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4A group of Londoners examine a window display
advertising farms in Saskatchewan.
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8Firefighting in Canada
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13Stove Pipe Oven (baking bread)
14Not all homesteaders stayed in Canada due to the
15"do de do de do de do" breaking legs is what I do
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19An Early Ambulance
20Doctor making rounds
21Rural School Saskatchewan
22hey, its us!
23Example of early funeral service
24Your Assignment Your New Home
25Select 1 option from the list - talk show
script - 1 diary / letter - autobiography (inside
liner of a book you published)
26Include Name Real or Perceived
fears Address Conflicts Age Problems / Issues
you will face your hobbies Where will you be 5
years from now (detail, explain)
27- Other considerations
- write in character
- realistic alter identity (based on country of
origin) - Ability to transport reader back to actual
conditions to see, hear, feel, taste and
understand the situation/scenario completely