Title: Mathematics MEAP, MME
1Mathematics MEAP, MME Secondary Credit
Assessment Program
- Kyle H. Ward
- Office of Educational Assessment Accountability
- Michigan Educational Assessment Program
- Michigan Department of Education
2MEAP grades 3-8 2007 Item Development Schedule
- Jan. 9th 11th High School Rangefinding
- Jan. 29th High School Bias Sensitivity
Committee - Jan. 30th Feb. 2nd High School Content
Advisory Committee
3Item Writing Schedule
- June 12th - 14th ES, MS, HS
- July 30th Aug. 2 ES, MS, HS
4MME Legislation
- PA 592 of 2004 - MME inserted into Career and
Technical Preparation Act - PA 593 of 2004 - Replaces high school MEAP with
MME in School Aid Act - PA 594 of 2004 - Replaces high school MEAP with
MME in Postsecondary Enrollment Options Act - PA 595 of 2004 - Replaces high school MEAP with
MME for determining Merit Award Scholarships - PA 596 of 2004 - Replaces the high school MEAP
with MME in the School Code
5MME Assessment Design
- Grade 10 College entrance readiness test (PLAN
and PSAT - local school/student choice) - Grades 11 and 12 Michigan Merit Examination
- English Language Arts - ACT Reading, Writing, and
English WorkKeys Reading for Information
Michigan Social Studies constructed response item - Mathematics - ACT Mathematics items from ACT
Science WorkKeys Applied Mathematics Michigan
Mathematics - Science - ACT Science Michigan Science
- Social Studies Michigan Social Studies
6Components and Score Contributions to MME -
- Contributes to a Mathematics Score
- ACT Mathematics (60 MC)
- WorkKeys Applied Mathematics (30 MC)
- Selected ACT Science items (15 MC)
- Michigan items (12 MC)
72007 Michigan Merit Examination
- MME Assessment Design
- Grade 10 College entrance readiness test (PLAN
or PSAT - local school/student choice and cost) -
for dual enrollment eligibility determination - Locally scheduled
8MME Assessment Administration(Spring 2007)
- Grades 11 - Spring Administration
- March 13 - ACT Plus Writing
- March 14 - WorkKeys Michigan Mathematics
- March 14, 15, or 16 - Michigan Science and Social
Studies - March 27 - Makeup ACT Plus Writing
- March 28 - Makeup WorkKeys Michigan Mathematics
- March 28, 29, or 30 - Makeup Michigan Science
and Social Studies - Spring 2007 High school MEAP for 12th graders
9Michigan Merit Exam
- MME Assessment Design
- 2007 assessments based on 1995 Michigan
Curriculum Frameworks - 2008 mathematics assessment will be based on the
new High School Content Expectations - 2009 science assessment will be based on the
Essential Skills portion of the new High School
Content Expectations
10MME Assessment Administration(Fall 2007)
- Grade 12 - Fall Administration
- Saturday, October 27, 2007 (ACT National Test
Date) - ACT Plus Writing - Tuesday, October 30, 2007 - WorkKeys Michigan
Mathematics - October 30, 31, or Nov 1 - Michigan Science and
Social Studies
11Future Administration Dates
Session Component 2008 2009 2010
Initial ACT Plus Writing WorkKeysMath Science SS 3/11 3/12 3/12-14 3/10 3/11 3/11-13 3/9 3/10 3/10-12
Makeup ACT Plus Writing WorkKeysMath Science SS 3/25 3/26 3/26-28 3/24 3/25 3/25-27 3/23 3/24 3/24-26
12Key 2006-07 MME Dates
- December 1, 2006 - ACT-approved accommodations
requests due to ACT for Day 1 Testing (ACT Plus
Writing) - January 10, 2007 - State-allowed accommodations
requests due to ACT for Day 1 Testing (ACT Plus
Writing) - For Day 2 (WorkKeys Michigan Mathematics) Day
2-7 (Michigan Science and Social Studies), tests
accommodations should be similar to those
approved for Day 1 - Accommodations decisions for Day 2 and Day 2-7
are the local school district responsibility - Dates also apply to home school and non-public
school students
13Key 2006-07 MME Dates
- June, 2007
- Students receive their reports
- Regular ACT reports (college-reportable)
- WorkKeys reports
- MME score reports
- Schools receive ACT, WorkKeys, and MME score
reports - MME scores used for EducationYES! accreditation
and NCLB AYP accountability purposes
14MME Future
- Make sure the MME assessments at all levels are
aligned with Michigans content standards and
content expectations (NCLB requirement) - Use Webb methodology to first determine what
assessment augmentation is needed - Select or develop and validate needed assessments
- Use Webb methodology to verify alignment
15MME Future
- Make sure the MME assessments at all levels are
aligned with Michigans content standards and
content expectations (NCLB requirement) - Submit final information to the U.S. Department
of Education (USED) - Obtain USED approval of the changes to assessment
at all levels - Use assessment information for EducationYES!
16Future MME Mathematics Assessments
- Examine new High School Content Expectations
- Determine what part(s) are assessed in ACT
Mathematics test - Determine what portions of the remaining content
expectations are suitable for state summative
assessment - Determine for which content expectations new item
development needs to take place - Carry out item development
17Future MME Mathematics Assessments
- Pilot test the new items
- Review and revise the new assessments
- Field test the items by embedding them in
operational forms - Using field-test data, assemble the new tests and
develop test directions for these new assessments - Provide technical and other information to USED
to show the technical adequacy of these
18Mathematics Design - Future
- The goal is to create assessments that work
together - Formative assessments for classroom teacher use
- Benchmark assessments for district use
- Summative assessments for use at the state level
- Divide the HSCEs into sub-units
- Assessments based on these sub-units
- Assessments could be used prior to, during, or
after instruction - by teachers or students - Students who do poorly can re-learn the material
and re-test - Assessments created by teachers and curriculum
- Goals
- Help all students learn the HSCEs in an
appropriate context and manner - Traditional course sequences
- Integrated courses
- Applied courses
- Self-study (obtain credit without taking a
course) - Encourage innovative approaches to teaching,
learning and assessment to increase student
21Secondary Credit Assessment Legislation
- Senate Bill No. 1124
- beginning with pupils entering grade 8 in
2006 - At least 4 credits in mathematicsof at least
algebra I, geometry, and algebra II, or an
integrated sequence 3 credits, and an
additional mathematics credit such as
trigonometry, statistics, precalculus, calculus,
applied math, accounting, business math, or a
retake of algebra II. Each pupil must
successfully complete at least 1 mathematics
course during final year of high school
22Secondary Credit Assessment Legislation
- A school districtdetermination ofsuccessfully
completedsubject area content expectationsthat
apply to a credit at least in part onperformance
on the assessment department or school district
23Secondary Credit Assessment Legislation
- school districtshall also grantcredit if the
pupil earns a qualifying score, as determined by
the department, on the (department)
assessmentsor determined by the school
districton 1 or more (school district)
24Secondary Credit Assessment Legislation
- House Bill No. 5606
- If pupil completes 1 or more credits before high
school, credit is granted
25House Bill No. 5606
- OEAA has 3 years to develop/select assessments
2008 - Algebra I, II Geometry
- Algebra I Geometry pilot tests in Jan. 2007
26Personal Curriculum
- After 2.5 credits completed
- Total must be at least 3.5 credits
- 1 credit final year
- Algebra II modification only after 2 credits
plus one or more 1 semester Algebra II, take
over 2 years, career/tech program with same
27Secondary Credit Assessments
- Develop the secondary course/credit assessments
(state, district, and classroom-based
assessments) at the same time to assure that the
pieces work together to support learning of the
content expectations.
28Secondary Credit Assessment
- Create a coherent, coordinated assessment system
- Based on the same High School Content
Expectations - Provide classroom, benchmark, and end-of-course
assessments to local districts for voluntary
local district use
29Future Secondary Credit Assessments
- High school graduation legislation requires the
creation of end-of-course exams - Mathematics Secondary Credit Assessments will be
created in - Algebra I
- Geometry
- Algebra II
- Data and Statistics
- Pre-Calculus
30Future Secondary Credit Assessments
- Assessments will be developed for traditional,
integrated and applied instruction - Legislation requires districts to use an
approved assessment to certify accomplishment
of the course/credit
31Future SCA
- Michigan is proposing to create a formative
credit assessment system so that students can
receive credit by passing exams given before,
during or after instruction. - Assessments would be delivered online so that
students could be assessed when the students or
the teacher are
32Future SCA
- Assessments need to be ready within three years,
although some exams will be ready sooner - Algebra I may be ready this year
- Use is voluntary at the district level
33How Will Work be Carried Out
- Develop ISD/RESA teams to sponsor work groups of
local educators - Leadership team from one or more ISDs/RESAs
- Working groups of teachers and curriculum
specialists in the four content areas - Professional development assistance provided by
MDE and others - Use other existing resources with an interest in
improved instruction and assessment
34How Will Work be Carried Out
- There are existing learning communities, formal
and informal, across the state already engaged in
thinking about - How students learn best
- How teachers can draw out the best from students
- How we know whether students have learned
- How educators can learn more about learning,
teaching and assessment - More such learning communities are needed in the
35What work will be done?
- Develop model instructional lessons that address
parts of the high school content expectations - Build a variety of assessments within these
instructional ideas - Try out these lessons and assessments with
students - MDE Collect, select and share the ideas
- Provide instructional and assessment ideas across
the state no later than Fall 2008 - Build an assessment system for use locally
- Deliver the assessments on an on-going basis, so
that students can be assessed before they take a
class, as they are taking it, or at the
conclusion of it
37Contact info
- Kyle Ward
- wardk2_at_michigan.gov
- (517) 335-0907