Title: Classification
2Finding Order in Diversity
- Why Classify Organisms??
- Biologists use classification systems to name
organisms and group them in a logical order - Taxonomy Scientists classify organisms and
assign each organism a universally accepted name
3The History of Organization
Aristotle 384-322 BC Interested in biological
classification. Patterns in nature.
Carl Linnaeus 1707-1778 ACE Father ofBiological
- Developed the first system of classification.
- He classified all living things into plants and
animals. - Animals were grouped depending on where they
lived. (On land, in air or in water) - Later scientist became convinced that his system
did not work because of organisms living in
multiple habitats.
5Carolus Linnaeus
- Developed the system of classification that is
still used today. - He selected physical characteristics that led to
classification based on close relationships of
organisms. - He used characteristics such as bats having hair
and feeding their young milk to classify the
organisms. - The system devised by Linnaeus gives each
organism two names called Binomial Nomenclature.
- We classify organisms in order to study the
diversity of life. - Biologist use a classification system to name the
organism and group them into a logical manner.
7In order to make their job easier, scientists
classify living things into groups, based on how
they are the same, and how they are different.
8What is Classification?
Classification arranges objects, ideas, or
information into groups by finding common
traits or characteristics.
9Assigning Scientific Names
- For many species, there are often regional
differences in their common names - EX Buzzard in the UK refers to a hawk, Buzzard
in the US refers to a vulture - To eliminate such confusion, scientists agreed to
use a single name for each species
10Assigning Scientific Names
- Binomial Nomenclature Scientists assign each
kind of organism a universally accepted name in
the system - Two word system using the Genus and Species
- Words are always written in italics
- First word (Genus) is capitalized and second word
(Species) is lowercase - Second word is a Latinized description of a
particular trait - Developed by an 18th C. Swedish botanist named
Carolus Linnaeus - EX Grizzly Bear Ursus arctos
11Assigning Scientific Names
- Differences in Binomial Nomenclature
- 1st part of scientific name is genus to which the
organism belongs - A genus is composed of a number of closely
related species - 2nd part of scientific name is unique to the
species within the genus - EX Ursus arctos Grizzly Bear, Ursus maritimus
Polar Bear - EX Papio annubis and Papio cynocephalus do NOT
belong to the same species since the species part
of the name is different. However, they do
belong to the same genus
12Common name Robin
- Erithacus rubicula
- Turdus migratorus
13Common name Black and Polar Bear
- Ursus americanus
- Ursus maritimus
14There are six basic characteristics of life. All
living things have the following traits.
- 1. Show an orderly structure, or organization,
of tiny units called cells. - Reproduce to make more living things.
- Change during their lives through growth and
development. - Adjust to their surroundings.
- Obtain and use energy to run the processes of
life. - Pass on traits to their offspring.
152 types of Reproduction
- ASEXUAL (binary fission) a single parent passes
exact copies of its DNA to its offspring.
Occurs in bacteria and single celled organisms
such as the amoeba. - The single-celled amoeba demonstrates
- a simple method of asexual reproduction
- it divides in half by a process called fission,
- producing two smaller daughter cells. After
- a period of feeding and growth, these two
- daughter cells will themselves divide in half.
162 types of Reproduction
- 2. SEXUAL - organisms having genetic
characteristics derived from two parents are
produced. - Male and female reproductive cells (gametes)
unite to form a single cell, known as a zygote,
which later undergoes successive divisions to
form a new organism.
- Organisms respond to their external environment
and then process the internal demands
accordingly. - The maintenance of stable internal conditions in
spite of changes in the external environment. - Example temperature of a human is always
around 98.6 regardless of the temperature
18Groups are also arranged in hierarchical order.
19Assigning Scientific Names
- Linnaeuss System of Classification
- Based on Taxonomy naming system
- Taxonomy is the branch of biology concerned with
the grouping and naming of organisms. - a group at any level of an organization is
referred to as a taxon. - Is hierarchical and consists of 7 taxonomic
categories - From largest to smallest
- Kingdom (King) Made up of phylums
- Phylum (Phillip) Made up of several different
classes - Class (Came) Made up of several different
orders - Order (Over) Made up of several different
families - Family (For) Made up of several different
genuses - Genus (Grape) Made up of several different
species - Species (Soda)
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ONE ANOTHER TO PRODUCE FERTILE OFFSPRING. - horse donkey mule (non-fertile offspring)
- species species non-species
22Assigning Scientific Names
- Examples of Taxonomic Levels
- The most general and largest of Linnaeuss system
is the Kingdom - Linnaeus recognized the kingdoms of plants
(Plantae) and animals (Animalia) - The class of Mammalia includes mammals which are
organisms that have - Are warm-blooded
- Have body hair
- Produce milk for their young
23Modern Evolutionary Classification
- Traditional classifications like Linnaeuss
tended to take into account primarily general
similarities in appearance - However, some organisms that ARE NOT closely
related look alike because of convergent
evolution! - Evolutionary Classification The procedure of
grouping organisms based on their evolutionary
history - Species within one genus should be more closely
related to each other than a species in another
genus - All genera within a family share a common
ancestor. Similar genes
24Modern Evolutionary Classification
- Derived Characters An evolutionary innovation
- EX Free swimming larva, segmented body
- Cladistic Analysis Analysis that focuses on the
order in which derived characters appear in an
organism - Looks only at derived characters, or those
characteristics that are evolutionary innovations
(EX body structures, adaptations) - New characteristics emerge as lineages evolve
over time - Cladogram a table analyzing derived characters
that shows the evolutionary relationship between
organisms - Helps scientists understand how lineages branched
from one another in the course of evolution - Shows the order in which derived characters
25Modern Evolutionary Classification
- Similarities in RNA and DNA
- Similar genes are evidence of common ancestry
- Similarities in DNA can help determine
classification and evolutionary relationships - EX A cow and a yeasts degree of relationship
can be determined from their genes - EX Scientists have found that humans and yeast
have similar genes for the assembly of certain
proteins (Myosin) - All organisms use DNA and RNA to pass on
26Modern Evolutionary Classification
- Similarities in RNA and DNA Cont
- DNA evidence can help show the evolutionary
relationship between organisms and how species
have changed - EX Presence of similar genes in very dissimilar
organisms implies that the organisms share a
common ancestor like vultures and storks!
27Kingdoms and Domains
- In the 1800s scientists used a 3 kingdom
classification system - Animals, Plants, Protista
- Scientists grouped organisms according to how
long they have been evolving independently - Biologists knowledge of diversity of life
continued to grow - We now know there are 6 Kingdoms
- Archaebacteria (used to be grouped as the Monera
category) - Eubacteria (used to be grouped as the Monera
category) - Protista (used to be grouped with Plants)
- Fungi
- Plantae
- Animalia
28Kingdoms and Domains
- The Three Domain System
- Modern analysis of evolutionary trees have given
rise to a new taxonomic category Domain - A domain is more inclusive and larger than a
kingdom - There are 3 Domains
- Eukarya includes kingdoms protist, fungi,
plants, animals - Archaea includes kingdom Archaebacteria
- Bacteria Includes kingdom Eubacteria
- The 3 domains are thought to have diverged from a
common ancestor before the evolution of the main
groups of eukaryotes - Recognizes fundamental differences between 2
groups of prokaryotes- Bacteria Archaea -
29Kingdoms and Domains
- Domain Archaea
- Kingdom Archaebacteria ancient bacteria
- Unicellular Prokaryotes (do not have a true
nucleus) - Found in extreme environments salt lakes, swamps
and VERY deep within the ocean. Deep sea
bacteria, make their own food (autotroph) using
energy derived from minerals coming form without
oxygen. Also heterotrophs - Cell wall do not contain unusual lipids
(peptidoglycan) - Subdivided into 3 groups based on their habitat
--- methanogens, thermoacidophiles, extreme
30 Halophiles (like salt)
Thermophiles (like heat)
31- Domain Bacteria
- Kingdom Eubacteria- true bacteria
- Unicellular
- Heterotroph or autotroph
- Can be aerobic (require oxygen) or anaerobic
(dont need oxygen) - Cell walls are thick rigid contain lipid
(peptidoglycan) - Found in practically every environment on Earth.
- Can be identified by Gram staining (gram positive
or gram negative) - Come in 3 basic shapes --- cocci (spheres),
bacilli (rod shaped), spirilla (corkscrew shape) - Some need oxygen to survive others do not
- Staphylococcus aureus
- Bacillus anthracis
- E. coli
33Kingdoms and Domains
- Domain Eukarya
- Eukaryotes
- Consists of the 4 kingdoms
- Protista
- organisms that cannot be classified as plants,
animals, or fungi - Usually unicellular but some multicellular
- Have chloroplasts (autotroph) or Heterotroph
- Membrane-bound organelles
- Cell wall of cellulose
- Classified by the way they move- flagellum,
cilia, or pseudopods - EX Algae, Ameobas, Parameciums and kelp
35Kingdoms and Domains
- Kingdom Fungi
- Eudaryotes
- Heterotrophs that feed on dead or decaying matter
(saprobes). Decomposers obtain energy by
breaking down organic material that they absorb
from the environment. - Do not contain chlorophyll
- Store food energy as glycogen.
- decomposers recyclers
- Can be single or multicelled
- Cell walls contain chitin (tough outer covering)
- Non-motile (cannot move)
- Lack true roots, stems, leaves
- EX Mushrooms yeast
37Kingdoms and Domains
- Kingdom Plantae
- -Eukaryotes
- Photosynthetic autotrophs or producers
- Non-motile
- Multicellular
- Contain chlorophyll inside of chloroplasts
- Undergo photosynthesis
- Cell walls contain cellulose
- All plants that reproduce sexually
- EX mosses, ferns, flowering plants, cone-bearing
plants, etc
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39Kingdoms and Domains
- Animalia
- Eukaryotes
- Multicellular heterotrophic
- Cells contain a nucleus and membrane bound
organelles - Show levels of organization including cell,
tissue, organ, system - Cells are specialized for particular functions
- No cell walls or chloroplast
- Motile- can move about
- EX animals
40 Animalia
- 99 of the organisms in Kingdom Animalia are
invertebrates meaning they lack a backbone. - Organisms that have a backbone are called
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421. Which Kingdom do I belong to?
432. Which Kingdom do I belong to?
443. Which Kingdom do I belong to?
454. Which Kingdom do I belong to?
465. Which Kingdom do I belong to?
476. Which Kingdom do I belong to?
487. Which Kingdom do I belong to?
498. Which Kingdom do I belong to?
509. Which Kingdom do I belong to?
5110. Which Kingdom do I belong to?
521. Sponges and Cnidarians
- The only animals that
- do not have tissues.
- Mostly marine.
- Ex. Jellyfish, corals
532. Mollusks
- Have something called a coulomb (sac-like
structure) that encloses their internal organs. - Most have a hard external skeleton (shell).
- Ex. Snails, oysters, clams, octopuses
542. Mollusks
553. Worms
- Cylinder shaped bodies.
- Live on both land and water.
564. Arthropods
- Most diverse of all animals.
- Have an external skeleton.
- Have jointed appendages, such as antennae and
jaws. - High rate of reproduction.
- 2/3 of all animals.
574. Arthropods
585. Echinoderms
- Ability to regenerate a lost limb.
- Ex. Sea stars, sea urchins
596. Verterbrates
- Internal skeleton made of bone.
- Includes mammals, fish, birds, reptiles and
60What are Dichotomous Keys?
- a method for determining the identity of
something (like the name of a butterfly, a plant,
a lichen, or a rock) by going through a series of
contrasting choices that leads the user to the
correct name of the item. - Dichotomous means "divided in two parts".
61Using a dichotomous key
- At each step of the process of using the key, the
user is given two choices each alternative leads
to another question until the item is identified.
- 1a. If the leaves are flat.go to question 4.
- 1b. If the leaves are needle-like.go to
question 2. - 2a. Are the needles in a bunch? Go to question
5 - 2b. Are they spread along the branch?pine tree
- Eventually, when enough questions have been
answered, the identity of the tree is revealed.
62- 1a Butterfly exhibits only one color.
Boring butterfly - 1b Butterfly has two or more colors. Go to
2. - 2a. Butterfly has a red body.
- 2b Butterfly has a black body. Go to 3.
- 3a. Butterfly contains the color red.
Inachis io - 3b. Butterfly contains the color orange.
Danaus plexippus
63Why is Taxonomy Important?
New Discoveries
Unknown species discovered.
New fossil Uncovered.
How can you answer these questions?