Chapter 15, Religion - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 15, Religion


Chapter 15, Religion Key Terms Zoomorphic Having an animal shape. Naturalism Endowing features of the natural world with spirit, soul, or other supernatural ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chapter 15, Religion

Chapter 15, Religion
  • Key Terms

  • ReligionA social process that helps to order
    society and provide its members with meaning,
    unity, peace of mind, and the degree of control
    over events they believe is possible.
  • CosmologyA system of beliefs that deals with
    fundamental questions in the religious and social

  • Sacred narratives Stories held to be holy and
    true by members of a religious tradition.
  • AnthropomorphicHaving human shape.

  • ZoomorphicHaving an animal shape.
  • Naturalism Endowing features of the natural
    world with spirit, soul, or other supernatural

  • AnthropopsychicHaving thought processes and
    emotions similar to humans.
  • GodA named spirit who is believed to have
    created or to control some aspect of the world.

  • PolytheismBelieve in many gods.
  • MonotheismBelief in a single god.

  • TricksterA supernatural entity that does not act
    in the best interests of humans.
  • ManaReligious power or energy that is
    concentrated in individuals or objects.

  • Ritual A patterned act that involves the
    manipulation of religious symbols.
  • Rite of passage A ritual that marks a persons
    transition from one status to another.

  • SeparationThe first stage of a rite of passage
    in which individuals are removed from their
    community or status.
  • LiminalThe stage of a ritual, particularly of a
    rite of passage, in which one has passed out of
    an old status but not yet entered a new one.

  • ReincorporationThe third phase of a rite of
    passage during which participants are returned to
    their community with a new status.
  • CommunitasA state of perceived solidarity,
    equality, and unity among people sharing a
    religious ritual, often characterized by intense

  • AntistructureThe socially sanctioned use of
    behavior that radically violates social norms.
  • Rite of intensification A ritual structured to
    reinforce the values and norms of a community and
    to strengthen group identity.

  • TotemAn animal, plant, or other aspect of the
    natural world held to be ancestral or to have
    other intimate relationships with members of a
  • TotemismReligious practices centered around
    animals, plants, or other aspects of the natural
    world held to be ancestral or to have other
    intimate relationships with members of a group.

  • Prayer Any communication between people and
    spirits or gods in which people praise, plead, or
    request without assurance of results.
  • SacrificeAn offering made to increase the
    efficacy of a prayer or the religious purity of
    an individual.

  • MagicA religious ritual believed to produce a
    mechanical effect by supernatural means.
  • Imitative magicThe belief that imitating an
    action in a religious ritual will cause the
    action to happen in the material world.

  • Contagious magicThat belief that things once in
    contact with a person or object retain an
    invisible connection with that person or object.
  • DivinationA religious ritual performed to find
    hidden objects or information.

  • ScalpulomancyDivination using the shoulder blade
    of an animal.
  • Shaman Individual who is recognized as having
    the ability to mediate between the world of
    humanity and the world of gods or spirits but who
    is not a recognized official of any religious

  • Vision quest An individual, emotionally intense
    search for a special relationship with a
    particular spirit that will provide protection,
    knowledge, and power.
  • PharmacopeiaA collection of preparations used as

  • PriestOne who is formally elected or appointed
    to a full-time religious office.
  • WitchcraftThe ability to harm others by
    harboring malevolent thoughts about them the
    practice of sorcery.

  • WiccanA member of a new religion that claims
    descent from pre-Christian nature worship a
    modern day witch.
  • Nativism A religious movement that aims to
    restore a golden age believed to have existed in
    the past.

  • Vitalism A religious movement that looks toward
    the creation of a utopian future that does not
    resemble a past golden age.
  • Messianic Focusing on the coming of a messiah
    who will usher in a utopian world.

  •  MillenarianThe belief that a coming catastrophe
    will signal the beginning of a new age and the
    eventual establishment of paradise.
  • Syncretism The merging of elements of two or
    more religious traditions to produce a new

  • OrichaA Yoruba deity identified with a Catholic
    saint in Vodou and Santeria.
  • Ghost DanceA Native American religious movement
    of the late nineteenth century.

  • Native American ChurchA religious revitalization
    movement among Native Americans, also known as
    the Peyote religion.
  • PeyoteA small hallucinogenic cactus found in
    southern Texas and northern Mexico.
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