The Circulatory System - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Circulatory System


... beneath the sternum and inside the ribcage Made of cardiac muscle Contracts ... Arial Calibri Default Design Bitmap Image The Circulatory System The ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: The Circulatory System

The Circulatory System
The Circulatory System
  • Also called the cardiovascular system
  • Is made of the heart, blood, and blood vessels
  • Allows blood to flow to all parts of your body
  • Has 3 main jobs
  • Carries needed substances to cells
  • Oxygen and glucose
  • Carries waste products away from cells
  • Carbon dioxide
  • Contains cells that fight disease

The Heart
The Heart
  • A hollow muscular organ that pumps blood
    throughout the body
  • About the size of your fist
  • Located in the center of the chest, beneath the
    sternum and inside the ribcage
  • Made of cardiac muscle
  • Contracts over and over without tiring out

The Heart
  • Acts as two pumps
  • Right side pumps blood into the lungs where it
    picks up oxygen
  • Left side pumps blood into the arteries where it
    is sent throughout the body
  • The two sides are separated by a wall of tissue
    called the septum.

The Heart
  • Each side has two chambers
  • The upper chambers are called atria.
  • The lower chambers are called ventricles.

The Atria
  • The upper chambers of the heart
  • Job is to receive blood that comes into the heart
  • The right atrium has a group of cells called the
    pacemaker (sinoatrial node) that sends signals to
    make the heart muscle contract

  • Whenever someone has problems with an irregular
    heartbeat, doctors may give them an artificial
  • This helps their heart maintain a normal rhythm.

  • The lower chambers
  • Job is to pump blood out of the heart
  • Right ventricle pumps blood to the lungs
  • Left ventricle pumps blood out of the heart and
    into the body

  • The ventricles are separated from the atria by
  • Flaps of tissue that prevents blood from flowing
  • Also located between the ventricles and the large
    blood vessels that carry blood out of the heart

How the Heart Works
  • Two phases
  • Heart muscle relaxes and atria fill with blood
  • Heart muscle contracts and blood pumps forward
  • This closes the valves between the atria and the
  • Creates the lub sound
  • The valves between the ventricles and the blood
    vessels snap shut
  • Creates the dup sound

Two Loops
  • Overall pattern of blood flow in the body is like
    the figure eight.
  • In the first loop, blood travels from the heart
    to the lungs and then back to the heart.
  • In the second loop, blood is pumped from the
    heart throughout the body and then returns to the
  • Blood travels in only one direction.
  • One drop of blood could make the journey through
    both loops in less than a minute.

The Path of Blood Flow
  1. Vena cava is a large vein that carries
    oxygen-poor blood to the heart
  2. The right atrium receives the oxygen-poor blood
    from the vena cava.
  3. Blood leaves the right atrium through the
    tricuspid valve and enters the right ventricle
  4. From the right ventricle the blood passes through
    the pulmonary valve and enters the pulmonary
    artery, which sends the blood to the lungs

The Path of Blood Flow
  • 5. In the lungs, blood picks up oxygen it then
    passes through the pulmonary veins.
  • 6. From the pulmonary veins, oxygen-rich blood
    enters into the left atrium.
  • 7. From the left atrium, the blood then passes
    through the mitral valve and empties into the
    left ventricle.
  • 8. The blood leaves the left atrium through the
    aortic valve, and enters the aorta.
  • 9. The aorta sends oxygen-rich blood to all parts
    of the body.
  • 10. Once the bodys cells receive the blood, they
    exchange carbon dioxide for oxygen.
  • 11. The oxygen-poor blood makes its way to the
    vena cava, where it can start its journey again.

Pumping Heart Video
Blood Vessels
  • There are three kinds of blood vessels
  • Arteries
  • Carry blood away from the heart
  • Veins
  • Carry blood to the heart
  • Capillaries
  • Exchange substances between the blood and body

  • Job is to carry blood away from the heart
  • Each artery branches into smaller and smaller
  • Smallest branches are called arterioles.
  • Arterioles join to capillaries
  • Aorta is the largest artery in the body
  • Has many branches

Coronary Arteries
  • The coronary arteries are the branches of the
    aorta that supply the heart muscle with blood
  • Blockages of these arteries can lead to heart

Structure of an Artery
  • Have very thick walls made of three cell layers
  • The innermost layer is smooth and is made of
    epithelial cells.
  • Lets blood flow freely
  • The middle layer is made of muscle tissue.
  • Acts as a control gate, controlling how much
    blood enters the vessel
  • The outer layer is made of flexible connective
  • Allows the arteries to withstand the force of the
    blood being pushed through them.
  • Arteries are strong and flexible
  • Able to withstand much pressure
  • The pulse is caused by the alternating expansion
    and relaxation of the artery wall

  • Veins carry blood to the heart.
  • Veins branch into smaller and smaller branches.
  • The smallest branches are called venules.
  • Venules are attached to the capillaries.

Structure of the Veins
  • Veins are made of three layers, but are thinner
    than arteries.
  • Because the force of blood flow is not as strong
    when blood reaches the veins, the blood needs
    help moving.
  • Contractions of skeletal muscles helps to push
    blood through the veins.
  • Larger veins have valves in them to prevent blood
    from flowing backward.
  • Breathing movements help to force blood to the

  • In the capillaries, materials are exchanged
    between the blood and the bodys cells.
  • The capillaries form a web between the arteries
    and the veins.
  • Capillary walls are made of epithelial tissue.
  • Capillary walls are only one cell thick.
  • Materials pass easily through them using the
    process of diffusion, molecules moving from areas
    of high to low concentration.

  • Blood is made of four components, or parts
  • Plasma, red blood cells (RBCs), white blood cells
    (WBCs), and platelets
  • About 45 of the volume of blood is cells the
    rest is plasma

  • Most of the materials transported in the blood
    travel in the plasma.
  • Plasma is the liquid part of blood.
  • 90 of plasma is water
  • 10 is dissolved materials, such as glucose,
    fats, vitamins, and minerals
  • Many waste products are carried away by the plasma

  • Proteins give plasma its yellow color
  • Three groups of plasma proteins
  • Helps regulate amount of water in blood
  • Helps fight disease
  • Interacts with platelets to form blood clots.

Red Blood Cells(RBCs)
  • RBCs take up oxygen in the lungs and deliver it
    to cells throughout your body
  • Produced in the bone marrow (like other blood
  • Look like doughnuts that someone forgot to cut
    out the hole
  • Because they are thin in the middle, they are
    able to bend and twist easily
  • Allows them to squeeze into tiny capillaries

  • Made mostly of hemoglobin, an iron-containing
    protein that chemically binds to oxygen.
  • Hemoglobin is also able to pick up some carbon
    dioxide, but most is carried by the plasma
  • When hemoglobin and oxygen join together, the
    cell becomes bright red without oxygen, the cell
    is dark red
  • Arteries have blood that is bright red
  • Veins have blood that is dark red

  • Mature RBCs have no nuclei
  • Without a nucleus, it cannot reproduce or repair
  • Only are able to live 120 days
  • Every second, about 2 million RBCs die
  • Bone marrow makes new cells at the same rate

White Blood Cells(WBCs)
  • Produced in the bone marrow
  • WBCs are the bodys disease fighters.
  • Some recognize disease causing organisms and
    alert the body that it has been invaded
  • Others produce chemicals to fight the invaders
  • Others surround and kill the invaders

  • There are fewer WBCs than RBCs.
  • Larger than RBCs
  • Several different types of WBCs
  • WBCs have nuclei
  • Can live for months or even years

  • Platelets are cell fragments that play an
    important role in forming blood clots

Forming Clots
  • When a vessel is cut, platelets collect and stick
    around the cut.
  • Platelets release a chemical that leads to the
    production of a protein called fibrin.
  • Fibrin makes a net of fibers across the wound.
  • This net traps blood cells.
  • As more and more of the platelets and cells get
    caught in the fibrin net, a clot forms.
  • A scab is a dried blood clot on the skins surface

Blood Types
  • Four major blood types A, B, AB, O
  • Types are determined by the proteins known as
    marker molecules that are on RBCs
  • A has the A marker, B has the B marker, AB has
    both A and B, O has no markers on it

Blood Types
  • Plasma has proteins that recognize cells with
    foreign markers and they make those cells clump
  • A has anti-B proteins
  • B has anti-A proteins
  • AB has no anti-proteins
  • O has both anti-A and anti-B proteins

Why is Blood Type Important?
  • Your blood type determines what type of blood you
    can safely receive in a blood transfusion.
  • If you are A, you can receive A and O blood
  • If you are B, you can receive B and O blood
  • If you are AB, you can receive, A, B, AB, and O
  • Universal recipients
  • If you are O, you can only receive O blood
  • Universal donors

Rh factor
  • The Rh factor is another protein that is found in
    the blood.
  • You are either Rh or Rh-
  • Rh factor is named for the Rhesus monkey, which
    was the first organism recognized to have the Rh

(No Transcript)
The Lymphatic System
  • As blood travels through the circulatory system,
    some of the fluid leaks out.
  • The fluid moves through the walls of the
    capillaries and into the tissues.
  • The fluid carries materials the cells in the
    tissues need.
  • After bathing the cells, the fluid moves into the
    bodys drainage system, the lymphatic system.
  • A network of vein-like vessels that returns the
    fluid to the bloodstream

  • Once inside the lymphatic system, the fluid is
    called lymph.
  • Lymph is made of water and dissolved materials
    it also has some white blood cells in it.
  • The lymphatic system has no pumps, so lymph moves
    very slowly.
  • The lymphatic vessels connect to large veins in
    the chest.
  • Lymph empties into these veins and the fluid
    becomes part of the plasma again.

Lymph Nodes
  • Lymph nodes are pieces of tissue that filter
    lymph, trapping bacteria and other
    disease-causing microorganisms in the fluid.

Lymph Nodes
  • When the body is fighting infection, the lymph
    nodes enlarge.
  • Sometimes referred to as swollen glands.

Cardiovascular Diseases
  • Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of
    death in the U.S. today.

  • Atherosclerosis is a condition in which an artery
    wall thickens as a result of the buildup of fatty
    materials such as cholesterol.
  • This reduces the flow of blood in the affected

  • When atherosclerosis develops in the coronary
    arteries, the heart muscle receives less blood
    (less oxygen), which can lead to a heart attack.
  • Heart attacks occur when the blood flow to part
    of the heart muscle is blocked.
  • Cells die in the part of the heart that does not
    receive blood and oxygen. This permanently
    damages the heart

Treating Atherosclerosis
  • Low-fat diet and exercise for mild cases.
  • Some medications can be prescribed.
  • Severe cases may lead to angioplasty, where a
    small balloon is inserted into the blocked artery
    to help open it up.
  • When arteries are completely blocked, a bypass
    operation may be performed.
  • In a bypass, a vein from the leg is used to
    create an alternate path for blood to flow into
    the heart muscle.

  • Hypertension is high blood pressure.
  • A person will have hypertension if their blood
    pressure is consistently greater than 140/90.
  • High blood pressure makes the heart work harder
    to pump blood through the body, possibly damaging
    the walls of the blood vessel.
  • Because most people have no obvious signs of the
    disease it is called the silent killer.

Treating High Blood Pressure
  • Closely related to atherosclerosis.
  • As arteries narrow, the blood pressure increases.
  • Diet and exercise help
  • Limit intake of salt
  • Sometimes given medications that lower blood

Measuring Blood Pressure
  • Blood pressure is measured by a device called a
  • The first number in a blood pressure reading is
    the measurement of the blood pressure when the
    ventricles contract.
  • The second number, which is lower, is the blood
    pressure when the ventricles relax.
  • The blood pressure is given as a fraction with
    the contraction pressure, or systolic, over the
    relaxation pressure, or diastolic.
  • A healthy blood pressure is 120/80 or lower.
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