Chapter 7: Crisis and Absolutism in Europe - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 7: Crisis and Absolutism in Europe


Chapter 7: Crisis and Absolutism in Europe – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Chapter 7: Crisis and Absolutism in Europe

Chapter 7 Crisis and Absolutism in Europe
7.1 Europe in Crisis The Wars of Religion
  • French Wars of Religion
  • By 1560, Calvinism and Catholicism had become
    militant aggressive in trying to win converts
    and in eliminating each others authority
  • French Wars of Religion (Civil War) Between the
    Huguenots and the Catholics
  • Huguenots (Bourbons) minority but made up 40-50
    of nobility
  • Catholics make up majority party-
    ultra-Catholics recruit and pay for large armies

  • War goes on 30 years, 1589 Henry of Navarre
    (Bourbon) succeeded to he throne realizes a
    Protestant would never be accepted as king
    converts to Catholicism fighting comes to an end

  • Edict of Nantes recognized Catholicism as the
    official religion of France but allowed Huguenots
    the right to worship and the right to enjoy all
    political privileges

Philip II and Militant Catholicism
  • Philip II inherited Spain, the Netherlands, and
    possessions in Italy and the Americas from his
    father Charles V
  • Phillip insisted absolute rule and strict
    conformity to Catholicism
  • Phillip tried to crush Calvinism in the Spanish
    Netherlands 1566, Calvinist destroyed statues in
    Catholic churches Phillip sent 10,000 troops to
    put down the rebellion resistance continued
    until 1609 under the leadership of William the
    Silent after the truce the northern provinces
    began to call themselves the United Provinces of
    the Netherlands
  • 1598, Phillips reign ended treasury was
    bankrupt from fighting wars government
    inefficient armed forces out of date result
    power in Europe shifts to England and France.

Philip II
The England of Elizabeth
  • Elizabeth Tudor became the leader of protestant
    nations in Europe.
  • Elizabeth I repealed laws favoring Catholic
    allowed religious tolerance, but the Church of
    England remained protestant.
  • Phillip II prepared to attack England and restore
    Catholicism the armada that set sail in 1588 was
    too small and ill equipped to be able to defeat
    the English after a few encounters with the
    English the Spanish retreated many Spanish ships
    sank in a storm

Spanish Armada
Section 7.2 Social Crisis, War, and Revolution
  • 4. Economic and Social Crisis
  • A. major problem was inflation caused by
  • 1) gold and silver coming from the
  • Americas and
  • 2) population increase causes an
  • increase in demand for all goods
  • both drive prices up

5. The Witchcraft Trials
  • A. The same religious zeal that led to the hunt
    of heretics also led to the hunt of witches.
  • B. 16th and 17th Centuries, approximately 100,000
    people were charged with witchcraft in Europe.

The Accused
  • People who were poor and without property were
  • often accused. 75 were women single or
    widowed over 50 yrs. Under intense torture,
    they confessed
  • C. By 1650, witchcraft hysteria begun to lessen
    because people found it unreasonable to believe
    in the old view of a world haunted by evil

The Witchcraft Trials
Tombstones of the Victims
I have no hand in witchcraft.
I am no witch! I am innocent! I know
nothing of it!
If it was the last moment I was to live, God
knows I am innocent!
I am wronged! It is a shameful thing that you
should mind these folks that are out of their
Village of Salem
  • The house at 'Olde Burying Point'

Judge Corwins House
The House of Seven Gables
The house at the Old Burying Point
Gallows Hill
(No Transcript)
6. The Thirty Years War
  • A. Takes place in the Holy Roman Empire several
    small separate states states paid little
    attention to their emperor Ferdinand, inherited
    from brother Charles V
  • B. War starts over religion Northern states
    protestant Southern states Catholic led by the
  • C. Soon the war turned political
  • - France joins Sweden in fighting the
    Catholic Hapsburgs

  • D. Peace of Westphalia ends the war. Terms
  • - all German states could choose their
    own religion
  • - 300 states of the Holy Roman Empire are
    recognized as independent ends Holy Roman Empire
  • - France gains territory from Germany
    and Spain the Netherlands wins independence.

7. Revolution in England
  • A. The Stuarts and Divine Right
  • - Elizabeth I dies no heir throne passes
    to her cousin James I of England (James VI of
    Scotland) He joins crowns calls them Great
  • James believed in divine right parliament
    assumed they ruled England with the king or
    queen Tudors had

James I of England
  • The Puritans wanted to make The Church of England
    more protestant problem begins in James I reign,
    but becomes a conflict in Charles I reign

  • Charles believes in divine right parliament
    passes a petition the king raising taxes without
    the consent of Parliament put limits on the
    kings power he doesnt accept petition
  • Charles tries to impose more rituals on the
    Church of England Puritans who could not accept
    these religious policies chose to go to America

B. Civil War and the Commonwealth
  • - Civil War fought between the
  • supporters of the king and the Roundheads
    they were led by Oliver Cromwell parliament
  • Cromwell was a military genius put together the
    New Model Army made up mostly of puritans
    soldiers were well disciplined and trained in new
    military tactics result Roundheads win the war
  • Cromwell purged parliament of members who did not
    support him had Charles I executed made England
    a commonwealth eventually set up a military

Oliver Cromwell
C. Restoration
  • Cromwell dies in 1658, parliament restores the
    throne to Charles II
  • Charles II (sympathetic) and his brother James
    (outright) were catholic therefore parliament
    debated the Exclusion Bill barred professed
    Catholics from the throne created two political
    groups 1. the Whigs wanted to excluded James
    and 2. the Tories did not want to interfere
    with lawful succession to the throne later they
    become political parties
  • Charles dismisses parliament in 1861 dies in
    1865 James II a devout Catholic becomes king
    James appoints Catholic to all top positions

Charles II
D. A Glorious Revolution
  • A. A group of English noblemen invited William
    of Orange to invade England and take the throne
    because they are protestant Williams wife, Mary
    is James II daughter they raised an army and
    invaded England took the throne with almost no
    bloodshed James and his family fled to France
    Becomes known as the Glorious Revolution

  • Parliament offered William and Mary the
    throne only if they would accepted the English
    Bill of Rights they do destroys the
    divine-right theory of kingship

Bill of Rights
  • - Parliament has the right to make laws and levy
    taxes (Amendment 16)
  • - armies could only be raised by
    parliament (Legislative Branch)
  • - citizens had the right to bear arms and
    the right to a jury trial
  • (Amendment 2 and 6)
  • - created a limited monarch king rules
    with laws and parliament is elected. (Executive

  • Toleration Act of 1689 granted puritans, not
    Catholics, the right of free worship
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