Apresenta - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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... to each public services. ww.cidadao.sp.gov.br is a portal for public services with orientation for presencial and eletronics services that assign the ombudsman ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Apresenta

Poupatempo Time Save
  • Government Objectives - unique site for all
    presencial public services, federal, state and
    local government levels.
  • include representation of community and private
    organism that citizens need for relations.
  • state a new paradigm for best public services
    with ethics, principles and deference to
    citizensstandards of quality cost reduction
    for citizens. Requirement New legislation for
    defense of users of public services gt OMBUDSMAN
    assigned to each public services.
    ww.cidadao.sp.gov.br is a portal for public
    services with orientation for presencial and
    eletronics services that assign the ombudsman(a
    public servant for guarantee citizens
    rights)Information Technology (IT) Governance
    (fundamental) Digital Divide policies and
    initiatesinfrastructure of communications and DB
    integration Operational IT employe available (we
    have Prodesp)

Poupatempo Time Save
Services Units Type
Inauguration Area m2 employes (5486) Sé
Fixed Out/97
6.000 807 Luz
Fixed Jun/98 1.600
787 Santo Amaro Fixed
Ago/98 9.000 243 Campinas Center
Fixed Ago/98 3.000
310 Saint Jose dos Campos Fixed
Set/98 2.100 225 Itaquera
Fixed Nov/00 10.000
745 Saint Bernardo do Campo Fixed
Jun/01 8.100 800 Guarulhos
Fixed Set/02 6.506
467 Ribeirão Preto Fixed
Dez/03 4.446 321 Campinas
Shopping Fixed Set/04
3.806 250 Great São Paulo 01
Mobile Set/04 truck 400 80 Great
São Paulo 02 Mobile Mar/06 truck
400 73 Great São Paulo 03
Mobile Mar/06 truck 400
66 Interior 1 Registro Mobile
Mar/06 bus 250 52 Interior 2
Sorocaba Mobile Mar/06 bus 250
54 Interior 3 Marília Mobile
Mar/06 bus 250 57 Interior 4
Araçatuba Mobile Mar/06 bus 250
59 Headquartes

90 Units of services created since the begining
of Poupatempo in 1996
Poupatempo - Time Save
  • Public Services realized
  • Ano Total attends
    Total accumulated
  • 1997 285.428
  • 1998 3.942.966
  • 1999 8.782.200
  • 2000 10.286.666
  • 2001 14.698.287
  • 2002 19.344.579
  • 2003 21.381.636
  • 2004 23.583.829
  • 2005 25.566.654
  • 10.095.617 (may)
  • 5 days per week 7 am 7 pm - Saturday 7 am 1
  • Maximum number of differentes services 400 -
    68 public agencies
  • Unitary cost of service R 3,06 in 2005 excluding
    the salary of employe

Poupatempo - Time Save
Investments per yearYear R
millions US millions 1999
17,3 9,5 2000
22,1 12,1 2001
31,3 13,3 2002
44,4 15,2 2003
55,8 18,1 2004
60,4 20,6 2005
28,7 2006 (may) 37,7
17,7 Total R 339,6 US 134,5
Around5.000 - 5500employes Cost per fixed unit
of serviceby month near R500.000 to
R700.000Cost per mobileunit of serviceR
some new investments are made like a Outsourcing
with Public-Private partners
Comparative of Central of Attends from different
States in Brazil
Type of save time Poupatempo SAC Rio Simples
State São Paulo Bahia Rio de Janeiro
Population(Census 2000) 37 millions 13 millions 14 millions
Year started 1997 1995 2001
Fixed units 10 25 2
Mobile units 7 2 0
Attends per day 75.000 42.300 2.250
Attends per month 1,5 million 847.000 45.000
Total atends since started 135 millions 1,984 million
In 2000, SAC have 6 Mobile Units. Since 2001,
4 units was deactivate because the demand was
exhausted and now 2 units are satisfatory for
state of Bahia
Cost Avaliation for innovation in the
processdocument example Identification
Registration IR 2o. Emission (first IR is free)
Cost X Process Cost of Tradicional Cost of innovation in Poupatempo
For government R 8,44 R 12,77
For the citizen R 41,51 R 23,95
Total Cost R 49,95 R 36,72
  • The emission of IR by Poupatempo is a little
    more expensive for the government than the
    tradicional process
  • But for the citizens or the sociedad the cost in
    Poupatempo is more inexpensive than the
    traditional process
  • Finally the Innovation Process is better for the
  • C

Poupatempo Time Save
Some Considerations- we believe employes like
their jobs special training- standars and
unification of public information- local
terminals for self information in all units of
services- concentration of services in one site
gt less transit- e-poupatempo gtInternet
gtDigital TV (Home services)- no need of
intermediate services reduce cost for citizens-
cost for citizens before- Poupatempo new process
reduce time for the services and less red
tape- no privilege in attendance unless
handicapped - monitoring peoples satisfaction
by external organization- 99 of approve type of
service 95 optimun and good- call center for
orientation special orientations attends- Lab
interaction human-machine for eletronic services
test - www.citizen for searching of services-
local support for xerox, photos, bank, writing
implements- in down town, citizens can use the
infrastructure of Poupatempo for centralize
information, donative, and local community
events (integration with community).- in Brazil
67 of users prefer presencial services
Poupatempo - Time Save
Links only in portuguese language Book of
Poupatempo experienceRebuilding the public
sector http//www.poupatempo.sp.gov.br/livro.htm L
acao/index.htm site of public services
integrationwww.cidadao.sp.gov.br IT
Governance (Council for Quality of Public
Administration)www.cqgp.sp.gov.br phone
55 11 2193-8823
Truck was expensive formobile unit of
servicenow we use bus.
10 Fixed Unit of Service of Poupatempo
average cost p/unitUS 220,000/mouthaverage
works 470
Sé Luz
Itaquera Santo Amaro S. Bernardo
Campinas Centro Campinas Shopping S.J.dos Campos
Ribeirão Preto
Public Services Integration in other States of
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