Title: Gender Specific Effects of Early-Life Events on Adult Lifespan
1????????????? ?????? ????????? ?????????? ?
??????? ??????? ?????????? ?????
- ?.?. ????????
- ?.?.?????????
- ??????????? ??????
2GDP per capita at current prices (dollars) in
Russia and other countries
Country 1990 2000 2010 2012
Russia 3840 1768 10618 14178
China 347 932 4375 6070
Kazakhstan 1849 1266 9380 12455
Ukraine 1746 637 2962 3872
Belarus 1835 1044 5818 6726
Finland 27852 23528 44098 45741
Bulgaria 2350 1613 6459 7004
Mexico 3815 6582 8916 9795
Source http//data.un.org
3Demographic Indicators of Russia and Kazakhstan
Indicator Russia Kazakhstan
Infant mortality per 1000 live births 7.4 28
Total fertility rate (mean number of children per woman) 1.7 2.6
Percent of persons 65 years of age 13 7
Life expectancy
Men 64 64
Women 76 74
Proportion of urban population, 74 55
Source Population Reference Bureau. 2013 World
Population Data Sheet.
4????????? ????????????????? ????? ? ??????, ?????
? ?????
?????? ??? ??????? ???????
?????? 1992 62.0 73.8
?????? 1993 58.9 71.9
?????? 1994 57.6 71.2
?????? 1997 60.8 72.9
?????? 2000 58.8 71.7
?????? 2012 64.6 75.9
????? 2013 73.0 77.3
????? 2013 66.4 68.7
5????????? ????????????????? ????? ? ?????? ?????
1964 ????
6?????? ? ????????? ????? ??????? ???????
????????? ?????????? ?? ????????? 20 ???
7(No Transcript)
8(No Transcript)
91992 ??????? ???????
- ???????????????? ???? ???
- ???????? ????? ??????
- ????????? ??? ???? ????????
- ???????????? ?????
- ?????? ?????????? ??? ???????? ??? ???????
???????? ?????????
10?????? ??? ? ??????? ??????????
11?????? ?????? ??????? ?? ??? ? ??????
??? ?????? ????? ? 63.8 ??? ? 1990 ?? 57.4 ??? ?
1994. ??? ?????? ????? ? 74.3 ??? ? 1990 ?? 71.1
??? ? 1994
12??????????? ? ?????? ??? ??????? ?????
13???????? ????????? ??????????
- ????????, ????? ??????? ????????? ?????????
???????? ?????????? ???? ?????? (??????????
?????? ?? ????????). - ??????????? ? ??????? ?????? (???????? ?????),
????????? ?????? ? ??????? ??????????????
????????????, ??????? ??????. - ???????? ????????? ?????????? ? ??????? ?.????
??????????? ??????????????? ? ??????, ? ???????
???????? ??????? ?????????? ?????????? ? ????????
35-55 ???. - ???????? ??????? ???? ?????????? ??????????? ??
?????????????? ?????? ? ?????????? ??????? ?????
??????? ? ???????????????? ????? ?????????
14????? ???????? ??????? ?????? ?????? ?
???????????? ??? ??? ???????? ? ??????
???????? ?.????????, Demoscope Weekly, N
485-486, 2011
151998 ????? ????????????? ??????
- 28 ??????? 1998 ???? ?? ????? ?????????? ???????
?????????? ???????? ????????, ?????????????
?????? ???????? ?????? ?? ????? ?????????? ?
?????????? ????? ????? ?? ??????????? ??????. - ????????? ???????? ???????????? ????? ??????????
? ??????
16?????? 1998 ???? ????????? ???????? ?????????? ?
17Russian President on Demographic Situation in
Russia(Address to Russian Parliament, May 10,
- Demographic problem is "the most urgent problem
of modern Russia" - Demographic situation is "critical"
- "We talked at lot on this topic but did little."
- Government is "too slow with unacceptable
bureaucracy in resolving the problem" - Suggested 10 year program with three priorities
- -- to decrease mortality
- -- effective migration policy
- -- to increase fertility
18???? ????????? ????????????????? ????? ? ??????
????? 2003 ????
???????? ?.????????, Demoscope Weekly, N
485-486, 2011
19Russian President on How to Decrease
Mortality(Address to Russian Parliament, May 10,
- Program to prevent traffic accidents and improve
road safety (high penalties for drunk driving) - To eradicate production and import of alcohol
surrogates (poisoned alcohol) - National Project "Health" focused on prevention
and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, and
other major causes of death. - Smoking ban in public places
- High taxes on hard liquors
20????? ???????? ??????? ?????? ?????? ?
???????????? ???, 1990-2009
???????? ?.????????, Demoscope Weekly, N
485-486, 2011
21?????????? ?????? ????????????? ????????? ??????
???????, ???????????? ? ?????????? ?? ???????
22?????????????? ???????? ? ?????? ? ???
23????????? ?????????? ?? ??????? ??? ???????? ?
???????? ???????? ? ???????????? ??????????
?????????? ??????
24??????????? ??????? ??????????? ???????? ????????
? 1990-? ?????
25Age Profiles of Mortality from Accidental
Poisoning by AlcoholData from Russian Vital
26???????? ???????? ???????? ?? ????? ????????
- In 1992 state monopoly on alcohol sales was
abolished - Self-production of alcohol became not profitable
but over 20 of alcohol sales included technical
alcohol - Sample control tests showed that proportion of
below quality standards alcohol was 5.6 in 1992
and 30.4 in 1994 - Imported alcohol had even lower quality 67.2
below quality standards
27????????? ????????
- Alcohol surrogates non-food liquids containing
ethanol (polishing liquids, perfume,
pharmaceutical tinctures, etc.) - Alcohol surrogates are cheap, so they are
attractive to poor persons. May be the only
source of ethanol for impoverished persons. - 47 of men who used surrogates were unemployed.
Only 13 of men not used surrogates were
28??????????? ??????? ???????? ? ?????????????????
29?????????? ?????? ??????? ?????? (16-39 ???),
??????? ? 2004 ???? ? ????????? ???????
??????? ? ??., Demoscope
30????? ????????????, ??? ???? ?????????? ? 90-?
????? ??????????? ???????????????
- ??????????? ???? ??????????????????? ?????
????????? (??? ?????? ????? ?????????
???????????? ? ??? ??????) - ?????????? ?????? ?????????? ? ?????????
????????????????? ??????? ?????????
31?????????????? ?????????? ??????????????
????????? ?????? ????????
32?????????? ? ??????? ? ?????? 1990-1999
33?????????????????? ???????? ? ?????????? ??
100000 ????????? (1991-1999)
34??????????? ???????????? ?? ???????????????
?????????? ??????? 20-69???, ??????
???????? Shkolnikov et al., SSM, 1998
35??????????? ????????? ????? ?????????
????????????????? ?????
- ?????????? ??????? ? ??????? ????????? (15-64)
- ???????? ????????? ? ?????????? ?? ??????,
??????????????? ????????? ? ????????????
????????, ??????????? ???????? ? ??????????????
????????????? - ??? ????????? ????? ???? ??????? ? ?????? ??
???????? ?? ??????????? ??????????, ????????? ?
36Current trends in life expectancy in Moscow and
some Eastern European countries
37??? ??????????? ? ?????? ??????? ??????????????
- ????????????? ?????? ? ????? ?????????????
???????? ?????????? - ?????????? ?????? ????????? ?????????????????
?????, ????????? ? ????????? ????????? ??? - ?????? ?????????? ?????????? ????????, ??
???????? ???????? ???????? ?????? - ?????? ??????? ???? ? ????? ?????????????
????????, ?? ???????? ?????????? ??? ? ?????????
???? ? ????????? ??????? (???????? ???????)
38????????? ????????????????? ????? ? ???????
?.???? ? 2012, ???????
39??? ? ??????? ?.???? ? 2012, ???????
40????????????????? ????? ? ????????, ?????? ?
???????. ???????
41????????????????? ????? ? ????????, ?????? ?
???????. ???????
42????????????????? ????? ? ??????????, ???????????
? ???????????. ???????
43????????????????? ????? ? ??????????, ???????????
? ???????????. ???????
44Ethnic Differentials in Mortality
45Based on the Study of Ethnic Differentials in
Adult Mortality in Kyrgyzstan
- Michel Guillot (PI), University of
Wisconsin-Madison - Natalia Gavrilova, University of Chicago
- Tetyana Pudrovska, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Demography, 2011, 48(3) 1081-1104
46(No Transcript)
47Background on Kyrgyzstan
- Former Soviet republic became independent in
1991 - Population 5.2 million (2006)
- Experienced a severe economic depression after
break-up of Soviet Union - GNI per capita 440 USD 28th poorest country
in the world (2005) - 48 of population below national poverty line
482008 Workshop, Bishkek
49Workshop in Almaty, 2011
50Ethnic Groups in Kyrgyzstan
- Native Central Asian groups Kazakh, Kyrgyz,
Tajik, Turkmen, Uzbek (Sunni Muslims) - Slavs Russian, Ukrainian, Bielorussian
- Kyrgyzstan, 1999 census
- Central Asians 79 of pop. (Kyrgyz 65)
- Slavs 14 of pop. (Russian 12)
51Recorded trends in adult mortality (20-60 years)
52Mortality paradox?
- Soviet period Russians/Slavs occupied dominant
positions in the socio-economic structure of
Central Asian societies (Kahn 1993)
53Mortality paradox?
- Slavic females more educated than Central Asian
females (1989 and 1999 censuses) - Slavic males educational advantage not so clear
varies by age (1989 and 1999 censuses) - Slavic households less poor than Central Asians
(1993 World Bank poverty survey) - Infant mortality lower among Slavs (Soviet and
post-Soviet period)
54Proportion of individuals with post-secondary
education, by age and ethnicity, in 1989 census.
55Mortality paradox?
- Slavic females more educated than Central Asian
females (1989 and 1999 censuses) - Slavic males educational advantage not so clear
varies by age (1989 and 1999 censuses) - Slavic households less poor than Central Asians
(1993 World Bank poverty survey) - Infant mortality lower among Slavs (Soviet and
post-Soviet period)
56Proportion of individuals with post-secondary
education, by age and ethnicity, in 1989 census.
57Mortality paradox?
- Slavic females more educated than Central Asian
females (1989 and 1999 censuses) - Slavic males educational advantage not so clear
varies by age (1989 and 1999 censuses) - Slavic households less poor than Central Asians
(1993 World Bank poverty survey) - Infant mortality lower among Slavs (Soviet and
post-Soviet period)
58(No Transcript)
59Mortality paradox?
- Slavic females more educated than Central Asian
females (1989 and 1999 censuses) - Slavic males educational advantage not so clear
varies by age (1989 and 1999 censuses) - Slavic households less poor than Central Asians
(1993 World Bank poverty survey) - Infant mortality lower among Slavs (Soviet and
post-Soviet period)
60IMR by ethnicity, 1958-2003, Kyrgyzstan
- Unpublished population and death tabulations
since 1959 - collected from local archives
- Individual census records 1999
- Individual death records 1998-1999
- obtained from national statistical office
62(No Transcript)
63(No Transcript)
64Possible explanations for mortality paradox
- Data artifacts
- Migration effects (esp. 1989-99)
- Cultural effects
65Data artifacts?
- Could the lower recorded mortality among Central
Asian adults be due to lower data quality among
them (coverage of deaths, age misreporting)?
66Migration effects?
- 1/3 of Russian population has left Kyrgyzstan
since 1991 - Could the increased disparity between Russian and
Kyrgyz adult mortality be due to selective
migration (healthy migrant effect)?
67Cultural effects?
- Culture may affect mortality in various ways
- individual health and lifestyle behaviors (e.g.,
diet, smoking, alcohol, use of preventive care) - family structure and social networks (denser
social networks may produce lower stress levels
and better health) - Could different cultural practices among Slavs
and Central Asians explain the observed mortality
68Data artifacts?
- Intercensal estimates of death registration
coverage above age 60 (Guillot, 2004) - 90 as early as 1959 in urban areas
- coverage in rural areas was low initially (50)
but caught up with urban areas in 1980s - Total population 92 for 1989-99 period
- Adult deaths (20-59) usually better reported than
deaths 60
69(No Transcript)
70Health selection?
71Cohort-specific changes in educational
attainment, Males, 1989-99
72Cohort-specific changes in educational
attainment, Females, 1989-99
73Cultural effects?
- Analysis of causes of death by ethnicity, 1998-99
- Calculations based on micro-data
- Deaths vital registration (1998-99)
- Exposure census (March 1999)
- Ages 20-59
- Ethnicity Central Asians vs. Slavs
- 20,000 death records 2.2 million census
74Age-standardized Death Rates at working ages (per
100000), 1998-99, by cause and ethnicity, Males
75Contribution of causes of death to the difference
in life expectancy at working ages (40e20)
between Slavs and Central Asians Males (total
difference 2.90 years)
76Age-standardized Death Rates at working ages (per
100,000). Detailed Injuries, Males
77Age-standardized Death Rates at working ages (per
100,000), 1998-99, by cause and ethnicity, Females
78Contribution of causes of death to the difference
in life expectancy at working ages (40e20)
between Slavs and Central Asians Females (total
difference .28 years)
79Age-standardized Death Rates at working ages (per
100,000) Detailed Injuries, Females
80Alcohol-related Causes of Death(Chronic
alcoholism, Alcohol psychoses, Alcohol cirrhosis
of the liver, Accidental poisoning by alcohol)
Age-standardized Death Rates at working ages
(per 100,000)
81Multivariate analysis
- Do ethnic mortality differentials at adult ages
remain once we account for differences in
education and urban/rural residence? - Negative binomial regression
- Dependent variable deaths from all causes
deaths by major cause (7) - Explanatory variables exposure, dummy variables
for age, ethnicity, urban/rural residence,
education (3 cat.) - Males and Females analyzed separately
- Model 1 age, ethnicity
- Model 2 age, ethnicity, education, residence
82Males, all causes of death
83Risk Ratio Slavs/CAMales
84Risk Ratio Slavs/CAFemales
- Excess mortality among adult Slavs (Soviet and
post-Soviet period) is not likely due to data
artifacts or migration effects - Excess mortality due to important ethnic
differences in cause-specific mortality alcohol
and suicide in particular - Differences remain unexplained by education or
- Role of cultural characteristics?
- Alcohol tied to cultural practices (culture of
alcohol among Russians Impact of Islam for
Central Asians) - Denser social networks and stronger social
support among Central Asian ethnic groups?
87Divergent paths for adult mortality in Russia and
Central AsiaEvidence from Kyrgyzstan
Further developments
- Guillot, M, Gavrilova, N, Torgasheva, L,
Denisenko, M. - PLOS ONE, 2013, 8(10) e75314, DOI
88Study of autopsies in Barnaul during 1990-2004
(Zaridze et al., 2009)
- Among 5732 autopsied men aged 35-69 years who
were reported to have died from circulatory
diseases 49 had alcohol detected in their blood
and in 21 concentration of ethanol was 4g/l and
higher (lethal dose) - Of 5880 autopsied men aged 35-69 years who were
reported to have died from injuries 76 had
alcohol in their blood and in 38 concentration
of ethanol was 4g/l and higher
89Trends in Life Expectancy Men
90Trends in Life Expectancy Women
9140M20 (Russia) 40M20 (Kyrgyzstan), 1979-2009,
all causes and strongly alcohol related causes
92Ethnicity, russification and excess mortality in
Further developments (2)
- Ethan J. Sharygin and Michel Guillot. Vienna
Yearbook of Population Research 2013 (Vol. 11),
pp. 213237
93????????????? ?????????? ??????? ? ???????1999
94?????????? ???????????? ????????? ????? ???????
?? ??????? ?????????????? ??? ?????? ??????
??????, ????????? 1998-1999
?????? 1 ?????.?? ???????? ? ???????. ?????? 2
????????????? ?????. ?? ??? ????????? ?
???????????. ?????????? ?????????????.
95Framework for Understanding Health Crisis in
Russia vs. Central Asia
Russia Kyrgyzstan (Central Asia?)
Infant mortality Declined Stalled
Adult mortality Large increase Moderate increase
Explanatory framework Greater importance of detrimental adult health behaviors Greater importance of health care deterioration
- National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz
Republic - Zarylbek Kudabaev, Orozmat Abdykalykov, Liudmila
Torgashova, Larissa Mimbaeva, Elena Komandirova
and Mikhail Denisenko - NICHD R03 HD38752, R01 HD045531