Title: Presentaci
1Advances in Policy Observatory Chronic
non-communicable diseases in Chile
Dr. María Cristina Escobar Non-communicable
Diseases Department Prevention Control of
Diseases Division Undersecretary of Public
Health Montreal, May 12, 2008
- Context
- Purpose Goals
- Recommendations
- Participants
- Canada Chile co-founders of the CARMEN
network - PAHOs Regional Strategy and Action Plan for
Integrated Prevention Control of NCDs including
Diet, Physical Activity Health - PAHO/PHAC Policy Observatory for NCDs
- National Health Objectives for the decade
2000-2010 Mid-term evaluation - On-going Health Reform
- New structure roles within MOH
- GES Explicit guarantees regime in health
- Burden of disease of NCDs in Chile
- Political will to strengthen preventive
actions Preventive health examination
preventive interventions within GES conditions. - The proposal would be finished one year before
the formulation of the National Health Objectives
for the next decade 2010-2020.
6Purpose Goals
- Effective integration of NCD prevention
control policies - Health promotion and prevention of NCDs
- Treatment care in the primary health level
- Strengthening population/public health policies
for health promotion, health protection and
action on social determinants. - Achieving greater integration in
- prevention and control of
- chronic non-communicable diseases in Chile
7Canada/Chile Policy Observatory ProjectChronic,
Non-communicable Diseases
- Three stages
- Stage 1 Canadian/PAHO delegation visit to
Chile (December 2007) - Stage 2 Chilean delegation visits Canada
(August 2008) - Stage 3 NCD policy dialogue
- External experts will review observations and
recommendations from the first two stages to
assist chileans in formulation of a comprehensive
approach to NCD policy that will achieve a better
balance between health promotion, prevention,
treatment care of NCDs. (to be determined)
- Integrated health plan based on the principles
of PAHO Regional Strategy for NCDs, revision of
National Health Objectives - Need strenghen public health competencies
regarding NCD prevention at national and regional
levels in support of population level approaches - Strengthen public health leadership at a
regional level - Strengthen collaborative work between regional
level health services - Need for a set of indicators representing NCD
prevention for Regional Public Health Plans. - Integrated individual and population based
approaches strategies for care and treatment of
diabetes and cancer.
- Improvement of information technology to support
gathering, assembling and processing NCD and risk
factor data to facilite easier access to health
information and services for various users
general population, patients and health
professionals. - Address NCD information system development
through a phased approach. - Prioritize primary health care centres.
- Standarize and streamline data collection process
to meet requirements for GES, health statistics,
program reports. - Develop a unified set of indicators that apply
across the health sector that serve to link
primary care with secondary and tertiary services
(eg. avoidable hospitalizations) - Simplify, automate and disseminate more practical
clinical guidelines for health professionals that
allow more accurate diagnosis, better treatment
and effective self-mangament. - Develop and disseminate patient education and
self-management tools.
10RECOMMENDATIONS (cont.)Stage 1
- Optimize health promotion health protection
regarding risk factors - Examine tobacco, diet and physical activity in
light of regulatory frameworks of what has been
proven to be effective thus far and present
multisector best practices. - Broaden the scope of GES to incorporate
prevention and early detection measures/interventi
ons. - Reorient human resources toward team work and
prevention of risk factors - Strengthen the interdisciplinary team approach
through health human resources training.
11RECOMMENDATIONS (cont.)Stage 1
- Strengthen the role of NGOs and civil society.
- Increase effectiveness of collaboration between
the various levels of MOH and existing NGOs
(Juvenile Diabetes Association, Cancer Society)
to improve their efforts in public education,
patient education and patient self-management. - Activate physicians and medical societies to
advocate for health promotion and health
- WHO Collaborating Centre on Chronic
Disease Policy, - Public Health Agency of Canada
(PHAC) - Dr. Sylvie Stachencko
- Ms. Lise Mathieu
- Ms. Barbara Lewoski
- Health Canada, International Affairs Directorate
- Ms. Kate Dickson
- Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)
- Dr. Branka Legetic
- Ministry of Health of Chile
- Office of International Affairs Dr. Osvaldo
Salgado - Prevention Control of Diseases Division Dr.
Pedro Crocco - Chronic Non-communicable Diseases Department
Dra. María Cristina Escobar and team - Public Health Policies Division Dra. Helia
Molina - Nutrition Food Department Dr. Tito Pizarro
Judith Salinas, Health Promotion Department - Primary Health Care Division, Dr. Hugo Sánchez
- Planning Division, Dra. Ximena Aguilera
- Epidemiology Department Dr. Andrea Guerreo
Clelia Vallebuena