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... U.K.M.O., DWD (Europa, LOKALL M.), ARPEGE, ALADIN, BOLAM, QBOLAM, ETA ... WMO World Weather Research Programme The EUCOS study on Climatology ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Presentaci

MEDEX, MEDiterranean Experiment on Cyclones that
produce High Impact Weather in the Mediterranean
WMO World Weather Research Programme
Agustí Jansà (), INM, Spain Pinhas Alpert, TAU,
Israel Philippe Arbogast, Météo-France Andrea
Buzzi, ISAC, CNR, Italy James Doyle, NRL,
USA Vassiliki Kotroni, NOA, Greece Climent Ramis,
UIB, Spain Evelyne Richard, LA, France Antonio
Speranza, Univ. Camerino, Italy And Members of
MEDEX Advisory Group ()
MEDEX, MEDiterranean Experiment on Cyclones that
produce High Impact Weather in the Mediterranean
WMO World Weather Research Programme
General objective of MEDEX The improvement of
knowledge and forecasting of the cyclones that
produce high impact weather in the Mediterranean
Specific objectives (MEDEX phase 1,
2001-2004) (a)  To implement a dynamic
climatology of the cyclones that produce high
impact weather in the Mediterranean, to know the
types of cyclonic structures that appears related
to high impact weather events, if any. This is a
necessary step to evaluate the potential impact
of the improvement of the forecasting of cyclones
on the prediction of the high impact weather
itself. It is also necessary to know how
representative is the work done on the base of a
selection of particular cases. (b)   To determine
and rank the multiple geographical and
meteorological factors that are acting in the
generation and evolution of the different types
of cyclones that produce high impact weather in
the Mediterranean. (c)   The identification of
sensitive areas where better initial conditions
may likely lead to improved forecasts. Closely
connected with the former objective is an
assessment of the impact of additional
observations in sensitive areas.
Based on systematic data, covering every day
along a period Based on selected cases
MEDEX, MEDiterranean Experiment on Cyclones that
produce High Impact Weather in the Mediterranean
WMO World Weather Research Programme
Priority tasks for MEDEX phase 1 (according the
WWRP/SSC Resolution about MEDEX, Sep. 2000)
a.    Identify the nature, availability, and
usefulness of data presently not available on the
GTS, and to start concentrating these data in a
MEDEX database. b.    Identify a set of cases
where high impact weather was poorly forecast and
conduct co-ordinate, in-depth case studies that
include considerations of forecast skill and
societal impacts associated with both the event
and the poor forecasts. c.    Conduct NWP
studies to identify sensitive areas where the
addition of observations would most likely lead
to improved forecasts and their related benefits.
d.    Conduct research to identify physical and
dynamical hypotheses that might form the basis of
developing improved forecast techniques for
Mediterranean cyclones.
MEDEX, MEDiterranean Experiment on Cyclones that
produce High Impact Weather in the Mediterranean
WMO World Weather Research Programme
Identify the nature, availability, and usefulness
of data presently not available on the
GTS Establishment of the MEDEX database
  • Steps
  • Definition of data requirements (made,
  • Identification of available data (made,
  • Implementation of the MEDEX database (under study
    the feasibility of implementation of the database
    in INM-Spain)
  1. Definition of data requirements (made,

P 39 W 25 RADAR 1 SYNOP 25
P 387 W 95 RADAR 1 SYNOP 8
P 80 W 20 RADAR 1 SYNOP 10
P 175 W 50
P 850 W 80 RADAR 2 LIGHT. SYNOP 60
P 1381 W 76 RADAR 7 LIGHT. SYNOP 191
P 49 W 27 RADAR 1
P 96 W 34 RADAR 1
P 29 W 29 SYNOP 40 PILOT 7 TEMP 1
P 163 W 10 RADAR 1 LIGHT.
P 400 W 120 RADAR 1 SYNOP 120
non-GTS data availability
MEDEX, MEDiterranean Experiment on Cyclones that
produce High Impact Weather in the Mediterranean
WMO World Weather Research Programme
Specific objective 2 Diagnostic studies and
sensitive experiments (selected cases)
Selection of cases 1995-2002 (This work is a
necessary step for Diagnosis studies and
sensitive experiments concerning factors, as well
as for Identification of sensitive areas).
  • The point of departure has been a questionnaire
    submitted to the institutions that are
    participating in MEDEX.
  • Selection criteria
  • High impact weather (mainly precipitation and
    wind) associated with cyclones affecting the
    Mediterranean area
  • Poor forecast skill
  • Adverse societal impact and possible mitigation
    depending on forecast skill
  • Sensitivity to initial condition and
    meteorological model used
  • Data base accessible (meteorological non GTS
    data, documentation on adverse weather impact and
  • Events affecting more than one country (to favour
  • Events associated with different cyclone types
    and representative of all the Mediterranean

MEDEX, MEDiterranean Experiment on Cyclones that
produce High Impact Weather in the Mediterranean
WMO World Weather Research Programme
Specific objective 2 Diagnostic studies and
sensitive experiments (selected cases)
Selection of cases 1995 - 2002
  • More then 80 events were initially suggested by
    17 institutions of 11 countries.
  • 27 among them constitute the present selection.
  • The pre-selection has been made according the
    following criteria
  • Events affecting two or more contiguous
  • Severe impact weather events (affecting one
    country only).
  • Additional events to ensure some degree of
    geographical 'balance'.

NOTE Information about societal impacts, degree
of success of numerical forecasts and alerts is
not always readily available, but a distinct
progress was made in two iterations.
MEDEX, MEDiterranean Experiment on Cyclones that
produce High Impact Weather in the Mediterranean
WMO World Weather Research Programme
Geographical cover of selected events
MEDEX, MEDiterranean Experiment on Cyclones that
produce High Impact Weather in the Mediterranean
WMO World Weather Research Programme
Specific objective 2 Diagnostic studies and
sensitive experiments (selected cases)
Selection of cases emerged forecasting problems
  • Forecast often difficult but skill gradually
    improving in time
  • Heavy precipitation (and consequences, mainly
    floods and landslides, also snow) most important,
    but also strong winds (damages, navigation,
    storm surges)
  • Most of benefits from meteorological models
    (especially LAM's), ECMWF, U.K.M.O., DWD
  • Identification of problems limiting forecast

MEDEX, MEDiterranean Experiment on Cyclones that
produce High Impact Weather in the Mediterranean
WMO World Weather Research Programme
Specific objective 2 Diagnostic studies and
sensitive experiments (selected cases)
Develop/test physical and dynamical hypotheses to
form the basis of improved forecast techniques
for Mediterranean cyclones
  • Investigate the physical role (in the formation
    and evolution of cyclones that produce high
    impact weather in the Mediterranean) and model
    representation /assimilation of
  • orography
  • surface fluxes of latent and sensible heat
  • latent heat release
  • upper level potential vorticity
  • low level jets

MEDEX, MEDiterranean Experiment on Cyclones that
produce High Impact Weather in the Mediterranean
WMO World Weather Research Programme
Specific objective 2 Diagnostic studies and
sensitive experiments (selected cases)
Case study by Delitala et al. (SAR -
Sardinia) (impact of high res. forecast of
precip., also ensemble fc.)
13/11/1999 00Z - ECMWF analysis
MEDEX, MEDiterranean Experiment on Cyclones that
produce High Impact Weather in the Mediterranean
WMO World Weather Research Programme
Specific objective 2 Diagnostic studies and
sensitive experiments (selected cases)
Case study by Romero et al. (UIB, Palma de
M.) applying piecewise PV inversion
Two rotating upper-level positive PV
anomalies Strong low-tropospheric warm advection
Track, shape and intensity of the surface cyclone
and the corresponding rainfall pattern are very
sensitive to the embedded upper-level PV anomalies
MEDEX, MEDiterranean Experiment on Cyclones that
produce High Impact Weather in the Mediterranean
WMO World Weather Research Programme
Specific objective 2 Diagnostic studies and
sensitive experiments (selected cases)
Example of MEDEX-related activities at the
National Observatory of Athens (Kotroni,
14-17 January 1995 multi-model case-study
MEDEX, MEDiterranean Experiment on Cyclones that
produce High Impact Weather in the Mediterranean
WMO World Weather Research Programme
Specific objective 2 Diagnostic studies and
sensitive experiments (selected cases)
Severe flood event of NW Italy, 13-16 Oct.
2000 example of hydrological-meteorological
model coupling (ISAO Bologna, Univ. of Genova,
Univ. of Brescia)
Observed and hindcasted runoff at Toce Candoglia,
using the DIMOSOP hydrological model, based on
BOLAM forecasts for the period 2000-10-13 to
  • Accumulated precipitation exceeded 700 mm/96 hrs
    and 550 mm/48 hrs (14-15 Oct. 2000)

MEDEX, MEDiterranean Experiment on Cyclones that
produce High Impact Weather in the Mediterranean
WMO World Weather Research Programme
Specific objective 3 Identification of sensitive
areas for selected cases
  • The objective is to identify areas where better
    initial conditions may lead to improved forecast
    of events of high impact weather connected with
  • The MEDEX project favours the case study approach
    on regional scale.
  • The computation of sensitivities requires adjoint
    model code.
  • In the case of the Mediterranean area, it is
    expected that diabatic processes will need to be
    included in the adjoint calculations.
  • Preliminary to OSSE experiments and to
    identification of observational needs.

MEDEX, MEDiterranean Experiment on Cyclones that
produce High Impact Weather in the Mediterranean
WMO World Weather Research Programme
The EUCOS study on Climatology of Sensitive Areas
(Marseille Bouttier, 2000) give us an idea
about were are the most sensitive areas for
Southern Europe
6th Session of the Science Steering Committee
for WWRP Oslo, 15-19 Sep. 2003
  • Responses to SSC/WWRP recommendations
  • use the ERA40 reanalyses as quickly as possible
    to augment the cyclone data base.
  • invite societal and economic experts to take part
    regularly in MEDEX committee discussions

6th Session of the Science Steering Committee
for WWRP Oslo, 15-19 Sep. 2003
References in the list of selected cases (MEDEX
DB) example
6th Session of the Science Steering Committee
for WWRP Oslo, 15-19 Sep. 2003
6th Session of the Science Steering Committee
for WWRP Oslo, 15-19 Sep. 2003
(From Homar Stensrud, 2003)
6th Session of the Science Steering Committee
for WWRP Oslo, 15-19 Sep. 2003
The MEDEX Data Base
6th Session of the Science Steering Committee
for WWRP Oslo, 15-19 Sep. 2003
This other example shows the evolution of the
surface circulation and of the ratio between
upper and lower level circulations during the
evolution of the main cyclone associated to the
high priority selected case of 9-13 Nov 01 In
this case, the main cyclogenesis seems to have
important low level contribution, later
increasing the upper level weight.
MEDEX, MEDiterranean Experiment on Cyclones that
produce High Impact Weather in the Mediterranean
WMO World Weather Research Programme
Work in progress on MEDEX case studies
BOLAM, 18 km 94 mm
BOLAM, 6 km 134 mm
MOLOCH, 2 km 162 mm
La Garde flood event, France, 9/9/2003
MEDEX, MEDiterranean Experiment on Cyclones that
produce High Impact Weather in the Mediterranean
WMO World Weather Research Programme
Work in progress on MEDEX case studies
BOLAM, 18 km 104 mm
BOLAM, 6 km 116/102 mm
Catalunia flood, 10/6/2000
5th Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms
Ajaccio, Corsica, France 13 October 2003
Application of a nudging procedurefor rainfall
assimilationto the 2001 Algerian Flood
S. Davolio and A. Buzzi ISAC - Institute for
Atmospheric Sciences and Climate CNR - National
Research Council
(No Transcript)
Impact on cyclone development and evolution
12 hours after the end of the assimilation
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