Title: Michigan Merit Examination (MME)
1Michigan Merit Examination (MME)
- 2006-2007 Training Workshop
- For Testing Staff
- Presented by
- Michigan Department of Education
- Pearson Educational Measurement
2Welcome and Introductions
- Edward Roeber Office of Educational Assessment
Accountability - Pat King Office of Educational Assessment
Accountability - David Judd Office of Educational Assessment
- Accountability
- Brian Strauss Pearson Educational Measurement
- Tracey Koffron Pearson Educational Measurement
- Craig Walker ACT
- Diane Walters ACT
3Todays Agenda
- Chapter One
- Day 1 Day 2 Day 2, 3, or 4 Components
- Overview of testing schedule
- Administration Policies and Procedures
- Security
- Non-secure materials, Pre-test sessions
- Day 1 Secure Materials
- Day 2 2, 3, or 4 Secure Materials
4Todays Agenda
- Chapter Two
- Pre-Id Process
- Demographic Updates
- New Student
- Barcode Labels
- Tested Roster
- Enrollment / Materials Ordering
5Todays Agenda
- Chapter Three
- Accommodations
- Home schooled students
- Test Day Preparation/Planning
6Todays Agenda
- Chapter Four
- Irregularities
- Test Day Documentation
- Makeup Materials
7Todays Agenda
- Chapter Five
- Section V, Day 1 Answer Folder
- Admin Codes, Day 2 and Day 2, 3, or 4 Documents
- Post-Test Requirements
- Packaging Materials for Return
- Returning Accommodation Materials
- Scheduled FedEx Pickups
- Reporting
- Avoiding the Pitfalls
- Contact Information
8Michigan E-mail (mi.mme_at_act.org)
- To prevent the possibility that you DO NOT
receive important messages regarding MME - IF you / your schools e-mail system is using a
SPAM filter, please make sure that the
mi.mme_at_act.org domain is listed in your accepted
domains. - If you / your schools e-mail system requires
intervention on behalf of the sender, you will
not be able to receive e-mail from ACT.
9Day 1 Components
- Day 1 administer ACT plus Writing
- Staff arrive by 730
- Briefing Session for testing staff 745
- Examinees seated by 830
- Administration begins no later than 900
- Collect materials and dismiss examinees by
1230-100 (depending on start time)
10Day 2 Components
- Day 2 administer WorkKeys Reading for
Information, WorkKeys Applied Mathematics,
Michigan Mathematics - Staff arrive by 730
- Briefing Session for testing staff 745
- Examinees seated by 830
- Administration begins by 830 (no later than
900) - Collect materials and dismiss examinees
approximately 1145 (will depend on start time)
11Day 2, 3, or 4 Components
- Day 2, 3, or 4 administer Michigan Science,
Michigan Social Studies Part 1, Michigan Social
Studies Part 2 - Staff arrive by 730
- Briefing Session for testing staff 745
- Examinees seated by 830
- Administration begins by 830 (no later than
900) - Collect materials and dismiss examinees by
approx. 1200 - Day 2 PM Option
- Start by 1230
- Dismiss by 400
12MME Testing Schedule
- Initial Testing (Spring 2007)
- March 13 ACT Plus Writing
- March 14 WorkKeys Michigan Mathematics
- March 14, 15, or 16 Michigan Science and Social
Studies - Makeup Testing (Spring 2007)
- March 27 ACT Plus Writing
- March 28 WorkKeys Michigan Mathematics
- March 28, 29, or 30 Michigan Science and Social
Studies - Accommodations Testing Windows (Spring 2007)
- Day 1 - March 13 March 27
- Day 2 - March 14 March 28
- Day 2, 3, or 4 - March 14 March 30
- Reminder Only for high school juniors
13MME not MEAP
- Tests will be administered under standardized
testing conditionsthese are not flexible - Unlike MEAP, all MME testing is timed
14MME Test AdministrationPolicies and Procedures
- Supervisors Manuals
- First Activity of the Day
- Standard Testing Requirements
15Supervisors Manuals
- Day 1
- Supervisors Manual of Instructions for the ACT
Plus Writing State Testing - Supervisors Manual of Instructions for the ACT
Plus Writing State Special Testing - Day 2 and 2, 3, or 4
- MME Administrators Manual
- Standard Testing
- Accommodations
16First Activity of the Day
- All test sites must test on the designated test
days with testing as the first activity of the
morning, starting no later than 9 a.m. - No food or drink are permitted in testing room(s)
this applies to both staff and examinees. - School Schedule adjustments will be necessary for
students with different schedules (e.g., night
17Standard Testing Requirements
- Testing Staff
- Relatives Testing
- Facilities
18Testing Staff
- Test Supervisor
- Responsible for all MME assessment activities
- Responsible for all standard test materials
- Back-up Test Supervisor
- Responsible to serve if Test Supervisor unable to
do so - Will assist the Test Supervisor
- Test Accommodations Coordinator
- Assures that each student requiring
accommodations applies for them - ACT-approved or
State-allowed - Coordinates all Accommodations Testing for your
school - Responsible for all accommodated test materials
- These personnel needed in each high school
19Testing Staff, continued
- Required number of qualified assistants per room
- 1 Room Supervisor required for each room,
- Plus 1 Proctor for every 25 examinees in the room
after the first 25 (i.e., 26-501 51-752
76-1003) - Testing staff may not be
- Involved in test preparation for commercial gain
outside of normal teaching responsibilities - Enrolled in high school
20Relatives Testing
- Test (and Back-up) Test Supervisors have access
to secure test materials prior to testing. - To avoid the appearance of a conflict of
interest, and to protect relatives (children,
stepchildren, grandchildren, nieces, nephews,
siblings, in-laws, spouses) and wards from
allegations of impropriety - Test (and Back-up) Supervisors may not be related
to any examinee taking the MME in 2006-2007
anywhere in Michigan. - Room supervisors and proctors may not assist in a
room where any relative is being tested
21Relatives Testing/Conflict of Interest
- TACs May not be related to or guardian of any
examinee participating in MME accommodations
testing anywhere in Michigan this year. (see list
of relatives / guardians on prior slide) - Testing staff supporting accommodations May not
be involved in coaching high school athletics or
college athletics (applicable only if student
testing with accommodations participates in
22Testing Staff Training Session
- BEFORE Test Day
- Use copy of this Video
- Policies
- Pre-test Activities
- Test Day Assignments
- Post-test Procedures
- Manuals and Supplemental Guides
- Attentiveness During Testing
- Preferred site is in a quiet wing of the high
school - School in session for all students, or
- School for juniors only
- Off-site administration
- Community College
- Other public facility
- Other private facility
- Off-site must be approved by ACT applications
due to ACT December 1
24Facilities, continued
- Choice of testing rooms for standard time
administration - Uncrowded seating prefer classrooms with 25-30
examinees - Manageable security prefer no more than 100
examinees in one room - Good lighting, comfortable temperature, quiet
25Facilities, continued
- Seating arrangements (Applies Equally to Desks
and Tables) - Seats must be assigned by testing staff as
students enter room - Minimum of 3 feet apart side-to-side (measured
shoulder-to-shoulder) - Minimum of 3 feet apart front-to-back (measured
head-to-head) - All students must face the same direction,
directly behind one another
26Facilities, continued
- Freedom from distractions
- No one not involved in testing may be in the room
- Uninterrupted testing period required for all
days of testing - No unnecessary noises (bells, public address
systems, etc. must be turned off) - Testing rooms must be separated from regular
school activities
27Security of Test Materials
- Check-in immediately
- Problems Day 1 call ACT 800/553-6244 x
2800 or x 1788 (Accommodated Testing) - Day 2 2, 3, or 4 call PEM 800/204-4109
- Two-lock Rule
- Just like Money
- Establish and Document Chain of Custody
- Allowed for
- Day 1 ACT Mathematics
- Day 2 WorkKeys Applied Mathematics and Michigan
Mathematics - Details in Taking The ACT and on website
- www.actstudent.org/faq/answers/calculator.html
- Ultimately students responsibility
- Formula sheets are in WK Applied Math test
29Non-Secure Materials Day 1
- Arrive in schools first week of February
- To Test Supervisors
- Supervisors Manuals
- Room Supervisors and Proctors Guides
- Taking the ACT for State Testing
- Answer Folders (blank)
- Day 1 Bar-code Labels
30Non-secure Day 2 and Day 2, 3, or 4 Materials
- Arrive in schools first week of February
- To Test Supervisors
- Supervisors Manuals
- Answer Documents (blank)
- Day 2 2, 3, or 4 and blank bar-code labels
- Class/Group ID Sheet
- School Header Sheets
31Pre-Test Sessions
- In-school sessions, supervised
- Complete Non-cognitive and Demographic
Information - Bar-Code Labels affixed---3 times
32Day 1 Answer Folder
- Sections to be completed in pre-test session
about 60-90 minutes - Bar-code Label
33Day 2 Answer Document
- Sections to be completed in pre-test session
about 15 minutes - Bar-code Label
34Day 2, 3, or 4 Answer Document
- Sections to be completed in pre-test session
about 15 minutes - Bar-code Label
35Day 1 Secure Materials
- To Test Supervisor
- Supervisors Report Form
- Fax Order Form for Day 1 Makeup Materials
- Return envelopes
- Packing instructions
- Spring Break Conflict
- KEEP BOX(es) for return
36Day 2 2, 3, or 4 Secure Materials
- To Test Supervisor
- Packing instructions
- KEEP BOX(es) for return
37End Chapter One
- Re-cap of previous information
- Day 1 2 2, 3, or 4 Components
- Testing Schedule
- Procedures and Policies
- Security
- Non-secure Materials, Pre-test Sessions
- Day 1 Secure Materials
- Day 2 2, 3, or 4 Secure Materials
38Begin Chapter Two
39Pre-ID Process
- Pre-Identified Student Report
- Pre-ID Mass Updates
- Demographic Updates
- New Student
- Barcode Labels
- Tested Roster
- Resources
40Pre-Identified Student Report
- The Pre-Identified Student Report is the best
way to determine which students have been
successfully identified for an assessment cycle.
41Pre-Identified Student Report
- Click on Pre-Identified Students from the menu at
the left - Leave Report Type as Pre-ID
- Select ISD, district, school and spring 2007 MME
test cycle, click the Submit button
42Pre-ID Mass Updates
- The Pre-ID Mass Update screen is an efficient way
to change the following information for a group
of students - Unassigning a group of students from the test
43Pre-ID Mass Updates contd
- Moving a group of students from one building to
another within the district - Changing the grade level field for a group of
44Pre-ID Mass Updates contd
- Select the desired ISD, District, School, Test
Cycle and Grade to be updated, then click Search
45Pre-ID Mass Updates Contd
This screen will be displayed which provides
Update Fields. Select all or a sub-group of
students and use any combination of Update
Fields, then click Save.
46Demographic Updates
- Districts/schools will have the ability to view
and modify the student demographic data in the
OEAA Secure Site during the tested roster period
prior to reporting. Also, make sure any
modifications are reflected in your local student
management system.
47New Student
48Barcode Labels
You should print barcode labels for all students
that did not come pre-identified. Click Barcode
Labels from the menu on the left on the web page.
49Barcode Labels
You should then see this
50Barcode Labels - Continued
To generate a list of all the students assigned
to the given test cycle, select from the drop
down menus the ISD, District, School, Grade and
Test cycle. Then click the Search button.
Above the list of student names, you have the
option to select the number of labels that you
want to print for the selected students and also
the starting position on the labels.
51Barcode Labels - Continued
You may use the Select All button to select all
of the students listed. When you have selected
the students and are ready to print, click the
Submit button. Adobe Acrobat will open a new
window and display an image of your labels. If
everything looks correct, click on the printer
icon, which normally is located near the top
left corner of the window.
52Barcode Labels - Continued
On the Printer Dialog window that appears next,
ensure the shrink oversized pages or fit to page
(depending on your version of Adobe) option is
NOT checked. If you have an auto-rotate and
center pages option, please make sure that is
Click on OK to print.
53Why is Tested Roster important?
- It gives you a complete listing of
- students for whom answer documents were received
by the contractor - student demographic accommodation information
pulled together from the answer document and the
secure website
54Tested Roster contd
- It gives you your last opportunity to
- verify that all answer documents were received
and accounted for by the contractor - request the OEAA office to research any missing
students and or missing answer documents - update student demographic information before
reports are printed and the AYP file is created
55Resource Information
- Instructions for website usage can be found on
the login page of the secure website,
www.michigan.gov/OEAA-secure by clicking on the
pink link titled OEAA Secure Site User Manual - Accessing the manual does not require a user ID
and password.
56On Line Enrollment (materials ordering)
- Day 2 2, 3, or 4 Enrollment Window Nov 1-17th
- Verify student enrollment count grade 11
- Order accommodation materials
- Training held during September 12 briefing
- User guide available on OEAA Website
57End Chapter Two
- Recap Previous Information
- Pre-Id Process
- Demographic Updates
- New Student
- Barcodes Labels
- Tested Roster
- Enrollment / Materials Ordering
58Begin Chapter Three
59Accommodated Materials Day 1
- ACT-Approved
- Application receipt deadline 12/1/06
- State-Allowed
- Application receipt deadline 1/10/07
60ACT-Approved Day 1
- Approval from ACT required for
- Extended time
- Multiple days
- Alternate formats
- Cassette, Audio DVD
- Large type
- Readers Script
- Braille
- If approved, testing window March 13-27
61State-Allowed Day 1
- If student does not meet criteria for
ACT-Approved accommodations, school may request
State-Allowed accommodations - Application due to ACT January 10, 2007
- ACT results used only for MME scores and
school/district accountability NOT reported to
colleges, or any entity other than the state.
62State-Allowed Day 1
- Formats for State-Allowed Testing
- Same as ACT-Approved plus
- English Video DVD/VHS
- Spanish Video DVD/VHS, Audio Cassette
- Arabic Video DVD/VHS, Audio Cassette
63Locally Approved Accommodations
- Standard time limits with normal breaks
- Regular type
- Large type must be requested from ACT by Dec 1
- Examples
- Wheelchair access
- Sign language interpreter for spoken instructions
(not test items) - Seating at front of room
- Separate room
64Day 1 Accommodations Secure Materials
- ACT-Approved Accommodations
- To TAC
- Preliminary Roster first week of February
- Final Roster first week of March
- Includes TEST BOOKLETS and alternate test formats
- Testing Window March 1327, 2007
- KEEP BOX(es) for return
65Day 1 Accommodations Secure Materials
- State-Allowed Accommodations
- Separate Shipment Test Materials
- To TAC
- Roster and Admin forms
- Administration Guidelines
- Testing Window March 13-27, 2007
- KEEP BOX(es) for return
66Day 1 Accommodations Extended-Time Testing
- Applies to ACT-Approved State-Allowed
- Materials assigned to student
- Do NOT mix timing codes
- ACT-Approved separate from State-Allowed
- Tests in proper sequence
- Never left unattended
- School bells allowed
- If separate sessions / days, must complete test
- May reschedule within two-week window
67Day 2 Accommodations Materials
- State-allowed accommodations for IEP, 504, and
ELL students - NO Approval from ACT required
- Extended time
- Multiple days
- Alternate formats
- Cassette, DVD, VHS
- Large type
- Reader
- Braille
- Spanish, Arabic
- Testing window March 14-28
68Day 2, 3, or 4 Accommodation Materials
- State-allowed accommodations for IEP, 504 and ELL
students - NO Approval from ACT required
- Extended time
- Multiple days
- Alternate formats
- Cassette, DVD, VHS
- Large type
- Reader
- Braille
- Spanish, Arabic
- Testing window March 14-30
69Home schooled students
- Home Schooled students wishing to participate in
the MME will test at their local public high
school - Local Public Schools will need to work with local
home schooled students wishing to take the MME - Includes assistance with accommodations
- Also need to schedule time for pre-test sessions
- Day 1 Answer Folder - Block K TS fill in the
ovals 969999 - Day 1 Answer Folder -Section V Question 1
fill in oval A - Day 2, and 2,3,4 Answer Document Complete Block
70Test Day Preparation/Planning
- Testing Staff Briefing Session
- Rosters
- Check-in of Examinees
- Required Forms
- Starting Time
- Sequence/Timing of Tests
- Breaks
- Observers
71Testing Staff Briefing Session
- Required for each test day
- Review procedures
- Attentiveness
- No food or drinks
- Last-minute details
- Distribute Test Materials
- Test Booklet Count Form
- Create Rosters BEFORE Test Day
- Names of students SCHEDULED to test
- Prepare for Day 1 copy for Days 2 and
- 2, 3, or 4
73Checking In Examinees
- Personal Recognition by testing staff
- Current Official Photo ID
- Check acceptable ID and mark rosters
- Direct examinees to seats
- No food or drink allowed in testing rooms
74Required Forms
- Completed Rosters
- Test Booklet Count Form
- Seating Diagrams
- Testing Time Verification Form
75Starting Time
- Testing must begin no later than 900 a.m.
- Testing can begin as soon as all examinees have
been identified and seated
76Sequence/Timing of Tests
- Day 1 ACT Plus Writing
- Test 1, English 45 minutes
- Test 2, Mathematics 60 minutes
- Break 15 minutes
- Test 3, Reading 35 minutes
- Test 4, Science 35 minutes
- Break 5 minutes
- Test 5, Writing Test 30 minutes
77Sequence/Timing of Tests
- Day 2 WorkKeys and Michigan Mathematics
- Reading for Information 45 minutes
- Applied Mathematics 45 minutes
- Break 5 minutes
- Michigan Mathematics 20 minutes
78Sequence/Timing of Tests
- Day 2 4 Michigan Science and Social Studies
Parts 1 and 2 - Michigan Science 50 minutes
- Michigan Social Studies Part 1 50 minutes
- Break 10 minutes
- Michigan Social Studies Part 2 50 minutes
79Exact Timing of Tests
- Use more than one timepiece
- Record times in the Supervisors Manuals
- Dont miss the 5-minute verbal warnings
- Rooms attended at all times by staff
- Remind students to be quiet
- Restroom breaks
- Authorized Observers
- Letter and ID
- Unauthorized Observers
- Media
- Test prep companies
- Parents
- School Board members
- Any staff not part of test day administration
82End Chapter Three
- Recap Previous Information
- Accommodations
- Home Schooled students
- Test Day Preparation/Planning
83Begin Chapter Four
85Group Irregularities
- Document and call if
- Inclement weather
- Power failure
- Emergency evacuations
- Major disturbance
- Missing materials
- Mistiming
- Call ACT 800/553-6244
- x 2800 Day 1 Standard Time
- x 1788 Day 1 - Accommodations
- Call PEM 800/204-4109
- Day 2 Day 2, 3, or 4 Standard Time and
86Individual Irregularities
- Defective material
- Replace
- Examinee illness
- Schedule for makeup
- Marking in future section of answer folder
- Irrational behavior
- Document everything
87Prohibited Behavior
- Examples
- Creating disturbance
- Giving/receiving help
- Previous test section
- Working beyond time
- Calculator issues
- Void answer folder
- If security breach, call
- Document everything
- Roster
- Irregularity Reports, if occurrences
- Seating Diagram
- Test Booklet Count Form Testing Time Verification
Form - For TACs-Accommodations Administration Report
- Testing Staff List
89Makeup Materials
- Day 1 ACT
- Day 2 and Day 2, 3, or 4 - PEM
90Day 1 Makeup Materials
- FAX form for materials
- FAX by end of day March 13
- MUST fax even if no materials are needed
- 319/337-1019 (ACT)
- Makeup examinees
- March 13 absences check roster
- Illness/unable to finish
- NO TESTING if dismissed for prohibited behavior
- Examples on back of sample form
91Day 2 and Day 2, 3, or 4 Makeup Materials
- Order via OEAA Secure Site by March 16th.
- Day 2 2, 3, or 4 materials only
- No Accommodation materials
92On Line Enrollment
- Log into the state site
- www.michigan.gov/oeaa-secure
- OEAA Secure Site user manual is located on
OEAA-login screen. Provides step by step
instruction on how to maneuver through the site. - Email mme_at_michigan.gov with any questions or
concerns with the OEAA site.
93Select Additional Orders Shipment Tracking
94Select Enrollment Tab
95Enrollment Tab
- Select MME Make Up Test Cycle
96Enrollment Tab
- The Enrollment Screen has sub-tabs
- Detail Instructions
- Enrollment
- Supplemental Enrollment
- Please read detailed instructions then select the
enrollment sub-tab.
97Select Enrollment Sub-Tab
98Enrollment Sub-Tab
- Test Supervisor will need to order makeup test
materials. - Makeup materials ordering window is March 14-16,
99End Chapter Four
- Recap of Previous Information
- Irregularities
- Test Day Documentation
- Makeup Materials
100Begin Chapter Five
101Section V on Day 1 Answer Folder
- Completed by Testing Staff, not examinee
- Designation of Home schooled students
- Critical for accommodations
102Day 2 2, 3, or 4 Answer Documents
- Completed by TAC, not examinee
- Completed for each content area
- Chart of codes in MME Administration Manual
103Admin Codes on Day 2 and Day 2, 3 or 4 Answer
- Completed by TAC, not examinee
- Completed for each content area
- Chart of codes in MME Administration Manual
104Post-Test Requirements-TS
- Answer document for each examinee who tested
- Validate correct student bar-code labels applied
to each answer document - Account for all standard time materials
- Complete all required documentation
105Post-Test Requirements - TAC
- Complete Section V on Day 1 Answer Folders
- Complete Admin and School Use Only Codes on Day
2 2, 3, or 4 Answer Documents - Pages 76-77 of Supervisors Manual of
Instructions The ACT Plus Writing State Special
Testing - Day 2 2, 3, or 4 Instructions in MME
Administration Manual
106Packaging Standard Time Materials for Return
- Day 1 materials return to ACT
- Day 2 materials return to PEM
- Day 2, 3, or 4 materials return to PEM
- DO NOT mix up materials!
107Day 1 Standard Time Materials Return
- RED Ink Envelope
- Administrative Forms
- GREEN Ink Envelope
- Supervisors Report Form
- Used Answer Folders for processing
- Test Booklets ALL
- March 15 - FedEx pick up for Initial Test Date
108Day 2 Standard Time Materials Return
- Your scorable boxes must include
- Header Sheet with all scorable Answer Documents
- Marked original of each Material list showing
test booklet assigned to each student. - Place the colored label on return box
- Subsequent non-scorable boxes will include
- Unused materials
- Alternate test formats
- Use the WHITE return label
109Day 2, 3, or 4 Standard Time Materials Return
- Your scorable boxes must include
- Header Sheet with all scorable Answer Documents
- Marked original of each Material list showing
test booklet assigned to each student. - Place the colored label on return box
- Subsequent non-scorable boxes will include
- Unused materials
- Alternate test formats
- Use the WHITE return label
110Returning Accommodation Materials Day 1
- BLUE Ink envelope for ACT-Approved answer
folders/forms - BROWN Ink envelope for State-Allowed answer
folders/forms - Supervisors Report Form
- Accommodations Rosters
- Administration Reports
- Other forms
111Returning Accommodation Materials Day 2 and
Day 2, 3, or 4
- Your scorable boxes must include
- Header Sheet with all scorable Answer Documents
- Marked original of each Material list showing
test booklet assigned to each student. - Place the colored label on return box
- Subsequent non-scorable boxes will include
- Unused materials
- Alternate test formats
- Use the WHITE return label
112Scheduled FedEx Pickups
- March 15 For all Initial Testing Day 1 ACT
materials Day 2 materials and Day 2, 3, or 4
that is complete - March 19 Remaining Day 2, 3, or 4 Initial
Testing - March 29 All Day 1 and Day 2 Makeup materials
all Accommodations and Day 2, 3, and 4 Makeup
that is complete - April 2 Remaining Accommodations and Day 2, 3,
or 4 makeup materials
- Standard ACT plus Writing Reports
- Student Reports (to home April/May)
- HS and College Reports (April/May)
- School and District Profile Reports (October)
- Standard WorkKeys Reports
- All reports to testing site (April/May)
- Individual, Aggregate
- MME Reports (June)
- Non-College reportable scores
114Avoiding the Pitfalls
- Testing MUST be first activity of the day start
no later than 9 a.m. - Test materials are NOT to be shared or
transferred between schools - Administer tests in proper sequence
- Accommodated students testing with different Day
1 timing codes CANNOT be in same room
115Avoiding the Pitfalls (cont.)
- State-Allowed and ACT-Approved testing must be
separate rooms - Day 1 - Students testing with accommodations must
used their own materials - Pretest information MUST be completed before test
dayNO EXCEPTIONS - Keep Day 1/2/2, 3, or 4 materials SEPARATE
116End Chapter Five
- Recap previous information
- Section V, Day 1 Answer Folder
- Admin / School Use Codes, Day 2 and Day 2, 3, or
4 Documents - Post-Test Requirements
- Packaging Materials for Return
- Returning Accommodation Materials
- Scheduled FedEx Pickups
- Reporting
- Avoiding the Pitfalls
117Contact Information
- For more information on MME
- www.michigan.gov/mme
- For program policy and assessment design
information contact MDE / OEAA - (877) 560-TEST (8378)
- For ACT specific questions DAY 1
- ACT State Testing (800) 553-6244 x 2800
- ACT State Testing Accommodations (800) 553-6244 x
1788 - mi.mme_at_act.org
- For Pearson Educational Measurement DAY 2 DAY
2, 3, or 4 - (800) 204-4109
118Questions and Answers