Title: Chapter 8 Section 1
1Chapter 8Section 1
- President and Vice President
- Mr. Young
- American Government
2Truman on ascending to the Presidency
- I dont know whether you fellows ever had a
load of hay fall on you, but when they told me
yesterday what happened (Roosevelt died), I felt
like the moon, the stars and all the planets had
fallen on me. -
- Harry Truman 1945
3Presidential Oath of Office
- http//www.youtube.com/watch?vTWJJLvDwtWU
4Five Living PresidentsTeam Teach Can you name
all of them?
5Essential Question
- What qualifications for the office of president
do you think are most necessary for carrying out
the duties of the president.
6(No Transcript)
7What does the Common Symbol OK have to do with
the Presidency
- http//www.history.com/topics/the-us-presidents/vi
deosthe-ok-president - 2 min
8Duties of the President
- These have changed over time.
- Constitution gives president responsibility to
appointwith Senate consentheads of executive
departments, federal court judges, and other top
9President Duties Video
- http//www.youtube.com/watch?vQDvtGr3FI84
10Duties Cont.
- Most important duty To ensure that all laws of
the United States are Faithfully executed
11Duties Cont.
- A president may pardon people convicted of
federal crimes, except in cases of impeachment
12Duties Cont.
- President has lawmaking power and expected to
take some leadership in proposing policy changes
(Obama and Health Care) - Each year President makes a State of the Union
13Presidential Term
- George Washington set a precedent for only two, 4
years terms, broken by Franklin D. Roosevelt - Lead to the 22nd Amendment
- Can potentially serve 10 years in office
14Presidential Salary
Presidential pay history Presidential pay history Presidential pay history
Date established Salary Salary in 2009 dollars
September 24, 1789 25,000 566,000
March 3, 1873 50,000 865,000
March 4, 1909 75,000 1,714,000
January 19, 1949 100,000 906,000
January 20, 1969 200,000 1,175,000
January 20, 2001 400,000 487,000
- Constitution did not specify compensation, or
salary - President makes 400,000, 50,000 annual expense
account, 100,000 non-taxable travel account, and
19,000 for entertainment
15White House Staff
- Presidents receive free medical, dental, and
health care - Receive lifetime compensation of 148,400 a year
16White House Videos
- http//www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id4316690n
17Map of White House
18Presidential LuxuriesWhite House 132 Rooms
19Vice-Presidents House
20Oval Office
21Air Force One
22Air Force One http//www.youtube.com/watch?vCZiy
23Doomsday Planehttp//www.youtube.com/watch?vSMK
5bmdAEHc http//www.youtube.com/watch?vmeIuEVhyR
24Swimming Pool built by Gerald Ford
25White House Bowling Alley
26(No Transcript)
27White House Private Movie Theater
28White House Tennis Courts
29White House Basketball Court
30White House Putting Green
31Play it where it lies, Mr. President
- The White House Putting Green lies a short walk
outside the Oval Office door to the southeast. A
putting green was first installed by President
Dwight Eisenhower in 1954 with help from the
United States Golf Association and private
donations. Ike had difficulty keeping the
squirrels (which Harry Truman had nearly tamed by
hand-feeding them) from burying nuts in the green
and joked that the Secret Service should shoot
them. He resorted to having the groundkeeping
staff trap and relocate them. Eisenhower was a
very avid golfer and was sometimes criticized for
it, but he and his doctor readily defended the
habit as good for his health, which had suffered
during his presidency. - Most modern presidents after Ike have been avid
golfers, including his successor, John Kennedy,
who, sensitive to the criticism aimed at
Eisenhower for golfing on weekday afternoons,
kept his habit a closely-guarded secret and even
let Eisenhower's putting green grow out, although
it was later renovated. Other avid golfers
include Gerald Ford, George HW Bush, Bill
Clinton, and George W Bush. Lyndon Johnson,
Richard Nixon, and Ronald Reagan were casual
golfers. - Bill Clinton had the putting green moved to its
current location andaccording to Time in
1995designed by golf course architect Robert
Trent Jones Jr. The Clinton green is 1,500 sq.
ft. of southshore creeping bentgrass.
32Team Teach Question
- In your opinion, what would be the best
perk/coolest thing about being President of the
United States of America?
33Qualities and Qualifications video
- http//www.youtube.com/watch?vKDFdsMW-CwEfeature
related - Play from beginning to 48 seconds
34Constitutional Presidential Qualifications
- Article 2, Section 1
- Natural born US citizen
- 35 years old
- Resident of US for 14 years
35Personal Qualities
- Governmental experience is important
- Political careers provide alliances and name
36Qualifications Video
- http//www.youtube.com/watch?vjDHr1IMxqwofeature
37Team Teach Question
- Do you believe that it is harder or easier for a
person who has been in the Senate or House of
Representatives for a long period of time to win
the Presidency of the United States?
38Money/Political Beliefs
- Requires large amounts of money, some of the
candidates own - Usually choose candidates whose beliefs are
39Personal Characteristics
- Most come from Northern European Backgrounds
- Most are from middle-class families
- Have generally been white, married, Protestant,
and financially successful men
40Personal Growth of Presidents
- The Presidency of the United States carries with
it a responsibility so personal as to be without
parallelNo one can make decisions for himEven
those closet to himnever know all the reasons
why he does certain things and why he comes to
certain conclusions. To Be President of the
United States is to be lonely, very lonely at
times of great decisions.
41Presidential Succession
Office Current officer
President of the United States Barack Obama (D)
Vice President of the United States Joe Biden (D)
Speaker of the House John Boehner (R)
President pro tempore of the Senate Daniel Inouye (D)
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton (D)
Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner (I)3
Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta (D)
Attorney General Eric Holder (D)
Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar (D)
Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack (D)
Secretary of Commerce John Bryson (D)
Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis (D)
Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius (D)
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Shaun Donovan (D)
Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood (R)
Secretary of Energy Steven Chu (D)
Secretary of Education Arne Duncan (D)
Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric Shinseki
Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano (D)
- Eight presidents have died in office
- Succession Act of 1947 established presidential
succession order and was added to Constitution in
25th Amendment
42(No Transcript)
43(No Transcript)
44David Rice Atchison Video
- http//www.youtube.com/watch?vu4m-hPQolfs
- CNN Video on David Rice Atchison
45Presidential Disability
- Vice president becomes acting president under two
conditions - President informs Congress of an inability to
perform duties - Vice-Pres and majority of cabinet or another body
authorized by law informs Congress
46VP Roles
- http//www.youtube.com/watch?vzl9Ux0scOoU
- US Embassy Video (125)
47Vice-Presidential Roles
- Presides over Senate and votes in case of a tie
- VP helps decide whether President is disabled
- President assigns VP power and responsibility
- Serve on National Security Council and represent
president overseas