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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Presentaci

Advanced Techniques in Power Factor Correction
(PFC) Prof. Dr. Javier Sebastián
Grupo de Electrónica Industrial Universidad de
Oviedo (Spain)
  • Introduction
  • Using a simple resistor to comply with the IEC
    61000-3-2 in Class A
  • Using an inductor to comply with the IEC
    61000-3-2 in Class A and in Class D
  • Exploring the use of isolated Resistor Emulators
    as the only conversion stage for medium-speed
    response applications
  • High-efficiency post regulators used to improve
    the transient response of Resistors Emulators
  • Very simple single-stage PFCs
  • Very simple current shaping techniques for very
    low-cost applications

  • Introduction
  • Using a simple resistor to comply with the IEC
    61000-3-2 in Class A
  • Using an inductor to comply with the IEC
    61000-3-2 in Class A and in Class D
  • Exploring the use of isolated Resistor Emulators
    as the only conversion stage for medium-speed
    response applications
  • High-efficiency post regulators used to improve
    the transient response of Resistors Emulators
  • Very simple single-stage PFCs
  • Very simple current shaping techniques for very
    low-cost applications

Introduction (I)
Focusing the problem
  • Input current with a strong harmonic content
  • Cheap reliable

Introduction (II)
Power Factor (PF)
Introduction (III)
Quantifying the problem
  • Total Harmonic Distortion (THD)
  • Each individual harmonic

Introduction (IV)
Conflict of interest
  • Electronic equipment manufacturers will
  • Low cost
  • Reliability
  • Power Companies will
  • High PF
  • No harmonics

Introduction (V)
Starting solving the problem (I)
  • Using active filters

Modifying the electronic load Þ Power Factor
Introduction (VI)
Starting solving the problem (II)
Introduction (VII)
  • However the value of the Power Factor is not
  • According to the European Regulations, only the
    value of each individual harmonic is important.

We should use words such as Low-Frequency
Harmonic Reduction and Low-Frequency Harmonic
Reducer instead of Power Factor Correction and
Power Factor Corrector.
Focusing the course
Introduction (VIII)
Line Single-Phase
Line Three-Phase
Conversion AC/DC
Conversion AC/AC
Power High power
Power Low-medium power (230V, lt16A)
Reactive energy Recovery to line
Reactive energy No recovery
Connection External connection
Connection Modifying AC/DC topology
Introduction (IX)
What is the right choice in PFC? It strongly
depends on the application. There is not magic
  • It depends on
  • The regulations that must be applied
  • The type of equipment
  • The output power
  • The input voltage range
  • The output voltage
  • The dynamic response needed
  • The main objective in the design

Introduction (X)
The European Regulation IEC 61000-3-2
Power supplies are either Class A or Class D
Introduction (XI)
Harmonic limits for Class A and Class D
Harmonic Class A A Class D mA/W
3 2.3 3.4
5 1.14 1.9
7 0.77 1.0
9 0.40 0.5
11 0.33 0.35
13 0.21 0.296
15 n 39 2.25/n 3.85/n
Very Important!! Limits in Class A are absolute
values A Limits in Class D are relative values
Introduction (XII)
Example 1 a 100 W (low-power) converter
Harmonic Limits in Class A mA Limits in Class D mA
3 2300 340
5 1140 190
7 770 100
9 400 50
11 330 35
13 210 29.6
15 n 39 2250/n 385/n
Limits in Class A are less strict for low-power
Introduction (XIII)
Example 2 a 500 W (medium-power) converter
Harmonic Limits in Class A mA Limits in Class D mA
3 2300 1700
5 1140 950
7 770 500
9 400 250
11 330 175
13 210 148
15 n 39 2250/n 1925/n
Limits in Class A and in Class D become more
similar for medium-power applications
Introduction (XIV)
Example 1 a 100 W (low-power) battery charger
(Class A)
PF 0.46 and THD 193.1
This waveform complies with the regulations!!!
Very cheap systems for low-frequency harmonic
attenuation can be used to obtain this type of
Introduction (XV)
Example 1 a 100 W (low-power) TV set (Class D)
It does not comply with the regulations
A slightly more complex system must be used (it
is still very simple)
Introduction (XVI)
Example 2 two 500 W (low-power) pieces of
  • Class D
  • Class A

The advantages of being Class A vanish at 500 W
Introduction (XVII)
Example 3 same Class, different power
The complexity of the systems for low-frequency
harmonic attenuation increases with the power
Introduction (XVIII)
Influence of the input voltage range (I)
  • European range 190 Vac 265 Vac
  • American range 85 Vac 130 Vac
  • Universal range 85 Vac 265 Vac
  • Two ranges (American and European), but a
    mechanical switch permitted for changing the range

Introduction (XIX)
Influence of the input voltage range (II)
Single range (either European or American) and
simple system for low-frequency harmonic
attenuation (PFC) Þ Moderate change in the input
voltage of the DC/DC converter Þ Slight penalty
in efficiency
Simple PFC with single range
Introduction (XX)
Influence of the input voltage range (III)
Universal range and simple PFC Þ Large change in
the input voltage of the DC/DC converter
Þ Significant penalty in efficiency Þ Complex
PFCs which guaranty constant input voltage are
Complex PFC with universal range
Introduction (XXI)
Influence of the input voltage range (IV)
Two ranges selected by a switch
Is it compatible with the use of simple PFC?
Introduction (XXII)
Influence of the input voltage range (V)
Two ranges selected by a switch and PFC
Introduction (XXIII)
Changing the place of the DC/DC converter Þ
Resistor Emulator concept
Introduction (XXIV)
Using only a Resistor Emulator (I)
It is not a good solution for low-voltage (lt12 V
DC) applications
Introduction (XXV)
Using only a Resistor Emulator (II)
The converter is in charge of cancelling the
output ripple
It is not a good solution when low output-ripple
is needed
Introduction (XXVI)
Using only a Resistor Emulator (III)
The converter can get energy from the capacitor
to maintain the output voltage when the output
current changes
It is not a good solution when fast transient
response is needed
Introduction (XXVII)
In the case of fast transient response needed
A DC/DC converter (or section) is needed
Introduction (XXVIII)
What are the design priorities?
  • Cost
  • Size
  • Weight
  • Efficiency
  • Only comply with the regulations
  • High Power Factor and low Total Harmonic
    Distortion (for marketing reasons)

They also determine the right choice
  • Introduction
  • Using a simple resistor to comply with the IEC
    61000-3-2 in Class A
  • Using an inductor to comply with the IEC
    61000-3-2 in Class A and in Class D
  • Exploring the use of isolated Resistor Emulators
    as the only conversion stage for medium-speed
    response applications
  • High-efficiency post regulators used to improve
    the transient response of Resistors Emulators
  • Very simple single-stage PFCs
  • Very simple current shaping techniques for very
    low-cost applications

Using a resistor (I)
Looking for the simplest solution (I)
Using a resistor (II)
Looking for the simplest solution (II)
Order Measured A Limits Class D A
1 0.542 -
3 0.527 0.408
5 0.498 0.228
7 0.457 0.12
9 0.407 0.06
11 0.351 0.042
13 0.294 0.036
15 0.239 0.031
17 0.192 0.027
19 0.155 0.024
21 0.132 0.022
23 0.121 0.02
25 0.117 0.018
27 0.115 0.017
29 0.112 0.016
31 0.105 0.015
33 0.097 0.014
35 0.087 0.013
37 0.079 0.012
39 0.073 0.012
The compliance is very far
Using a resistor (III)
Looking for the simplest solution (III)
What about a Class A piece of equipment?
Using a resistor (IV)
Looking for the simplest solution (IV)
Order Measured A Limits Class A A
1 0.542 -
3 0.527 2.3
5 0.498 1.14
7 0.457 0.77
9 0.407 0.4
11 0.351 0.33
13 0.294 0.21
15 0.239 0.15
17 0.192 0.132
19 0.155 0.118
21 0.132 0.107
23 0.121 0.098
25 0.117 0.09
27 0.115 0.083
29 0.112 0.078
31 0.105 0.073
33 0.097 0.068
35 0.087 0.064
37 0.079 0.061
39 0.073 0.058
It does not comply, but it is very near to comply
Using a resistor (V)
Looking for the simplest solution (V)
  • Let us change the value of the bulk capacitor

Order Measured A Limits Class A A
1 0.528 -
3 0.5 2.3
5 0.448 1.14
7 0.378 0.77
9 0.3 0.4
11 0.225 0.33
13 0.164 0.21
15 0.128 0.15
17 0.115 0.132
19 0.113 0.118
21 0.109 0.107
23 0.1 0.098
25 0.087 0.09
27 0.076 0.083
29 0.07 0.078
31 0.067 0.073
33 0.066 0.068
35 0.063 0.064
37 0.058 0.061
39 0.053 0.058
Almost compliance with 100 mF
Using a resistor (VI)
Looking for the simplest solution (VI)
  • However, the value of the bulk capacitor cannot
    be freely chosen because
  • Hold-up time requirements
  • Input voltage range of the DC/DC converter

Another solution must be found
Using a resistor (VII)
The simplest solution to add a resistor
Using a resistor (VIII)
Cbulk 200 mF Pconverter 120 W
Order Measured A with R0 W Measured A with R1 W Measured A with R1.5 W Limits Class A A
1 0.542 0.539 0.538 -
3 0.527 0.52 0.516 2.3
5 0.498 0.484 0.474 1.14
7 0.457 0.433 0.416 0.77
9 0.407 0.372 0.347 0.4
11 0.351 0.304 0.273 0.33
13 0.294 0.237 0.2 0.21
15 0.239 0.173 0.135 0.15
17 0.192 0.12 0.084 0.132
19 0.155 0.084 0.056 0.118
21 0.132 0.067 0.053 0.107
23 0.121 0.066 0.057 0.098
25 0.117 0.067 0.058 0.09
27 0.115 0.065 0.052 0.083
29 0.112 0.058 0.041 0.078
31 0.105 0.047 0.029 0.073
33 0.097 0.036 0.021 0.068
35 0.087 0.028 0.02 0.064
37 0.079 0.025 0.022 0.061
39 0.073 0.026 0.024 0.058
Using a resistor (IX)
Input-current waveform with a resistor
Cbulk 200 mF Pconverter 120 W
_at_ 230V ac, R 1.5 W iinput peak 4.12
A Presistor 1.85 W
_at_ 230V ac, R 0 W iinput peak 6.37 A
Using a resistor (X)
Design procedure
Using a resistor (XI)
Value of the resistor needed to comply with the
IEC 61000-3-2 in Class A as a function of the
input power (bulk capacitor in mF per watt as
Using a resistor (XII)
Absolute power losses at full load and minimum
line voltage (maximum line current)
Using a resistor (XIII)
Relative power losses (PR/Poutput) at full load
and minimum line voltage (maximum line current)
Using a resistor (XIV)
Design example Poutput150W, C150mF (1mF/W)
Using a resistor (XV)
Power losses in the resistor at Poutput150W and
Using a resistor (XVI)
Power limits for this solution
Very interesting
Not so interesting
Using a resistor (XVII)
Using this solution for Universal line voltage
Pconverter 120 W Cbulk 200 mF R1.5 W
Line Quantity _at_ 230V _at_ 110V
iinput peak 4.12 A 5.09A
iinput RMS 1.11 A 1.853 A
Plosses resistor 1.85 W 5.15 W
Using a resistor (XVIII)
Adaptation for operation in two ranges (I)
Different operation (AC side DC side)
Using a resistor (XIX)
Adaptation for operation in two ranges (II)
  • AC side

Both iinput 110V and iinput 230V passing through R
Using a resistor (XX)
Adaptation for operation in two ranges (III)
  • DC side

iinput 110V passing through R/2 and iinput 230V
passing through R (better)
Using a resistor (XXI)
Adaptation for operation in two ranges (IV)
Example Pconverter 120 W Cbulk 2 X 400 mF
(series) R1.5 W
Plosses resistors 3.15 W (total)
Plosses resistor 5.27 W
Using a resistor (XXII)
Adaptation for operation in two ranges (V)
Power R C losses _at_ 230V losses _at_ 190V losses _at_ 110V losses _at_ 85V
100 W 1.6 W 2x220 mF 1.3 W 1.6 W 3.8 W 5 W
200 W 3.6 W 2x440 mF 8.5 W 11.5 W 29 W 50 W
Using a resistor (XXIII)
Adaptation for operation in two ranges (VI)
Power R C losses _at_ 230V losses _at_ 190V losses _at_ 110V losses _at_ 85V
100 W 1.6 W 2x220 mF 1.3 W 1.6 W 2.1 W 3.1 W
200 W 3.6 W 2x440 mF 8.5 W 11.5 W 16 W 25 W
Using a resistor (XXIV)
Experimental results (I)
Pconverter 100 W C 2 X 100 mF (series) R
2x0.82 W
Using a resistor (XXV)
Experimental results (II)
Pconverter 200 W C 2 X 200 mF (series) R
2x1.8 W
Using a resistor (XXVI)
Conclusions of the use of a resistor to comply
with the IEC 61000-3-2 regulations in Class A
  • This is the simplest possible solution
  • Low-cost and low-size solution
  • Very interesting for low-power (Plt200-300W)
  • High losses with universal line voltage range
    (only valid for Plt150W)
  • The DC bus is not regulated
  • For the universal line voltage and with a
    voltage-doubler with a mechanical switch, it can
    be used up to 200W
  • No perfect sinusoidal, but compliance with IEC
    61000-3-2 is achieved

  • Introduction
  • Using a simple resistor to comply with the IEC
    61000-3-2 in Class A
  • Using an inductor to comply with the IEC
    61000-3-2 in Class A and in Class D
  • Exploring the use of isolated Resistor Emulators
    as the only conversion stage for medium-speed
    response applications
  • High-efficiency post regulators used to improve
    the transient response of Resistors Emulators
  • Very simple single-stage PFCs
  • Very simple current shaping techniques for very
    low-cost applications

Using an inductor (I)
Another very simple solution to add an inductor
Using an inductor (II)
Cbulk 200 mF Pconverter 120 W
Order Measured A with L0 mH Measured A with L1 mH Measured A with L2 mH Limits Class A A
1 0.542 0.552 0.545 -
3 0.527 0.531 0.515 2.3
5 0.498 0.493 0.459 1.14
7 0.457 0.438 0.384 0.77
9 0.407 0.374 0.299 0.4
11 0.351 0.303 0.214 0.33
13 0.294 0.232 0.138 0.21
15 0.239 0.167 0.079 0.15
17 0.192 0.11 0.046 0.132
19 0.155 0.067 0.039 0.118
21 0.132 0.042 0.04 0.107
23 0.121 0.036 0.036 0.098
25 0.117 0.037 0.028 0.09
27 0.115 0.037 0.02 0.083
29 0.112 0.032 0.017 0.078
31 0.105 0.025 0.016 0.073
33 0.097 0.019 0.016 0.068
35 0.087 0.016 0.014 0.064
37 0.079 0.015 0.011 0.061
39 0.073 0.015 0.009 0.058
Using an inductor (III)
Input-current waveform and harmonic content with
an inductor
Example Cbulk 200 mF Pconverter 120 W L 2
It does not comply
It complies
Using an inductor (IV)
Comparing input-current waveform with an inductor
and a resistor for Class A equipment
Cbulk 200 mF Pconverter 120 W
Using an inductor (V)
Comparing input-current waveforms with different
bulk capacitor values
L 3.3 mH Pconverter 400 W
Slightly influence of the capacitor value
Using an inductor (VI)
Looking for the most restrictive harmonics (I)
Example 100 W, 1.7 mH 47 mF
Harmonics 13th-17th are the most restrictive at
low power
Using an inductor (VII)
Looking for the most restrictive harmonics (II)
Example 600 W, 7.8 mH 330 mF
Harmonics 3rd-5th are the most restrictive at
high power
Using an inductor (VIII)
Value of the minimum inductor needed to comply
with the IEC 61000-3-2 in Class A as a function
of the input power (bulk capacitor in mF per watt
as parameter)
Using an inductor (IX)
Comparing the influence of the bulk capacitor for
the case of the inductor and the resistor
Erratic influence of the value of the bulk
Lower inductor values with high bulk capacitor
Using an inductor (X)
Design procedure for Class A
Using an inductor (XI)
Design example Poutput200 W, C100 mF (0.5 mF/W)
Using an inductor (XII)
What about the inductor size?
  • We must know the maximum peak value of the input
    current (at full load and minimum line voltage) Þ
    determine the gap and number of turns
  • We must know the maximum RMS value of the input
    current (at full load and minimum line voltage) Þ
    determine the wire size (diameter) and losses

Input power W L mH Ipeak A IRMS A Equivalent ferrite core size Power losses ()
200 2.7 5.33 _at_ 230V 6.07 _at_ 190V 1.6 _at_ 230V 1.88 _at_ 190V E30/15/7 0.8
Using an inductor (XIII)
Inductor size and losses for different power
Input power W L mH Equivalent ferrite core size Power losses ()
100 2 E20/10/5 0.53
200 2.7 E30/15/7 0.8
300 3.4 E42/21/15 0.3
400 4.4 E42/21/15 0.66
500 6.8 E42/21/20 0.57
600 7.8 E42/21/20 1.66
Using an inductor (XIV)
Magnetic materials for the inductor (I)
Silicon steel lamination core (instead of
ferrite) Example RG11
High induction levels (1.4 T) are possible
Using an inductor (XV)
Magnetic materials for the inductor (II)
Using an inductor (XVI)
DC-side or AC-side inductor?
Example Cbulk 200 mF, L 2 mH, Pconverter
120 W
Exactly the same result if the converter is
working in strong DCM
Using an inductor (XVII)
What about complying with the IEC 61000-3-2
regulations in Class D?
Example Cbulk 200 mF, L 2 mH, Pconverter
120 W
  • Low-frequency harmonics are the most significant
  • A considerable increase in the inductance value
    is needed

Using an inductor (XVIII)
Looking for the minimum value of L to comply with
the regulations in Class D (I)
Example Cbulk 200 mF, L 41 mH, Pconverter
100 W
An inductor of 41 mH is needed for 100 W
Using an inductor (XIX)
Looking for the minimum value of L to comply with
the regulations in Class D (II)
If we increase the power, the limits will also
increase Þ a similar input-current waveform is
enough to comply with the regulations
Example Cbulk 1200 mF, L 7 mH, Pconverter
600 W
An inductor of 7 mH is needed for 600 W
Using an inductor (XX)
Value of the minimum inductor needed to comply
with the IEC 61000-3-2 in Class D as a function
of the input power (bulk capacitor in mF per watt
as parameter)
The value of the inductors inductance decreases
when the power increases, but the size increases
(because it depends on the square value of the
peak current)
Using an inductor (XXI)
Inductor size and losses for different power
Input power W L mH Equivalent ferrite core size Power losses ()
100 41 E42/21/15 1
200 21 E42/21/15 2
300 14 E42/21/20 1.1
400 10 E42/21/20 1.25
500 8.7 E42/21/20 1.8
600 6.9 E42/21/20 2.18
Using an inductor (XXII)
Comparing the value of the minimum inductor
needed to comply with the IEC 61000-3-2 in Class
A and in Class D
Lower L values at low power
Using an inductor (XXIII)
Inductor size and losses for different power
Input power W L mH in Class A Equivalent core size in Class A Power losses in Class A () L mH in Class D Equivalent core size in Class D Power losses in Class D ()
100 2 E20/10/5 0.53 41 E42/21/15 1
200 2.7 E30/15/7 0.8 21 E42/21/15 2
300 3.4 E42/21/15 0.3 14 E42/21/20 1.1
400 4.4 E42/21/15 0.66 10 E42/21/20 1.25
500 6.8 E42/21/20 0.57 8.7 E42/21/20 1.8
600 7.8 E42/21/20 1.66 6.9 E42/21/20 2.18
Using an inductor (XXIV)
Adaptation for operation in two ranges (I)
Different operation (AC side DC side)
Using an inductor (XXV)
Adaptation for operation in two ranges (II)
  • AC side

Both iinput 110V and iinput 230V passing through L
Using an inductor (XXVI)
Adaptation for operation in two ranges (II)
  • DC side

iinput 110V passing through L/2 and iinput 230V
passing through L
Using an inductor (XXVII)
Experimental results (I)
Class D Pconverter 100 W C 47 mF L 41 mH
Using an inductor (XXVIII)
Experimental results (II)
Class A Pconverter 100 W C 47 mF L 1.7 mH
Using an inductor (XXVIII)
Conclusions of the use of an inductor to comply
with the IEC 61000-3-2 regulations in Class A and
Class D
  • This is a very simple solution
  • Low-cost and high-efficiency (low-losses)
  • Very interesting for low-power (Plt200-300W)
    applications in Class A
  • Large inductor size for Class D and high-power
    Class A
  • The DC bus is not regulated
  • For the universal line voltage range, a voltage
    doubler with a mechanical switch can be
    implemented to improve the circuit operation
  • No perfect sinusoidal waveform, but compliance
    with the IEC 61000-3-2 regulations

  • Introduction
  • Using a simple resistor to comply with the IEC
    61000-3-2 in Class A
  • Using an inductor to comply with the IEC
    61000-3-2 in Class A and in Class D
  • Exploring the use of isolated Resistor Emulators
    as the only conversion stage for medium-speed
    response applications
  • High-efficiency post regulators used to improve
    the transient response of Resistors Emulators
  • Very simple single-stage PFCs
  • Very simple current shaping techniques for very
    low-cost applications

Passive (L or R) versus active systems to reduce
the harmonic content
Using only a RE (I)
  • Low-cost
  • Either low-losses or low-size
  • Non-sinusoidal waveform Þ solutions for low
  • Unregulated voltage across the capacitor Þ
    solutions for limited line voltage range (many
    times, voltage doubler needed)
  • Sinusoidal waveform Þ solutions for any power
  • Regulated voltage across the capacitor Þ
    solutions for universal line voltage range
  • A good solution if only the Resistor Emulator
    were enough

Is only a Resistor Emulator enough to implement
the overall power supply?
Using only a RE (II)
From the point of view of the capacitor size, it
is not a bad solution for medium and high voltage
applications (gt12 V DC)
And, what about the dynamics?
Using only a RE (III)
Example of Resistor Emulator control control
based on an analog multiplier
Using only a RE (IV)
The lowpass filter influence (I)
A filter with low cut-off frequency is needed if
a perfect sinusoidal is required
Using only a RE (V)
The lowpass filter influence (II)
And, what about the dynamic response?
  • Filter with very low cut-off frequency
  • Perfect sinusoidal line current
  • Very poor dynamic response
  • Filter with high cut-off frequency
  • Non-perfect sinusoidal line current
  • But, can we achieve compliance with the IEC
    61000-3-2 and reasonable dynamic response?

If yes, the use of only a Resistor Emulator as
overall power supply becomes very attractive
Line current waveform as a function of the
voltage regulator pole frequency fp
Using only a RE (VI)
fp 1kHz is a practical limit (no significant
phase shift at 100Hz)
Line current waveform as a function of the
voltage regulator DC gain AR
Using only a RE (VII)
AR 100 is a practical limit due to the voltage
levels in the controller
Using only a RE (VIII)
Looking for the worst case
Theoretical harmonic content Only the third
harmonic is present
Why is the third harmonic the only one present in
the line current? (I)
Using only a RE (IX)
For 0 wtp
Viref(wt) VeaoV1sinwt 0.5V1Veacoswt -
0.5V1Veacos3wt Þ
iline DC (wt) (VeaoV1sinwt 0.5V1Veacoswt -
Therefore, for 0 wtp iline AC (wt) iline DC
(wt) (VeaoV1sinwt 0.5V1Veacoswt -
Why is the third harmonic the only one present in
the line current? (II)
Using only a RE (X)
Due to the fact that the frequency of iline DC is
2w iline DC (wt) iline DC (wt-p)
For p wt 0 iline AC (wt) -iline DC (wt)
-iline DC (wt-p) -(VeaoV1sin(wt-p)
0.5V1Veacos(wt-p) - 0.5V1Veacos3(wt-p))/Rs
(VeaoV1sinwt 0.5V1Veacoswt - 0.5V1Veacos3wt)/Rs
Therefore, for -p wtp iline AC (wt)
(VeaoV1sinwt 0.5V1Veacoswt - 0.5V1Veacos3wt)/Rs
There are only components of w and 3w
Using only a RE (XI)
Looking for the maximum power compatible with
complying with the IEC 61000-3-2 regulations in
Class A (I)
AR Output ripple1 Output ripple2
50 3680 W 3400 W
100 3400 W 1700 W
IEC 61000-3-2 regulations in Class A can be
complied up to very high power levels
Using only a RE (XII)
Looking for the maximum power compatible with
complying with the IEC 61000-3-2 regulations in
Class A (II)
  • The theoretical and the simulated waveforms are
    slightly different
  • The cause is the output voltage ripple.
  • Due to this, the actual ripple is not exactly

AR Output ripple1 Output ripple2
50 3600 W 2500 W
100 2600 W 1300 W
Compliance up to very high power levels is
Using only a RE (XIII)
Can we get a very fast transient response if we
have a very fast output voltage feedback loop?
  • The dynamics depends on the capacitor
  • The capacitor is recharged each 10ms (100 Hz) Þ
    the faster response is 10 ms

Using only a RE (XIV)
Simulating the dynamic response
fC 10 Hz
fC 1kHz
The output voltage takes 90 ms in recovering the
steady state
The output voltage takes 10 ms in recovering the
steady state
Using only a RE (XV)
Resistor Emulator topologies low power
Flyback based
SEPIC based
Using only a RE (XVI)
Resistor Emulator topologies medium power
Current-fed Push-Pull based
Using only a RE (XVII)
Resistor Emulator topologies high power
Current-fed Full-bridge based
Using only a RE (XVIII)
Example of application a power supply for a 300
300 W audio amplifier (I)
Flyback based
  • Universal line voltage
  • Flyback with 2 Cool-MOS in parallel
  • 10 ms dynamic response is good enough for this

Using only a RE (XIX)
Example of application a power supply for a 300
300 W audio amplifier (II)
Using only a RE (XX)
Experimental results line waveforms
Resistor Emulator based on a 300 W boost converter
Using only a RE (XXI)
Experimental results transient response
Conclusions of the use of isolated Resistor
Emulators as the only conversion stage for
medium-speed response applications (I)
Using only a RE (XXII)
  • Many applications do not need fast dynamic
    response. In these cases conventional Resistor
    Emulators (like flyback) can be used directly as
    power supply with no second stage and with
    several advantages
  • Low cost and size (no second stage)
  • Very low harmonic content
  • Can be used in high and low power applications.
  • Can be used with universal line voltage

Conclusions of the use of isolated Resistor
Emulators as the only conversion stage for
medium-speed response applications (II)
Using only a RE (XXIII)
  • The limitations in the transient response are
  • The 100-120 Hz output voltage ripple only
    depends on the capacitor value
  • This ripple ripple cannot be reduced by
    increasing the corner frequency of the
    output-voltage feedback loop
  • The maximum effective corner frequency is about
    1kHz (10 times the ripple frequency)
  • The minimum response time is 10-8.3 ms (one
    100-120 Hz cycle)

Conclusions of the use of isolated Resistor
Emulators as the only conversion stage for
medium-speed response applications (III)
Using only a RE (XXIV)
  • This solution should not be used if the output
    voltage is relatively low (lower than 12 V) due
    to the fact that the bulk capacitor is placed
    just at the output, which means
  • Energy stored at low voltage Þ Large value of
    the capacitor size
  • High current levels passing through the
    capacitor Þ Large capacitor losses due to the ESR

  • Introduction
  • Using a simple resistor to comply with the IEC
    61000-3-2 in Class A
  • Using an inductor to comply with the IEC
    61000-3-2 in Class A and in Class D
  • Exploring the use of isolated Resistor Emulators
    as the only conversion stage for medium-speed
    response applications
  • High-efficiency post regulators used to improve
    the transient response of Resistors Emulators
  • Very simple single-stage PFCs
  • Very simple current shaping techniques for very
    low-cost applications

Can we improve the dynamic response of a
Resistor Emulator with a low penalty in the
converter efficiency?
High-efficiency post-regulators (I)
The minimum response time is 10-8.3 ms (one
100-120 Hz cycle)
Another stage can be connected to improve the
transient response
Characteristic of the high-efficiency post
High-efficiency post-regulators (II)
  • Common characteristics of all high-efficiency
  • Low additional cost and size
  • Only a fraction of the total power undergoes a
    power switching processing
  • Very high efficiency 96-98
  • No short-circuit protection in the
  • V1 and VO are voltages of similar values

High-efficiency post-regulators (III)
Use of the high-efficiency post regulators in
multiple-output applications
Some slow or medium-speed outputs and some fast
response outputs
High-efficiency post-regulators (IV)
Operation principle of the high-efficiency post
How can we implement the voltage source?
Implementing the voltage source VS (I)
High-efficiency post-regulators (V)
Where should we connect the input port of this
Implementing the voltage source VS (II)
High-efficiency post-regulators (VI)
Option 1 connect the input port to an
additional Resistor Emulator output
Implementing the voltage source VS (III)
High-efficiency post-regulators (VII)
Option 2 connect the input port to the Resistor
Emulator output
Implementing the voltage source VS (IV)
High-efficiency post-regulators (VIII)
Option 1 connect the input port to an
additional output of the Resistor Emulator
Option 2 connect the input port to the Resistor
Emulator output
Series-Switching post-Regulator (SSPR)
Two-Input Buck (TIBuck)
Why is the efficiency of these post-regulators
very high?
High-efficiency post-regulators (IX)
V1, VO gtgt VS Þ
P1, PO gtgt PS Þ
The Small DC/DC converter is processing only a
small part of the output power Þ Low losses in
the post-regulator Þ High efficiency
Why is not possible to implement a over-load or
short-circuit protection in these post-regulators?
High-efficiency post-regulators (X)
If VS 0,
then VO V1 ¹ 0
The over-load or short-circuit protection must be
implemented in the Resistor Emulator
High-efficiency post-regulators (XI)
Introducing the Two-Input Buck (TIBuck)
This is a Buck converter with two inputs instead
of one
High-efficiency post-regulators (XII)
Single-output Resistor Emulator based on a
Flyback a TIBuck post-regulator
High-efficiency post-regulators (XIII)
Multiple-output Resistor Emulator based on a
Flyback a TIBuck post-regulator
High-efficiency post-regulators (XIV)
Comparing Buck and TIBuck converters
V1 gt VO VQMAX V1 VDMAX V1 VO V1d (d is the
duty cycle)
V2 gt VO gt V1 VQMAX V2-V1 VDMAX V2-V1 VO V2d
V1(1-d) (from volts-second balance)
High-efficiency post-regulators (XV)
DC equivalent circuit for the TIBuck
VO V2d V1(1-d)
(V2-V1)d V1
High-efficiency post-regulators (XVI)
Relationship between input and output voltages (I)
ALWAYS V2 gt VO gt V1
High-efficiency post-regulators (XVII)
Relationship between input and output voltages
Case of being used as post-regulator of a
Resistor Emulator
ALWAYS V2 gt VO gt V1, taking into account the
worse case of transient response and ripple
High-efficiency post-regulators (XVIII)
Comparing filter inductance for Buck and TIBuck
converters (I)
Lower value in the case of the TIBuck converter
(in practice, 3 times lower)
High-efficiency post-regulators (XIX)
Comparing filter inductance for Buck and TIBuck
converters (II)
Boundary between continuous and discontinuous
conduction modes
  • CCM 2L/RT gt KCRIT
  • DCM 2L/RT lt KCRIT

Lower value in the case of the TIBuck converter
High-efficiency post-regulators (XX)
Explaining the high efficiency of the TIBuck
converter (I)
Realistic case for a Buck converter
VOB 50 V IO 1.8 A POB 90 W
VG 100 V IG 1 A PG 100 W
d 0.55 PLosses 10 W
R VOB/IO 27.8 W
? 90 / 100 90
High-efficiency post-regulators (XXI)
Explaining the high efficiency of the TIBuck
converter (II)
V1 300 V
IO 1.8 A V1 300 V P1 540 W
IO 1.8 A
P1 540 W
IO 1.8 A Þ R1 V1/IO 166.7 W
We are processing 540 W FREE !!
? (90 540) / (100 540) 98.4
High-efficiency post-regulators (XXII)
Explaining the high efficiency of the TIBuck
converter (III)
I2 IG 1 A I1 IO- IG 0.8 A V2 VG
V1 400 V P2 400 W P1 240 W Pi P2 P1
IO 1.8 A VO VOB V1 350 V PO POB
P1 630 W
? 630 / 640 98.4
High-efficiency post-regulators (XXIII)
Explaining the high efficiency of the TIBuck
converter (IV)
The closer V2 and V1 (and, therefore VO) the
higher the efficiency
High-efficiency post-regulators (XXIV)
Explaining the high efficiency of the TIBuck
converter (V)
High efficiency TIbuck with a limited efficiency
in the Buck part
High-efficiency post-regulators (XXV)
Small-signal transfer functions of the TIBuck
The quantities with hats are the perturbations
Similar to the case of a Buck converter, but
faster due to the lower values of the output
filter components
High-efficiency post-regulators (XXVI)
Implementing the transistor driver
  • Requirements
  • Galvanic isolation
  • Wide duty cycle operation

High-efficiency post-regulators (XXVII)
Experimental results of TIBuck-based prototypes
TIBuck DC/DC post-regulators
TIBuck 1 440-400 V 360-320 V 380 V 1-0.1 A 1 mH 250 nF 100 kHz
TIBuck 2 67-57 V 52-42 V 54.5 V 4-0.4 A 51.4 mH 4.7 mF 100 kHz
High-efficiency post-regulators (XXVIII)
Experimental results of TIBuck-based prototypes
TIBuck 1 overall efficiency
High-efficiency post-regulators (XXIX)
Experimental results of TIBuck-based prototypes
TIBuck 1 efficiency with V2 V1 variable,
V2-V1 80 V, VO(V1V2)/2
Being V2-V1 a constant, the closer V2 and V1
(and, therefore VO) the higher the efficiency
High-efficiency post-regulators (XXX)
Experimental results of TIBuck-based prototypes
TIBuck 1 and Buck-part efficiencies
The experimental results fit very well with the
calculated ones
High-efficiency post-regulators (XXXI)
Experimental results of TIBuck-based prototypes
TIBuck 2 overall efficiency and small-signal
High-efficiency post-regulators (XXXII)
Experimental results of TIBuck-based prototypes
Resistor Emulator based on a Flyback converter
TIBuck 2
High-efficiency post-regulators (XXXIII)
Experimental results of TIBuck-based prototypes
Voltage ripple cancellation in the case of the
Resistor Emulator based on a Flyback converter
TIBuck 2
Can we improve the ripple cancellation?
High-efficiency post-regulators (XXXIV)
Experimental results of TIBuck-based prototypes
Other TIBuck control methods to improve the
voltage ripple cancellation
  • Input voltage feedforward
  • Current mode control (average current mode

High-efficiency post-regulators (XXXV)
Experimental results of TIBuck-based prototypes
Average current mode control
Voltage ripple attenuation ? 66dB (1900 times).
Also, excellent transient response
High-efficiency post-regulators (XXXVI)
Introducing the option 2 Series-Switching
Post-Regulator (SSPR)
Option 2 connect the input port to the Resistor
Emulator output
Series-Switching post-Regulator (SSPR)
High-efficiency post-regulators (XXXVII)
Introducing the SSPR based on a Forward converter
The controlled output voltage is VO instead of VS
High-efficiency post-regulators (XXXVIII)
Other SSPR implementations
Implementation based on a Flyback
  • The implementation based on a Flyback becomes a
    Boost converter if n1n2
  • A Boost converter has a very high efficiency if
    the input and output voltages are very close

High-efficiency post-regulators (XXXIX)
Single-output Resistor Emulator based on a
Flyback a Forward-type SSPR
High-efficiency post-regulators (XL)
Multiple-output Resistor Emulator based on a
Flyback a Forward-type SSPR
High-efficiency post-regulators (XLI)
Computing SSPRs efficiency (I)
Being KSVS/V1
High-efficiency post-regulators (XLII)
Computing SSPRs efficiency (II)
Example ?C 80 KS VS/V1 0.1
The lower KS, the higher the efficiency
However, VS must reaches VSmax and must be always
High-efficiency post-regulators (XLIII)
Experimental results of a Forward-type SSPR (I)
Experimental results of a Forward-type SSPR (II)
High-efficiency post-regulators (XLIV)
Average current mode control
(Attenuation ? 50dB)
High-efficiency post-regulators (XLV)
Conclusions of the use of High-efficiency
post-regulators to improve the transient response
of Resistors Emulators (I)
  • Low additional cost and size
  • Low output voltage ripple and fast dynamic
  • Very high post-regulator efficiency (96-98)
  • Very low harmonic content
  • Can be used in high and low power applications
  • Can be used with universal line voltage
  • Very interesting for multiple-output
    applications with different transient response

High-efficiency post-regulators (XLVI)
Conclusions of the use of High-efficiency
post-regulators to improve the transient response
of Resistors Emulators (II)
  • V1 and VO are voltages of similar values
  • It is not a good solution for low output voltage
    applications because the energy is stored near
    the output voltage
  • No short-circuit and/or overload protection can
    be implemented in the post-regulator (it must be
    implemented in the Resistor Emulator)
  • However, short-circuit overcurrent from the bulk
    capacitor can be diverted through an additional
    diode (see next slide)

High-efficiency post-regulators (XLVII)
Additional diode to divert short-circuit
overcurrent from the bulk capacitor
The overcurrent is diverted by the diode Da
  • The drive pulses must be maintained to discharge
  • CB1is discharged through the additional diode Da
  • The drive pulses must be eliminated

  • Introduction
  • Using a simple resistor to comply with the IEC
    61000-3-2 in Class A
  • Using an inductor to comply with the IEC
    61000-3-2 in Class A and in Class D
  • Exploring the use of isolated Resistor Emulators
    as the only conversion stage for medium-speed
    response applications
  • High-efficiency post regulators used to improve
    the transient response of Resistors Emulators
  • Very simple single-stage PFCs
  • Very simple current shaping techniques for very
    low-cost applications

SingleStage PFCs (I)
Standard Two-Stage approach (I)
SingleStage PFCs (II)
Standard Two-Stage approach (II)
  • Compliance with IEC 1000-3-2
  • Expensive
  • Fast output voltage response
  • Low efficiency?
  • Not for universal line
  • DC bus regulated (interesting for 85-264V ac )

SingleStage PFCs (III)
Introducing Single-Stage PFCs (I)
SingleStage PFCs (IV)
Introducing Single-Stage PFCs (II)
  • Compliance with IEC 1000-3-2
  • Fast output voltage response
  • DC bus unregulated (not very interesting for
    85-264 V)
  • Cheap
  • Energy stored at high voltage

SingleStage PFCs (V)
Introducing Single-Stage PFCs (III)
Previous methods to increase the conduction angle
A resistor
Simple passive components
An inductor
Introducing Single-Stage PFCs (IV)
SingleStage PFCs (VI)
  • Could we find a small-size lossless impedance ZS?
  • Lossless Þ Based on inductors
  • Small size Þ Working at the switching frequency
  • Small size Þ Only diodes (no transistors) Þ It
    is an additional output

SingleStage PFCs (VII)
Introducing Single-Stage PFCs (V)
Equivalent circuit for many S2PFC
Magnetic device
HIAN High Impedance Active Network
SingleStage PFCs (VIII)
Example of topological transformations (I)
SingleStage PFCs (IX)
Example of topological transformations (II)
nS n1-nS
Presented at INTELEC 96 by F. S. Tsai, P.
Markowski E. Whitcomb
SingleStage PFCs (X)
Example of topological transformations (III)
Presented at PESC 94 by R. Redl, L. Balog and N.
SingleStage PFCs (XI)
Examples of HIAN (I)
  • Low current and voltage stress
  • 2 inductors
  • Only 1 inductor
  • Either high current or voltage stress (it will
    be explained later)

SingleStage PFCs (XII)
Examples of HIAN (II)
SingleStage PFCs (XIII)
Cases to study 1st) only LF and in DCM (DCM1)
SingleStage PFCs (XIV)
  • Design parameters
  • Ld 0
  • LF in DCM
  • n1/nS

SingleStage PFCs (XV)
Cases to study 2nd) two inductors, LF in CCM
  • Design parameters
  • Ld
  • K LF/Ld
  • n1/nS

SingleStage PFCs (XVI)
Cases to study 3rd) only Ld (DCM2)
  • Design parameters
  • LF 0
  • Ld
  • n1/nS

SingleStage PFCs (XVII)
Cases to study Two more HIANs
Focusing the analysis (I)
SingleStage PFCs (XVIII)
  • We need
  • To choose the HIAN according the application
  • To calculate the value of the inductor(s) in
    order to have a line current harmonic content
    below the values specified in the IEC 61000-3-2

How can we establish a relationship between the
HIAN and the line current harmonic
content? Equations
Focusing the analysis (II)
SingleStage PFCs (XIX)
Considerations for the study Vc and the
converter duty cycle d considered constant each
line half-cycle
Previous design considerations (I)
SingleStage PFCs (XX)
  • The variation of Vc should be as low as possible
  • VHIAN(IHIAN average max) as low as possible Þ
    HIAN with Ld.

The case Ld0 is not desirable (cases a, b and c)
Previous design considerations (II)
SingleStage PFCs (XXI)
  • The current stress in the DC/DC converter should
    be as low as possible

For this reason, the case Ld0 is not desirable
again (cases a, b and c)
  • The total inductor size should be as small as

Voltage-Current Characteristics (calculated from
IHIAN average)
SingleStage PFCs (XXII)
Results after solving the operation equations
Input current waveforms (examples) obtained from
the previous Voltage-Current Characteristics
SingleStage PFCs (XXIII)
IHIAN depends on VHIAN , LF , Ld and also on d,
n1/nS and VC
Comparing Voltage-Current Characteristics
calculated from IHIAN average and from IHIAN peak
SingleStage PFCs (XXIV)
Examples of VCCaverage and VCCpeak for different
SingleStage PFCs (XXV)
The values of Vc, d, n1/nS and Ld are the same
for all the examples
SingleStage PFCs (XXVI)
Conclusions from the previous examples (I)
SingleStage PFCs (XXVII)
Conclusions from the previous examples (II)
SingleStage PFCs (XXVIII)
Conclusions from the previous examples (III)
SingleStage PFCs (XXIX)
Optimum design of an example
  • Flyback as DC/DC converter
  • Pout 100 W
  • Vout 54 V
  • European AC voltage (190-265)
  • IEC 61000-3-2, Class D
  • Maximum duty 0.35
  • 33 W as limit between CCM and DCM
  • Switching frequency 100 kHz

SingleStage PFCs (XXX)
Total size of magnetic elements for the previous
K0 K0.1 K0.5 K1 K2 K10
Ld (mH) 70 542 268 268 291 353
LF (mH) 0 54.2 134 268 582 3530
S Ix2Lx (mJ) 943 1488 1003 1338 2179 9693
Ld (mH) 47.8 221 76.5 105.7 87.2 92.7
LF (mH) 0 22.1 38.25 105.7 174.4 927
S Ix2Lx (mJ) 424.5 770.2 440.8 603.7 773.9 2676
Ld (mH) 185.2 167 174.4 178.7 182.5 167.1
LF (mH) 0 16.7 87.2 178.7 365 1671
S Ix2Lx (mJ) 1107 1086 1213 1424 1845 5133
SingleStage PFCs (XXXI)
Voltage and current stress for the previous
KLF/Ld 0 0.1 0.5 1 2 10
VC_max (V) 423 540 425 413 415 415
IS_peak (A) 2.53 3.14 2.48 2.41 2.39 2.42
VC_max (V) 437 560 420 420 414 416
IS_peak (A) 2.24 2.7 2 2 1.97 1.93
VC_max (V) 420 415 418 419 418 420
IS_peak (A) 2 1.98 1.95 1.94 1.93 1.89
SingleStage PFCs (XXXII)
Summary of good designs for the previous
example (I)
Flyback as DC/DC converter Pout 100W Vout
54V European AC voltage (190-265) IEC
61000-3-2, Class D Maximum duty 0.35 33 W as
limit between CCM and DCM Switching frequency
KLF/Ld 0.5 1
n1/nS 1.813 1.875
VC_max (V) 425 413
Ld (mH) 268 268
LF (mH) 134 268
S Ix2Lx (mJ) 1003 1338
Interesting for Forward DC/DC converters
SingleStage PFCs (XXXIII)
Summary of good designs for the previous
example (II)
Flyback as DC/DC converter Pout 100W Vout
54V European AC voltage (190-265) IEC
61000-3-2, Class D Maximum duty 0.35 33 W as
limit between CCM and DCM Switching frequency
KLF/Ld 0.5 1
n1/nS 3.125 2.625
VC_max (V) 420 420
Ld (mH) 76.5 105.7
LF (mH) 38.25 105.7
S Ix2Lx (mJ) 440.8 603.7
Interesting for all DC/DC converters, except
SingleStage PFCs (XXXIV)
Summary of good designs for the previous
example (III)
Flyback as DC/DC converter Pout 100W Vout
54V European AC voltage (190-265) IEC
61000-3-2, Class D Maximum duty 0.35 33 W as
limit between CCM and DCM Switching frequency
KLF/Ld 0
n1/nS 2.875
VC_max (V) 420
Ld (mH) 185.2
S Ix2Lx (mJ) 1107
Interesting for all DC/DC converters, except
Analysing the high-frequency harmonics
SingleStage PFCs (XXXV)
  • Full-wave HIANs are better than the half-wave
  • Comparing full-wave HIANs

The HIAN type e is the most interesting from
this point of view
SingleStage PFCs (XXXVI)
The lossless resistor model (I)
Is there any simple model for the HIAN? Yes, if
LF gtgtLd
SingleStage PFCs (XXXVII)
The lossless resistor model (II)
If LF gtgtLd (small line current ripple)
VHIAN Vi1(d fStd) Vi1(d
SingleStage PFCs (XXXVIII)
The lossless resistor model (III)
After analysing the circuit using this
model Compliance at 220V ?Cgt67.5º Compliance at
230V ?Cgt64.5º (in Class D)
SingleStage PFCs (XXXIX)
The lossless resistor model (IV)
The same model is valid for the rest of the HIAN
based on two inductors if LFgtgtLd
SingleStage PFCs (XL)
Comparing different HIAN based on the lossless
resistor model
SingleStage PFCs (XLI)
Set of equations to design with the lossless
resistor model
  • Current waveforms
  • If vglt (VC-VS) ? ig 0
  • If vggt (VC-VS) ? ig
  • Conduction angle ?c
  • Power balance Pg
  • Output voltage VDC VDC f1(VC, d)
  • Voltage VS VS f2(VC, d)
  • From this set of equations, we obtain
  • Voltage across bulk capacitor, VC
  • Voltage across semiconductors (from VC)

SingleStage PFCs (XLII)
Integrating delaying and filter inductor into
one magnetic core (I)
Can we integrate filter and delaying inductors
into only one magnetic core?
SingleStage PFCs (XLIII)
Integrating delaying and filter inductor into
one magnetic core (II)
Process of integration
SingleStage PFCs (XLIV)
Integrating delaying and filter inductor into
one magnetic core (III)
Example Two-winding, top-bottom arrangement
(coupling not very tight)
SingleStage PFCs (XLV)
Examples of a converter with HIAN (I)
SingleStage PFCs (XLVI)
Examples of a converter with HIAN (II)
SingleStage PFCs (XLVII)
Examples of a converter with HIAN (III)
SingleStage PFCs (XLVIII)
Examples of a converter with HIAN (IV)
SingleStage PFCs (XLIX)
Examples of a converter with HIAN (V)
SingleStage PFCs (L)
Experimental results with KLF/Ld0.5 (I)
Flyback, 100 W, HIAN case e (4 diodes)
  • Ld76.5 ?H (E16)
  • LF38 ?H (E12)
  • Efficiency 87
  • Class D

SingleStage PFCs (LI)
Experimental results with KLF/Ld0.5 (II)
Flyback, 100 W, HIAN case e (4 diodes)
  • Ld76.5 ?H (E16)
  • LF38 ?H (E12)
  • Efficiency 87
  • Class D

SingleStage PFCs (LII)
Experimental results with KLF/Ld1 (I)
Flyback, 100 W, HIAN case e (4 diodes)
  • Ld105 ?H (E16)
  • LF105 ?H (E16)
  • Efficiency 87
  • Class D

SingleStage PFCs (LIII)
Experimental results with KLF/Ld1 (II)
Flyback, 100 W, HIAN case e (4 diodes)
  • Ld105 ?H (E16)
  • LF105 ?H (E16)
  • Efficiency 87
  • Class D

SingleStage PFCs (LIV)
Experimental results with KLF/Ldgt1 (I)
Half-bridge prototype
SPP11N60S5 (Cool MOS)
fS 100kHz
SingleStage PFCs (LV)
Experimental results with KLF/Ldgt1 (II)
Flyback prototype
fS 100kHz
SingleStage PFCs (LVI)
Experimental results with KLF/Ldgt1 (III)
Implementations of the HIAN
IEC 61000-3-2 Class D, 100W, 190-265V
SingleStage PFCs (LVII)
Experimental results with KLF/Ldgt1 (IV)
Half-bridge prototype Input-current waveforms
SingleStage PFCs (LVIII)
Experimental results with KLF/Ldgt1 (V)
Flyback prototype Input-current waveform
SingleStage PFCs (LIX)
Experimental results with KLF/Ldgt1 (VI)
With HIAN types 1, 2 3
With HIAN type 1
SingleStage PFCs (LX)
Experimental results with KLF/Ldgt1 (VII)
The maximum voltage across the bulk capacitor is
lower than 450V
Conclusions of the use of Single-Stage PFC (I)
SingleStage PFCs (LXI)
  • Many Single-Stage PFCs can be described as an
    arrangement made up of a line rectifier, a
    conventional DC/DC converter and a High Impedance
    Active Network (HIAN)
  • This HIAN is an additional output of the DC/DC
    converter that re-cycles a part of energy
  • Using Single-Stage PFC based on the use of HIANs
    we achieve
  • Low cost and size (no second stage)
  • The energy is stored at high voltage Þ moderate
    bulk capacitor size
  • A harmonic content low enough to comply with the
    IEC 61000-3-2 in Class A and Class D

Conclusions of the use of Single-Stage PFC (II)
SingleStage PFCs (LXII)
  • Only a few of energy is re-cycled to get
    compliance with the regulations Þ High efficiency
    is achieved
  • Many different HIAN implementations are
    possible. To comply with the regulations in Class
    D, those based on two inductors are the most
  • The size of the additional inductors are very
    small (e.g. two E16 cores for a 100 W converter).
    Moreover, both inductors can be integrated into
    only one magnetic core
  • The variation of the voltage across the bulk
    capacitor when the line voltage and the load
    change is reasonable (maximum voltage below 450
    V DC when the line is 265 V AC)

Conclusions of the use of Single-Stage PFC (III)
SingleStage PFCs (LXIII)
  • Fast output response due to the location where
    the DC/DC converter is placed
  • The main limitations are
  • The voltage across the bulk capacitor is not
    regulated. This facts deteriorates the DC/DC
    converter efficiency.
  • Due to the same fact, the operation with
    universal line is not adequate
  • However, for the universal line voltage range, a
    voltage doubler with a mechanical switch can be
    implemented to allow operation in this condition
    (this has not been explained here)

  • Introduction
  • Using a simple resistor to comply with the IEC
    61000-3-2 in Class A
  • Using an inductor to comply with the IEC
    61000-3-2 in Class A and in Class D
  • Exploring the use of isolated Resistor Emulators
    as the only conversion stage for medium-speed
    response applications
  • High-efficiency post regulators used to improve
    the transient response of Resistors Emulators
  • Very simple single-stage PFCs
  • Very simple current shaping techniques for very
    low-cost applications

Objective A new low-cost method to control PFC
in CCM
Very simple shaping (I)
  • Previous methods
  • Control based on an analog multiplier
  • Voltage-Follower Control

Very simple shaping (II)
Types of control control based on an analog
  • In CCM
  • Perfect PF THD
  • Low losses in the transistor
  • Current sensor
  • Multiplier
  • More expensive

Very simple shaping (III)
Types of control Voltage-Follower Control
  • No current sensor
  • No multiplier
  • Cheaper
  • Lower losses in the diode
  • Only high-output-impedance topologies (converters
    in DCM)
  • Sometimes THD
  • Higher total losses

Comparing semiconductor currents for both
control methods (I)
Very simple shaping (IV)
Example battery charger based on a
Flyback Vinput 85-265 Vac VOutput 10-14
V IOutput 3-10 A
Comparing semiconductor currents for both
control methods (II)
Very simple shaping (V)
itransistor RMS 2.16 A
itransistor RMS 3.55 A
Losses in the transistor operating in DCM are
3.552 / 2.162 2.7 times as high as in CCM
Operation in CCM is desirable from the point of
view of efficiency
Comparing controllers for both control methods
Very simple shaping (VI)
Controller cost UC3843 Þ 0.5 UC3525 Þ 1.1
Controller cost UC3854A Þ 5.3 UC3854B Þ 8.2
Operation in DCM is desirable from the point of
view of the controller cost
Can we have some of advantages of both methods
together? Þ Conduction-Angle Control
Very simple shaping (VII)
  • In CCM (as MC)
  • Low losses (as MC)
  • Low cost (as VFC)
  • Compliance with regulations
  • Current sensor
  • No perfect sinusoidal

Very simple shaping (VIII)
Principle of operation of Conduction Angle
Control (I)
Very simple shaping (IX)
Principle of operation of Conduction Angle
Control (II)
lt iB2
lt iB3
(The same if it is controlled by light)
Very simple shaping (X)
Implementation without galvanic isolation
Example Implementation based on a boost
Very simple shaping (XI)
Very simple shaping (XII)
Implementation without galvanic isolation
Example Implementation based on a flyback
Very simple shaping (XIII)
Very simple shaping (XIV)
Design procedure
_at_ Minimum line voltage and maximum output power
Very simple shaping (XV)
Line waveforms at full load
Voltage 85 V AC 110 V AC 130 V AC
Dead angle 0º 37.5º 55.7º
Voltage 85 V AC 110 V AC 230 V AC
Dead angle 0º 37.5º 98.8º
Voltage 190 V AC 230 V AC 26
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