Post war of 1812 America - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Post war of 1812 America


Post war of 1812 America A Time of many changes The Era of Good Feeling – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: america | jackson | post | tariff | war


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Post war of 1812 America

Post war of 1812 America
  • A Time of many changes
  • The Era of Good Feeling

Standard VII
  • SSUHS7 Students will explain the process of
    economic growth, its regional and national impact
    in the first half of the 19th century, and the
    different responses to it.
  • Why was the War of 1812 a catalyst for major
    change in America?

The Era of Good feeling
  • The years of 1815 1825 were known as the Era of
    good feeling
  • 1 political party
  • Significant economic development
  • Negotiated a truce in the brewing slavery battle
  • Era of Good Feelings - Wikipedia, the free

Changes in America
  • America experienced changes in the following

Industrial / Economic Changes
  • The industrial revolution arrives in America
  • Emergence of a Free market economy occur in
  • 2 Reasons
  • Faith in the country which leads to investments
    in banking
  • Work outside of the home and work other than
    subsistence farming
  • System allows for the fastest, most efficient,
    most creative people to thrive

Free market economy
  • Take about 2 minutes to list what you think are
    the characteristics of a free market economy!
  • an economic system in which prices and wages are
    determined by unrestricted competition between
    businesses, without government regulation or fear
    of monopolies.

American economy in 1815
  • The economy thrives because
  • 1. New businesses move here
  • 2. Gov. is not cracking down on what can and
    cannot be done as some other world gov. are doing
  • 3. (previously cited examples about investments
    and faith in system)

Inventions drive the change
  • Steam engine Robert Fulton
  • Name 2 ways this would have influenced the
  • Cotton Gin Eli Whitney
  • Name 2 ways this would have influenced the
  • Interchangeable parts Eli Whitney
  • Name 2 ways this would have influenced the

Francis Cabot Lowell
  • Francis Cabot Lowell (businessman) - Wikipedia,
    the free encyclopedia
  • Francis Cabot Lowell creates the worlds first
    centralized textile mill.
  • The creation of this mill and the creation of the
    cotton gin link the country and make us an
    industrial force.
  • Coupled with the steam engine powering our ships
    and trains, we became a force to be reckoned with

Economies of the regions
  • Northwest Farming would send crops via canal
    to NY or Mississippi river to New Orleans.
    Dependent upon steam ships.
  • Northeast Manufacturing Mills - textiles
  • South The philosophy of King Cotton emerges
  • South has good cotton farming conditions ?
    southern economy develops around cotton farming ?
    Cotton Gin makes cotton plantations profitable ?
    Market rev. leads to massive textile industry ?
    Landowners create plantations
  • How did this system make slave labor ultra

(No Transcript)
Political Change
  • Due to the new influence of slave labor, the
    south became an important part of the nation.
  • Missouri Compromise - Wikipedia, the free
  • Mo Compromise worksheet for HW..

(No Transcript)
The Election of 1824
  • Era of good feelings comes to an end with a
    political scandal (according to Jackson)
  • Presidential Election Interactive Map and History
    of the Electoral College
  • John Quincy Adams is elected President and forces
    Jackson to create the Jacksonian Deomocrats.

Adams Presidency
  • Adams passed the Tariff of 1828 - Wikipedia, the
    free encyclopedia AKA The Tariff of
  • Due to this protective tariff and lack of
    interest in moving the native Americans, people
    chose to make a change in 1828

Election of 1828
Issues Jackson Adams
Bank of USA
Voting rights for common man
Building of infrastructure
Gov. jobs
Please complete the following
  • Question 1 State 3 things that made Jackson a
    different type of President than Presidents
    before him.
  • Question 2 Make an argument using 3 examples of
    why Jackson was a good President.
  • Question 3 Make an argument using 3 examples
    for why Jackson was a bad president.

Nullification Crisis
  • Describe the Nullification Crisis and the
    emergence of states rights ideology, including
    the role of John C. Calhoun and development of
  • Description (Caused by the tariffs of 1828 and
    1832) South Carolina thought the tariffs injured
    their economy and therefore refused to
    acknowledge them in their state.
  • States rights South Carolina stated that the
    Federal Gov. is not the sole arbiter of their
    own power.
  • John C. Calhoun Senator from South Carolina who
    works to prevent the gov. from using force.
    Negotiates a new tariff that was less oppressive
    to the state
  • Sectionalism - An attitude around the country
    arises where states make decisions that are best
    for them not the country

Webster - Hayne debate
  • Daniel Webster, a senator from New England
    dismisses nullifciation and states that it is
  • Webster also says states should not be allowed to
    consider sucession from the USA
  • South Carolina nullifies the tariffs of 1828 and
    1832 anyway.
  • This sets the stage for sectionalism in our
    country and the beginning of the Whig Party

Whig Party
  • The Whig Party is formed to oppose many of the
    views of Andrew Jackson and southern
  • Whigs support the National bank and protective

Veto of the National Bank
  • Jackson destroys the national bank and withdraws
    the USAs funds
  • It concentrated the nation's financial strength
    in a single institution.
  • It exposed the government to control by foreign
  • It served mainly to make the rich richer.
  • It exercised too much control over members of
  • It favored northeastern states over southern and
    western states
  • Jacksons veto of the bank gave rise to PET
  • What is a pet bank?

Specie Circular and the Panic of 1837
  • Then, in 1836, Jackson issued the Specie
    Circular, which required buyers of government
    lands to pay in "specie" (gold or silver coins).
    The result was a great demand for specie, which
    many banks did not have enough of to exchange for
    their notes. These banks collapsed.27 This was
    a direct cause of the Panic of 1837, which threw
    the national economy into a deep depression. It
    took years for the economy to recover from the

Political cartoon
  • Please answer the following about the cartoon on
    the next slide
  • What does this political cartoon show Andrew
    Jackson doing?
  • What message was the author trying to convey?
  • Was the author pro or anti-Jackson?
  • What is the significance of Jacksons actions?

(No Transcript)
Change in the political landscape
  • How does the election of Andrew Jackson signal a
    change in Americas political landscape?
  • Was Andrew Jackson a positive or negative

How did Jackson violate the Constitution?
  • Two important CT. cases were ignored by him.
  • 1. Cherokee v. Georgia
  • The Cherokees were their own nation within the
    borders of the USA
  • 2. Worcester v. Georgia
  • Georgia attempted to take Cherokee native lands.
    Supreme Ct. rules that the Cherokee are an
    independent nation, therefore GA. (a state)
    cannot have dialogue with them (a nation). Only
    the FED can talk to other nations. Cherokees
    can stay.

Indian removal act
  • Andrew Jackson gives Indian's 2 choices
  • 1. Assimilate to American culture (become a
  • 2. Continue your Indian way of life, just do it
    west of the Mississippi
  • Those that chose choice 2, were sent on the Trail
    of Tears

  • Time period 1815 1850s
  • These reforms in society are happening from the
    end of war of 1812 until essentially the start of
    the civil war!

  • 1. Unified country
  • Since we now work outside the home and people
    interact with one another, the country wanted to
    have NORMS / standards.
  • Second Great Awakening
  • Citizens had noticed that our country had moved
    away from the judao/Christian principles of the
    founding fathers

The reforms
  • Please write down 2-3 facts that you can recall
    about each reform movement. You have 7 mins.
  • 1. Transcendentalism
  • 2. Abolitionism
  • 3. Education movement
  • 4. Temperance movement
  • 5. Womens rights
  • 6. Prison reform (new)
  • 7. Utopian societies (new)

  • Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau
  • Thought church attendance was irrelevant to lead
    a good life
  • Believed in inward reflection and peaceful

  • Ridding the USA of slavery
  • Leaders William Lloyd Garrison, Frederick
  • Garrison printed the Liberator which was a
    massive anti-slavery news publication
  • Frederick Douglas was a freed slave who printed
    an anti-slavery newspaper Northstar

Education movement
  • 2 leaders Horace Mann, Daniel Webster
  • Horace Mann started tax funded public schools in
    the state of MASS. Other states followed suit
    after his actions
  • Webster wrote the first school books and our
    first dictionary

Temperance movement
  • Attempt to limit or totally eliminate alcohol
  • Many women had suffered abuse from their husbands
    who worked stressful factory jobs.
  • Alcohol was limited in parts of the country by
    temperance societies that had (at their height)
    as many as 1.5 million members

Womens rights movment
  • Leaders Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia
  • Seneca Falls convention first womens rights
  • Wrote the Declaration of Sentiments
  • 1. Right to own property
  • 2. Right to vote
  • 3. Equal Pay at work

Prison reform
  • Leader Dorthea Dix
  • Dix noticed that mentally ill people were being
    kept in the general prison population.
  • Dix opened the first mental hospitals in America
    as a way to separate the mentally ill from
    legitimate criminals
  • Prisoners were subjected to life threatening
    conditions, thus having to turn to crime within
    the prison just to survive their incarceration.

Utopian Societies
  • Separated community in which educated people
    tried to live in perfect harmony by sharing all
    belongings and upholding a strong moral code
  • These were not successful due to inherent human
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