Title: Circulatory System
1Circulatory System Vascular System (vas vessel)
2- Walls of arteries and veins have three layers
- Tunica externa (tunica adventita) outer loose
connective tissue - Tunica media smooth muscle, collagen, and
elastic - Tunica interna (tunica intima) inner layer
consisting of simple squamous endothelium
(endothelial lining)
3- Capillaries
- endothelial tube inside basement membrane
- substances can pass back forth to
interstitial fluid - scarce in tendons and ligaments and absent
from cartilage, epithelia, and lens of the eye - form beds
- precapillary sphincters
4Arteries of the thorax
- Branches of aortic arch (not really in thorax)
- brachiocephalic trunk (branches into right
common carotid a. right subclavian a.) - left common carotid a.
- left subclavian a.
5Arteries of the head and neck
1. internal carotid aa. 2. external carotid
aa. 3. vertebral aa. 4. basilar a.
6- circle of Willis (cerebral arterial circle)
- middle cerebral aa.
- anterior cerebral aa.
- anterior communicating a.
- posterior cerebral aa.
- posterior communicating aa.
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8Arteries of the thorax and upper limb
thoracic aorta a. visceral branches
9b. parietal branches thoracic wall posterior
intercostal aa.
10Subclavian a. Axillary a. Brachial a.
11- subclavian a.
- vertebral a.
- thyrocervical trunk
- internal thoracic a.
12internal thoracic a.
a.k.a. internal mammary
13Axillary a.
lateral to clavicle to humeral circumflex aa.
14Brachial a. at tendon of teres major medial side
of humerus ends just distal to the elbow Deep
brachial a. (profunda brachii a.)
15Radial a. antebrachial flexor mm. Ulnar a.
antebrachial flexor mm.
16Abdominal aorta
17lumber aa.
Inferior phrenic aa.
1. celiac trunk 2. superior mesenteric a.
pancreas, SI, most of LI 3. suprarenal aa.
(middle) 4. renal aa. 5. gonadal aa. 6.
inferior mesenteric a. end of LI rectum
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20- Branches of celiac trunk
- splenic a. spleen, stomach, pancreas
- left gastric a. stomach, esophagus
- common hepatic a. liver, stomach, gallbladder,
21Arteries of the pelvis 1. median sacral 2.
left and right common iliac aa. a. internal
iliac aa. b. external iliac aa.
22Internal iliac aa. pelvic muscles viscera,
perineum, gluteal region and medial thigh
23Arteries of the lower extremity
external iliac a. becomes femoral a. after
inguinal ligament
24femoral triangle
25deep femoral a. thigh hip
adductor canal descending genicular a.
26adductor canal femoral a. becomes popliteal a.
27posterior tibial a. posterior lateral leg,
plantar aspect of foot
fibular a. lateral leg, ankle anastomoses at the
ankle with the anterior and posterior tibial aa.
28anterior tibial a. anterior leg dorsum of foot
deep foot
Larger, thinner walls
venules and smaller veins have valves
30- Systemic Veins
- With few exceptions largely parallel the
arteries and are named as they are
- In the neck and extremities, arteries are deep,
veins have superficial deep networks - Superficial veins of the limbs form a special
system of their own, but unite with deep veins
accompanying the arteries
31Superficial upper limb veins
basilic v. (ulnar side) cephalic v. (radial
side) median cubital v.
32- confluence of subclavian v internal jugular v.
form brachiocephalic vv. - left and right brachiocephalic vv. form superior
vena cava
33Azygos system primary function to drain body wall
34azygos v. empties into SVC around T2
35Inferior vena cava
Collects most of the blood from organs below
diaphragm no thoracic drainage
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37- Superficial veins of the lower extremity
- dorsal venous arch
- small saphenous v.
- great saphenous v.