Islam - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Islam Separating Myth from Reality The Event 1426 years ago a window opened in the heavens and God (Allah ) spoke to mankind. The message was the same that had come ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Islam

Separating Myth from Reality
The Event
  1. 1426 years ago a window opened in the heavens and
    God (Allah ) spoke to mankind.
  2. The message was the same that had come many times
    before in the history of mankind.
  3. The difference was that this was the last time
    this message would be sent.

The name of that message was Islam
Purpose of this presentation
  • To encourage genuine scientific enquiry into the
    reality of the Creator and His Message
  • To open minds to the truth of Islam through a
    rational approach
  • To ask ourselves the question What will happen
    to me when I die?

The three basis of Islam
  1. Belief in Allah and his Prophet
  2. Divine origin of the Quran and Islam
  3. Belief in the Day of Judgment when we will be
    brought to account irrespective of what we

Because reality does not depend on belief for
its existence
Lets examine each of them
  • From a standpoint of logic,
  • not belief

Scientific case for God
  • Why only one God?

Question for seekers of truth
  • Quran 482
  • Do they not carefully consider the Quran ? If
    it had been from anyone other than Allah they
    would have found in it many contradictions."

Creation is not an accident
  • Donald Page of the Princeton Institute of
    Advanced Study has calculated the odds against
    the formation of our universe without God putting
    in the necessary constants. And the figure comes
    out to be one out of 10,000,000 to the power 124.
    To see how impossible it is compare this number
    to the total amount of subatomic particles in the
    whole universe, which has been calculated to be
    10 to the power 80.
  • According to physicists, if the neutron mass was
    0.998 of its present mass, the decay of protons
    would make the existence of atoms impossible.
    There would be no life. The designer had life in
    mind when He set the balance.
  • Quran 557 "He (Allah) has set the balance."

Detailed article is available on request
Why only one God
  • If there were more than one God then different
    parts of the universe would not have worked with
    such uniformity as they did and as is always the
    case (when two or more create something), parts
    of the matter in the universe would have
    originated at different times. Yet scientists and
    laws are in agreement that the Big Bang was when
    all energy and matter originated in the universe.
  • Quran 2391" There has never been any other god
    besides Allah. Otherwise, each god would have
    declared independence with their creations, and
    they would have competed with each other for
    dominance. Allah be glorified far above their
  • Quran 2122. "If there were in them (the heavens
    and the earth) other gods beside Allah, there
    would have been confusion in both."

So He said about Himself
  • Quran 112 "Say He is Allah the One. Allah,
    the eternal, absolute. He begets not, nor was He
    begotten and there is nothing like Him.

Logically if Allah were like us, why would we
worship Him?
Divine nature of the Quran
  • Is also proof of the Prophethood of Muhammad
  • The Messenger of Allah

Invitation to intelligent people
  • Quran3190-91 Behold! in the creation of the
    heavens and the earth and the alternation of
    night and day there are indeed Signs for men of
    intelligence/understanding. Men who celebrate the
    praises of Allah standing sitting and lying down
    on their sides and contemplate the (wonders of)
    creation in the heavens and the earth (with the
    thought) "Our Lord! not for nothing have you
    created (all) this! Glory to You! give us
    salvation from the penalty of the fire.

The first sign of intelligence is to recognize
our Creator
What is the Quran?
  • The Qur'an is an eternal miracle. It was revealed
    to Prophet Muhammad who was unlettered. Yet
    it is acclaimed as the finest example of Arabic
    literary excellence of all time.
  • It also contains information about the universe
    that was not discovered by science until several
    centuries after the revelation.
  • It is the last Book of Allah sent for the
    guidance of all humanity through His last
    Prophet, Muhammad

How was it revealed?
  • The Qur'an was revealed in stages through a
    period of about 23 years.
  • The Prophet received the first revelation in
    610 CE, in the Cave of Hira in the Mountain of
    Light (Jabal-an-Noor), two and a half miles away
    from the city of Makkah

The Angel Jibraeel (Gabriel) used to come with
the Word of Allah
The first verses
  • The first revelation was the first 5 verses of
    Surah (chapter) Al-Alaq (961-5)
  • "Read in the name of your Lord who created,
    created man from a clot. Read, for your Lord is
    most Generous, Who teaches by means of the pen,
    teaches man what he does not know."

Allah invites mankind to read His signs in the
Universe around us
For whom is the Quran?
  • The teachings of the Qur'an are universal,
    addressed to all people throughout the world
    until the end of time, regardless of their tribe,
    race, gender, nationality, creed or color.
  • They enlighten the soul, condemn all wrongs,
    order good deeds and call for the establishment
    of justice and fraternity through obeying Allah
    to whom we will all return and account for
    our actions.

How was the Quran preserved?
  • Memorization
  • From the earliest revelation it was memorized by
    the Prophet himself as well as by many of his
  • Writing
  • Scribes (there were 42, under Zaid bin Thabit)
    wrote down the revelation, which they read out to
    the Prophet to verify its correctness.
  • As a source of the Shariah (Islamic Law)
  • The Quran and the Sunnah are the sources of
    Islamic law and this has helped in preserving
    both through practicing the principles enshrined

The Quran and Science
  • An Inherent Compatibility

Divine origin of the Quran
  • The Quran is not the words of Prophet Muhammad
    . The author of the Quran is Allah himself
  • There are many proofs of this, some of which are
    mentioned in the following slides

Our Universe
  • Signs of the Creator all around us

The Fundamental Constants
  • Quran 3120 Do they the disbelievers not see
    that Allah has subjected for them whatsoever is
    in the heavens and on earth
  • Quran 5449 " Indeed We have created
    everything with a set measure
  • Compare these statements in the Quran to what
    the physicist Paul Davies writes in his book, The
    Accidental Universe (1982) "The numerical
    values that nature has assigned to the
    fundamental constants, such as the charge on the
    electron, the mass of the proton, and the
    Newtonian Gravitational constant, may be
    mysterious, but they are critically relevant to
    the structure of the universe that we perceive.
    As more and more physical systems from nuclei to
    galaxies have become better understood,
    scientists have begun to realize that many
    characteristics of these systems are remarkably
    sensitive to the precise value of the fundamental
    constants. Had nature opted for a slightly
    different set of numbers, the world would have
    been a very different place and we would not be
    here to see it." (Davies 1982)

The Big Bang theory
  • Quran 2130 "Do not the unbelievers see that
    the Heavens and the earth were joined together,
    then We split them apart."
  • Professor Alfred Kroner, chairman of the
    Department of Geology at the Institute of
    Geosciences, Johannes Gutenburg University,
    Mainz, Germany stated about this verse in the
    Quran "Somebody who did not know something
    about nuclear physics 1400 years ago could not, I
    think, be in a position to find out from his own
    mind for instance that the earth and the heavens
    had the same origin, or many others of the
    questions that we have discussed here. (Rehaili

The Expanding Universe
  • The Expanding Universe
  • Quran5147 "And the firmament, We constructed
    with power and skill and verily We are expanding
  • The Protective Atmosphere
  • Quran2132 "And We have made the atmosphere a
    protective roof, yet do they turn away from the
    Signs which these things point to."

Movement of the Sun
  • The sun's movement is not something that is
    evident to our eyes but requires specialized
    equipment to observe.
  • Quran 2133 "It is He who created the night
    and the day, and the sun and the moon, all (the
    celestial bodies) swim along, each in its orbit
    with its own motion."
  • Quran 3639 And the sun constantly journeys
    towards a homing place for it and for the moon,
    We have determined phases.
  • Modern science discovered that the sun rotates
    around its axis every 26 days . The Quran
    mentions the movement of the sun, with its own
    motion, signified by the verb Yasbahoon in
    Arabic. Thus according to the Quran the sun is
    not just flying through space but moving on its
    own, i.e. rotating. The sun is also continually
    on a journey in space towards its homing place,
    the solar apex, as mentioned in the Quran.

Death of Stars, Phases of Moon
  • The Death of Stars
  • Quran 777-8 Assuredly what ye are promised
    must come to pass. Then when the stars become
  • Phases of the Moon
  • Quran3638-39 And the Sun runs his course for
    a period determined for him that is the decree
    of (Him) the exalted in Might the All-Knowing.
    And the Moon We have measured for her phases (to
    traverse) till she returns like the old (and
    withered) lower part of date-stalk.

Origin of all life from water
  • Quran2130 Do not the Unbelievers see that the
    heavens and the earth were joined together (as
    one unit of Creation) before We clove them
    asunder? We made from water every living thing.
    Will they not then believe?
  • Quran2554 It is He Who has created man from
    water then has He established relationships of
    lineage and marriage for thy Lord has power
    (over all things).
  • Quran2445 And Allah has created every animal
    from water of them there are some that creep on
    their bellies some that walk on two legs and
    some that walk on four. Allah creates what He
    wills for verily Allah has power over all

Queen ant Queen bee
  • Quran68-69 And thy Lord taught the Bee to
    build its cells in hills on trees and in (men's)
    habitations Then to eat of all the produce (of
    the earth) and find with skill the spacious paths
    of its Lord there issues from within their
    bodies a drink of varying colors wherein is
    healing for men verily in this is a Sign for
    those who give thought. (The Quran uses the
    female verb in describing the bee, in Arabic
  • Quran2718-19 At length when they came to a
    (lowly) valley of ants one of the ants said "O
    ye ants get into your habitations lest Solomon
    and his hosts crush you (under foot) without
    knowing it." So he smiled amused at her speech
    and he said "O my Lord! so order me that I may
    be grateful for Thy favors which Thou hast
    bestowed on me and on my parents and that I may
    work the righteousness that will please Thee and
    admit me by Thy Grace to the ranks of Thy
    righteous Servants. (The Quran uses the female
    verb Qalat to refer to the speech of the ant)
  • It is known only in modern times that in bee and
    ant colonies, it is the female queen that is the
    only one who gives directions to the entire

Invisible barrier between seas
  • Quran5519-20 He has let free the two bodies
    of flowing water meeting together. Between them
    is a Barrier which they do not transgress
  • The French scientist Jacques Yves Cousteau
    conducted various undersea investigations at the
    Strait of Gibraltar and explaining these
    phenomena concluded "Unexpected fresh water
    springs issue from the southern and northern
    coasts of Gibraltar. These mammoth springs gush
    towards each other at angles of 45 degrees
    forming a reciprocal dam. Due to this fact the
    Mediterranean and the Atlantic Oceans cannot
    intermingle (as quoted by Nurbaki)."

Isostacy Mountain roots
  • Quran786-7 "Have we not expanded the earth
    and made the mountains as tent pegs"
  • Quran31-10 " We have cast into the earth
    anchors lest it shake with you"
  • This fact was discovered less than 150 years ago
    by scientists and now accepted as a fundamental
    law in geology, the concept of Isostacy. M. J
    Selby in a standard-text on the subject entitled
    "Earth's Changing Surface (Clarendon Press,
    Oxford 1985) states "G.B Airy in 1855 suggested
    that the crust of the earth could be likened to
    rafts of timber floating on water. Thick pieces
    of timber float higher above the water surface
    than thin pieces and similarly thick sections of
    the earth's crust will float on a liquid or
    plastic substratum of greater density. Airy was
    suggesting that mountains have a deep root of
    lower density rock, which the plains lack. Four
    years after Airy published his work, J.H Pratt
    offered an alternative hypothesis...By this
    hypothesis, rock columns below mountains must
    have a lower density, because of their greater
    length, than shorter rock columns beneath plains.
    Both Airy and Pratt's hypothesis imply that
    surface irregularities are balanced by
    differences in density of rocks below the major
    features (mountains and plains) of the crust.
    This state of BALANCE is described as the concept
    of ISOSTACY (Selby198532) ."

Within Ourselves
  • Quran5518
  • Then which of the favors of your Lord will you

The challenge of the Quran
  • Quran 41 53 We will show them Our Signs in
    the universe and in their own selves, until it
    becomes manifest to them that this (Quran) is
    the truth. Is it not sufficient in regard to your
    Lord that He is a Witness over all things?

  • Quran164 Allah fashioned man from a small
    quantity (of sperm
  • Quran2313-14 Then We placed him as a drop in
    a place of rest. Then We made the drop into a
    leech like structure..."
  • Quran329 And He (Allah) gave you hearing and
    sight and feeling and understanding."
  • Dr. E. Marshall Johnson Professor of Anatomy,
    concluded after studying verses from Qur'an
  • "The Qur'an describes not only the development of
    external form but emphasizes also the internal
    stages - the stages inside the embryo of its
    creation and development, emphasizing major
    events recognized by contemporary science... so I
    see nothing in conflict with the concept that
    divine intervention was involved..."

Testimony of scientists
  • Keith Moore, head of the department of anatomy,
    at the University of Toronto, was shown verses of
    the Quran dealing with the microscopic stages of
    the human embryo. He was so surprised at what he
    found that he went back and revised the history
    of embryology in his standard texts on the
    subject. The books that Keith Moore authored are
    used at prestigious institutions like Yale and at
    universities all around the world. He stated,
    after being unable to provide an explanation on
    how microscopic details of the embryo could be
    accurately described in a book written before the
    discovery of the microscope "It is clear to me
    that these statements (in the Quran on
    embryology) must have come to Muhammad from God.
    This proves to me that Muhammed must have been
    the Messenger of God or Allah." (Rehaili 1995)

Circulation of blood food
  • Quran16-6 "And surely in the cattle, there is
    a lesson for you. We give you to drink of what is
    inside their bodies, from between digested food
    and blood, pure milk, pleasant to those who drink
    it." The above verse of the Quran calls our
    attention to the food distribution function of
    blood. It should be kept in mind however that
    this information was made known to the west by
    William Harvey, 1000 years after the Prophets
    death. If he was the author of the Quran (as his
    enemies claim) how would he have known, at the
    time that he lived that digested food is
    transported via blood and then becomes the
    constituent of milk secreted by the mammary

Maurice Bucaille
  • Maurice Bucaille, one of the first to popularize
    the linking of the Quran and Science, in his
    best selling books, The Bible, the Quran and
    Science, and What is the Origin of Man, concluded
    that given the history of the origin of the
    Quran, it could not have been the work of a man
    or group of men living in Arabia or anywhere else
    at that time, considering the nature of the
    scientific information in the Quran. Lecturing
    at the French Academy of Medicine, he concluded
    on the subject "It makes us deem it quite
    unthinkable for a man of Muhammad's time to have
    been the author of such statements on account of
    the state of knowledge in his day. Such
    considerations are what give the Quranic
    revelation its unique place and forces the
    impartial scientist to admit his inability to
    provide an explanation which calls solely on
    materialistic reasoning. (Bucaille 1985)

Resurrection of the dead
  • Quran 751-6 I do call to witness the
    Resurrection Day And I do call to witness the
    self-reproaching spirit (eschew Evil). Does man
    think that We cannot assemble his bones? Nay We
    are able to put together in perfect order the
    very tips of his fingers. But man wishes to do
    wrong (even) in the time in front of him. He
    questions "When is the Day of Resurrection?
  • Quran 7536-40 Does Man think that he will be
    left uncontrolled (without purpose)? Was he not a
    drop of sperm emitted (in lowly form)? Then did
    he become a leech-like clot then did (Allah)
    make and fashion (him) in due proportion. And of
    him He made two sexes male and female. Has not
    He (the same) the power to give life to the dead

So why then will we still not believe?
And on the Day of Judgment?
  • Quran32-10-12 And they say "What! when we
    lie hidden and lost in the earth shall we indeed
    be in a creation renewed?" Nay they deny the
    meeting with their Lord! Say "The Angel of
    Death put in charge of you will (duly) take your
    souls then shall ye be brought back to your
    Lord. If only thou couldst see when the guilty
    ones will bend low their heads before their Lord
    (saying) "Our Lord! We have seen and we have
    heard now send us back (to the world) we will
    work righteousness for we do indeed (now)

But on that day nothing can be changed
All that we need to do today
  • Accept in our heart that there is nobody worthy
    of worship except Allah who created us and
    sustains us and who will kill us and resurrect us
    and who we will stand before to be judged.
  • And accept that Muhammad is His slave and

Its as simple as that to become a Muslim!!
And what will happen then??
  • Quran2570-1 But if he repents, believes and
    works righteous deeds, Allah will change the evil
    of such persons into good and Allah is
    Oft-Forgiving Most Merciful. And whoever repents
    and does good has truly turned to Allah with an
    (acceptable) conversion
  • The Mercy of Allah is such that not only will he
    forgive our sins but will change them into good
    deeds. If only we are ready to accept and obey

Popular Notions and Prejudices about Islam
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • and their Answers

The Prophet of Islam
  • What others say about him

John William DraperA history of the Intellectual
Development of Europe, Vol. 1
  • Four years after the death of Justinian, A.D.
    569, was born at Mecca in Arabia, the man who of
    all men, has exercised the greatest influence
    upon the human raceMohammad.

Major Arthur Glyn LeonardIslam Her Moral and
Spiritual Value, London 1927, p.20-1
  • Mohammad was no mere spiritual peddler, no
    vulgar time-serving vagrant, but one of the most
    profoundly sincere and earnest spirits of any age
    or epoch. A man not only great, but one of the
    greatest (i.e. truest), men that humanity has
    ever produced. Great, not simply as a prophet but
    as a patriot and a statesman a material as well
    as a spiritual builder who constructed a great
    nation, a greater empire and more even than all
    three, a still greater Faith, true moreover,
    because he was true to himself, his people and
    above all, to his God.

Prof. K. S. Ramakrishna Rao,Head of the
Department of Philosophy,Government College for
Women University of Mysore, Mandya-571401
(Karnataka). Mohammed The Prophet -Re-printed
from "Islam and Modern age", Hyderabad, March
  • The theory of Islam and Sword for instance is
    not heard now frequently in any quarter worth the
    name. The principle of Islam that there is no
    compulsion in religion is well known. Gibbon, a
    historian of world repute says, "A pernicious
    tenet has been imputed to Mohammadans, the duty
    of extirpating all the religions by sword.This
    charge based on ignorance and bigotry, is refuted
    by Qur'an, by history of Musalman conquerors and
    by their public and legal toleration of Christian
    worship. The great success of Mohammad's life had
    been effected by sheer moral force, without a
    stroke of sword.

Prof. K. S. Ramakrishna Rao,Head of the
Department of Philosophy,Government College for
Women University of Mysore, Mandya-571401
(Karnataka). Mohammed The Prophet -Re-printed
from "Islam and Modern age", Hyderabad, March
  • The personality of Muhammed, it is most
    difficult to get into the whole truth of
    it.There is Muhammed, the Prophet. There is
    Muhammed, the General Muhammed, the King
    Muhammed the Preacher Muhammed the Philosopher
    Muhammed the Statesman Muhammed the Orator
    Muhammed the Reformer Muhammed the Protector of
    Slaves Muhammed the Emancipator of Women
    Muhammed the Judge Muhammed the Saint. And in
    all these magnificent roles, in all these
    departments of human activities, he is alike, a

Jules MassermanU.S. psychoanalyst, Time
Magazine, July 15, 1974
  • Leaders must fulfill three functions provide
    for the well-being of the led provide a social
    organization in which people feel secure and
    provide them with a set of beliefs.
  • People like Pasteur and Salk are leaders in the
    first sense. People like Gandhi and Confucius on
    one hand and Alexander, Caesar and Hitler on the
    other are leaders in the second and perhaps the
    third. Jesus and Buddha belong in the third
    category alone.
  • Perhaps the greatest leader of all times was
    Mohammad who combined all three functions.

Mahatma Gandhiin Young India
  • Some one has said that Europeans in South Africa
    dread the advent of Islam -- Islam that civilized
    Spain, Islam that took the torch light to Morocco
    and preached to the world the gospel of
    brotherhood.The Europeans of South Africa dread
    the Advent of Islam. They may claim equality with
    the white races. They may well dread it, if
    brotherhood is a sin. If it is equality of
    colored races then their dread is well founded.

Mahatma Gandhi Young India
  • I become more than ever convinced that it was
    not the sword that won a place for Islam in those
  • It was the rigid simplicity, the utter
    self-effacement of the Prophet, the scrupulous
    regard fro pledges, his intense devotion to his
    friends and followers and his intrepidity, his
    fearlessness, his absolute trust in God and in
    his own mission.
  • These and not the sword carried everything before
    them and surmounted every obstacle.

Dr. Annie BesantThe Life and Teachings of
  • It is impossible for anyone who studies the life
    character of the great Prophet of Arabia, .,
    to feel anything but reverence for that mighty
    Prophet, one of the great messengers of the
    Supreme.  I myself feel whenever I re-read them,
    a new way of admiration, a new sense of reverence
    for that mighty Arabian teacher.

Sir George Bernard ShawThe Genuine Islam, Vol.
1, No. 8, 1936
  • I have studied him the wonderful man in in
    my opinion far from being an anti-Christ he must
    be called the Savior of Humanity. I believe that
    if a man like him were to assume the dictatorship
    of the modern world, he would succeed in solving
    the problems in a way that would bring much
    needed peace and happiness.
  • I have prophesied about the faith of Muhammad
    that it would be acceptable to the Europe of
    tomorrow as it is beginning to be acceptable to
    the Europe of today.

Rev. Bosworth Smith Mohammed and
Mohammedanism, 1874
  • By a fortune absolutely unique in history,
    Mohammed is a threefold founder, of a nation, of
    an empire and of a religion.
  • He was Caesar and Pope in one, but he was Pope
    without the Popes pretensions and Caesar without
    the legions of Caesar without a standing army,
    without a bodyguard, without a palace, without a
    fixed revenue, if ever any man had the right to
    say that he ruled by right Divine, it was
    Mohammed, for he had all the powers without its
    instruments and without its supports.

Alphonse de Lamar tine Historie de le Turquie,
Paris 1854, Vol.11.Pages 276-77
  • If greatness of purpose, smallness of means and
    astounding results are the three criteria of
    human genius, who would dare to compare any great
    man in history with Muhammad?
  • Philosopher, apostle, legislator, warrior,
    conqueror of ideas, restorer of rational beliefs,
    of a cult without images, the founder of twenty
    terrestrial empires and one spiritual empires,
    that is Muhammad. As regards all standards by
    which human greatness may be measured, we may
    well ask, is there any man greater than he?

Dr. Sarojini NaiduIDEALS OF ISLAM, vide Speeches
Writings, Madras, 1918
  • It was the first religion that preached and
    practiced democracy for, in the mosque, when the
    call for prayer is sounded and worshippers are
    gathered together, the democracy of Islam is
    embodied five times a day when the peasant and
    king kneel side by side and proclaim 'God Alone
    is Great'... I have been struck over and over
    again by this indivisible unity of Islam that
    makes man instinctively a brother.

Sharma Guillaume
  • Diwan Chand Sharma
  • The Prophets of the East, Calcutta 1935, p.122
  • Muhammad was the soul of kindness and his
    influence was felt and never forgotten by those
    around him.
  • Alfred Guillaume,
  • Islam, Harmondsworth, London, 1954, p.2
  • At the outset let it be said that Muhammad was
    one of the great figures of history.His ability
    as a statesman faced with problems of
    extraordinary complexity is truly amazing.

Thomas CarlyleOn Heroes, Hero-Worship and the
Heroic in History, London 1888,p.61
  • His household was the frugalest his common diet
    barley-bread and water sometimes for months
    there was not a fire once lighted on his hearth.
    They record with just pride that he would mend
    his own shoes, patch his own cloak. A poor,
    hard-toiling, ill provided man careless of what
    vulgar men toil for.
  • No emperor with his tiaras was obeyed as this man
    in a cloak of his own clouting. During his three
    and twenty years of rough trial, I find something
    of a veritable hero necessary for that of itself.

Islamic Fundamentalism
  • Myth or Reality?

De Lacy OLeary Historian in Islam at the cross
  • History makes it clear however, that the legend
    of fanatical Muslims sweeping through the world
    and forcing Islam at the point of the sword upon
    conquered races is one of the most fantastically
    absurd myth that historians have ever repeated.

John Esposito, Professor, Georgetown University
Advisor to the US Government on Islamic
affairs, in 'The Islamic Threat' Myth or Reality?
  • I regard 'fundamentalism as too laden with
    Christian presuppositions and Western
    stereotypes, as well as implying a monolithic
    threat that does not exist more fitting general
    terms are "Islamic Revivalism" or "Islamic
    Activism", which are less value-laden and have
    roots within the Islamic tradition.
  • Islam possess a long tradition of revival
    (tajdid) and reform (islah) which includes
    notions of political and social activism dating
    from early Islamic centuries to the present day.

About double standards John Esposito
  • "Focus on "Islamic fundamentalism" as a global
    threat has reinforced a tendency to equate
    violence with Islam, to fail to distinguish
    between illegitimate use of religion by
    individuals and the faith and practice of the
    majority of the world's Muslims who, like
    believers in other religious traditions, wish to
    live in peace.

About double standards John Esposito
  • To uncritically equate Islam and Islamic
    fundamentalism with extremism is to judge Islam
    only by those who wreak havoc, a standard not
    applied to Judaism and Christianity. Fear of
    fundamentalism creates a climate in which Muslims
    and Islamic organizations are guilty until proven
    innocent. Actions, however heinous, are
    attributed to Islam rather than to a twisted or
    distorted interpretation of Islam.

And the effect of this John Esposito
  • Thus, for example, despite the historic track
    record of Christianity and Western countries in
    conducting warfare, developing weapons of mass
    destruction, and imposing their imperialist
    designs, Islam and Muslim culture are portrayed
    as somehow peculiarly and inherently expansionist
    and prone to violence and warfare (jihad).

Women in Islam
  • The Myth The Reality

Equality of Men and Women
  • In Islam there is complete equality between men
    and women in all respects of duties and rewards
    and a difference in responsibilities in relation
    to their nature of creation.
  • One is not superior to the other only different
    in terms of some responsibilities, like the
    upbringing of children.

Equality of Men and Women
  • Qur'an 4913 O mankind! We created you from a
    single (pair) of a male and a female.
  • Qur'an 41 O Mankind! Reverence your
    Guardian-Lord, Who created you from a single
    person, created of like nature his mate, from
    them scattered countless men and women. Fear
    Allah, through whom you demand your mutual rights
    and reverence the wombs (that bore you), for
    Allah ever watches over you.
  • Qur'an 3195 Never will I waste the work of a
    worker among you, whether male or female, the one
    of you being from the other.

Comparison of some of the Rights ofWomen Men
  • Right to own property and income. She need not
    share it with the husband at all.
  • Right to be paid to bring up children including
    nursing them
  • Right to marry anyone of their choice
  • Right to divorce the husband even without his
    consent and to have this written in the marriage
  • Right to receive the Mehr (bridal present) and
    not to pay any dowry at all
  • Wife has a right in the husbands property and
    income. It is the duty of the husband to support
    the wife unconditionally.
  • Right to have the wife obey him in all matters
    that are not against Islam.
  • Right to divorce the wife for specific reasons in
    the presence of 2 witnesses after first
    exhausting all avenues of resolving differences
  • The wife need not serve her husbands parents or

Women as an example for all time
  • Quran 66 10-12 Allah sets forth, for an
    example to the unbelievers, the wife of Noah and
    the wife of Lot. They were both under two of our
    righteous servants, but they were false to their
    husbands and they profited nothing before Allah
    on their account, but were told 'Enter you the
    Fire along with others that enter! And Allah sets
    forth, as an example to those who believe, the
    wife of Pharaoh. Behold she said 'O my Lord!
    Build for me, in nearness to You, a mansion in
    Paradise, and save me from Pharaoh and his
    doings, and save me from those who do wrong.' And
    Mary, the daughter of Imran, who guarded her
    chastity. We breathed into her body of Our Spirit
    and she testified to the truth of the words of
    her Lord and of His revelations and was one of
    the devout.

The Veil
  • In Islam men and women are equally directed to be
    modest and to dress and conduct themselves in a
    way that sets them apart from others and makes
    them recognizable as Muslims.
  • Quran 3359 O Prophet! Tell your wives and
    your daughters and the women of the believers to
    draw their cloaks (veils) all over their bodies
    (i.e.screen themselves completely except the
    eyes). That will be better, that they should be
    known (as free respectable women) so as not to be
    annoyed and Allah is Ever Oft-Forgiving, Most
  • Quran 2430 Tell the believing men to lower
    their gaze and protect their private parts (from
    illegal sexual acts, etc.). That is purer for
    them. Verily, Allah is All-Aware of what they do.

Symbol of Freedom or Oppression?
Is this Freedom or Oppression?
  • 33 of women in America are unwed mothers
    bringing up children born out of wedlock on their
  • Beauty Contests which treat women as a sex
    object and reinforce the myth that unless a woman
    is attractive to men she is worthless.
  • Proms in Western schools where girls who cant
    get a partner (because they are not attractive)
    commit suicide every year.
  • Peer pressure on girls to have boy friends and be
    attractive to boys by dressing provocatively
    (case in point TV serials about schools)
  • Using the female body as an object to attract
    attention in liquor, car, motorcycle, advertising
  • Teen pregnancy, abortion, free sex, teen
    magazines are these signs of freedom or of
    female enslavement by a male dominated society

Did you ever wonder?
  • Why despite all the hype about womens rights,
    America feels it cant even think of a woman
    President in the next 20 years? (Gallup Poll,
  • Why women executives and workers in the US are
    paid less than their male counterparts to this
  • Why is it that despite all the noise, the number
    of female top executives in American European
    industry or government is still a miniscule

Did you ever wonder?
  • When a western woman stays at home to look after
    the house and kids she's sacrificing herself and
    doing good for the household, but when a Muslim
    woman does so, she "needs to be liberated"?
  • When anyone chooses to express their identity in
    the form of their dress or way of life this is
    acceptable but when a Muslim does it, it is seen
    as adversarial?
  • When a person of another faith (Zionist, IRA,
    VHP, Bajrang Dal, Khalistan, LTTE) kills someone,
    religion is not mentioned, but when a Muslim is
    charged with a crime, it's Islam that goes to

Did you ever wonder?
  • Why a nun can be covered from head to toe and
    shes respected for devoting herself to God, but
    when a Muslim woman does that, shes oppressed?
  • Why a Jew, Sikh or Hindu can grow a beard and
    hes just practicing his faith, and when a Muslim
    does that, he's an extremist?
  • Why a Hindu can go to the temple every day and
    wear viboodhi (ash) on his forehead, or a Sikh
    can wear a turban to work but when a Muslim prays
    regularly and wears Islamic dress he is a

But then again, why is it after all that, that
Islam is still the fastest growing religion in
the world?
Thank You Very Much
  • For further information please feel free to
    contact me by email
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