Science Indexes (PLS)
- ArticleFirst (PLS/DTAE)
- WorldCat (PLS/DTAE)
- Catalog of Public/Academic Library Catalogs, with
library holdings
18Academic Search Premier
19GEOBASE Geography Geology Ecology Climatol
ogy Meteorology Paleontology Volcanology
Environmental Science Energy Hydrology
Sedimentology Petrology Cartography (1
million citations)
20ArticleFirst (PLS/DTAE)
- 12.7 million records 12K sources
- Drawbacks
- Access points title, journal, author only
- NO Abstracts
- NO Descriptors/Subject Headings
- Limiting functionality very limited
- National Library of Medicine (1966)
- 12 million citations - 4,600 journals
- Medicine nursing dentistry veterinary
medicine health care preclinical sciences
- life, behavioral, chemical sciences,
bioengineering relevant to biomedicine/ health
- MeSH Medical Subject Headings
- Controlled vocabulary, browsable
- No longer available to K12/PLS/DTAE communities,
but accessible to all at http//www.nal.usda.gov/
- National Agricultural Library (1970)
- 2.5 million citations
- 869 currently indexed journals books, etc.
- agricultural engineering and marketing, animal
breeding, entomology, environmental pollution,
farm management, foods and feeds, pesticides,
rural sociology, social sciences, veterinary
medicine and water resources
23Getting Articles Is Full Text Access Enough?
- How much information does the patron need?
- Encyclopedias, Ebsco/ProQuest collections (all
have at least some full-text content images may
not be available embargoes on recent issues)
- Articles cited but not full-textInterlibrary
Loan and other options
24How Do the Indexes Measure Up?
- Measure of database what is indexed
- Multidisciplinary, scholarly science journals
Nature, Science, Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences (PNAS)
- Multidisciplinary, popular science magazines
Scientific American, Sierra, Discover
- Discipline-specific journals?
- What are they?
- Where are they indexed?
25Core/Major/Important Journals
- Institute for Scientific Information
- Science Citation Index journal list
- Sci-Bytes Whats New in Research, Hot Papers,
High-Impact Journals in various fields
- Scientific Societies
- ACS Journal List for Undergraduate Programs
- AMS Journal Price Survey
- Science Librarians
- Special Libraries Association
- Geoscience Information Society
26Astronomy Journals
The Horsehead Nebula/IC434 Credit
27Microbiology Journals
Micrasterias x400. Department of Biology, Ohio
State University at Lima
28Science on the Internet Government
- Science.govSciTechResources.gov
29(No Transcript)
30Science on the Internet Government
- Science.govSciTechResources.gov
- Federal
- State
- International
31Science on the Internet Science Fair Resources
- Science Fair Central
- The Ultimate Science Fair Resource
- Georgia Science Engineering Fair
- Science Fair Projects Index
- Government
- Energy Science Projects (DOE)
- Science Fair Ideas (Earthquake Hazards Program
- AgScience Projects (Agricultural Research Service
32Science on the Internet other than Google
- NDSL Scout Reports
- InfoMine
- BiologyBrowser
- Scirus
33(No Transcript)
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39K-12 Directories
- FirstGov for Kids
- KidsClick!
- KidSpace
- MeL Internet
40Keeping Current in Science
- News Sources
- Science, Nature, New Scientist, New York Times,
Discover, Scientific American
- Discovery, Nova, National Geographic
- Best American Science Writing
- Best American Science Nature Writing
41Getting to Know Your Local Science Librarians
- Research Universities, Regional Universities,
State Universities
- AL, FL, SC, TN, NC
- Resources available
- Databases
- Print/Online Journals
- Copiers/printers
- Services available
- Reference Instruction Assistance (tours,
speaker, etc.)
42Teris Science Picks
43Astronomy Picture of the Day http//antwrp.gsfc.
44ChemFinder http//chemfinder.cambridgesoft.com/
45PLANTS National Database http//plants.usda.gov/
46Integrated Taxonomic Information System
47Center for History of Physics http//www.aip.org
48Invasivespecies.gov http//www.invasivespecies.g
49Astrophysical Data System http//adswww.harvard.
50(No Transcript)
51CoRIS (Coral Reef Information System)
52Microbe.org http//www.microbe.org MicrobeWorld
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54Earthquake Hazards Program http//earthquake.usg
55WAICENT World Agricultural Information Centre
of the Food Agriculture Organization
56The Periodic Table of Comic Books