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... Palm oil - Recycled kitchen oil - Soy - Sunflower oil Presentation Outline IDB s Sustainable Energy and ... Technology: all major systems ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Presentaci

The Inter-American Development Bank PSLO
Meeting October 15, 2008 IDBs commitment to
green energy
Gregor Meerganz von Medeazza Sylvia Larrea Carla
Presentation Outline
  • IDBs Sustainable Energy and Climate Change
  • Biofuels Case Study Itumbiara, Ituiutaba,
    Campina Verde
  • IDB Biofuels Sustainability Scorecard

PSLO MeetingOctober 15, 2008
Presentation Outline
  • IDBs Sustainable Energy and Climate Change

PSLO MeetingOctober 15, 2008
Energy Climate Change Challenges for the LAC
  • LAC countries confront a twin dilemma
  • - They must boost their energy consumption to
    fuel economic and social development.
  • - Energy use has been largely responsible for an
    increase in greenhouse gases emissions
  • Approx. 10 of total population (50 million
    people) does not have electricity.
  • Energy demand in LAC will increase 75 by 2030.
  • Required investments to satisfy such demand will
    be around US 1,600 billion.
  • Achieve sustainability of energy supply and
    rational use of energy resources
  • Regulatory and institutional frameworks
  • Pre-investment funding for project preparation

PSLO MeetingOctober 15, 2008
Expected Impacts of Climate Change in LAC
  • Andean inter-tropical glaciers likely to
    disappear over the next decades
  • Changes in precipitation trends
  • Continuous decline in natural land cover at
    very high rates
  • Risk of significant species extinctions in
    many areas of tropical Latin America
  • 50 of agricultural lands likely to be
    subjected to desertification and salinisation in
    some areas, by the 2050s
  • Increase in the number of people experiencing
    water stress likely to be between 7 and 77
    million by the 2020s
  • The expected increases in sea-level rise
    (SLR), weather and climatic variability and
    extremes are very likely to affect coastal areas

PSLO MeetingOctober 15, 2008
IDBs response SECCI
  • Approved by the IDB Board in March 2007
  • A response to LACs request for an expanded
    role in sustainable energy and climate change in
  • IDB contribution to the new international clean
    energy investment framework
  • Bank wide-initiative complementing the Banks
    existing efforts in energy
  • Technical Cooperation, programmatic PBL and
    Investment Grant support for IDB project lending
    and policy lending

PSLO MeetingOctober 15, 2008

IDB Sustainable Energy and Climate Change
Initiative 2008 Activity
PSLO MeetingOctober 15, 2008
Climate Investment Funds IDBs leadership on
Climate Change in LAC
  • New funds for promoting low carbon and climate
    resilient growth and development
  • CIF - Two Funds Clean Technology (CTF) and
    Strategic Climate Fund (SCF)
  • Purpose to scale-up investments moving from
    project to programs
  • Fill immediate financial gap for urgent actions
    until the post-2012 regime financial architecture
    is effective
  • Accelerate public and private investments
  • Amount US 6.1 Billion
  • Timeframe now and for next 5 years

PSLO MeetingOctober 15, 2008
SECCI Policy-based programs Mexico and Colombia
  • Country-specific Stern Report
  • Strengthening Environmental Ministries
    responsible for CC policies
  • Mainstreaming CC in priority sectors
  • Development of CC plans for 15 states (Mexico)

PSLO MeetingOctober 15, 2008
SECCIs Operational Structure
PSLO MeetingOctober 15, 2008
SECCIs Biofuel objectives
  • Assess the economic viability of biofuels and
    bioenergy development.
  • Provide sustainability assessment to mitigate
    potential adverse social and environmental
  • Assist Latin America and the Caribbean in
    becoming a leader in climate friendly biofuels
    production by increasing research and expertise
    in second generation biofuels.
  • Provide country-level policy assistance in
    support of biofuel development.
  • Finance sustainable biofuel and bioenergy
    programs, including feedstock development,
    production facilities, and related infrastructure.

PSLO MeetingOctober 15, 2008
Promoting Sustainable Biofuels
  • The lesson learned is that we have to
    distinguish between the various biofuel options,
    looking very carefully at the different
    feedstocks, agricultural practices and production
    processes to ensure that only the most
    sustainable biofuels are promoted the ones that
    offer climate benefits while protecting
    biodiversity and food security

PSLO MeetingOctober 15, 2008
Key Trends in Biofuels
  • Increasing demand given high price of oil and
    climate change awareness
  • Moving target scientific opinion continues to
  • Highly complex issue with a series of
  • Focus on sustainability standards, but no
    available tools for assessment so far

PSLO MeetingOctober 15, 2008
IDB Supporting Investment in Sustainable Biofuels
  • Biofuels action plans and technical
  • Partnership with the Roundtable on Sustainable
  • Biofuels Sustainability Scorecard for assessing
    biofuels projects

PSLO MeetingOctober 15, 2008
IDBs role in knowledge sharing and regional
  • Brazil-US MoU IDB partnership to elaborate
    Biofuel Blueprints in Central America and the
  • Meso-American Biofuels working group
  • - Sharing best practices and technology transfer
  • - Action plans for regional initiatives for
    ethanol and biodiesel
  • Upcoming regional stakeholder meetings with the
    RSB focusing on sustainability

PSLO MeetingOctober 15, 2008
IDB Support
  • Blueprints and Action Plans for Biofuels
  • suitability for production
  • mapping of areas for feedstock development and
    production facilities
  • Regulatory and legal issues
  • Technical cooperation
  • sustainability standards,
  • Clean Development Mechanism credits
  • new technology utilization

PSLO MeetingOctober 15, 2008
IDB Private Sector Projects
  • Ethanol feedstocks
  • - Grain sorghum
  • - Municipal waste
  • - Pineapple waste
  • - Sugar beet
  • - Sugarcane
  • - Sweet sorghum
  • Biodiesel feedstocks
  • - Castor bean oil
  • - Jatropha
  • - Palm oil
  • - Recycled kitchen oil
  • - Soy
  • - Sunflower oil

Presentation Outline
  • IDBs Sustainable Energy and Climate Change
  • Biofuels Case Study Itumbiara, Ituiutaba,
    Campina Verde

PSLO MeetingOctober 15, 2008
Bioenergy Projects Background
  • Demand for sugar and ethanol, expected for the
    domestic and export market to grow at an annual
    average rate of 4 and 14, respectively, until
  • Brazil will have to undertake substantial
    capital investments to increase its sugarcane,
    sugar and ethanol production estimated at US70
  • This Projects will provide part of such
    investment in the sector.

Bioenergy Projects Project Location
Bioenergy Projects Description and Structure
  • Construction, operation and management of (i)
    3 greenfields sugar and ethanol mills located in
    the States of Goiás and Minas Gerais with a total
    cane crushing capacity of 8.1 million tons per
    year (ii) a 168 MW biomass-based co-generation
    plant and (iii) the development of sugarcane
  • Full commercial and legal due diligence, hiring
    consultants for
  • Local and international legal review
  • Technical/engineering review
  • Agricultural review
  • Insurance review
  • Market review
  • Financial and economic review
  • Environment review

Bioenergy Projects Description and Structure
  • Project challenges. Risk identification and
    proposed mitigants.
  • Environmental considerations.
  • Financing structure
  • Total Project costs US1 billion.
  • Long-term debt IDB A-Loan for US260M and B-Loan
    for US350M
  • Tenor 13 and 15 years

Bioenergy Projects Benefits
  • Improve the competitiveness of the sugar and
    ethanol industry in Brazil by having a low-cost
    vertically-integrated facility as well as
    satisfying part of the growing domestic and
    international demand for ethanol
  • Create significant impact on the regional
    economy, by contributing to the creation of
    business and technological clustering.
  • Generate direct and indirect jobs (during
    construction and operation) while increasing the
    qualifications and level of training of the
    employees hired in the plants.
  • Increase the contribution of bioenergy in the
    national energy matrix (i.e., with 56 MW of
    biomass renewable energy).

Bioenergy Projects Monitoring
  • Monitoring during the life of the transaction
    with annual or semiannual reports
  • Technical review
  • Agricultural review
  • Environmental and Social review
  • Insurance review

Presentation Outline
  • IDBs Sustainable Energy and Climate Change
  • Biofuels Case Study Itumbiara, Ituiutaba,
    Campina Verde
  • IDB Biofuels Sustainability Scorecard

PSLO MeetingOctober 15, 2008
SECCI/SCF Scorecard Process
  • High demand in biofuels
  • Needed a way to screen for the best projects
  • Sought internal and external feedback from
    academics, environmental NGOs, financial
    institutions, investors, and biofuels project
    developers in the US, EU, and in LAC
  • Launched the Scorecard on 9th of September at
    4th Annual Western Hemisphere Energy Security and
    Cooperation Forum, hosted at IDB.
  • A 6-month broad public consultation period has
    begun with the posting of the Scorecard on the

PSLO MeetingOctober 15, 2008
Scorecard Scope
  • IDB knowledge product developed for use by
    financial institutions, investors/developers, and
    IDB at all stages of project lifecycle
  • Government entities, NGOs, and other members of
    biofuels community also expected to benefit from
  • Thinking tool for how to address environmental
    and social sustainability issues
  • Does not provide a single score
  • Fosters communication with clients about specific
    sustainability issues related to biofuels
  • Not a replacement for environmental and social
    due diligence
  • Addresses complex issues in an organized and
    visual way
  • Color map allows user to assess sustainability of
    project, including key trade-offs

PSLO MeetingOctober 15, 2008
Scorecard Use
  • Colors used to designate rating from excellent
    to unsatisfactory
  • If red (unsatisfactory), project should not be
  • Promote discussions about sustainability issues
    at an early stage
  • Framework for providing clients with guidance
    on sustainability throughout project lifecycle
  • Already used to improve the sustainability of
    various biofuel projects
  • Anticipate potential obstacles (future
    regulations, import restrictions, community
    response, etc.)
  • Complimentary to environmental and social due
    diligence process

PSLO MeetingOctober 15, 2008
Biofuels Sustainability Scorecard
PSLO MeetingOctober 15, 2008
Examples of Use
  • A biofuels project in Uruguay already benefited
    from the Scorecard the IDB team raised concerns
    to the client about a potential food vs fuel
    issue. IDB and the client are working together
    to identify methodologies for evaluating the
    issue and ensuring the sustainability of the
  • Another project in Costa Rica also used the
    Scorecard guidelines the client was counseled to
    cultivate grain sorghum in rotation with rice on
    fallow land where rice is currently cultivated
    only 6 months per year, instead of displacing
    year-round production of rice on irrigated
    productive land
  • Another example of use is with a Fund client
    that will provide loans to biofuels producers in
    LAC they will use the Scorecard in assessing
    projects for their own sub-lending

PSLO MeetingOctober 15, 2008
Next steps
  • Regional stakeholder meetings with Roundtable
    on Sustainable Biofuels
  • Presentation to World Bank and MDB working
    group on biofuels
  • Working with EXR on presentation of Scorecard
    in other venues
  • Revise Scorecard based on results of broader
    public consultation, IDB experience with
    Scorecard, and continued evolution of scientific
    information and perspectives

PSLO MeetingOctober 15, 2008
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