Title: Mental Health Issues in children
1 Mental Health Issues in children adolescents
with Autism/ASDa challenge for clinical
practice and research
2Picture taken from Anti-psychotic drugs in
children with autism Susan Morgan and Eric
Taylor, BMJ, 2007.
3 Mental Health Issues in Autism/ASDWhat are
the key issues?
- Recognition Assessment
- Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Ongoing needs Co-morbidity
- Interventions
- Implications across lifespan
- Research priorities
4- Reality to an autistic person is a confusing,
interacting mass of events, people, places,
sounds and sights. There seem to be no clear
boundaries, order or meaning to anything. A large
part of my life is spent just trying to work out
the pattern behind everything.                  Â
                                - A person with
autism Â
5Autism Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
- Autism/ASD lifelong severe neurodevelopmental
disorder with a considerable functional and
financial impact on the individual and family - ASDs are unique in their pattern of deficits and
areas of relative strengths
6Drawings by Nadia, a 3-year-old with severe
7- Aspergers syndrome is not a life sentence. Its
a blessing, not a curse Andrew Cowan (2005) - I wanted to show that people like me can live a
normal life and also that were not what people
think Andrew Cowan (2005)
8Stephen Wiltshire drawing from memory
Stephen spent 30 minutes taking in 360 degrees of
Tokyo skyline from the roof top of Roppongi Hills
(270 meters up). Over the next seven days he
drew, from memory, a remarkably accurate panorama
of the Tokyo skyline
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10Drawing by Gilles Trehin www.urville.com
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- Neurodevelopmental Disorders
- Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Specific language impairment (SLI)
- Dyslexia
- Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
- For all these disorders persistence into adult
life involves a mixture of the expected
unexpected and substantial challenges remain in
the identification of key mediating variables
Rutter 2006
- Neurodevelopmental Disorders
- Early onset lifelong disorders
- Delay/deviance in maturationally influenced
psychological features - General tendency for impairments to lessen with
age - Some degree of accompanying general or specific
cognitive impairment
- Neurodevelopmental Disorders
- Substantial overlap between disorders
- Genetic liability
- Environmental influences
- Marked male preponderance
15- (Ann Le Couteur, chair)
- Published National Autistic Society 2003
- www.nas.org.uk
16APPGA Manifesto
- Goals to be achieved by 2013
- 4 general principles
- Training, Research, Service provision, Tracking
and planning of services. - 11 Specific Objectives
- Diagnosis and Family Support, Early Intervention,
Medical care, Respite provision, Mental health,
Leisure, Welfare support, Social support, FE/HE,
Employment, Housing.
17Ongoing needs
- ASD specific needs
- Social, communication RBs
- sensory / perceptual difficulties
- developmental needs
- Behavioural and mental health problems
- Other co-morbid difficulties
- Independence/ self help skills
- Other dental health needs
18Behavioural and mental health assessment
- Behaviour temperament current mental state
- Differential diagnosis/ co-morbidities
- Limited evidence base for using currently
available mental health diagnostic assessment
tools - Few instruments for use with individuals with
19What are the problems through childhood ?
- Most children adolescents with ASD are educated
in mainstream provision - Enormous training needs for school personnel to
develop monitor effective IEPs - Socialization,
- Education
- Mental health needs
- Rates of suspension expulsion (education
provision). SENDIST- rates of tribunals
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21Daslne database
- 566 children (age 3-13yrs) (June 2007)
- 26 families with more than one child with ASD
- Additional problems
- Dyspraxia 10
- ADHD 13
- Learning difficulties 37
- Epilepsy and other medical conditions 9
23Self care / independence(social emotional
functioning Gilchrist et al 1997)
24Co-morbidityManchester adolescent study
- Parent report
- Conduct symptoms at home
- Restlessness, poor concentration, fiddling
- Unhappiness, loneliness, irritability
- Adolescent report
- Anxiety, obsessional symptoms
- Green, Gilchrist,
Burton Cox (2000)
25Postal survey with parents/carers
- Children aged 3 18 yrs
- Disruptive behaviours 52
- Anxiety 56
- Self-absorbed 43
- Communication disturbance 40
- Anti-social behaviour 48
Bromley et al (2002)
262005 NAS Survey
- The Subjects
- Number 1,564
- Gender 80 male 20 female
- Age range 1 year 65 years
- Age 0-16 years 1,084
- Age 17 years 480
27Age at Diagnosis (All Subjects)
Asperger Syndrome
28Place of Residence All
Res. School
Supp. tenancy
Res. Home
With parents
29Co-existing conditions
Most frequently reported
30Patterns of psychiatric disorder reported 109 cs
aged 5-17yrs using Autism Co-morbidity
Interview-PL (Leyfer et al, 2006)
- Phobias
- Depression
- Other
31Frequencies of number of DSM-IV diagnoses per
child with autism
32Psychopathology in children adolescents with
autism (Brereton et al, 2006)
- 367 consec referrals
- 3.8- 24yrs
- DBC-P (Develop. Behav. Checklist- parent/carer)
- 73.5 scoring gt clinical cut-off score
- Disruptive gt66th percentile
- Self-absorbed gt 75th percentile
- Communication disturb gt75th percentile
- Anxiety gt 74th percentile
- Social relating gt 75th percentile
- Mean DBC-ADH Depression scales also high
33Psychopathology in children adolescents with
autism (Brereton et al, 2006)
- Age gender
- Ability
- Verbal more problems with communication disturb
anti-social behaviour - Non- verbal self absorbed social relating
behaviour - High levels of anxious disruptive behavior
persist thro childhood adolescence - Impulse control deficits in attn., impulsivity
HA disorganised behaviour - Depression (irritability sleep appetite
disturbpsychomotor retardation suicidal
thoughts behaviour) ? Role of puberty in verbal
Ss girls - Lower scores for anti-social subscale
34Implications for management/ intervention
- Behavioural educational interventions
- Cs with autism may have impairing behaviours
emotions for a variety of reasons - Need to consider possibility of additional mental
health disorder treat co-morbid condition
35Research priorities
- Co-morbidity
- Rates are high
- ASD under-diagnosed in children w other diagnoses
- Specific disorders?
- Assessment instruments
- Evaluation of interventions
- Prevention / use of specific skills
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