Title: Communication
- What is Communication?
- An action on the part of one organism that alters
the probability pattern of behavior in another
organism in a fashion adaptive to either one or
both of the participants (Wilson 1975)
3Communication (Wiley 1983)
4Communication (Wiley 1983)
- True Communication Both Sender and Receiver
benefit - Manipulation Sender benefits / Receiver is
unaffected or harmed - Eavesdropping Sender is unaffected or harmed /
Receiver benefits - Ignoring neither Sender or Receiver is harmed
5Alarm Calls
Vocalizations - Vervet Monkeys Different
Calls Snake Chutter Leopard Barking Eagle
6How do they Signal?
Discrete ear position Pointed Up greeting Laid
back - threat Graded Mouth Closed mild Open
More intense
7Pseudopenis of the Female Spotted Hyena
8Pseudopenis of the Female Spotted Hyena
9Proximate Causes
- Stephan J. Gould
- Pseudopenis due to proximate cause
- High levels of androgen during development
- Suggests proximate cause outweighs adaptive
significance (ultimate cause)
10Other Causes
- John Alcock
- Suggests proximate cause may not be as strong a
Gould suggests - Contends Gould is against Sociobiology
- Adaptationist Hypothesis
- (Ultimate Cause)
11Pseudopenis of the Female Spotted Hyena
12Dominance of the Female Spotted Hyena
- Adaptive Behavior more androgen / more
aggression - By-product is pseudopenis
13Honest Signals
14Honest Signal
- How much food do I need?
- Brood Parasites (European Cuckoo)
- Increase amount of food by tricking parents
15Illegitimate Receivers
- Tungara Frog
- Whine-chuck
- Whine only
16Illegitimate receivers
- Mobbing Call
- Attract other mobbers if hawk is perched
- Seet Call
- Warning sound if hawk is in the air
- doesnt travel as far
- Range of sound hard for hawk to hear
17Illegitimate Signalers
18Illegitimate Signalers
19Solving Problems Group Foraging
- Food Bonanzas
- Yell for others
20Solving Problems Group Foraging
- Honeybees
- Round Dance
- Sickle Dance
- Waggle Dance
21Solving Problems Group Foraging
- Ants
- Recruitment Pheromones
- Stridulating
22Solving Problems How to Secure a Mate
23Solving Problems How to Secure a Mate
24Solving Problems Warn Others about Predators
25Solving Problems Warn Others about Predators
- Deception
- Low ranking Males
26Solving Problems Warn Others about Predators
27Talking Animals
- Nim Chimpsky
- Talking Chimp
28Talking Animals
29Talking Animals