Title: Michigan Merit Examination
1- Michigan Merit Examination
- Edward Roeber
- Michigan Department of Education
2Issues Leading Up to the MME
- High school principals organization felt MEAP
testing took too long (days and hours) - MEAP assessment program suffered an operational
meltdown in 2003 - Although students can receive up to 3,000
towards post-secondary education, student didnt
take the MEAP test seriously - Participation in the MEAP assessment was too low
- especially in suburban districts
3Proposed MME Legislation
- Students would take the following tests
- College-entrance test and a work skills
assessment acceptable to employers, plus and
Michigan items needed to secure Federal approval - Testing would occur in the spring of the junior
year - Retesting in fall and spring of senior year
- One free retake
- College-entrance readiness tests (PLAN and PSAT)
used for dual enrollment eligibility purposes
4Arguments in Favor of MME
- Students will receive a free college-reportable
score on a college entrance test - this would
motivate students to participate in and do well
on assessments - Students will receive regular work skills scores
in reading and mathematics - useful in employment - Michigan Merit Exam scores could still be used to
award post-secondary scholarship in Michigan - Lower cost and less testing time
5Arguments Against MME
- Little standards-based information from a college
entrance and work skills tests - no data for
student or school improvement - Test administration procedures are very rigid
- Can all students score above average?
- Since ACT test scores have not changed much over
the past decade, how will schools make AYP? - MME is far more expensive - 73 versus 19/student
6MME Legislation
- PA 592 of 2004 - MME inserted into Career and
Technical Preparation Act - PA 593 of 2004 - Replaced high school MEAP with
MME in School Aid Act - PA 594 of 2004 - Replaced high school MEAP with
MME in Postsecondary Enrollment Options Act - PA 595 of 2004 - Replaced high school MEAP with
MME for determining Merit Award Scholarships - PA 596 of 2004 - Replaced the high school MEAP
with MME in the State School Code
7Steps Used to Implement MME
- Visited potential vendors to share ideas
- Competitively bid the MME program
- Reviewed the bids
- Selected new contractor(s) - Pearson/ACT
- Determined the content of each MME test
- Conducted pilot test of 37 high schools
(statistical alignment)
8Steps Needed to Implement MME
- Conducted additional content alignment studies to
select MME items - Prepared revisions to Michigans Accountability
Workbook - Submitted application to USED in July, 2006
- Conducted MME standard setting for NCLB purposes
in July - Set PLAN/PSAT cuts for dual enrollment
9Steps Needed to Implement MME
- November 1, 2006 was the drop-dead date for the
MME versus MEAP decision for Spring 2007 - Receive approval from USED prior to drop-dead
date, OR - continue MEAP High School Assessment (if approval
is not received by that date) - If approved by USED, implement the MME in grades
11 in the 2006-07 school year maintain MEAP HST
for Grade 12 only
10Steps Needed to Implement MME
- Was the USED approved the MME?
- November 1, 2006 letter from USED
- . . . It is likely to be fully compliant. .
However, additional evidence is needed to show
how Michigans new assessments meet the standards
and assessment requirements under ESEA.
11Evidence That Must be Provided
- Evidence of SBE adoption of achievement standards
for the MME - Documentation of technical quality indicators,
except standard setting and materials previously
submitted, as listed in the Peer Review Guidance
for the MME as administered in spring 2007.
12Evidence That Must be Provided
- Final technical manuals for the 2006-07 MME and
MI-Access assessments. - Actual MME assessment reports of results at the
student, school, and state levels that have been
13Soits a Go!
- First MME administration - Spring 2007
- Students to be assessed Grade 11
- All students enrolled in Grade 11 during March
2007 take the complete Michigan Merit Exam - Including students who previously took the MEAP
in grade 10 to qualify for dual enrollment
14MME Assessment Design
- Grade 10 College entrance readiness test (PLAN
and PSAT - local school/student decision) - Grades 11 and 12 Michigan Merit Examination
- English Language Arts - ACT, WorkKeys and a
Michigan Social Studies item - Mathematics - ACT mathematics, a few items from
the ACT Science section, WorkKeys and some
Michigan items - Science - ACT test and Michigan items
- Social Studies - all Michigan items
15MME Assessment Design
Assessments Administered Contributes to an English Language Arts Score Contributes to a Mathematics Score Contributes to a Science Score Contributes to a Social Studies Score
ACT Plus Writing WorkKeys Applied Mathematics Reading for Information And Michigan Mathematics Michigan Science and Social Studies Total ELA Score Reading ACT Reading (MC) WorkKeys Reading for Information items (MC) Writing ACT English (MC) ACT Writing (CR) Michigan Social Studies CR item -writing score ACT Mathematics (MC) WorkKeys Applied Mathematics (MC) Selected ACT Science items (MC) Michigan items (15 MC) ACT Science (MC) Michigan Science (55 MC) Michigan Social Studies (57 MC and 2 CR - social studies score) Note The number of Michigan items may increase in order to field-test new items to replace those released annually.
16 MME Test Organization MME Test Organization MME Test Organization MME Test Organization MME Test Organization
Day Test Subject Session Parts Total Items or Prompts Testing Time (minutes) Total Admin Time
Day 1 ACT Plus Writing English 5 75 45
Day 1 ACT Plus Writing Reading 5 40 35
Day 1 ACT Plus Writing Writing 5 1 30
Day 1 ACT Plus Writing Mathematics 5 60 60
Day 1 ACT Plus Writing Science 5 40 40
Day 2 WorkKeys Reading for Information 3 33 45
Day 2 WorkKeys Applied Mathematics 3 33 45
Day 2 Michigan Mathematics 3 14 20
Days 2,3 or 4 Michigan Science 1 46 45
Days 2,3 or 4 Michigan Social Studies 2 32 50
Days 2,3 or 4 Michigan 2 27 50
TOTAL Minutes 465
TOTAL hours 7.75
17Special Populations
- Students with Disabilities
- Students with Section 504 Plans
- English Language Learners
- ACT-approved
- Available to students with disabilities and
Section 504 plans - Apply only to the ACT
- State-allowed
- Available to students with disabilities, Section
504 plans, and English language learners - Apply to all parts of the MME
19Accommodation Requests
- ACT-approved versus State-allowed
- For the ACT
- 7,934 ACT-approved
- 456 denied
- 1,565 state-allowed materials requested
- For State-allowed accommodations no approval is
20MME Accommodation Summary Table
21MME Schedule for 2006-2007
- MME assessment administration dates
- MME administered statewide
- March 13 - ACT
- March 14 - WorkKeys and Michigan Mathematics
- March 14-16 - Other Michigan tests
- Make-up testing scheduled two weeks later
- March 27 - ACT
- March 28 - WorkKeys and Michigan Mathematics
- March 28-30 - Other Michigan tests
- Auxiliary test centers offered for non-public
22MME Activities for 2006-2007
- September-October, 2006
- Conducted high school video test briefing on
September 12 - Established 1,111 high schools as test centers -
public schools, charter schools, and private
schools - Schools identified key testing staff
- Test Supervisor
- Backup Test Supervisor, and
- Test Accommodations Coordinator
23MME Activities for 2006-2007
- November, 2006-February, 2007
- High school Test Supervisor, Backup Test
Supervisor, and Test Accommodations Coordinator
training at 12 sites (about 3,400 testing staff) - Schools apply for accommodations for students
with disabilities and English language learners
(both ACT- and state-approved ones) - ACT reviews accommodation requests and determines
those eligible for college-reportable or
state-reportable scores - Auxiliary test centers set up for non-public
school students who attend a non-public school
that was not established
24MME Schedule for 2006-2007
- February-March, 2007
- Tests (ACT and Michigan) produced
- Accommodations determined and materials ordered
- Non-secure and secure materials shipped to high
schools - Students complete the demographic and
non-cognitive sections of the answer folders for
the MME - High school Test Supervisors train room
supervisors and proctors - MME assessments administered
25MME Schedule for 2006-2007
- April-July, 2007
- Students and schools receive reports of results
- Regular ACT reports (college-reportable)
- WorkKeys reports
- MME score reports
- MME scores used for state accreditation and NCLB
AYP accountability purposes
26MME Schedule for 2006-2007
- August-November, 2007
- Retake vouchers produced, sent to schools, and
given to students - Students register for MME retake via ACT
- Retake on a single fall nationally-scheduled ACT
testing Saturday administration - fourth Saturday
in October - WorkKeys and Michigan tests administered the
following week in schools
27MME Issues and Challenges
- Getting USED to approve an ACT-based assessment
for NCLB AYP purposes - How much augmentation is needed?
- Non-alignment of the WorkKeys tests
- Alignment of the MME tests to Michigans
standards - determining needs to be added - Changing nature of the ACT tests
- Preparing to administer the ACT in Michigans
schools - Test center establishment
- Testing staff training
- Accommodations
28MME Issues and Challenges
- Preparing the IT work for blending multiple
assessments into a coherent assessment - Different psychometric models
- Two contractors systems with Michigans systems
- Assuring adequate assessment administration
preparation - for very secure tests (ACT) - Moving from an ACT-administered test to Michigan
educator-administered tests
29MME Issues and Challenges
- Accommodations for students with disabilities
- What accommodations will be offered and under
what conditions? - How much work is it to get accommodations
approved? - Will MI-Access need to be modified and/or
expanded? - Participation of English language learners
- What accommodations will be offered and under
what conditions? - Will any ELL accommodations result in
college-reportable ACT scores? - Why cant ELLs use the same accommodations as
SWDs but not receive college-reportable scores?
30MME Issues and Challenges
- Working through the logistics of testing
- Multiple (3) answer folders
- Inability to pre-ID students
- Blended reporting of multiple tests
- Alignment of the tests to a states standards
- Working with ACT
- Attempting to modify established procedures
- Electronic registration of students, key testing
staff and schools - Updating information on staff and schools
electronically - Considering modern psychometric methods
- Blending ACTs procedures with those of states
31MME Issues and Challenges
- States using ACT have recently formed an ACT
Users Group - Identified a number of challenges that states
would like to work on together - Identified several issues that states would like
to work on with ACT - Next meeting is May 17-18 in Detroit
32For Questions and Comments
- Edward Roeber
- (517) 373-0739 voice
- Roebere_at_michigan.gov
- Email Questions to mme_at_michigan.gov
- MME Website www.michigan.gov/mme