Post War Era - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Post War Era


Post War Era 1945-1953 – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: KellyJ153


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Post War Era

Post War Era
  • 1945-1953

  • 1945
  • Poland and Eastern Germany fall to the Russians
  • Germany is divided from 1945 until the fall of
    the Berlin Wall in 1989

Russia vs. Marxist Foreign Policy
  • Russia-no Renaissance or Enlightenment
  • Always being invaded
  • Tried to create a buffer-zone to protect them
  • A.K.A Poland

American Foreign Policy
  • Truman Doctrine
  • Involves a war between Turkey and Greece
  • Reverses all of American foreign policy
  • Extended the Western Hemisphere policy (Monroe
  • Containment Doctrine
  • Article from 1947 published by Mr. X
  • Later George Kinnan took credit
  • Wherever there was a vacuum of leadership,
    Communism steps in (the Blob)

American Foreign Policy Cont
  • Marshall Plan
  • George Marshall-Secretary of State under Truman
  • US offered to help all European Countries
  • Soviets were the only country to refused
  • Yugoslavia-exception in USSR
  • Tito kept a peace with Russia for 40 years

Goals of the Marshall Plan
  • Increase production
  • Obtain internal financial stability
  • Causes an economic decline in the US
  • Close the dollar gap
  • Cost the US approximately 17 billion

Berlin Airlift
  • In Eastern Germany
  • Soviets cut off the supply road
  • US began airlifting all supplies for a year

Soviets Get the Bomb
  • US had been careful to divide up the Manhattan
  • US held supreme power over the USSR until August
    29, 1949
  • Signs of atomic testing was found in the
    atmosphere over Russia
  • Officially begins the Cold War

Duck and Cover
Communism in China
  • Nationalists-Chaing Kai-shek
  • Communists-Mao Zedong
  • Civil war broke out in China at the end of WWII
  • Shek and his followers were eventually defeated
    and fled to Taiwan
  • China fell to Communism in May 1949

The Threat of Communism
  • 2nd Red Scare
  • Domino Theory
  • If one country fell to Communism then the rest
    would fall

1948 Election
  • Truman is the underdog
  • No one believed he was going to win the election
  • Strum Thurmond-Candidate for segregation
  • Dewey-Republican
  • Truman-Democrat

  • Senator Joseph McCarthy of Wisconsin
  • Began giving speeches around the country about
    (57, 81, 205) American government officials who
    were communists
  • Became reckless with his claims as he gained
  • McCarthy and Eisenhower
  • At first his administration appeased McCarthy
  • Nixon (Vice-President) was given the task of
    controlling McCarthy

McCarthys Downfall
  • Launched an investigation of the army at Ft.
    Monmouth, NJ
  • Pink Army Dentist
  • Dentist that was promoted without signing the
    loyalty oath
  • March 11, 1954-Army charged McCarthy with seeking
    preferential treatment for Prv. David Schine
  • Obviously homosexual
  • Eventually lead to the fall of McCarthy

  • House on Un-American Activities Committee
  • Headed by Richard Nixon
  • Used to investigate Communists
  • Mainly from Hollywood
  • Tried people for having Communist

  • HUAC began to subpoena members of Hollywood
  • 10 members refused to testify
  • Became known as the Hollywood Ten
  • Members of Hollywood were blacklisted from

Alger Hiss
  • 1948-Former spy Whittaker Chambers accused Alger
    Hiss of being a Soviet spy
  • Produced Microfilm of documents that he claimed
    were typed on Hiss typewriter
  • Hiss was convicted of perjury, not espionage
  • He maintained his innocence until after the fall
    of the Soviet Union
  • Soviets released documents proving that Hiss was
    indeed a Soviet Spy
  • Impact-Richard Nixon was the prosecuting attorney

  • Ethel and Julius Rosenberg
  • September 23, 1949
  • Accused of passing information to the Soviets
    about the bomb
  • Denied the charges and pleaded the 5th
  • Found guilty sentenced to death
  • Executed by the electric chair in June 1953

Korean War
  • Korea-occupied by the Japanese until 1945
  • 38th Parallel-divided North and South Korea
  • North-taken by the Soviets
  • South-taken by the US

Korean War Contd
  • 1948-Republic of Korea (US backed)
  • South Korea-led by Syngman Rhee
  • 1948-Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea
  • North Korea-led by Kim Il Sung
  • In 1949 the US and Soviets pulled their troops
  • Both governments claimed they had the right to
    rule all of Korea

Korea Contd
  • June 25, 1950-North Korea invades South Korea
  • Americans feared that another Asian country was
    about to become Communist
  • Truman decided to take military action

US in Korea
  • Macarthur-head of US military in Korea
  • Invades Inchon-September 1950
  • Drives Sung north
  • Tries to unify Korea from the South
  • Pushes towards China

Puson perimeter
China Gets Involved
  • China-angry with the US for not recognizing Maos
  • Macarthur gets too close to China
  • China invades North Korea

The War Continues
  • From July 1951-July 1953 the US sits just above
    the 38th Parallel
  • Stalemate
  • April 1951-Truman fires Macarthur
  • Macarthur had publicly argued with Truman about
    bombing China

  • July 2, 1953-Truce signed
  • Dividing line between the North and the South was
    still the 38th parallel
  • Korea was still 2 different countries
  • To this day they are still divided at the same

Effects of the War-MASH
  • MASH-Mobile Army Surgical Hospitals
  • Only war they were really ever used
  • Within 2 miles of the front lines
  • In the first year of the war they moved more than
    50 times
  • In the next 2 years they moved only twice

Effects Contd
  • 54,000 Americans killed
  • Cost 20-22 Billion
  • Caused the rejection of the Democratic party in
    the 1952 election
  • Increased the fear of Communism

Trumans Legacy
  • Atomic Bomb
  • Korean War
  • Desegregation of the Military
  • One of the best Wartime Presidents to date

Election of 1952
  • Dwight D. Eisenhower
  • Ike
  • WWII hero-orchestrated D-Day

Eisenhowers Administration
  • Made it a point to get out of Korea
  • Began the interstate highway system
  • Brown v. Board of Education
  • Served as President from 1953-1961

  • Willingness to go to the brink or the edge of
    war to keep the peace
  • The US would use any force necessary to keep
    aggressor countries from attacking weaker

Death of Josef Stalin
  • 1953
  • Temporarily cooled tensions in the cold war
  • Caused slight panic over who would seize power
  • Nikita Khrushchev became the new dictator of the

4-Minute Mile
Brown v. Board of Education
  • 1951-Brown vs. Topeka Board of Education
  • Oliver Brown wanted his daughter to attend the
    neighborhood school
  • She was refused admittance because it was an all
    white school
  • Sued the school district claiming that the black
    school was not equal to the white school
  • Separate but Equal

Brown v. Board
  • Supreme Court determined that Plessy v. Ferguson
    violated the equal protection clause of the
    14th Amendment
  • separate but equal
  • Determined that separate was inherently unequal

Suez Canal
  • 1956
  • Canal in Egypt
  • Allowed for water transportation between Asia and
  • July 26, 1956-Nasser (Egypts leader)
    nationalized the Canal
  • 2/3 of the worlds oil was imported into the
  • Threat of a war between Israel (formed in 1948)
    and Egypt
  • US became involved and forced a human barrier
    between Israel and Egypt
  • Visibly shifted the balance of power from
    European to USA vs. USSR

Central High School-Little Rock, AR
  • 1957-Integration of Central High School (all
    white school)
  • 9 students from Horace Mann High chose to enroll
    in Central
  • Governor called out the Arkansas National Guard
    to keep the students out of the school
  • Eisenhower was forced to send the national guard
    to protect the students and allow them into the
  • Youll learn all about this in Civics next year

Eisenhower Doctrine
  • Drafted after the Suez Crisis
  • Said the US would defend the Middle East against
    any Communist Country
  • Gave the President power to use the military at
    his discretion in the Middle East

  • US felt it needed a more powerful weapon than the
    Atomic bomb
  • Wanted something to hold over the Soviets
  • November 1, 1952-US explodes its first H-Bomb
  • August 1953-Soviets explode their first H-Bomb

Rise of the CIA and the KGB
  • CIA-US covert spy agency
  • President began to rely on the covert operations
    of the CIA
  • Included missions to Latin America, the Middle
    East and Asia
  • KGB-Soviet version of the CIA
  • Best spy ring in the history of the world

Space Race
  • US and Soviets were in a race to see who could
    create the biggest weapons
  • October 4, 1957-Soviets launch Sputnik I
  • ICBM (intercontinental ballistic missile)
  • Could deliver nuclear weapons anywhere around the
  • January 31, 1958-US puts its first satellite
    into orbit
  • Began the race for bigger and better ways to end
    the world (whoo hoo!!)

U-2 Incident
  • May 1, 1960
  • US Spy plane shot down over the Soviet Union
  • Pilot Frances Gary Powers
  • US denied spying on the Soviets
  • Khrushchev produced Powers and the plane along
    with all of the surveillance tapes and
  • Caused more tense East-West relations

Baby Boomers
  • Children of the soldiers returning from World War
  • Any baby born from 1946-1964
  • Result of the major economic boom of the era
  • Eventually led to the cultural revolution in the
    1960s and 1970s

Dr. Spock
  • Changed the way baby boom children were raised
  • Told parents to treat their children with respect
  • Disputed the philosophy of spare the rod, spoil
    the child
  • Was blamed for the rebellion in the 1960s for
    his theories on permissive parenting

TV Moms
  • Ozzie and Harriet
  • Leave it to Beaver
  • I Love Lucy
  • The Honeymooners
  • Father Knows Best

White Flight
  • During the Civil Rights movement blacks started
    moving into the cities
  • Desegregation caused whites to become nervous
    about integrated schools
  • Whites began moving to suburbia to have all
    white neighborhoods again
  • Became known as white flight

Around the World-1947-1960
  • Disneyland opens
  • Marilyn Monroe becomes a star
  • The Cat and the Hat is written
  • Mr. Potato Head and Silly Putty invented
  • Hula Hoop
  • Snowmobile invented
  • 1947-Jackie Robinson breaks the color barrier
  • 1951-Willy Mays joins major league baseball
  • 1955-Rosa Parks
  • 1955-Albert Einstein dies
  • 1959-Hawaii and Alaska become States
  • 1960-U2 Spy plane shot down
  • 1960-John F. Kennedy elected to the Presidency
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